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The Rise of Uzumaki Ch. 10 (Naruto)

  • Let her have her tryout, decide after 147
  • Tell her there will be no wives, only mistresses 35
  • Tell her that there will be multiple wives, no main wife 414
  • 2020-11-17
  • 596 votes
{'title': 'The Rise of Uzumaki Ch. 10 (Naruto)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Let her have her tryout, decide after', 'votes': 147}, {'text': 'Tell her there will be no wives, only mistresses', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Tell her that there will be multiple wives, no main wife', 'votes': 414}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 17, 17, 50, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 596}


A/N: Wooo new chapter~


Maybe back when she’d been a fresh genin, green around the ears and with no clue what she was doing, Ino hadn’t known much about herself. Oh, she’d certainly thought she had. Ino Yamanaka had always been a confident girl, from start to finish. But there was confidence that was misplaced, and there was confidence that wasn’t.

The Ino who had been obsessed with boys to the detriment of her own ninja training for all those years at the Academy, the Ino who had given up her best friend just to pursue said boys… she was an idiot. It took Sasuko Uchiha’s betrayal of the village, and the damage that her teammates took trying to bring her back to realize that to be honest. That day, when both Shikamaru and Choji came back worse for wear after doing battle and giving their all, had been a massive wake up call for the young blonde.

In the time that had passed since, Ino hadn’t so much reinvented herself, as she’d rediscovered herself. Because at the end of the day, she still was the same confident blonde girl who liked boys a bit too much… and that was never going to change. Ino knew who and what she was now. She was a drop dead gorgeous, sexy as fuck… slut.

Her father was Inoichi Yamanaka, and he was head of the Yamanaka Clan. Technically, as his only child, she would be the next head of the Yamanaka Clan after him… if they were some backwards-ass clan like the Hyuga, with sticks up their asses a mile long. They weren’t though, which meant that the next head of the Yamanaka Clan would be chosen as it always had been… by the one who best managed to learn and implement the Yamanaka Clan techniques, as well as showed themselves to be a skill ninja.

Shortly after she’d made Chunin, her father had taken Ino aside and explained to her that she would likely never be clan head. Truth be told, Ino had always known as much. She was a capable enough kunoichi. She worked hard enough to get by, and she always gave her all when it was most important, like when it was her team on the line.

But she could also be rather lazy and sloth-like. She could be sloven when she wanted to be. And she could be quite the slut too, enjoying a good hard dicking over training for another hour at one of the training fields. So yeah, Ino wasn’t all that upset when her father explained that she would never be clan head.

She was a teensy bit more upset when he’d gone on to explain that she would eventually need to settle down and marry, and that if he didn’t feel like she’d made an appropriate match (meaning one that benefitted the clan first and foremost) then he would be making said appropriate match for her. Apparently, while her clan wasn’t quite so ass-backwards as the Hyuga, they were still all for arranged marriages, annoyingly enough.

So yeah, Ino was looking for an out. She was looking for a solution, to be perfectly honest. And then she’d found out Naruto was back in town and she’d overheard him talking to Sakura about starting a clan under the orders of the Hokage. At the same time… Naruto Uzumaki had grown up. Ino had to admit, he’d become positively scrumptious in his time away from the village. And Ino would know, she was sort of an expert on this sort of thing. To the point that she was rapidly becoming a seduction specialist.

All it had taken to ascertain what her eyes were telling her was a simple swipe of her hand across his chest. Naruto was fucking ripped, and it showed. He’d left a gangly as fuck genin who barely won the opening match of the Chunin Exams, and he’d come back… well, he was still a genin she supposed, but he was so much better now. Better even, then most of the hot guys Ino had chased after throughout her youth.

Before, her father had informed her, he’d been fine with her pursuit of boys her age, knowing that she would never become clan head. He’d hoped one of her many love interests would work out for her, if she could manage to snag them. But most of them weren’t an option anymore. And Ino really didn’t want to marry one of her more successful cousins or something idiotic like that. Naruto then, became a very interesting, very delicious concept as a person and a man… and a marriage concept.

And that was how Ino found herself at Naruto’s front door the morning after they’d had their little meeting. She’d spent the rest of the previous day ascertaining that Naruto was telling the truth. And he was, the Hokage did indeed expect him to start a clan. Which meant Ino had a chance to step in and become his wife before anyone else could.

Strike while the iron is hot, that’s what both her dad and sensei always liked to say. And so, Ino was going for it. She was going for what she wanted.


