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Weekly Poll Winner

Themes:  Consensual, Orgy, Breeding, Loving

Word Count: 2,666

Summary: Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, and Ayala Secura survive Order 66, while Obi-Wan and Yoda sacrifice themselves while ending the threat to the Sith once and for all. The Empire crumbles and the Republic rises from it's ashes... but the Jedi are in dire need of new blood. Taking children from their families didn't work out very well in the end. So the now all-female Jedi Council decides to MAKE their own. Families, that is. 


“Then we are all agreed on how we will proceed. For the sake of the Jedi Order… things must change.”

There are solemn nods from both Luminara Unduli and Aayla Secura at that, and Shaak Ti can’t help but close her eyes for a moment, a low sigh leaving her lips. The Togruta Jedi Master is now Grandmistress of the entire Jedi Order, and she in no way feels ready for that roll. Regardless of his small stature, Yoda had left extremely big shoes for her to fill.

It doesn’t help that the only remaining Jedi Masters beside herself sit alongside her in the Council Chamber. She’s grateful that Luminara and Aayla survived, to be sure… but looking around the mostly empty chamber at all of the unoccupied chairs… it reminds Shaak Ti of just how much they’d lost. Still, it could have been worse. It almost had been worse.

Six months after the Sith made their move, both the Republic and the Jedi were still trying to recover from the earth-shattering revelations dealt to them by Palpatine’s ploys. Things could have gone very differently though, if it were not for Yoda and Obi-Wan. To think, the Chosen One had fallen to the dark side of the force… luckily, the Grandmaster of their Order, along with a man that some had called the consummate Jedi, had been there to put a stop to their madness, even as Shaak Ti, Luminara, and Aayla had each escaped their suddenly murderous clones, and frantically made their way back to Coruscant.

The Sith Lords had been foolhardy though. Or perhaps Palpatine had simply been overly cautious. It didn’t matter what had truly happened that day when Yoda and Obi-Wan confronted Master and Apprentice together. All that mattered was that they’d won, at the cost of their own lives. Anakin Skywalker had died a Sith, and his would-be Master had died along with him.

The Senate had come to their senses soon after, and without an Emperor… or an enforcer, the fledging Galactic Empire that Palpatine had sought to institute to solidify his power and his rule had died in its cradle. A New Republic had been christened from it’s ashes, one with grand hopes of avoiding the corruption and moral decay of the Old Republic.

Shaak Ti wasn’t so sure they’d succeed, but it was obvious to both her and her comrades that the Republic, regardless of New or Old, would still need the support of the Jedi. It was even more obvious to the three female Jedi Masters that something had to be done, something had to change within the Jedi Order itself. They’d allowed themselves to stagnate, and they’d allowed themselves to become pawns in a Galactic War guided by the hand of the Sith.

The Jedi had grown complacent. They couldn’t continue as they had been, or they truly would end up wiped out. The decision was made, and with her fellow Masters in agreement, Shaak Ti breathes in the breath she’d just exhaled, and waves a hand towards the far door. It slides open without a sound, and a moment later a gaggle of young men, mostly humans, walk carefully into the room. 

They’re all dressed in the standard uniform of a Jedi Padawan, with a training saber attached to each of their belts. But it’s clear that none of them are exactly comfortable in their new attire, even as they walk into the center of the room, nervous and curious in equal measure. One of them inevitably steps forward, and Shaak Ti focuses her gaze on this one, marking him as a natural leader. Even as she and the other living Masters had talked, she’d been able to sense this one out in the hall, corralling his comrades into something approximating a group, instead of a detached, purposeless mob.

“Grandmistress… Masters. We… we hoped to learn why you called us all away from our training today.”

A smile flickers across Shaak Ti’s face. Diplomatic too. This one would have gone far in the old Jedi Order. Whether he will manage the same in the Order that she and her fellow Masters intend to create is another matter entirely.

“Padawans. Please approach. I and the others have been discussing things in length. You all have played a large part in that discussion, and it is now time to inform you of the decision we’ve come to.”

There’s a fair bit of confusion on the faces of the young men that they’ve assembled, but each and every one steps closer all the same. Together, Shaak Ti and her fellow Masters rise from the three Council Chairs they’ve been occupying, standing tall as a unified force, only a few feet away from the Padawans. Still moving as one, each alien woman reaches up and undoes the clasp holding their robes together. They shuck them off their shoulders, and then they continue on, undressing garment by garment.

