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Here are the results for this week's poll! Man, we almost had a fricking TIE @.@

First however, I just want to remind everyone that you can now send me prompts for next week's poll! I currently have THREE Guaranteed Prompts for Monday's poll! If I get five guaranteed prompts, I'll post the poll early again. If not, I'll go ahead and use any suggestions I get to fill in the rest of the poll.

That said, if you still have a guaranteed prompt or you just want to suggest a prompt for the next poll, PLEASE send them to me in a Private Message on either this website or Questionable Questing!  As usual its first come, first serve! Any extra guaranteed prompts beyond the first five I get WILL show up in later weeks!

Thank you and here's the poll results! I'm glad that I give people extra votes for higher tiers haha, because the percentages actually showed a straight up 39/39 split!

1. DC Comics: 26 votes!

2. Monster Musume: 26 votes!

3. Doki Doki Literature Club!: 30 votes!

4. Star Wars: 202 votes!

5. RWBY: 191 votes!

So without further ado, the winner of this week's poll and tomorrow Patreon Post will be:

4. Star Wars - Female Jedi Masters/Male Jedi Padawns - Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, and Ayala Secura survive Order 66, while Obi-Wan and Yoda sacrifice themselves while ending the threat to the Sith once and for all. The Empire crumbles and the Republic rises from it's ashes... but the Jedi are in dire need of new blood. Taking children from their families didn't work out very well in the end. So the now all-female Jedi Council decides to MAKE their own. Families, that is. Themes: Consensual, Orgy, Breeding, Loving. 


Cypher Three

Hey, now Barriss has something useful she can do in her cell.