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The Arc Family Techniques Ch. 26 (RWBY)

  • Nora & Yang 70
  • Mulan & Blake 73
  • Pyrrha & Ruby/Weiss 249
  • 2020-11-18
  • 392 votes
{'title': 'The Arc Family Techniques Ch. 26 (RWBY)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Nora & Yang', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Mulan & Blake', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Pyrrha & Ruby/Weiss', 'votes': 249}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 18, 17, 55, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 392}


A/N: Ah, you have chosen... the orgy~


Jaune isn’t entirely sure that he’s doing the smart thing by bringing his team along when he goes to talk with Team RWBY… but it does feel like the right thing. As much as he might not blame the girls of RWBY for the predicament he got himself into, he understood where Pyrrha was coming from. And with Nora and Mulan in agreement with his more intense teammate for once… who was Jaune to say no, right?

Well, technically he was their team leader and so had every right to say no, or to give them an order to let it be… but Jaune really didn’t want to set that sort of precedent to be quite honest. Something told him they would do whatever he said in spite of all three being better fighters then him, but at the same time, Jaune had no desire to rule like a tyrant with an iron first… or, as the case may be, an iron cock.

So, if he wasn’t willing to order his team to leave RWBY be and let the matter drop… then he needed to get everything squared away while he still could. Meaning that he needed to let his team have this confrontation now so that there wasn’t anything said out of his hearing or done out of his eyesight later on. He wouldn’t put it past Pyrrha to take out her anger on Team RWBY when he wasn’t around, just because he refused to give her the chance to do so now.

And so, it wasn’t just Jaune that left the JNPR dorm behind and strode across the hall to Team RWBY’s door, it was Jaune backed up by the rest of his team. Feeling a little… awkward about the whole situation, Jaune hesitantly knocks on the door a few times.


Hearing Ruby’s voice, hearing that the young woman is okay after the last time he saw her was when she was unconscious and held at gunpoint by Roma… it fills Jaune with a sense of relief. As a result, he’s smiling a bit more realistically when she throws open the door. Upon seeing him standing there in the doorway, Ruby’s first reaction is wide eyes and an even wider smile.


She seems almost ready to lunge forward and embrace him in a big hug, something that Jaune would definitely have welcomed with open arms. But then those big silver eyes of hers slip past his face and whatever she sees on the faces of his teammates seems to remind Ruby of everything that had happened since she’d last seen him. Her smile dims and she shrinks back as she ducks her head and averts her gaze, staring at the ground.

“… J-Jaune…”

Letting out a sheepish laugh, Jaune rubs a hand through the back of his hair.

“Hey Rubes… uh, mind if we come in?”

“Is that Jaune? Wait, Jaune’s back?!”

As Yang suddenly shouts from within the dorm, a flurry of movement that can only be the other three members of Team RWBY dropping what they’re currently doing in the face of this news, Ruby nods her head energetically and grabs him by the hand, dragging him inside. Pyrrha, Nora, and Mulan all follow after, and Jaune does not miss the way Pyrrha makes sure to securely close and lock the dorm room door behind them.

“Jaune’s back, everyone! He’s okay!”

For a moment, the other three members of Team RWBY just stare at him. Then, Yang lets out a whoop and thrusts a fist into the air, Weiss furiously wipes away the tears of relief trying to leave her eyes, and Blake adopts a small smile as the bow atop her head twitches in excitement with the ears Jaune knows are hidden under it.

“That’s right. He’s alive. No thanks to all of you.”

Pyrrha’s accusatory tone and sharp words cut the jubilant, happy atmosphere down in a second, before it can even start to get legs under it. The gorgeous red headed gladiator of a girl steps up beside him with her arms crossed over her chest, towering over not just Ruby but most of Team RWBY as she glares at them all like they’re less than dirt to her.

Aaaand this was the main reason Jaune wanted to do this now, where he could at least be somewhat in control, rather than letting it happen later in his absence. Reaching out, he lays a hand on Pyrrha’s shoulder and puts a note of reprimand in his voice.

“Pyrrha… please don’t start a fight.”

The red head lets out a breath and her shoulders slump as she nods submissively. Pyrrha really was a big softy at heart… at least with him.

“B-But she’s right… we… we almost got you killed.”

