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A/N: And here we are with some pet play for HotD's sluttiest character!~ (Maybe sluttiest, I'm sure it's a toss up :V)


Whore, harlot, slut. She’d been called all those things and more, but never had one of her titles sent such shivers down her spine. Yuuki Miku had been labeled as a promiscuous girl rather early on in High School. She’d been hungry and without lunch money one day, and completely at random, she’d offered to kiss a boy in exchange for his lunch.

She’d found she quite liked it… his lunch, that is. And the power, the control that came from offering her body to men so that they would do her bidding, well that wasn’t half-bad either. Kissing wasn’t terrible. Neither was being groped and touched. She’d given more handjobs than she could count, while the number of blowjobs she’d had to perform in order to get what she wanted could be counted on both hands.

Yuuki hadn’t ever had sex though, not yet anyways. Not because she was afraid of it, or some sort of innocent precious flower. No, it was more that her virginity was a valuable commodity she could only give once, and the slutty girl was still trying to figure out how to milk the most out of it. She’d been contemplating advertising to some rich perverted businessman and offering it to him for a large sum of cash… but there was also a growing market of online camwhoring that she’d been dabbling in, and the thought of giving up her virginity on camera in exchange for an exorbitant ‘ticket’ price for the live viewing and the recordings after… well, it definitely appealed to her in a monetary sense.

Honestly, she really didn’t care for one idea over the other, as it currently stood. She was just trying to decide which was likely to get her the most buck for the bang, to twist a yankee phrase. But then… then there was Masuto. Yuuki knew that she shouldn’t have been intrigued by the young boy. He was a child, even more so than the ones she’d seduced for her entire High School life. More often than not, they had the mental maturity of children… but Masuto was the opposite, with a commanding presence combined with the physical maturity of a boy.

Except… except she’d seen him. She’d seen his cock, thrusting in and out of that stuck-up bitch Saya’s cunt. The pigtailed whore had taken him like a champ, Yuuki could well admit that, and watching his thick, massive schlong piston in and out of Saya’s slutty, wet pussy was what had prompted Yuuki to go for the dildo in the first place. It was hot. It was unbelievably hot. Watching the well-hung boy genius plow Saya senseless… it’d awakened things in Yuuki, things that even with all her slutty behavior, she hadn’t known existed.

No one had ever told her what she could and couldn’t do… at least, no one had ever done so successfully. More than one teacher had tried to corral her, and a few of her boy toys had sought to ‘earn’ her as a girlfriend. But none of them had succeeded. She’d simply used her sex appeal and her body to leave them all stammering, simpering wrecks. She’d gotten away with everything…

Until Masuto. The boy had just walked up and used her. His fingers had slipped into her short orange hair, and he’d rubbed his messy cock all over her face, slick as it was with his and Saya’s juices. Yuuki had been awestruck, and in that moment she’d been unable to help herself. She’d opened her mouth to him, willingly, and her tongue had hung out as he cleaned his hung prick off with her face, her lips, and her tongue.

He’d practically told her that he’d be owning her soon. His words slid over her thoughts like silk, spoken in that calm, cool, collected tone. A firm hand, to squeeze her throat when she needed to be reminded of her place, and to spank her bottom when she was being a naughty little chit. That… that appealed to Yuuki a lot more than she thought it would, coming from the young prodigy.

Of course she’d heard about Masuto. The entire school had. She hadn’t thought much of it though, even when the rumors about him joining the kendo club and defeating Saeko Busujima of all people had surfaced. None of it had really been relevant to Yuuki’s interests… until the rooftop, where she found out just what kind of MAN Masuto was.

She couldn’t let this go anymore. He’d all but challenged her to come to him, to approach him. He’d told her he would give her ‘what every girl like her’ needed. And she wants that… she wants to see if he can live up to his words, or if Saya was just a weak-willed cunt who couldn’t handle someone being more intelligent than her.

Yuuki wasn’t the same way. His intelligence wouldn’t impress her. If it turned out Masuto truly was nothing but a scared little boy hiding behind a cool demeanor and a big dick… well, Yuuki was going to expose him. That was why she was watching from the shade of a tree in the school’s courtyard, when Masuto finally stepped on campus with Saeko and Saya on either side of him.

That was why she followed them into the school, eyes ever watchful, keeping her distance all the way. And when Masuto finally broke off from the pair, Saeko and Saya going their separate ways, Yuuki finally struck. Not literally, but figuratively of course. She positioned herself by the stairs that led to a mostly empty hallway, and she made sure Masuto saw her leaning against the wall beside it, her beautiful body on full display, covered in the form-fitting school uniform as it was.

