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Themes: Monster Dick, Gangbang, Rough Sex

Word Count: 2,526

Summary: Victoria Dallon has a secret fetish. She ends up finding a way to scratch her itch in the unlikeliest of places.


It had been one of those days. Sometimes, school just plain sucked. It didn’t matter how popular she was, or how many friends she had, having a teacher chew her out for missing an assignment was still humiliating and annoying in equal measures. Not to mention, Victoria Dallon wasn’t sure how many of her so-called ‘friends’ were actually friends, and how many were just leeches trying to get in with the super hero.

Sometimes it felt like her sister Amy was the only person Vicky could trust. Luckily, that last bit, the bit about being a super hero? It really gave her a nice avenue through which to vent her frustration. However, even that wasn’t helping tonight. She’d been out in costume as Glory Girl for over an hour now, and she hadn’t seen hide or hair of a single thug or villainous cape on her usual routes.

Vicky was beginning to wonder if they were getting wise to her. Had the criminal scum of Brockton Bay learned to stay away from the seedy neighborhoods that she liked to frequent? Did that, by definition, make those neighborhoods less seedy now? For most heroes, that might have been ‘good enough’. For most heroes, that very well might have made them feel good about themselves.

For a battle junkie like Glory Girl, the only time she truly felt good was when she was delivering some oh-so-righteous justice to a villain, preferably with her fist to his face. This? All of this peaceful quiet? This wouldn’t do! Vicky knew that the entire city couldn’t be like this. So long as groups like the ABB, the Empire, and the Merchants persisted, there had to be thugs and criminals and crime to find and stop with her powers.

… She wasn’t supposed to leave her preplanned routes though, at least not without permission. The patrol routes that she and her cousins routinely went on alone were determined by their parents, or specifically, her mother and her aunt and uncle. If she wanted new areas to patrol, she was supposed to talk to her mom, who would in turn talk to her aunt, and then they’d find new paths for her to fly along to avoid any bad PR.

Not that she always managed to avoid bad PR on the routes they DID give her… not without Amy’s help anyways. Regardless, Vicky was jonesing for a fight, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that she wasn’t going to get one on these streets like she usually could. No one was out being shady, no one was out being racist, no one was out selling drugs. 

This… it was a dire situation, right?! It was fine! Neither her mother nor her aunt and uncle ever had to know! With that thought firmly in mind, Vicky turned and began to fly in a completely different direction. Heading for the Docks and the Boat Graveyard, the blonde super hero grinned viciously. Oh yeah. She was sure to find some fuckers up to no good over here. It was one of the most dangerous parts of the city!

She would find some drug dealers, or maybe some thugs offloading contraband, and she would-

… what was that? Vicky slowed to a stop as she stared down from above at the sight below her. She’d only caught it thanks to the frantic movement. It was actually surprisingly quiet, all things considered. But if a picture spoke a thousand words, this view gave her TEN thousand. Vicky could see EVERYTHING from her current vantage point.

Though she didn’t realize it, the only reason she could see anything at all was because she was a flyer. Even still, that didn’t change the fact that she was staring down at a poor young woman, pinned face first into a wall, as some sort of monstrosity that couldn’t have been human in a million years raped her from behind. It looked like the monster had one of its large hands closed over the girl’s head, which no doubt explained the lack of screaming, if her voice was being cut off.

This… this was something she could do. She could definitely save that girl. And more importantly, she wouldn’t have to hold back against whatever this rapist monster was! With a vicious grin on her face, Glory Girl swoops down from above, her body half-glowing as she puts her fists forward.

“Get away from her you monster-bastard!”

The creature begins to turn, and right before her fists connect, Vicky thinks she hears a muffled noise from the girl. But then she’s there, connecting with the monster at full speed, slamming it away from the girl, his dick tearing out of the half-naked young woman’s cunt as Vicky puts him into the nearby wall. Surprisingly enough, he doesn’t go through it. Rather, he sort of splatters into it, and the blonde heroine watches as his eyes dim and he slumps down, unmoving. 