Ruby’s teary tone is heartbreaking, and Jaune sighs as he shakes his head.

“You guys… look, I forced Weiss and Yang to let me go along. It was my decision not to include my team at the time. I think, given everything that happened… the situation turned out the best it possibly could, in my opinion.”

Team RWBY doesn’t look so certain about that. Blake specifically looks particularly stricken. But then, even if Jaune wasn’t saying it… it was kind of HER fault in the end, wasn’t it? She’d bit off more than she could chew, going after Roma and the White Fang like she had. She’d dragged Ruby into things, and then she’d dragged the rest of her team and him into it too when she and Ruby had gotten in trouble.

But ultimately, Jaune wasn’t here to lambast Blake. He was here to check up on the four girls that, one after the other, he’d somehow ended up becoming intimate and sexually involved with since Beacon started.

“So… how did things go after I left, I guess?”

The four members of Team RWBY all exchange a glance at that, with Yang being the one to eventually speak up.

“We woke up in an empty warehouse all alone. Guess we were lucky we took down most of the White Fang, otherwise I doubt they would have been so inclined to leave Weiss and Blake alone, all things considered. But regardless, we got up and we immediately contacted Professor Goodwitch.”

Here, Yang glances over at Pyrrha, who is still glaring even if not quite so intensely as before.

“She uh… she read us the riot act. Made it clear we might have gotten you killed. And ever since, we’ve been waiting for word, I guess.”

Looking around the dorm room, Jaune can tell now that he takes a second glance. There are things strewn all over the place, and it’s obvious Team RWBY has been doing everything they can to distract themselves in his absence. It’s also obvious that they’ve either been confined to their rooms, or they confined themselves, because the place is looking very… lived in.

“W-What happened with you, Jaune? What happened after they knocked us all out?”

Ruby’s earnest question would normally make Jaune blush. Actually, it still makes him blush a little bit… but he’s not going to try and hide everything that happened from Team RWBY or his own team. It’s time to come clean.

“Aha… well, things got a little out of hand, that was for sure.”

Weiss steps forward at that, the Schnee Heiress sweeping her eyes up and down his figure.

“Did Torchwick hurt you? They say she’s really dangerous…”

“Well, um, not exactly? I kind of… seduced her?”

There’s a short pause, and then the collection of women, including his own team, all facepalm in unison. Yang is the first to lower her hand, giving him a wry grin.

“Course you did, stud. Of course, you did.”

Letting out a sheepish laugh, Jaune nods slowly.

“Yeah… and then I seduced her partner, Neo. Um, and then I may have fucked a pair of women called the Malachite Twins? And then Roma’s boss.”

That second set of revelations gets wide-eyed looked from everyone as they just stare at Jaune in flagrant disbelief. It’s Pyrrha who eventually speaks up with a strangled tone.

“Only you, Jaune. Only you.”

Glancing over at his red-haired teammate, it’s to see her looking… particularly tense. Hm, should he be worried?

“Wait, the Malachite Twins? White and Red color schemes? I think I fought them in a bar once! Is THAT where Roma took you?! To Junior’s place?!”

Seeing Pyrrha’s green gaze shift sharply to Yang, Jaune decides that yes, yes he definitely should be worried. Letting out a sheepish laugh Jaune just shakes his head.

“It was fine, it was fine! None of them hurt me, I swear. Really, we just had sex…”

He can tell that that doesn’t exactly make any of them happy. But at the same time, he can tell that they’ve all come to terms with the fact that… well, he’s fucked every woman in this room at this point. So yeah, there is that.

Still, Jaune sweeps his gaze over all of them and gives them all a big smile.

“I’m just glad you’re all okay.”

That gets a big smile in return from Ruby, and a big raunchy grin from Yang.

“Me too!”

“Yeah, glad you’re alright as well, stud.”

After a moment, the two sisters turn to look at Weiss, who scowls briefly as she crosses her arms over her insubstantial chest and tosses her head, sending her ponytail flying as she looks off to the side for a moment.

“… I’m glad you made it back in one piece, I suppose.”

There’s another pause, and then all three of them look to Blake in unison. The dark-haired faunus hasn’t said a word since he entered the room, as a matter of fact, and yet, she doesn’t shy away or duck her head when suddenly everyone’s attention is on her. Instead, Blake only has eyes for Jaune, and as she stalks forward, Jaune feels a little bit like he’s being hunted.

