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Weekly Prompt Poll Winner

Themes: Threesome, Fucked Silly, Worshipful Sex  

Word Count: 2,658

Summary: Danny Fenton is a nerd with absolutely no popularity. Danny Phantom on the other hand... has groupies. Very hot, very popular groupies. Upon realizing just how much Star and Paulina lust after his alter-ego, Danny realizes there's only one thing to do. 


Danny Fenton was a loser. He knew this, acknowledged this, accepted this. He was a nerd, but on top of that, his parents were ghost hunters. Yeah… rising above that was difficult to say the least, even if Jazz had done a fairly good job of building her reputation from the deep bottomless pit that their goofball mother and father pushed it into.

On the other hand, Danny Phantom… was a celebrity. Not the big kind of celebrity. He wasn’t world famous or anything wild like that. But around Amity Park? Yeah, he’d become something of a big dig. And while it’d taken Danny a while to figure that out, he’d eventually realized just what he had going as ‘Danny Phantom’. The town had fully recognized him as a hero after he defeated Pariah Dark and saved Amity Park.

He hadn’t done it for the recognition or anything silly like that. He’d simply… done it because it was the right thing to do. That didn’t mean Danny was blind to what was going on around him. People were making T-shirts with his face on them now. People were selling merchandise and shit, they were taking photos and video of him doing battle with some of the ghosts that escaped the ghost zone.

It was all… becoming a bit much. And yet, at the same time, Danny could see the value in being valued. It felt good, to know that people looked to him and saw a hero. And it felt even better to know that there were those who worshipped him. Very specific people, that he’d long thought about in very… private ways.

Danny Fenton was also, on top of all the aforementioned things, a horny teenage boy. So was Danny Phantom, as it turned out. He wasn’t sure how that worked, to be honest. He wasn’t sure how his ghost form could also feel arousal and other… things of a physical nature, but it could, and more than once Danny Phantom had had to work around a particularly annoying random boner.

Now though… now he had every intention of using it for his own gain. Maybe it wasn’t entirely moral, but Danny wasn’t planning on doing anything terrible or evil. He was just… just going to get his ‘just reward’. That was what Star and Paulina had called it, when he’d overheard them at school. The pair had been giggling to one another as they unknowingly talked about him in hushed tones. Their faces alit with matching blushes and their lower lips nibbled between their teeth, they’d talked about just how cool Danny Phantom was.

And they’d talked about just what they’d like to do with him, and to him, if they ever got the chance to properly ‘thank’ him for his service. Danny had fled before they’d noticed his presence, but it’d taken a lot longer to get his impromptu erection to go away without causing himself further embarrassment. In the end, he’d managed that well enough… and he’d learned something incredibly interesting about two of the hottest women he knew.

Yeah, there was no way Danny wasn’t going to take advantage of this. And the best part? He knew exactly where Star and Paulina would be that night. The same place they and all the cool kids went almost every Friday night. Amity Park had a single party club that didn’t check fake IDs too hard, and the kids at his high school knew it all too well.

Now it was time to find out just how far his ghost powers got him. Yes, he could have simply phased through the wall… but floating in the air, looking down at the club entrance, Danny wanted more than just a way inside. He wanted recognition. As he begins to float down, the white-haired boy sees some of the people standing in line glance up and notice him.

There’s pointing and whispers and murmuring, and that in turn draws the eyes of the bouncer manning the club entrance. A big, bulky man, his eyes go wide nonetheless at the sight of Danny, even as the ghost boy comes in for a smooth, gentle landing, a confident smile plastered across his face.


“H-Holy shit… you’re him! You’re Danny Phantom!”

It was working! It was working! Danny keeps all of his giddy excitement contained, even as he puffs out his chest a little bit, his confident smile widening into a truly cocky grin.

“Yeah. That’s me.”

There are cameras going off as people take pictures of him, every eye in the area staring at him in wonder and awe. It felt good. Better than good, it felt GREAT. Amity Park finally acknowledged his contributions, his works... more than that, they loved him for his heroism. When the bouncer hastily pulls aside the rope keeping one half of the entrance covered, Danny’s grin widens a bit more.

“G-Go right on in, Mr. Phantom sir! We’re happy to have ya!”