As soon as their eyes meet, Yuuki flashes a grin in Masuto’s direction. When he angles himself towards her, the orange-haired girl turns and makes her way up the stairs two at a time, not all that hurried, but also more a forced casual pace than an actually casual one. She easily makes it to the next floor before Masuto is even halfway up the stairs, and he pauses on the landing as Yuuki looks down at him, her grin growing wider still.

A flirtatious wink and a salacious lick of her lips has him moving up the stairs again, and Yuuki gleefully makes her way down the hall, moving much more purposefully this time. Masuto follows her, almost like a lost puppy, and when she finally reaches the barely used janitor’s closet she’d staked out for this clandestine rendezvous, one last look back shows he’s still approaching.

Slipping inside, Yuuki steps back from the door and waits. As expected, Masuto opens it a moment later, one hand pressed palm down on the wooden surface, the other slipped into the pocket of his pants. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, Yuuki’s heart stops. She realizes, then and there that the ‘lost puppy’ comparison had been inaccurate. It was more akin to a predator hunting his prey, than anything else.

She swallows convulsively, and Masuto’s small smirk grows wide as he steps inside and lets the door to the janitor’s closet close behind him. Almost as an afterthought, he reaches back and locks the door. Yuuki doesn’t necessarily feel trapped, but a shudder does go down her spine nonetheless. One of anticipation… and lust.

This isn’t the place or the circumstances in which Yuuki expected to lose her virginity… but then, if all went to plan, she still didn’t intend to. Smirking a lewd, wicked smirk of her own, the orange-haired girl steps forward towards the short young man, licking her lips quite wantonly, even as she reaches up to undo a few buttons on her blouse. Her black-and-red lace bra, one of her favorites as it were, peeks from beneath the half open blouse, even as she invades Masuto’s personal space, planting a hand on the door behind his head and leaning in with her tits almost pressed against his face.

“Well, hello there handsome. Come into my lair, said the spider to the fly.”


Yuuki blinks, partially derailed as Masuto looks at her with something like disappointment in his eyes.


Letting out a sigh, the young prodigy shakes his head back and forth.

“It’s parlour, you silly slut. The spider says ‘Will you walk into my parlour? Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.”

Suddenly, he’s stepping forward and despite her intentions to seduce him, despite her height and her everything… Yuuki’s hand comes off the door as she in turn steps back. There’s a presence to the boy that… well, it’s always been there, and she saw a glimpse of it on the roof. She’d been ignoring it, but now that they’re alone, now that he’s moving towards her with that look in his eye, Yuuki feels completely and utterly outclassed.


It’s the only answer she can muster, and Masuto’s eyes flash as he grins wickedly.

“The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, and I’ve a many curious things to show when you are there.”

The next verse of the poem, Yuuki imagines. He takes another step towards her and then stops, an almost expectant air about him, even as he leans towards her in such a predatory manner. Yuuki suddenly feels more like the fly than the spider… and that’s the point, isn’t it? Licking her lips, the girl fidgets as her fingers twitch at her sides.

“A-and… and what happens next?”

Masuto’s grin spreads wider still, and he steps ever closer. Yuuki takes another step back, only to hit the back wall of the closet. Then, Masuto is there, before her, his hands on her wrists and his eyes like glinting sapphires in the dimly lit space, even as he holds her fast.

“The fly goes with the spider. And the spider shows her all the many curious things he has in his parlour.”

Something about his tone tells Yuuki he’s lying. And yet, derailed as she finds herself, completely under his control and trapped between the wall and his body… Yuuki finds that she doesn’t care. Wetting her lips with her tongue once again, Yuuki offers up a hesitant smile.

“S-Show me…”

It’s a request, not a demand. They both know that. Masuto chuckles, but rather than give a verbal response, he moves a hand to her skirt, and then under and up the short thing. Yuuki lets out a gasp as he easily forces aside her lacey, naughty panties. Then, he’s inside of her and the orange-haired girl has to muster every bit of her willpower not to cum right then and there on the spot. Her cunt is wet, disgracefully so, and she’s already ruined her panties by this point.

And now Masuto knows it. He knows what a piece of shameful filth she is, how much of a whorish slut she is. He’s going to teach her where she belongs, he’s going to show her, her place. Every bit of Yuuki’s being thrums with anticipation and desire, even as his fingers piston in and out of her tightening, gripping pussy.

A breathless gasp followed by a wanton moan leaves Yuuki’s lips and her eyes begin to lull shut as she prepares herself for what is to come, as she resigns herself to being this young stud’s newest toy. And then his fingers are gone and Yuuki’s eyes are snapping open right as he brings the wet digits to her lips. Just as she did the day before on the roof, the young woman parts her lips and Masuto in turn wastes no time in slipping his messy fingers into her mouth.

She sucks them clean, their eyes locked together as she tries to convey her submission, while his gaze seems to promise the end of her freedom… and a new beginning filled with pleasure and debauchery. Only, when he finally pulls his cleaned fingers out of her mouth, the boy doesn’t give her any orders, nor does he take out that big hard dick she knows he’s packing down under.