Stopping right in front of him… Blake drops to her knees and reaches for her belt, her intentions quite obvious as she moves to pull out his cock for a blowjob.

“Wha-? Blake!”

“You can’t be serious!”

“W-Why do you get first go, Blake?!”

As Team RWBY reacts with varying degrees of embarrassment and jealousy, however, Pyrrha steps forward and grabs Blake by her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to look up as she growls down at the other woman.

“What makes you think you have the right to touch Jaune after what you nearly caused?!”

For the first time, Blake looks taken aback and actually sorrowful, clearly apologetic and trying to ask for forgiveness in her own way. A cute little mewl exits her lips and Jaune’s heart melts as he tries to defuse the situation.


“No! Jaune, we talked about this, didn’t we? Obviously these girls are far from done with you, despite your concerns! They all want to keep on fucking you! Am I wrong, you lot?”

Ruby blushes, Yang grins, and Weiss scowls… but all of them nod their heads in agreement, making it abundantly clear that they’ve already come to terms with sharing Jaune with both each other and his teammates. Which was… good, he supposed?

“Then you all need to apologize properly. Not just to Jaune, but to me, Nora, and Mulan! You nearly got our team leader killed! For that, there needs to be consequences!”

Team RWBY, or at least the three members not currently kneeling at Pyrrha’s feet, all exchange glances at that. Funnily enough, it’s the one that IS kneeling at Pyrrha’s feet that finally speaks up, Blake’s voice coming out in a quiet croak.

“S-She’s right…”

Jaune can only watch on in disbelief as Ruby, Yang, and Weiss all slowly nod their agreement, effectively submitting to Pyrrha’s punishment scheme. At seeing them give in, Pyrrha grins and Nora and Mulan step past him. Jaune just stands there as his teammates move forward, and before he can fully process what’s going on… everyone seems to be splitting off into pairs.

It’s obvious that they’re putting a show of sorts on for him, as much as they’re also disciplining Team RWBY for their actions. Nora takes Yang, Mulan takes Blake, and Pyrrha gets Ruby and Weiss. All three girls are quite insistent about stripping the members of Team RWBY down though, yanking their clothes off rather unceremoniously, though each has their own way of doing it. Nora tears Yang’s clothes off of her, causing the blonde masochist to moan wantonly. Mulan is a bit gentler, slipping Blake out of her clothes as the cat faunus mewls.

And finally, there’s Pyrrha, ordering Ruby and Weiss to strip each other and towering over the smaller, more petite pair of girls as they quail before her and do as they’re told. Weiss’ hero worship is clearly shining through as she continually sneaks peeks up at Pyrrha, while Ruby is clearly feeling lots of guilt over getting Jaune into this whole mess, because she keeps sneaking peeks towards him.

Within what feels like moments but is probably minutes, his team has split up and each taken a member or in Pyrrha’s case two members of Team RWBY to task. As they toy with and tease their respective captives, Pyrrha, Nora, and Mulan all look to him. After a moment, so do the four members of Team RWBY.

Well, he supposes he’s got a choice to make now, doesn’t he? Where does he start? With Pyrrha, who’s even now disciplining Ruby and Weiss? With Nora and the masochistic Yang? Or with Mulan and the quiet and submissive Blake.

… He’s going to fuck all of them, isn’t he? It’s just a matter of where the hell he starts and where he finishes, at the end of the day.



...I'd suggest he's probably wearing himself out, fucking like this... but I suppose technique can only be honed by relentless practice. Also, it'll get all the tension out of the situation, and that's for the best in the end. I still like the way he's characterized, by the by. Never falls into the trap of bragging about his luck, never getting too angry at the people who aren't literally evil criminals, and mostly not taking things for granted and being arrogant, all of which make sense given his upbringing. I guess I should expect you're a pretty good writer after literal years of daily releases, eh Cam?


Heh, I still consider myself oh-so-mediocre to be honest, but I appreciate the praise! xD


This is going to end with NPR becoming the mistresses of RWBY isn't it?


Yeah, Pyrrha needs to chill the F out. Seriously, Jaune's enabling her at this point.