There’s not even a single note of protest from those in line. Instead, there’s some clapping, some cheering, even a couple ‘I want to have your babies!’. Danny couldn’t help but be a little intrigued by where that was coming from, but at the same time he had a mission tonight, and some random woman wasn’t going to be the same as the two prettiest girls in his school.

Licking his lips, the ghost boy walks right past the star-struck bouncer and deeper into the club. Word of his presence spreads through the building like wildfire, and Danny grins as he’s practically attacked from all sides. Nothing to worry about though, they can’t possibly crowd him or truly do anything to him. He can phase through whatever he needs to.

At some point during the insanity, Danny makes eye contact with Star and Paulina. The pair are just as frenzied as the rest of the people in the club, but when they look into his eyes, they just stop and stare. He stares back, and then offers them both a wide grin, followed by a knowing wink. Their blushes only make Danny even surer of what he’s doing, and once everything begins to calm down, the two girls make their way up to him, through the much smaller crowd that even then is trying to hang around them.

Danny singles Paulina and Star out, smiling at the two as they enter his little bubble of fame.

“Well now, who are you two beautiful ladies?”

Those still hanging around all look disappointed and jealous, even as Danny focuses every ounce of his attention on the women he came here for. Star and Paulina both glow with satisfaction and lust as they mold themselves to his sides, giggling and playing up the role of arm candy to the letter. Danny lets himself get washed away in it all just a little. His cocky persona takes over the steering wheel, and before he knows what’s going on, the three of them are on the dance floor, dancing along to the music.

Even that seems to not last long before both Star and Paulina grind up against him and whisper in his ear.

“Hey… let’s go to the bathroom.”

“Yeah, we have something to show you.”

Danny holds back a blush of his own and lets the two amorous girls lead him away from the dance floor, over to the women’s bathroom. As soon as they’re at the sink, both Star and Paulina turn to face him, and pull up their shirts at the same time, their tits bouncing free as they giggle and jiggle in place. Danny can’t help but go wide-eyed at the sight, but neither beautiful young woman holds it against him. Before he knows it, the two of them are on their knees, working at his spandex suit, which is already tenting massively with his growing erection.

Clearing his throat, after a moment Danny helps them out, by simply dissolving his bottoms so that his thick, pale cock can flop out. It smacks them both on the face, much to their vocal delight as they gasp and moan and titter. And then, they’re positively attacking his member as Danny looks on, almost unable to believe what’s happening to him.

His gloved hands eventually slip into their hair, even as Star and Paulina do their level best to worship his cock, their tongues working in tandem to slurp and lick and lap at his member. Eventually, Star goes a step further and takes his dick in her mouth, bobbing up and down it. For a moment, Paulina looks disappointed, but she eventually relegates herself to Danny’s balls, moving her head down so her friend can deep-throat his dick without interference.

This… this is amazing. Danny has to do everything in his power to hold back, because he’s not at all ready for this. The feel of Star’s hot mouth and throat around his cock, the sensations brought about by Paulina’s tongue and lips on his balls? It’s all too much, and it takes every ounce of Danny’s being to keep from cumming then and there.

In the end though, he’s only really able to stave the end off for a couple of minutes, before he lets out an incredibly satisfied hiss, and his seed starts to spurt down Star’s throat, causing the blonde to go wide-eyed as she chokes on it. Some of his cum comes right back up, exploding out of her nostrils and the side of her mouth. But Paulina is there to deal with it, the dark-haired young woman slurping at both his balls and the remnants of his seed dripping down onto her pretty, done-up face.

And then its over, and Danny is pulling back to let Star breathe. The blonde gasps and her chest heaves in a wonderful way, but its clear she’s going to need a second to recover. Paulina on the other hand, is more than happy to pick up the slack. Danny blinks as the popular girl stands and takes his cock in hand, giving him a wicked, raunchy grin, even as she strokes at his member.

He never even has a chance to go soft before he’s once again erect and raring to go. Only once he’s at full mast does Paulina turn around and pull up her scandalously short skirt, bending over the bathroom counter as she looks back at him and bites her lower lip. Danny finds himself staring, not into her expectant, eager face, but down at her naked, delicious bottom. She’s not wearing panties, the naughty little slut. On top of that, her blemish-free legs are on full display in the high heels she’s dressed in.