Instead, Masuto places both of his hands in his pockets and shakes his head.

“If you wish to see what I have to show you, you’ll have to earn it little fly. I’ll take you when it pleases me, and not a moment before.”

Yuuki’s eyes go wide as the boy steps away from her. A whimper leaves her throat, but before she can formulate any other words, he pauses and glances back over his shoulder, seemingly stopped by the noise as he smiles at her with a look that promises untold pleasures.

“Meet me in the girl’s locker room after school gets out. The track team doesn’t start training until an hour after last bell. And bring the toy as well, from yesterday on the roof. I know you have it with you.”

Yuuki freezes up at that. She doesn’t have it IN her at least, but he’s right… she did bring the vibrating dildo to school with her. Blushing deeply, the normally unflappable young woman can only watch as Masuto continues on his way out of the janitor’s closet, leaving her alone in the dimly lit room with the cleaning supplies and the mops and the buckets.

Regardless of where she is… Yuuki can’t quite help herself. Letting out a shuddering breath, the slutty girl slowly slides her way down the wall she’s currently backed up again. As soon as she hits the floor, her legs are spread and her fingers are diving into her sopping wet cunt as she begins to masturbate, right then and there.

She’ll be there, after school. She’ll be waiting for him in the girl’s locker room. She can’t help it. Yuuki Miku knows one thing and one thing only… she wants into the spider’s parlour. Even if it costs the girl her soul, she wants in. She wants to know the extent of what Masuto can offer her… she wants him to show her the things she’s never known before.

She wants… she wants HIM. She just… wants him.


Yuuki is very rarely on time for anything, ever. But when that final bell rings, rather than slowly gathering her books, rather than flirting with the boy sitting next to her or the teacher at the head of the classroom, the slutty girl almost immediately makes her way out the door, book bag already packed five minutes before the bell, and her feet swiftly carrying her to the girl’s locker room.

She arrives within three minutes of the final bell, and waits with baited breath for the next two minutes, until finally Masuto steps into the locker room. If the young prodigy looks uncomfortable or worried about being in a place restricted to the fairer gender, he certainly doesn’t show it, even as he eyes her up and down.

He’s holding a case in one hand, while the other is still resting in a pocket. His book bag is over his shoulder, but he casually lets it slip off onto a bench, even as he walks forward, head cocked to the side.

“You’re still dressed.”

The disappointment inherent in his voice, and the irritation in his eyes… it prompts Yuuki into action, even as her own eyes go wide at the thought of making him upset. Her blouse flies off of her, and so does her skirt. She barely thinks on it for a moment before removing her bra and panties as well. Her entire body, young, nubile, and in her opinion, very sex, is on full display in moments.

She stands there without a hint of embarrassment. Her hands remain at her sides, and she juts out her chest in Masuto’s direction. Yuuki wants him to look. She wants him to enjoy her beauty, to enjoy her body. Deep down inside, she hopes that giving him a nice view might prompt him to fuck her sooner, rather than later. She’s not sure how long she can last without his cock at this point, as silly as that is. It’s not even so much about feeling that big, hard schlong inside of her… more, it’s about him deciding she’s worth fucking in the first place.

Masuto stares at her for a long moment and then nods to her discarded clothes.

“Put those away. Your gym bag to. You won’t be needing your workout clothes for Track today.”

Yuuki obeys without hesitation, even as the implications make her wet with arousal. Standing there in nothing but her running shoes, the naked young woman bites her lower lip and looks back to the boy genius. He nods his approval once again, and then gestures for her to follow him. They move out of the main area of the girl’s locker room, into the shower area. When he points at a stool, Yuuki moves to sit on it. Then, she watches as he opens up the case held in his hands, her eyes drawn to the contents inside.

And as he begins, Yuuki realizes what’s about to happen. She knows now what he intends for her. The thought of it all arouses her more than anything else ever has.


Stepping out onto the track with her body exposed but at the same time not… feels amazing. It feels liberating in a way, even as she also knows that she’s completely and utterly vulnerable in this moment. A wide, carefree grin spreads across Yuuki’s face as the naked girl makes her way towards the rest of the track team.

No one is surprised that she’s late, even if she did technically arrive at the locker room an hour before practice. She’s always late, and it’s not like they know that she’s just spent the last hour in one of the locker room showers, getting her track uniform painted onto her by Masuto’s skilled, steady hand. Yuuki had gotten a chance to look at herself in the mirror on her way out to the track, and even when it was staring her right in the face, she couldn’t really see a difference between how she normally looked and how she looked now.