Of course, Naruto knew none of this when he opened his apartment door, wearing nothing but a pair of loose sleep pants, just barely presentable. Blinking owlishly as he finds Ino Yamanaka of all people standing there on the other side of the door, he blushes a little, realizing his state of undress as well as the fact that he has a Special Jonin fucked silly in his bedroom behind him.

He’s grateful he closed the door to the bedroom on his way out, but when Ino steps forward and invites herself in, he doesn’t know what to do.

“Good morning, Naruto~ I was hoping to speak with you!”

Her bright, chipper tone is complimented by her wide grin and the bounce of her tits as she puts a little extra pep in her step while walking past. Naruto’s eyes are drawn down to those tits, clad as they are in the tight purple if Ino’s somewhat skimpy outfit. Shit, fucking Anko hadn’t calmed him down at all, had it? Far from it, it’d instead made it so all he had was sex on the brain…

“Oh uh, hey Ino, I guess we can talk… what’s up?”

Looking around his place, Ino hums as she cocks her head to the side.

“Nice… uh, nice place.”

It really isn’t, and Naruto knows as much. Just as he knows Ino doesn’t actually think so either. Chuckling ruefully, he shrugs and closes the front door behind him, resigning himself to being stuck with the gorgeous blonde. Not exactly a hardship, and on any other day he’d be eager to spend some time getting to know Ino better. It was just Anko’s presence in his bedroom that had him a little… iffy.

“Nah, I know it’s a piece of shit. I’m probably moving soon though. I’m guessing Tsunade has something in mind for my new digs…”

That gets a raised eyebrow from Ino, along with a pleased smile.

“You call the Hokage by her first name, I see.”

Wincing a little at that, Naruto considers apologizing for a moment, before ultimately deciding he wouldn’t actually mean it. With a shrug and a sheepish laugh, he nods.

“Yeah, I guess I do!”

If Ino takes offense to this, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she meanders around his apartment a little more, only sparing a glance towards his bedroom door. He keeps expecting her to comment on the smell if he’s being honest. The scent of sex positively FILLS the apartment, at least to Naruto’s senses. But that might be on account of the… enhancements given to him by his foxy passenger. It’s possible Ino can’t smell a damn thing, so he’s certainly not going to bring it up.

“Soooo… what did you want to talk about, Ino?”

Eyes sparking with mirth, Ino turns to face him, crossing her arms under her chest and cocking a hip out in a pose that most definitely attracts his attention to all the right places.

“I wanted to continue our conversation from yesterday, of course. You know… how you’re looking to start a clan.”

Ah, right, that. The conversation where she’d almost groped him right then and there in the middle of the street. The conversation where Naruto had been left recognizing the amount of sheer sex appeal that Ino now had. And she still carried herself in the same way right now, in private. She was so fucking sexy…

“Right. I won’t lie, I wasn’t really sure how I was going to get started on that. But uh… one step at a time, yeah?”

“Indeed. And as far as first steps towards starting a clan go… getting married is a good one, you know? Can’t start a clan without a wife, now can you?”

… Naruto isn’t entirely sure he agrees, all things considered. Memories of the past couple of days flash through his head. Fucking Ayame, and then Tsunade, and then Anko. He’d been quite busy since arriving in Konoha, and while probably none of those sexual encounters would directly result in children, they were all had without a wife.

But that was ultimately meaningless in the face of what Ino was actually saying. She wasn’t just speculating here, was she? She was quite literally asking to be his wife, albeit in a taciturn way. She wanted him to offer her the chance to marry him.

… Give him sex any day, a sudden marriage proposal, even one that was somewhat disguised, was a bit much.

“Uh, well…”

Seemingly sensing his confusion, Ino stalks forward, her hips swaying as she sashays over to him and places a finger on his lips.

“It seems to me that you need a… demonstration of what benefits I bring to the table, Na-ru-to. Let me show you what I mean.”

And then she removes her finger only to kiss him, wrapping her arms around his neck and going up on her tip toes in order to do so. He really was a lot taller after his trip away from Konoha, and while Ino wasn’t as short as she once was, she was still a good few inches shorter than him. That doesn’t stop her from kissing the ever-living daylights out of him though.

Her breasts press against his bared chest and her knee comes up to gently rub against his crotch as she backs him up against the wall and kisses him hard. Her lips smash into his lips quite insistently, and her tongue duels and spars with his tongue as they exchange spit. For a moment, Naruto is indecisive… but ultimately, he places his hands on Ino’s hips and kisses her back, even leaning into it as the gorgeous blonde kunoichi squeals in delight and wiggles against him excitedly.