The young men freeze up, eyes wide at the sight before them as more and more skin is revealed across the board. Aayla is the first to be completely naked, wearing only her leather top and leather pants beneath her robes, as she always had. For Shaak Ti and Luminara, it takes a bit longer, as both have multiple layers lying beneath their outer to remove. In the end though, the Togruta and Mirialan Jedi Masters stand tall, just as naked and exposed as their Twi’lek peer.

Blue, orange, green skin… they make quite the sight, Shaak Ti is sure of that. She’s never been a very proud or vain being, but she’s also not blind. She’s quite aware of her beauty, and she’s also aware of the beauty of her fellow Masters. They are gorgeous specimens of their race, each of them… and that’s made all the clearer by the abject lust in the eyes of the group of male “Padawans” standing only a few feet away from them.

“… Masters?”

In truth, the young men that they’ve stuffed into tunics and handed practice lightsabers are barely worthy of being called younglings, let alone Padawans. But after the purge, the Jedi had had to resort to dramatic efforts… and there was quite a few people who were no longer interested in giving up their babies to an Order who couldn’t keep them safe, who’d contributed to almost ending the galaxy.

After what had happened with Anakin, one might think that the new Jedi Council wouldn’t dare take on any new trainees over a certain age. One would be wrong though, as the three female Masters had labored over the issue extensively for weeks, and ultimately come to the same decision as they’d come to today.

The Jedi Order had to change… and to do that, it needed new blood AND new ideas.

“Padawans… please disrobe. Today will be a special event. The first of it’s kind. It will not be the last, however.”

Some of the boys across from the three naked Jedi Masters immediately move to obey. The one who has marked himself as their leader doesn’t, his brow furrowed in abject confusion.

“Grandmistress, I do not understand. I… w-what are you doing?”

Moving forward with Aayla and Luminara to either side of her, Shaak Ti singles out the Padawan Leader, a smirk on her face. As soon as she enters his personal space, she falls to her knees and moves to undo the clasp on his belt. He freezes up, allowing her to continue on until finally, she’s withdrawing his half-hard cock from within his trousers.

Shaak Ti’s eyes go a bit wide as she sees the size of the young man’s member. He is quite well-endowed, and while the Togruta is not at all a virgin, her experience with sex is fairly limited. Most Jedi did not make it through their lives completely celibate. Their Order was billed as an Order of Warrior Monks to so much of the galaxy… but while they strived to find peace and calm and let go of attachments, that did not mean they always succeeded.

Now though, now Shaak Ti, as well as her peers, had decided that attachment was exactly what the Jedi Order needed to survive. Hiding from the Dark, bottling up one’s emotions under the guise of ‘giving them away to the Force’… no, it hadn’t worked, and it’d nearly led to their destruction. Stroking the Padawan’s cock up and down, the Togruta Jedi Master leans forward and opens her mouth, her tongue tracing out to slide over his dick tip.

“A-Ah, G-Grandmistress…”

His member quickly hardens further in her hands and under her enthusiastic tongue. At the same time, Shaak Ti can both hear and see out of her periphery as Luminara and Aayla begin to do the same with two more Padawans of their own. Those that remain are either stripping naked right then and there, or watching with wide eyes, completely at a loss for words and unsure of exactly what’s happening.

Once the natural leader of the group is completely hard under her ministrations, Shaak Ti moves onto the next step of the plan. She abruptly stands, and with a swift application of the Force, she flings the erect young man back into the Council Chair that she’d been sat in moments before. He lands with a grunt and a thud, and the naked orange Togruta stalks back over to him, climbing onto his lap and grabbing hold of his cock in order to guide it towards her moistening slit.

As she does so, slowly sinking onto the Padawan’s cock, she looks back over her shoulder and speaks, her tone a bit breathless, and her face heated up, not that many of these young men even know what a Togruta blush looks like.

“The Order must do more than survive in these… mm, difficult times. The Order must thrive. It is our, hah… our duty to ensure that it does so. As such, we Jedi Masters will take on the responsibility of fostering a new generation of, f-fuck, younglings. You will be our donors.”

Both Luminara and Aayla soon join her, each impaling themselves on a hard member as well. The other Padawans crowd around the three chairs, looking on with jealousy and envy as the naked alien women ride their respective ‘donors’. This is what the Jedi Order needs. This is what they all need. The thought of purposefully breeding herself in order to make more force sensitive children would probably have horrified Shaak Ti mere months ago. If someone had told her she’d be doing this now even a year before, she’d probably have laughed in their face. Or thrown them across the room for such a crass suggestion.