Masuto was a master-class artist, on top of being a boy genius. Yuuki wondered if that was just what it meant to be a prodigy, or if he was simply special. One way or another, the orange-haired girl wasn’t going to let him get away. She wasn’t about to disappoint him. She-

A gasp leaves Yuuki’s lips as the vibrating dildo buried deep inside of her cunt suddenly begins to buzz. Her eyes go wide as she glances down at her crotch at first, and then up and over to the side, where Masuto is sitting comfortably in the stands, watching her… watching them all. There’s a slight smirk on his face, and a remote in his hands.

Of course he still had the remote. Else he wouldn’t have told her to bring along the toy, would he have? Said toy is currently taped inside of her cunt, a bit of body tape running along her slit that he’d then painted over. No one would be able to see her pussy through her body paint, and there was no way the dildo could fall out of her as she ran.

That didn’t mean she could just orgasm willy nilly, like he had her wanting to do in short order. Yuuki bites her lower lip hard, even as she begins to go through the motions, doing her normal warm up routine. Luckily, she was ‘late’ enough to practice to avoid the pre-training huddle. She didn’t have to spend time close to anyone, and though she normally would cozy up to some of the boys on the track team for a favor here or there, today Yuuki keeps her distance. Those guys… they’re just so small next to the man she’s found.

As training continues, Yuuki moves on from warm ups to actual exercises, as well as jogging to get her heart rate going. Her sweat begins to become a problem though, more and more as time goes on. The dildo becomes a problem as well, as Masuto delights in upping and lowering its settings on a whim, leaving Yuuki stumbling time and time again from spasms of pleasure.

Still, the body paint he’d bought for her and labored to ‘dress’ her in, doesn’t last forever. Slowly but surely, Yuuki gets sweatier and sweatier and the painted-on track uniform begins to slide right off of her, smudging here and there and slowly dripping onto the ground. She’s sure someone notices. Hell, multiple people probably notice. More than a few male eyes are on her, and she can’t help but wonder if they’ve realized what she’s ‘wearing’ in that moment.

But none of them matter. Only one pair of eyes means anything to Yuuki, and so long as Masuto is looking in her direction, she’s happy. His stare fuels her, revitalizes her, gives her strength in a way nothing ever has. She’s always been a little slutty, sure… but she’s never been quite so public about her perversion before. There were rumors about her around school, but she wasn’t like… the school slut or anything.

She never would be either. She’d be Masuto’s slut from now on, so long as he’d have her. The desire to be with the boy fills Yuuki with purpose and satisfaction. As she sprints around the track and slowly loses more and more of her ‘uniform’, the orange-haired girl finds herself imagining Masuto’s hand atop her head, petting her, patting her as if to affirm she’s been a good girl.

The image is only there for a split second, and Yuuki has no idea where it’s come from… but it is there. And fuck if it isn’t hot. Everything about this is so damn hot. Her pussy clenches along the length of the vibrating dildo, and her tits bounce and jiggle in the open air as more and more of the body paint drips off of her and onto the ground. Both her breasts and her tape-covered cunt are almost on full display now, the rest of her body covered in a sheen of sweat.

That’s how she looks when training finally comes to an end, and while part of her wants to show that to everyone on the team, right then and there, a larger part of her doesn’t like the idea of anyone but Masuto looking at her. That doesn’t stop more than a few boys from staring, but Yuuki finds herself ignoring them, even as she walks off of the track and towards the stands.

Masuto is waiting for her behind the stands. As soon as she’s out of eyesight of the rest of the track team, Yuuki stops holding back. A massive string of orgasms wracks her body as she falls to her knees right then and there. A loud, long wanton moan escapes her throat, even as her breasts shake up and down from the spasms her body is being forced through.

The young prodigy approaches. He smirks as he walks up, and when he bends down she does nothing to stop him from tearing the tape off of her cunt, or from ripping the dildo right out of her cunt. Part of her thinks he might fuck her then and there, and she’s ready to spin around and drop down to her face at a moment’s notice, presenting her ready and waiting cunt for him to fuck.

But Masuto gives no such order. Instead, the boy tucks the dildo away and reaches out with both hands, grabbing hold of Yuuki’s nipples, only to quite viciously pinch and pull them as well as her forward. His mouth covers her own, and the boy genius kisses her deeply, even as Yuuki completely and utterly loses it.

Most of her subsequent scream of pleasure is thankfully muffled by Masuto’s domineering, tongue-filled kiss, even as her eyes roll back in her head from one last insane orgasm. She knows how she looks in that moment, even as he pulls back from her. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth and she ahegaos right then and there, her entire body shaking and spasming.

He hasn’t even fucked her. That’s the thought that keeps going through her mind, even as he finally releases her nipples. Yuuki falls forward, panting for breath but altogether failing to catch it. As she slowly but surely recovers, Masuto reaches down and grabs a handful of her wild, untamed hair. He tugs her head back and smiles at her pleasantly… but the predatory hunger in his eyes is still there, and that’s what Yuuki finds herself fixating on.