Had she killed it? Maybe, but hey, who the hell cared?! It wasn’t human, it was a monster rapist! Speaking of which… Vicky turns towards the girl, beaming and ready to receive praise and heartfelt gratitude for her actions. What she gets instead is a slap across the face, literally, along with a VERY angry young woman.

“What the FUCK?! What the hell is wrong with you?”

Vicky’s mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. What?!


Taylor couldn’t help but be angry. Her precious creature, one of her strongest creations, half-pulped just like that. His front was still intact somewhat, but his back had quite literally gone splat when it came into contact with the concrete wall behind him. Turned out, her ‘strongest’ wasn’t good enough for concrete yet… nor was he strong enough to handle Glory Girl.

She’d triggered just before summer began. The why and the how weren’t important. What mattered was that she had powers now, powers that let her create inhuman, even monstrous creatures. Given what Vicky had called her latest before hitting him like a freight truck, they were probably, definitely monstrous.

“What the hell is wrong with me?! What the hell is wrong with YOU?! I just saved you from that thing!”

Growling, Taylor points towards her creature, her finger inadvertently aiming at his now soft cock. Even soft though, he’s huge… but then, that was just the way Taylor liked ‘em.

“That ‘thing’ was MY creation! He wasn’t raping me you idiot, he was fucking me while I cummed my brains out over and over again!”

Vicky’s eyes follow Taylor’s finger, and she goes a little slack-jawed, as if seeing her creation’s cock for the first time. After a moment though, she collects herself.

“They don’t… they don’t breed, do they?”

Taylor knows why the heroine is asking that immediately. Shaking her head, the young parahuman backpedals a little.

“N-No! No Nilbog 2.0 here, I swear! Don’t worry, I freaked out enough about that myself when I got my powers. But they’re not capable of reproducing, not even asexually. Only I can create them, and then they go away when I want them to go away. And I’m a hero in case that wasn’t clear! I’m on patrol… or I was.”

Vicky looks outright incredulous at that and Taylor wilts under the other girl’s gaze, even as she looks to the side.

“… I was just taking a break, that’s all.”

The blonde lets out a derisive snort but doesn’t comment further. In fact, Vicky seems more distracted by her creature at this point than anything else. Taylor just crosses her arms over her now-ample chest and pouts. She doesn’t dare expose the other bit. The bit about how her power let her create a cocoon like creature that reshaped and rebuilt Taylor into a curvy, buxom beauty. She’d maintained her height but added curves along with it… and she had to admit, the effect was stunning if she did say so herself.

But while Taylor was certain that the creature hadn’t done anything to her MIND, she wasn’t confident that Glory Girl would see it the same way. Best not to poke that can of worms if she didn’t have to.

“So, did you give it that big of a dick on p-purpose? For… break time?”

… Huh, the blonde heroine sounded a lot more curious that Taylor was expecting. After a moment, she decides to take the comment at face value and answer truthfully.

“Yes. Yes, I did.”

A strange flush spreads across Glory Girl’s face. The blonde is embarrassed… but also aroused? Taylor has gotten pretty good at discerning arousal since she got her powers. Mostly her own more than anything else…

“Glory Girl. Are you a size queen?”

Not at all an innocuous question. Taylor isn’t surprised when the blonde jumps in place as if jolted by Taylor’s words… nay, her accusation. Because while its shaped like a question, its definitely more accusatory than anything else. Not that Taylor’s judging her. That would be hypocritical. No, even as it seems more and more likely to be true, Taylor only feels amusement at her discovery.

Vicky seems to squirm under her gaze for a moment, before finally seeming to swallow her pride, while also straightening up and holding her head high.

“A-And if I was?”

Taylor grins victoriously.

“Then I’d invite you back to my lair for some fun.”

To be fair, Taylor’s not sure what she’s expecting (or hoping for). Does she want Vicky to take her up on her offer, or is she just hoping to embarrass the blonde heroine for ruining her fun time and killing one of her creatures? Maybe both? Maybe either or? In the end, the look on Vicky’s face gives it all away, and Taylor knows exactly what’s going to happen next.

This… would certainly be interesting at least.