But no, it was necessary. It had been made necessary, both by the evil of the Sith, and their own folly, their own mistakes. The Jedi Order had been making missteps for quite some time, possibly even for hundreds of years. Yoda… Yoda had been a wise being, and a great Jedi. But he’d also become old, and the old were notorious for being stuck in their ways.

The Jedi Order he’d been brought into as a child, so many centuries before… it was not the Jedi Order that the Galaxy needed, so many centuries later. This though… this felt better than she’d ever expected. A low moan leaves Shaak Ti’s throat, while at the same time, Aayla suddenly lets out an orgasmic cry. A glance over at the blue-skinned Twi’lek shows that the female Jedi Master is MORE than enjoying her duty.

Bouncing her toned ass up and down on the Padawan’s lap as she rides him faster and faster, it quickly becomes obvious that she’s going to receive the first load. Shaak Ti watches as that’s exactly what happens, the young man groaning as he releases a fresh, hot batch of baby batter into Aayla’s womb. The first potential newborn for the Jedi Order. 

Watching Aayla get so enthusiastic only prompts Shaak Ti to do the same. Soon enough, the Padawan leader beneath her is letting out a groan of his own, and the orange-skinned Togruta can feel it as his seed fills her womb. Luminara is the last to milk her first cock dry, and by the time she does, both Aayla and Shaak Ti have moved onto their second Padawan.

The female Jedi masters are taking no chances today. As soon as the first load of seed is fully inside of them, the blue-skinned Twi’lek and orange-skinned Togruta climb off of the spent Padawans and stand tall, only to bend over and spread their legs to expose their cunts to the waiting Padawans behind them. In no time at all, two brave young men have stepped up to the plate and filled their pussies with two fresh dicks. 

From there, it’s accurate to say that things descend into relative depravity. When some of the boys get impatient and offer up their members to the alien females’ mouths, not a single one of the three Jedi Masters can fully resist the urge to open wide. They tell themselves that it’s simply to make sure the young Padawans stay nice and hard for when they’re ready to fuck each of them… but when the time comes to swallow, all three beauties do exactly that.

The Council Chamber fills with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, of slurping, and of male groans and female moans. The next several hours are spent exhausting every single male Padawan, until they can no longer get it up, their spirits willing, but their flesh spongey and weak.

By that point, Shaak Ti and the other two Masters are stuffed with life-giving seed in more than one way. The Togruta sits on her council chair, all but reclining on it as she stretches her sore body. She’s covered in more than a bit of cum, as a few of the quicker shots couldn’t quite get it in her before they sprayed it all over her orange flesh. Aayla and Luminara are in similar states, blue and green painted white respectively.

But that’s alright, because the majority of the Padawans’ seed had made it to it’s intended destination. Each Jedi Master’s womb is positively stuffed to the brim with cum, and then some, a slight belly growing on the otherwise fit alien women as they lay back in their chairs. Meanwhile, the Padawans kneel or lay spread across the room, exhausted to the last and trying to catch their breath.

Smiling with affection in her gaze as she looks at each of them, Shaak Ti collects herself, and speaks.

“You may go now. There is no need to hide what happened here today. If any of you have urges that need to be addressed because of this, do not hesitate to come to one of us. We are here to help. And soon… soon the Order will flourish because of your actions. May the Force be with you all.”

The words are repeated, muttered really by a few of the Padawans, but most of the young men simply limp out of the Council Chambers, leaving Shaak Ti alone with her peers, as all three of them luxuriate in the sensation of life, Force-blessed life, taking root in their respective wombs. This was a good first step… but three pregnancies will not a new Jedi Order make.

No… they’d have to expand the breeding stratagem to the rest of the order. Those young men who’d just impregnated the trio were not the only new force sensitives that had been drawn to the new Jedi Order by the lifting of the age restriction. There were plenty of fertile, nubile young females to bring on board as well.

For now though… for now it was time to rest and meditate alongside her sisters, naked and stuffed and covered in sticky, warm cum as they were.

The Force would guide them forward.


Cypher Three

Wow, in the Council Chambers...Yoda and Mace must be spinning in their graves.


Anakin is facepalming in hell for not thinking of banging some of those banging Jedi babes


I can only hope we see more of the 'restoration efforts complete with pregnant bellies