“You did well pet. I expect you to meet me after school tomorrow in my home room after final bell. Do you understand? Wait until everyone’s left… and I’ll finally give you what you desire.”

Yuuki shudders at his tone, biting her lower lip and nodding her head. Gone is the girl who would have asked ‘what she desired’. In just a single day, Masuto has broken her down into this… this woman who would do anything to be with him. As he turns and walks away, Yuuki carefully and slowly climbs to her feet. She stumbles, but eventually manages to right herself, sneaking into the girl’s locker room and heading back to the shower before any of her female teammates can discover her condition.

Needless to say, she can hardly wait for tomorrow.


Yuuki struggles to get through the day. Hell, she’d barely slept the night before, and it was only after placing three fingers deep inside of her cunt, trapping her arm between her legs, that she was able to drift off to the idea that it was Masuto impaling her, even if she knew he was much, MUCH bigger than that.

Regardless, the poor girl ends up going to the bathroom to masturbate more than five times before the school day finally comes to an end, and several of her boy toys get the cold shoulder at the same time, left in the dark as Yuuki outright rejects overture after overture for her affection. Not even a kiss, or a hug, or a damn handjob or blowjob. Yuuki doesn’t do those things anymore, save for one man. And it’s not because she’s become some sort of pure, precious girl… but more because she’s finally found someone to devote herself and all of her perverse desires to.

Masuto… Yuuki can’t help but feel antsy as she approaches the young prodigy’s home room, long after everyone else has gone home. The room is dark when she steps inside, and seemingly empty… but when she flicks on the light, she finds Masuto lounging in the teacher’s comfortable chair, his feet up on the teacher’s desk and his eyes closed.

They snap open as she approaches though, and Yuuki freezes under his gaze, even as Masuto’s lips curl into a wicked grin.

“It’s good that you came. I would hate to have had to drag you to my web under my own power, little fly.”

Yuuki’s blush is near-incandescent as she swallows nervously and averts her gaze. Biting her lower lip, the suddenly shy girl takes another step forward, wringing her hands in front of herself.

“A-and what c-curious things do you have to show me, Mr. Spider?”

She knows she’s acting uncharacteristically… but Masuto brings out another side of her that Yuuki never new existed. She wants him… and she needs him to want her in turn. As the grin on Masuto’s face widens further, the orange-haired girl shudders, her legs wobbling together as she quite nearly cums on the spot. When he stands up and reaches under the teacher’s desk to pull out a collar and a leash, she DOES cum, eyes going wide and legs giving out from under her as she falls to her knees, orgasming on the spot.

“So you like them then.”

It’s less a question and more an amused statement, but Yuuki still nods, even as a whimper escapes her throat. Masuto chuckles darkly and steps forward, holding out the hot pink collar emblazoned with her name… and a damn bell. It’s humiliating and degrading, and absolutely horrifying… or it would be, if Yuuki hadn’t thrown away her pride the day she’d discovered just how hung and domineering the young boy was.

Reaching up, Yuuki pulls back her hair and exposes her neck. Masuto nods approvingly and leans in, wrapping the collar around her neck and fastening it into place. The interior of the collar is soft and velvety, while the outside is leather, marking her as the animal… the bitch that she is. The bell jingles a bit, as Yuuki cranes her neck trying to look at the damn thing, but when Masuto approaches again with the leash, she goes still and allows him to clip it on her. Once that’s done and he has her firmly in hand, the boy genius steps back and smiles at her, looking her up and down.

Yuuki bites her lower lip at that, jutting out her chest to try and attract more positive attention.

“Mm… it’s missing something. Strip naked for me.”

Her blush only grows deeper in color, but she obeys nonetheless. Her school uniform and her underwear come off once more, and get stuffed into her book bag. Masuto tugs at her leash, even as he easily carries both of their book bags over one shoulder, and Yuuki allows him to lead her towards the door to the classroom.

“You’ll be walking me home today pet. Or rather, I suppose I’m walking you, aren’t I?”

It doesn’t feel right, speaking when she’s like this. Yuuki considers for a moment what she should do. Even if the question is rhetorical, she still wants to give him an answer, like a good bitch would. Finally, she comes to a decision, just as they’re getting to the end of the hall.


Masuto pauses at that, blinking and turning to glance down at her. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? As soon as he looks at her, Yuuki places her hands up beside her tits and looked up at him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, panting heavily. He stares and she does her best to act like the perfectly behaved mutt that he wanted. Finally, Masuto laughs and tugs on the leash again.

“Cute. Keep that up.”

And keep it up she does. Yuuki pants for most of the way home, or she tries to anyways. Crawling on all fours across the city towards Masuto’s home isn’t exactly comfortable, but Yuuki is so far beyond comfort and discomfort by this point. All that matters to her is making the young prodigy happy with her. She needs to him love her, needs him to OWN her. And now he does, right? With a collar emblazoned with her name, and a leash held in his hands, she is nothing more than his loyal pet, and he is her caring owner.