Vicky can scarcely believe she’s doing this, but here she is, on her back, legs spread wide, about to take the biggest dick she’s ever seen, right up her cunt. She’s still wearing her costume. All she’s done is pull the crotch of her leotard, along with her panties, aside. The monstrous creature currently rubbing his massive, thick cockhead up and down her pussy lips doesn’t seem to mind either way.

But then, the other girl had said she’d made this latest batch solely for one purpose and one purpose alone. Fucking. Nothing but good, hard, honest dickings. Glancing over at the parahuman who she’d let drag her here, Vicky blushes intensely and bites her lower lip, as the bombshell with dark curly hair gets pounded in all of her orifices by massive cocks of her own.

Slowly, Vicky looks back at her singular monster. She was a little put out that she wasn’t getting more, but then, more had been offered and Vicky had turned it down. This was her own doing, ultimately. Letting out an explosive sigh, the blonde nods.

“O-Okay… go ahead.”

And just like that, she’s experiencing the ride of her life. The monster-creating cape had told her that this creature wouldn’t begin to truly fuck her until she gave it permission. But she was completely unprepared for what was happening now that she had. The monster’s dick pounds into her and it doesn’t stop, right from the beginning. Its honestly almost an assault, but her power doesn’t activate… and in truth, it doesn’t actually hurt.

The other girl had explained that to her. Something about her creatures secreting a fluid that allowed them to fuck women with massive dicks that probably would have killed them under normal circumstances. Case in point, the creature had been rubbing his secretions all over Vicky’s cunt for the better part of a minute or two, and now she was elasticized or something, her pussy lips stretching obscenely wide and her body doing the same.

Vicky stares down at the bulge in her fit abdomen, even as the creature holds her pale, creamy thighs and uses them to thrust forward with all the more strength. A loud, wanton moan rips its way out of Vicky’s throat, and while it’s the first of its kind, its far from the last. Her cries of pleasure and her lewd moans soon fill the air, right alongside the gagging and muffled noises coming from the cape beside her.

While the other girl takes dicks everywhere like a fucking pro, Vicky focuses solely on the one plowing her into tomorrow. And god does it feel good. Tilting her head back, the blonde lets her eyes roll and her tongue lull out of her mouth as the first orgasm washes over her. She cums explosively, and just like with her moaning, once she starts, she doesn’t stop. Again and again, Vicky climaxes around the monster’s massive member.

This… this was everything she’d ever secretly fantasized about if she’s being honest with herself. The other girl had hit the nail right on the head with her accusation earlier. Vicky WAS a Size Queen, though she hadn’t known what to call it until she’d gotten access to the internet and learned about all SORTS of things. Still, for as long as the blonde could remember, ever since she’d started to feel arousal, she’d really enjoyed big, phallic objects.

She’d always loved bananas… and certain fruits and vegetables, big as she could find them, had in turn found their way down between her thighs over the years. These days, she had a massive dildo at home that she affectionately called Big Bertha. Big Bertha had nothing on this monster though. No sex toy, no matter how large, could ever compare to being fucked like she was now.

“Yes! Fuck yes, fuck me more you big bastard! Plow me senseless! More, more, MORE!”

In response, the creature doesn’t fuck her more. It pulls out. For a moment, Vicky is upset, angry even. Then, she finds herself flipped over onto her front, and that big, fat cock shoved right back into her still-gaping cunt. Quite abruptly, the monster starts to fuck her from behind. His dick gets even deeper in this new position, and he begins to slam forward all the faster as he thrusts, thrusts, THRUSTS. It feels amazing, to say the least. Vicky’s eyes roll back in her head entirely, and she proceeds to cum her brains out right then and there.

It gets a little fuzzy after that. Vicky knows she’s being fucked, and she knows she’s enjoying it… but she’s not much aware of anything beyond that. By the time she comes back to herself, she’s laying beside the other girl, the monster-creating cape, and both of them are covered in seed, while a river of white, hot cum flows out of their gaping, heavily-violated holes. The pair of them aren’t capable of doing much besides lay there, utterly exhausted… though at some point, their hands had apparently found one another, as their fingers are now intertwined and locked together.

In that moment, slowly recovering, Vicky realizes she’s just had the best fuck she’s ever had. And all she knows for sure is that she wants to do it again.


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