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Themes: Consensual, Furry, Virgin, Breeding

Word Count: 3,222

Summary: Red Riding Hood, but there is no wolf, Red is a Cowgirl, and there's a Polar Bear-Man aiming to test her purity on the way to Grandma's House. Whether or not she 'passes' depends entirely on your point of view, I suppose...


The young, innocent cowgirl hums to herself as she skips through the frozen forest, a happy smile on her face. Living in one of the coldest parts of the world isn’t too bad when one has a thick, shaggy fur coat. But on top of that, she’s also wearing a nice, velvety-soft red cloak, to give her just a bit extra warmth. With her basket in hands, the cowgirl continues on her way to her grandmother’s house, as excited to see the elderly bovine as ever.

It was so rare that she got to spend time with her grandmother. So rare that her mother let her out to travel through the woods. But it was a nice, bright, sunny day, and the blue sky was high overhead. It was a day where it certainly felt like no evil could take place, and despite the fears of a predator finding her in the woods, the cowgirl had been able to wear her mother down, using the extremely nice weather to do so, until finally she’d whipped up a batch of muffins and told her to make herself useful.

She imagined it was at least partially to get her out of her mother’s hair as well, but the cowgirl had also made note of the smile that the older bovine was doing her best to suppress. Her mom only wanted what was best for her. That was why she’d made sure that her daughter did not leave the house without her cloak. And now here she was, her hooves crunching through the packed snow beneath them as she headed down the path towards the far-off residence of her grandmother.

“Well hello there little lady. What’s a nice girl doing out in the woods?”

And just like that, she’s derailed. Blinking dumbly, the cowgirl spins towards the voice, nearly jumping into the air as her heart abruptly races. Before her stands a smirking white-furred polar bear-man, his sharp rows of teeth showing as she stands there, frozen.

“I-I… h-hello there. I’m just… I’m just going to visit my g-grandmother.”

The cold-weather ursine’s eyebrows lift at that, his eyes darting down to the covered basket of muffins she has an arm hooked through.

“Mm, and are those for her, Red?”

It takes the cowgirl a moment to realize that the polar bear-man has given her a nickname. She blushes prettily, not that it’s entirely visible beneath her shaggy auburn coat of fur. Still, the way her eyes go down and off to the side and her hoof toes at the snow probably tells him about her sudden embarrassment. Ah, but he’d asked her a question, hadn’t he? And even if she was nervous around such a big bad predator, ‘Red’ had been raised to be polite.

“Y-Yes Mister… they’re um, they’re muffins. Y-you probably wouldn’t like them though, would you?”

The cold-weather ursine frowns slightly, and takes a step forward. Her first instinct is to take a step back in response, but then she decides that she’s not going to be afraid, that she’s not going to assume the worst… and she’s not going to let him bully her either. Standing her ground seems to amuse him to no end as the bear-man steps up to her, a wide grin now on his face, the earlier frown gone.

“Oh? Is that so? What do you think someone like me would like then, hm Red?”

All the more embarrassed now, Red glances down at her hooves again and shrugs her shoulders as she says the fateful word.


There’s a moment of silence, as the white-furred ursine pauses. Then, he speaks, responding to her questioning tone with another question of his own, spoken in a deep, dark voice only inches away from her.

“Are you afraid of me, Red?”

Swallowing convulsively, the cowgirl steels herself… and looks up into those black beady eyes. She sees no malice there, only questioning concern. It helps her to set her chin and shake her head back and forth.

“N-No. I’m not.”

His responding grin is wider than the last, and shows off all of his sharp teeth.

“Then why are you shaking?”

With a shudder, Red realizes she’s doing exactly that. Making a concerted effort to control herself, Red continues to stare up into the polar bear-man’s eyes.

“… Mama told me about p-predators like you Mister.”

“Did she? And what did she say?”