That’s the fantasy that Yuuki creates in her head as she crawls along beside the boy who’s so thoroughly debased and degraded her. He’s turned her into nothing more than an animal, and Yuuki can’t help but leak from her pussy at that realization. Her cunt juices flow down her inner legs as she pants and barks and everything to keep up the charade, to show him that she’s dedicated to being his adoring pet.

As they walk to Masuto’s home, the sun has already set and it’s the twilight between true nighttime and true daytime. The streetlights haven’t quite caught up with things yet, and aren’t on. They can barely see their way down the sidewalk, but in the end, that works out in their favor, as they have more than one close call with random strangers on the road.

Yuuki finds that she doesn’t really care that much about whether or not people see her at this point. She’s where she belongs, so does it really matter how others view her, when she knows exactly where she stands with Masuto? Or, as the case now, was, where she knelt, heh. Regardless, they make it to the boy genius’ place without any major incident, and as they arrive, the front door opens much to Yuuki’s surprise.

A sigh that she wasn’t quite expecting greets her as she and Masuto are ushered inside, and the orange-haired girl forgets her dog-like act for a moment to stare at Saeko Busujima wearing nothing but an apron that says ‘Fuck the Cook!’ on it.

“Dinner is ready Master.”

Saeko bows low to Masuto, and the young prodigy smirks, even as he looks to Yuuki. Blushing at the sudden attention, Yuuki averts her gaze and lowers her head, shaken from the arousing mental images of her new Master breaking and fucking the kendo mistress.

“You’ll be eating dinner with us tonight pet. Come along.”

She does as she’s bade, crawling along from the foyer to the dining room with her leash still in Masuto’s hand. The table is laden with food, but Yuuki finds herself led up to a dog bowl with her named etched into the side, sitting right beside Masuto’s chair. Surprisingly, she feels nothing but warmth in her heart as she stares at the bowl. This… this is perfect. It’s everything she never knew she needed.

As Masuto ties her leash off to one of his chair legs and then begins to place some of the food from the table into her bowl, Yuuki sits back on her ‘haunches’ and happily waits, licking her lips hungrily as she anticipates getting to eat like a true bitch, on her hands and knees with nothing but her mouth. Eventually, Masuto is done and the bowl is filled to the brim. He sits and begins to make himself a plate, but it’s only when he glances down at her and nods his head that Yuuki barks once more and then proceeds to dig in.

She happily eats from the bowl, tearing into the delicious meal that Saeko has cooked for them. All throughout dinner, Masuto continually reaches down and runs his hands over her body, leading Yuuki to lower her face into her bowl permanently, at the same time raising her hips up into the air so his touching would be focused on her fat ass and her sopping wet cunt.

It works, though it does so a bit to her detriment. Masuto is methodical in teasing her, playing with her relentlessly but never quite bringing her over the edge. Time and time again Yuuki lifts her hips up a bit higher in anticipation of an impending orgasm, and time and time again, Masuto draws back, dialing it down and keeping her from that final release.

Yuuki whines more than once in protest, but that just gets her a stern warning and a smack on the rear each and every time. In the end, the girl-turned-bitch simply kneels there and takes it, eating from her food bowl and waiting for what is sure to come next. Finally, dinner ends and Masuto takes a thick cloth napkin to Yuuki’s face, cleaning her up before standing and untying her leash from the chair.

There are no words exchanged by any of them. Just a simple silent understanding. Saeko rises as well and begins to collect the dishes in order to clean them, while Yuuki happily follows Masuto from the dining room down the hall into what she can only assume is the master bedroom. The young prodigy brings her all the way to his bed, where he sits down and looks at her, lifting a single brow.

Yuuki immediately lets her tongue lull out of her mouth, and she ‘jumps’ up onto his lap, rising partially into the air to place her hands ontop of his legs as she in truth remains kneeling before him. Masuto chuckles in amusement at her antics, and runs his fingers through her orange hair for a moment, before ultimately tightening his grip and tugging her head to the side. She whines, but he shakes his head at her in response.

“No. No more of that for now pet. Cut the act, if only for a moment. I think we both know you have something to say to me. Once you say it, then we can begin in earnest.”

None of this was in EARNEST? Yuuki only grows more aroused at the thought that there’s more. But then, of course there’s more, right? He still hasn’t fucked her. Hell, she hasn’t even touched his cock yet. She so desperately wants to, but she also knows exactly what he wants from her right now. Licking her lips to get them wet, Yuuki shivers under Masuto’s domineering gaze, and bows her head as she speaks the words he wants to hear.