“What’re you waiting for hero? An invitation? Do you want me to beg? Please Danny Phantom… please fuck me~”

Well, that’s more than enough for him. Almost lunging forward, Danny grabs Paulina by her hips, pinning her to the counter. The dark-haired girl takes that in stride though, giggling slightly, even as he fumbles around a bit before finally fitting his cockhead up against her sopping wet pussy slit. A moment later, Danny is inside of one of his longtime crushes. That was his virginity he just lost, but all he can do is marvel in the tightness of Paulina’s cunt. 

“G-Go on… f-fuck me. Pound me… make me your bitch~”

He’s not sure he’s ever heard such a word from Paulina’s mouth before. But they have the intended effect. With a growl, the ghost boy does exactly that. He fucks Paulina up against the bathroom counter with every bit of force he can muster, drawing rough, ragged cries from the young woman as he rams into her again and again. There’s nothing gentle or slow about their sex. He fucks her, just as she asked him to, and it’s all Paulina can do to keep up.

Danny… loses track of things after that. He’s not sure how long he fucks Paulina for, but when he’s finally done and his cum is pumping deep into her cunt, he realizes that she’s no longer very vocal, and a glance in the mirror shows her to be quite insensate, with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Blinking at that, Danny pulls out of the dark-haired girl’s cunt, not even slightly winded. His dick, now that it’s had a taste, isn’t going down either. He’s still fully erect, staring at Paulina’s slumped over body as she shivers and shudders, leaking his seed.

“Ready for another round, big boy? I’m right here?”

Danny’s attention immediately zips to the sound of Star’s voice. The blonde has recovered, and she’s leaning up against the far wall of the bathroom, wearing not a stitch of clothing save for the high heels on her feet. Eyes wide and nostrils flaring, Danny can’t help but fly over. Literally so, and Star can only laugh in giddy, worshipful excitement as he pushes her up the wall, lifting her into the air and pinning her between him and it. A moment later, his cock is inside of her, just as it was inside of Paulina, and the woman wraps her limbs around him as he starts to fuck her, hard and fast right out the gate.

“Oooh~ So forward! Fuck me, Mister Phantom! Fuck me!”

Danny doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s more than happy to give Star what she wants, even as he gets to watch this time as the blonde goes through the same stages as Paulina. Her first orgasm hits fast, and then the next hits even faster. Eventually, her eyes roll up in her head and she loses all coherency as cognizance dribbles out of her ears. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth, and Danny leans forward to wrestle with it with his own tongue, kissing the blissed-out blonde all the while.

He wonders if that’s just how all girls react to sex, or if it has something to do with him. His dick is pretty big, in the obtrusive sense of the word… was he larger than most guy? It wasn’t like Danny went around checking for that kind of thing. But whatever it was, Star was completely out of her mind with pleasure, moaning into his lips and writhing in his grasp as she came again and again along his length.

Finally, her cunt walls milk his seed from him, and Danny fills her with his cum just as he filled Paulina. When he pulls out of her, Star simply slides down the wall, until she’s sprawled out on the floor, her mind temporarily broken by the ghost-fucking experience. Glancing between her and Paulina, Danny wonders if he’s gone too far. 

Should he… should he leave? Might be time to phase through the wall and head home…

“You done with those two little girls? Because there’s a line, big boy. We’re all waiting for you.”

Danny’s head whips around as he looks towards the entrance to the bathroom. There’s an older girl there, maybe college age, and she’s already got her tits out, one hand groping a breast and the other down her unbuttoned, denim shorts. Behind her is another girl, and behind that girl is another. Danny’s eyes go wide as he realizes she’s right. There probably is in fact a line of women waiting for him… waiting to fuck him.

The ghost boy’s mouth goes dry at that, even as the coed saunters forward, a sultry grin on her face. She takes hold of his messy cock and strokes it up and down but doesn’t say another word. Her suggestive gaze says it all for her, and a few seconds later Danny finds himself ball’s deep in yet another woman. He’s in for a long night, but he can’t quite bring himself to care. 

Sex is better than he ever thought it could be.



You know you're a hero when women literally line up for your dick