Red opens her mouth to respond, but that’s when the cold-weather ursine strikes. His claws close around her arms and he lunges forward… kissing her deeply, their muzzles meeting as his tongue slides between her stunned cow lips, right past her flat teeth. An ‘eep’ leaves the cowgirl’s throat, muffled by his own lips, even as he kisses her heatedly.

This… this wasn’t what her mother had warned her about. This wasn’t what she’d been expecting at all. And maybe… just maybe she kind of likes it. After a moment, Red begins to actively participate, her thick tongue rolling across the massive predator’s as they wrestled for dominance. He eventually won, but she couldn’t deny it felt nice to just kiss someone. Her first kiss in fact, stolen by a stranger on her first trip away from home without her mother by her side.

It felt a little scandalous, and a whole lot of pleasurable. Red couldn’t help but want more, even as the polar bear-man’s hands slide from her arms to her hips, his claws digging into her fur, but not her flesh. He grips her tightly, firmly… and in that moment, the cowgirl never wants him to let go. She feels so many emotions in that moment, but to be desired… is a heady sort of sensation indeed.

When he pulls back, it takes Red a moment to recover. Her lips parted and the tip of her tongue hanging out from between them, the cowgirl pants breathlessly, even as her eyes flutter open again from where they’d subconsciously closed. There’s a new question in the polar bear’s black gaze, and Red can’t help but blush at his unspoken intentions. Slowly, she collects herself and then shakes her head as she begins to pull away.

“I… I really need to be getting to my g-grandmother’s.”

“Do you Red? Do you really?”

A mixture of anticipation and trepidation fills the cowgirl’s breast and she suddenly doesn’t know whether she wants him to stop her or not. Will he ignore her words, and simply carry her off into the forest? A strange sensation betwixt her thighs seems to point to that being exactly what she desires… but at the same time, the cowgirl knows she can’t let this go any further… right?

But then the cold-weather ursine makes a rather strange move, releasing her waist and stepping away entirely. For a moment, Red thinks he’s leaving her behind, and one of her hooves moves forward all on its own, as if to follow him. But he simply steps back a few feet and then lifts a single hand towards her, holding out the clawed bear paw in her direction with a knowing smirk on his face.

“Your grandmother can wait, sweetheart. Let me show you something, yes?”

She doesn’t know exactly what that means. Will they kiss more? Probably. Will things go farther than that even? She’s a virgin, and she’s never so much as spent time with a man like this one, so she has no concept of just how far that might end up being. And yet… and yet some small part of her yearns to go with him and find out. Shut-in, pampered, sheltered her entire life… and it’s such a beautiful day out. Nothing evil can happen on a day like this.

Biting her lower lip harshly, the cowgirl thinks for a moment longer… and then makes a decision. Stepping towards him, she places her own hand in the palm of the polar bear-man, and flushes prettily as his smirk turns into a toothy grin, and he begins to lead her off into the woods.


A moan leaves Red’s throat as she writhes atop her warm, velvety cloak. It was a secluded part of the snow-covered forest that the white-furred ursine had brought her to, and after a few more kisses, he’d stripped her of her red cloak and laid it out for them to use as a blanket, before gently yet firmly pushing her down onto it. Now though… now he was doing something the cowgirl had never in a million years expected.

It had embarrassed her at first, when he’d knelt down between her legs and spread them wide. His tongue had trailed along the inside of her furred thighs at first, and she’d moaned in embarrassment and mortification… then he’d gone after her slit, and all Red could think was why hadn’t she ever experienced this before?

It felt phenomenal, having his tongue inside of her. The innocent virgin couldn’t help but whine and whimper, even as she got wetter and wetter under his ministrations. His flexible mouth muscle flicks this way and that, writhing around along her inner walls, even as his nose presses against the little nub right above her lower lips.

He’s toying with her, teasing her, and also blowing her mind all at once, and in response, Red can do nothing but lie back and take it. Something is coming though, something strange building inside of her. She could feel it, she could feel whatever it was fast approaching, but she didn’t know what to expect. What he was doing to her, it felt so good… but where was it all leading?