“P-Please Master… please fuck your worthless little bitch with your big, hard cock. Pound me until the end of my days, use me up, abuse me to your heart’s content! I swear my loyalty to you Master, I swear my allegiance to your cause, whatever it might be! Conquer me, dominate me, OWN me! PLEASE!”

Her heartfelt plea ends with her panting heavily, not acting like a dog, but simply a little out of breath from the exertion of shouting her desires to Masuto. The young boy in turn stares at her for a moment, his face emotionless. Then, much to Yuuki’s joy, he glances down at his crotch.

“Well? Get to work.”

No acknowledgement of her pledge, no acceptance of her loyalty. But then, he was her Master, her owner… and she was nothing but his pet bitch. She didn’t deserve acknowledgement, not unless she fucking earned it. And earn it she would. Grinning lewdly, Yuuki immediately goes for Masuto’s belt, unbuckling it in record time and pulling his zipper down. His pants come away and his boxers go next with a little help from the boy, and then his half-hard cock is springing up into her face and all Yuuki can do is moan happily as she finally places her hands on his shaft, rubbing her cheek up and down his length.

His meat stick pulsates and throbs in her grasp, and Yuuki soon feels him growing harder and harder, even as she opens her mouth wide, her tongue tracing out to circle around the tip of his thickening cock. She places him in between her lips, and then begins to bob up and down, putting every bit of practice she had with blowjobs before him to use in that moment.

Of course, Masuto was much bigger than any boy she’d ever sucked off before this. His cock was thick and meaty and all around delicious, and it was all Yuuki could do to fit the girthy thing in between her stretched lips. In no time at all, she finds herself hitting the back of her throat each time she takes him into her mouth, and as Yuuki looks down the length of his cock and realizes that she only has a few inches of him inside of her, her eyes widen in dismay.

Then, his hands grip her hair tightly and Masuto begins to pull, and Yuuki experiences her first face-fucking as the young prodigy whose so thoroughly conquered her thrusts in and out of her unsuspecting throat.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

He throat-fucks her right then and there, and Yuuki just takes it, surprised but loving every single moment of the experience. Her hands grip tightly at the tops of Masuto’s legs, and drool quickly collects on her chin as involuntary tears leave her eyes. She’d worn makeup today, hoping to impress the boy currently railing into her throat. Yuuki wasn’t sure it’d had any effect, but it was running now, along with her mascara, making an utter ruin of her poor face.

Masuto pounds into her esophagus long and hard, his meaty member sliding in and out of her spasming throat time and time again. He’s using her as nothing more than an onahole, and if Yuuki is being honest with herself, which at this point, she completely is, it’s the most arousing thing she’s ever experienced. Simply kneeling there, being abused like she’s nothing but an animal… it’s wonderful.

She was already dripping wet, but now she’s practically gushing, even as that elusive orgasm remains out of her reach. She could reach down between her legs and finger herself to completion with Masuto fucks her throat, but Yuuki feels like that would be cheating, and may very well invite punishment from her young Master. No, it’s up to him when she gets to touch herself, or when she gets to cum. It’s all his decision now, now that she’s given herself over to him, completely and utterly.

With saliva and drool by the bucket loads dripping down onto her chest, Yuuki’s eyelids begin to flutter shut from lack of air, Masuto’s huge dick pounding into her gullet time and time again, and not giving her much room for oxygen. Her nostrils flare desperately, but her nose spends half it’s time buried in Masuto’s crotch at this point, his balls smacking into her slobber-covered chin repeatedly as he pistons in and out of her mouth.

She’s in real danger of losing consciousness… and the thought of that happening, of her new Master actually fucking her until she passes out from the force of it… well, it arouses her all the more in the end. Unfortunately, that doesn’t come to pass, even as hot as Yuuki thinks it would be. Instead, Masuto abruptly cums, his white hot seed filling her throat and ultimately coming back up as she chokes on the sheer volume of the sticky substance he tries to force down there.

His cum erupts from her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, and Yuuki’s eyes promptly roll back in her head from the sheer pleasure of being so thoroughly trashed. By the time he pulls out of her throat, she’s completely wrecked, her face covered in his seed and her drool, streaked with her ruined makeup, and her mouth filled with a boatload of Masuto’s cum, which she makes a show of gargling for him, before ultimately she swallows the lion’s share of the delicious ejaculate.

He watches all of this, even as Yuuki looks up at him with a dazed, glazed over look on her face.

“Assume the position.”

It’s a simple command, and it’s only because of his tone and the fact that it’s from him in the first place that his words pierce the thick fog of lust and arousal drifting over Yuuki’s thoughts. She immediately knows what to do, spinning away from him and prostrating herself on the floor before him. With her forearms laid out before her, Yuuki presses her forehead into her hands and lifts her hips at the same exact time.