His hands move down to her ass after a moment and heatedly grope at it, his fingers digging into her firm, toned buttocks. Except it’s not quite as toned as he might expect it to be. Ino is a lot softer than he was expecting. Her tits are one thing, but as far as the muscles that she should have as a kunoichi go… she’s a bit slacking in comparison to some female ninja he’s fucked.

Still, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, just something that Naruto notes as they makeout heavily, their tongues dancing together and their bodies rubbing against each other. Eventually though, the both of them have to come up for air. When they do, Ino pulls back with a raunchy grin on her face and clear avarice in her eyes.

“Consider this my tryout for the job, Naruto.”

Dropping into a crouch right then and there, Ino reaches for his pants, clearly intending to pull them down and take out his cock for a blowjob. As Naruto watches her do so, he recognizes that he’s at a bit of a crossroads. To be perfectly frank, he doesn’t know what the hell sort of form this new clan of his is going to take.

Did he even want a wife? Couldn’t he just have a collection of mistresses? That way he could fuck any woman he wanted, and they didn’t have to technically join his clan? Any children would have joint custody between his clan and their clan, if they had one. That sort of thing.

Or maybe he wanted all of his lovers and baby mamas to be his wives. That was a possibility too. Every single one could marry into his new clan, and even form different little branches of the clan, right off the bat. That might be the best route to take, but given what he knew about the Hyuga, Naruto never intended to have a main branch sort of thing going on. Every branch of such a clan would be equal in his eyes.

But maybe… he shouldn’t tell Ino at all? At least not yet. He could let her do her ‘tryout’ first and then tell her what he intended after the fact… it would be a little dishonest, maybe, but to be fair, Ino seemed pretty easy to begin with. And it would also give him some extra time to decide which route he really wanted to go with. No wives, only mistresses, or all the wives, all the time.

She was already pulling out his cock though and licking her lips salaciously… so if he was going to tell her, he better do so now.



I would prefer the last option, but...


The last option may deny us potential lewds. As well, some people may not take it well that they won't be exclusive life partners. First one is the safest 'we'll see' option pretty much.


Honestly, it would be better to let r know whichever way you are so inclined before trying out imho. The last thing we want is Ino feeling cheated out of a position that no one had a chance of getting due to it not existing... Also worth considering, having them all be mistress is definitely a risky move - Shinobi politics are cutthroat (often quite literally) and giving another clan joint custody over your clan's members (and thus a certain amount of influence over the internal matters of your clan) just seems like you are asking for a more established clan to try and manoeuvre yours into being more beholden to them via the members who they have shared custody over. That seems like it wouldn't exactly make the most stable foundation for a clan in all honesty...


How exactly would it deny us lewds? Nothing about that option precludes also having Mistresses, just that there will be no hierarchy amongst those he does choose to marry. The only people it may possibly deny us would be those who for some godforsaken reason have the mindset of "Either I am the main wife or it isn't worth it," and even then if someone is that deadset on either being the main wife or not being with us at all, they could probably have the idea subtly fed to them/be manoeuvred into joining with the intention of trying to seduce us into changing our stance on having a main wife... I honestly see no scenario in which that course of action blocks off lewds, the only option I can see that for is actually Wait and See (there is a non-zero chance that Ino and any others who make a similar ploy to hers will feel taken advantage of if a later choice denies her the position she started a relationship with us in order to "win" and not want to continue a relationship with someone who was willing to play them in such a way) or the mistress option (only having mistresses precludes having any marriages thus making anyone who would want such a thing out of someone they are bearing a child to hesitant to become involved with Naruto). In addition, choosing a marriage of equals may open up some extra lewd options as not everyone would be okay with having another woman in a position of power above them. Having another woman as an equal is probably a lot more palatable though. The last option only establishes that there will be no pecking order amongst those who officially Marry into Naruto's clan, which doesn't preclude Naruto *also* having Mistresses who for whatever reason don't want to join the clan in an official capacity and it lets us be upfront with Ino and any others who seek to be "head wife", and being upfront about such a position not existing is definitely the best option long term. Also as I stated earlier you can still get anyone who is "Headwife or Bust" into the Harem by intentionally giving them the idea that Naruto may be susceptible to being seduced out of that stance (even if he isn't) to draw them in like a moth to a flame. Thus I honestly think a marriage of equals keeps the most options open for us, not putting it off.