Red doesn’t even know what to call it, the first time he makes her cum. The climax wracks her unsuspecting body, and she spasms and shakes in his grasp, even as her juices squirt out all over his tongue and face. A loud, long moan leaves the cowgirl’s throat, mixed with a partial moo as she shivers from the strange, yet amazing sensations.

Only then does the polar bear-man pull back, smirking at her as he licks his muzzle clean and stares down with beady black eyes at her beautiful body.

“You just came my dear. I can only assume you enjoyed that.”

Biting her lower lip, Red nods up and down slowly.

“I-I… I’ve never… it’s…”

Letting out a chuckle, the cold-weathered ursine’s grin grows wide.

“Was that your first time? Mm, then I suppose you’re probably a little confused. This… this is your pussy. And what you just experienced was an orgasm, or a climax. It felt good, didn’t it?”

She nods shyly again, and his grin widens still, even as he brings a finger to her ‘pussy’ and rubs her twitching slit, a fresh burst of pleasure running through her body.

“Tell me then. Use your words and tell me how good it felt.”

His tone was hungry, and it was clear how much the white-furred ursine wanted to hear it. So she did it, stuttering a bit, but ultimately getting out the rather foreign words all the same.

“I-I… I liked it w-when you put your tongue in my p-pussy.”

His grin is a gratifying sight, making her feel warm and appreciated, even as he reaches up and gropes one of her furred tits freely. A light moan leaves her throat at that, and she squirms in mild embarrassment at the sudden motion. But then, he’d already had his way with her ‘pussy’ hadn’t he? What more was her breasts in the face of what they’d just done?

“Do you want to feel even better, sweetheart? I can show you more Red, if you just ask it of me.”

She’d always had an adventurous streak to her. One that her mother had tried to stifle and redirect for fear of it getting her into trouble. But her mother wasn’t here right now. There was no one to save the young cowgirl’s innocence, even as she blushes deeply but nods nonetheless. When she seems the look in his eyes a moment later, Red is quick to turn that nod into a voiced request.

“I-I… yes, I w-want more…”

Grinning ferally, the male is none to gentle as he reaches down and grabs her hips. A yelp leaves the cowgirl’s throat as she’s promptly spun over onto her stomach, and a moment later her knees are up under her, her butt lifted into the air as he positions himself behind her. Red whimpers and looks back over her shoulder just in time to see something long and thick moving into position behind her relatively sizable rump.

Her cow tail flicks this way and that, moving down to try and get a sense of what’s approaching her. She makes contact with the sizable appendage using her tail at the same moment that he presses its bulbous head against her ‘pussy’, causing her virgin slit to flower open in the process. Red startles, eyes wide and a fearful, confused whine leaving her throat. Only then does he pause, smirking at her rather wickedly.

“Sorry darling, I forgot to introduce you. This is my cock. My dick. When a man loves a woman, he places this inside of her pussy. You’re going to enjoy this darling… but I need to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want my cock inside of your pussy.”

Blushing profusely, the foreign words spill off of Red’s uncertain tongue, even as she shivers in his grasp.

“I-I want your c-cock inside of my… p-pussy?”

“There’s my girl.”

And then he’s inside of her. A cry leaves the cowgirl’s throat, but his earlier ministrations with his tongue, and the slickness left by the orgasm he’d forced from her both do wonders in mitigating the pain as he deflowers her right there atop her red cloak. His length spreads her virgin pussy wide open, forcing her slit to stretch to accommodate him, even as he pushes deeper and deeper inside of her.

The thick bear cock spears her insides, and then it’s owner pauses for a brief moment, allowing her to adjust. Not nearly long enough though, because a few seconds later he begins to thrust in and out of her, and Red’s mouth drops open as she promptly loses it. All the foreplay has been more than enough to prepare her for this moment, when she finally gets her virginity taken, and her cute little body fucked. The cowgirl’s eyes flutter shut, even as she experiences her second-ever orgasm almost immediately, her body shaking and spasming as she remains on her hands and knees before him.