Thanks to his short stature, this lines her sopping wet cunt up with her young master’s throbbing cock perfectly, and she’s rewarded for her swift obedience quite quickly when he reaches out and grabs her fat ass cheeks, gripping and groping and kneading them harshly with both of his hands. His fingers dig into her flesh, and his cockhead presses against her needy slit.

It’s the moment that Yuuki has been waiting for. All this time, ever since that fateful day on the roof. She’s wanted him inside of her, even if she hadn’t fully understood that from the very beginning. And as Masuto thrusts forward with a grunt, piercing her hymen and burying himself in her cunt… it’s everything Yuuki thought it would be, and more.

The keyed-up girl barely feels the discomfort of losing her virginity, thanks to just how much teasing Masuto has subjected her to over the last couple of hours. His cock stretches her cunt out, but a moment later it’s squeezing down on him tighter than ever before as Yuuki cums on the spot, orgasming so hard it feels like her brains are dripping out of her ears.

Masuto isn’t at all slow about things. Once he’s inside of her, he quickly begins to thrust away, even as he mauls her fat ass to his heart’s content. He’s fucking her right then and there, face down, ass up. In mere moments, Yuuki is delirious, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth. She knows she looks like a complete and utter whore… but then, that’s probably where she would have ended up anyways, without Masuto’s… ‘direction’.

The plans she’d had, of giving up her virginity to some wealthy businessman, or selling a live viewing of her deflowerment online to thousands of viewers… they seem so foolish now, so immature in hindsight. But then, she’d not known just who and what Masuto was. She had no idea of knowing what he’d become to her. He was her everything, her light, her sun. He was her Master and her Owner, and only now did Yuuki truly understand that she’d been looking for someone to take her in hand and show her the way all her life.

As Masuto fucks her senseless right there on his bedroom floor, Yuuki happily accepts all of his cock inside of herself, even as he batters down the entrance of her womb, filling that most sacred of places with his thick, bulbous member. He plows her long and hard, and she cums again and again and again from the experience. Her pussy squeezes down on his cock, tightening around his member repeatedly, doing its level best to milk him for every last drop of his seed.

But Masuto had just cum, deep inside of her throat, the remnants of his release still all over her ahegao’d face. His second release was far off, and by the time it finally arrived, Yuuki was truly gone, her mind temporarily broken by the sheer pleasure of Masuto’s cock. His seed fills the womb of a fucked-silly ragdoll, and Yuuki simply kneels there, face down as his white hot cum paints her inner walls.

They’re far from done though, and Yuuki ends up recovering later on while Masuto is fucking her on his bed in an entirely different position. The fuck-fest continues well into the night, and Saeko eventually joins them in making sure Yuuki learns her place at their Master’s feet. In the end, all three fall asleep in a pile, with Masuto in the middle and the two beautiful young women on either side of him, their naked bodies covered in his cum and their sweat.

Yuuki has never been happier. She finally knows where she belongs.


There’s a smile on Masuto’s face, even as he wraps his arms around two lovely ladies. Saeko and Yuuki are now Masuto’s permanent ‘escorts’ to school, as Saya can’t just drop everything to go live with him like Yuuki already has. The orange-haired girl was easily broken, and now she’s wearing a choker around her neck, the inside of it emblazoned with the words ‘Property of Masuto’ for her to have on out in public.

Neither Yuuki nor Saeko are wearing undergarments of course, and that much is more than enough to bring a smile to Masuto’s face alone, even as he slips his hands under their skirts, groping their bare-naked bottoms, much to the duo’s delight. All is good, and Masuto has yet another delightful young woman under his control. He’s far from done though. So many tasty treats waiting for him in Fujimi High School. How could he possibly let any of them escape his grasp?

Speaking of which… Masuto’s smile turns into a wicked, evil grin as he realizes what day it is. Today is a Health Check Up day for him. Which means he’ll soon be meeting the voluptuous school nurse, Shizuka Marikawa. Masuto had done his research on the blonde nurse. The woman was, to put it bluntly, a ditz. She would be easy to bend to his will, in the end… but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with it. After all, Saeko, Saya, and Yuuki most of all… they’d all been easy enough to bend and to break.

And he’d certainly had fun with each of them. Now though, Masuto was going to turn his eyes towards a slightly older bit of prey. Shizuka Marikawa… the busty nurse truly wouldn’t know what hit her 


Zephyr Ahriman

Sorry to bother, but I can't seem to find the other parts of this story...

Zax (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 04:45:57 What happened to part 1 & 2?
2020-05-30 02:54:11 What happened to part 1 & 2?

What happened to part 1 & 2?


That entire story can be found here on QQ. You will need an account to view it though. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-prodigy-highschool-of-the-dead.6813/


Loving it can't wait for the next one

Berserk A Lac

You should make Shizuka be some hidden sadist, who has a harem out of students and teachers.