The polar bear-man speeds up his pace, and all Red can do is endure as he fucks her harder and harder. It doesn’t hurt though. There’s no pain, no discomfort. He’d told her the truth, in the end. She was enjoying it quite a lot, and the more he fucked her atop her cloak in the middle of the snow-covered forest, the more Red enjoyed herself. Soon, the cowgirl was bouncing her hips back against his pistoning member, her tail flicking and swishing across his chest as she moans and moos in delight in equal measure.

Time and time again, he thrusts forward into her. Time and time again, the cowgirl feels a burst of pleasure from experiencing something she’s never felt before. She feels both filled AND fulfilled, like she’s finally home, even in a place as strange as this. And when his breathing becomes ragged and his pace starts to fluctuate, she only continues to moan, until eventually he leans forward and whispers in her ear.

“Gonna… gonna cum soon, sweetheart. If I cum inside, you might get pregnant. Your belly would swell with my child, and you’d give birth to a baby made from my seed. Do you want that? Do you want me to knock you up, to breed you right here and now? Say it if you do. Tell me what you want.”

A shudder runs through her body as Red processes what he’s saying. How can she possibly decide? But no, even as she thinks that, she also realizes just how absolutely hot that sounds. Being bred by this big, strong polar bear… yes, she does want it. Yes, he should cum inside. A long, loud moan leaves her throat, and then she tells him as much.

“D-Do it… mm, p-please, knock me up. B-Breed me…”

A dark chuckle leaves the cold-weather ursine, and his claws grip into her sides as he hastens his pace. In just a few moments, she feels it. He groans and growls at the same time as he buries himself inside of her, and then his ejaculate, hot and sticky and viscous, flows into her womb and it’s all Red can do to maintain her composure, as one final orgasm wracks her body.

Then it’s over, and he’s pulling out of her slightly agape pussy, even as a trickle of his seed flows from her lips. They both pant, until finally the white-furred bear-man reaches down and helps her to her feet.

“Come on sweetheart. You need to get to your grandmother’s.”

Red doesn’t question it, even as he wraps her in her cloak and grabs her basket. The pair of them walk the rest of the way to grandma’s house together, only for the old bovine to be waiting for them on the porch outside her cabin, a big wide smile on her face.

“Ah, my lovely granddaughter! And what a big strong man with her! Now, what could possibly have waylaid you for so long child?”

Red blushes at that, and finds herself studying her hooves, even as her grandmother’s eyes twinkle knowingly. The ursine on the other hand, just snorts derisively.

“Cut the crap old lady. You know you sent me to make your daughter a woman.”

That causes the cowgirl’s eyes to snap up, wide as she stares at her smirking grandma.

“Well… I sent you to make her the offer, certainly.”

“And I did. It was all her decision, just like I promised.”

Her grandmother’s eyes are only on her though, and Red realizes that the old bovine is waiting for confirmation from her… as well as fingering the shotgun in her hands at the same time. The predator who’d just showed her such pleasure doesn’t seem all that worried, but Red rushes to back him up all the same.

“Y-Yes! Yes… it was m-my decision.”

Her grandmother’s smile is wide as can be after that, even as she stands and sets the shotgun aside, welcoming them both in. Red gets a hug, and while they’re embracing, her dear old grandma whispers into her ear, even as she squeezes her tight.

“Just like I was at your age… mm, we’ll keep this between us, won’t we? Your mother is quite the protective woman these days…”

Red slowly nods, agreeing with her grandmother wholeheartedly. She could only imagine how her Mama would react to all of this. Best to not let her know… except that she could still feel the cum seeping from between her thighs, dripping from her cream-stuffed womb. Surely it would be impossible to keep it from the other bovine, when she finally started showing.

But that was a story for another day.


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