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Themes: Consensual, Loving, Transformation, Jog Fuck

Word Count: 4,424

Summary: Revisiting our lovely "Average Brockton Bay Couple" to see just how they're doing with all the changes. William and Joyce, just trying to live their lives~


An alarm sounds and William startles as he opens his eyes and sits up from the chair he was lounging back in. The dog-morph blinks as the bright light overhead nearly blinds him, but by the time a familiar voice comes over the intercom, he’s cognizant enough to understand what’s being said to him.

“Alright William, that’s all for the day. Proceed through the door on your right and an attendant will lead you to the shower. Your wife will join you on the way, as usual.”

A slight smile spreads across his face at the thought of Joyce, and then he remembers exactly why they have to take showers together after each day of medical trials at Medhall. A very quiet canine whimper manages to escape William’s throat, but it’s stifled by the time the door slides open and he steps out to meet the woman dressed in all white waiting on the other side. The attendant is all smiles as she begins to lead him down the hall towards his next destination.

“You did well today William. Yours and your wife’s compensation has been deposited into your joint account as usual. We’ll see you again in about three days, right?”

Nodding, the dog-morph gives a momentary smile in return. There’s always something a bit fake about the attendants that guide him around, but hey, he would hate to be rude.

“Yep! That’s when Joyce and I will be back in.”

“Very good, very good. Well, right through here, your wife will be right on the other side of this door.”

William gives the attendant one last nod to be polite, and then steps on through. As expected, Joyce is indeed already in the private locker room. The female cat-morph stares at the shower on the far wall in trepidation, only reacting when he walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, his nose nuzzling into her neck and breathing in her scent.

“Hey… missed you.”

A shudder runs through his wife’s body, and her tail flicks at him a little before she lets out a sigh and melts into his embrace. Joyce hated getting wet these days, which was the primary reason that Medhall had the two of them meet up after their medical trials, every time they came around. Essentially, Joyce struggled with water unless she actually felt dirty… or unless she was distracted.

That was where William came in. Slowly, his hands work at the ties on the side of Joyce’s hospital gown. The cat-morph doesn’t resist, instead she shrugs her shoulder in order to let the gown slip off of her body. Her lightly furred, naked form is abruptly on full display, and William can’t help the slight growl of delight that bubbles up in his throat at the sight of her, nude in front of him.

Smirking, Joyce turns around to face him, and his hands instinctively go to her waist, even as she wraps her arms around his neck.

“Hello lover…”

“Mm, hey yourself…”

They lean in as one and kiss as one as well, their tongues almost immediately sliding out to wrestle with one another as they makeout right there in the middle of the room. Eventually, Joyce’s fingers work at the ties on William’s own gown, and soon enough the rather thin garment is fluttering to the ground as well, slipping off of his body. Both of them look far different than they did, months before.

Not just because of their partial animal transformations. Yes, William is a dog-morph and Joyce is a cat-morph… but they’ve been seeing other quality-of-life improvements since they began Medhall’s trials as well. They were both slimming down a bit, and gaining muscle tone at the same time. It was more apparent in William of course, as his body had grown a bit muscular, his broad shoulders now filled out and his pecs standing out on his chest.

Joyce on the other hand, had a bit of a four-pack going with her tummy, but the weight-loss didn’t seem to affect her breasts, ass, or hips no matter what she did. As a result, she was still fairly curvy, even if her biceps were bigger than they’d ever been before. Grinning, William slides his hands from Joyce’s wide hips to behind her, slipping forward at the same time. His cock, half-unsheathed, pressed against her navel as he gropes her delicious bubble butt.

A moan escapes his beloved wife’s lips, but William silences it with a kiss, even as he slowly begins to walk her back towards the shower. A light spray of warm water comes out of the faucet, activated by the motion sensors inlayed in the high-tech shower, even as William pushes Joyce under the water. The cat-morph tenses for a moment, but her husband’s fingers are massaging her shapely behind, and his tongue is wrestling with her own inside of her mouth.

After a moment, Joyce does relax, just like William knew she would. His lovely wife allows the water to get all over her, wetting her fur even as it wets his own. Smiling slightly, he finally pulls back in order to run his fingers through the top of her head, right between her cat ears, which twitch as their eyes meet beneath the steamy spray.

“Such a good girl. My good girl.”

A purr builds in Joyce’s throat, even as she blushes and averts her eyes. The purr is completely involuntary, and William can’t help but provoke it, absolutely loving the way she instinctively expresses her love for him. From that point on, he continues to speak to her in a sweet, cooing voice, and she rests against him as he uses the shampoo provided by Medhall to clean both of them from top to bottom.

The whole process takes a nice long while, but William doesn’t mind at all. It’s not like they’re being timed, and Medhall isn’t going to garnish their wages for overuse of water. In the end, he gets his wife cleaned up, he gets himself cleaned up, and then he gets them both dried off as he leads Joyce out of the shower and to the other side, where towels and lockers with their clothes await them.

The couple towel off and then get dressed, and William doesn’t fail to notice the wince from Joyce, as she stuffs her tail through the hastily cut out hole in the back of her old jeans. It’s not much easier to fit into his own clothes, and reminded of that particularly vexing thing about their new lives, William pauses for a moment to do some quick mental maths. In the end, he grins and grabs Joyce by the arm before she can begin making her way towards the exit.

“Hey… after today, we have enough money saved up. Should I call that rogue cape we found? Parian?”

Joyce blinks at that, and then her eyes light up with excitement.

“Do we truly? Yes! A thousand times yes!”

William laughs, and the pair exit the locker room much more excited and happy than before, what with their first stop of the day planned out. Right outside the locker room door, one of the project leaders awaits them, clipboard in hand and a smile on his aging face.

“Greetings you two. You’re looking lively. That’s very good. Now, just a few questions, and we’ll be on our way. First, how are you both feeling?”

William is feeling wonderful, and he tells the doctor as much. Joyce does the same. What follows is more questions of a similar vein, some specific and some fairly vague. The doctor checks off things on his little sheet, as he’s done many times before, and eventually the questions come to an end and William and Joyce are fully discharged from Medhall’s care once more.

Right before they can fully leave however, the balding man stops them both.

“Ah, William. I wanted to let you know, since we had a bit of a break-through discover that concerns you.”

Blinking, the dog-morph turns and lifts a single brow questioningly.

“Yes, you see… people like you and your wife, people who are altering themselves with these fruits and vegetables and what not… it turns out that you’re not just changing yourselves into generic part dogs and part cats and part whatever else. There are breeds to these things, though we haven’t yet been able to find a rhyme or reason. No telling exactly what breed you’ll get until after you’ve eaten a ‘whisker fruit’ or a ‘canine pepper’.”

The doctor pauses as if thinking on something else, and then he chuckles and continues.

“Regardless, you, my dear boy, have the honor of being part wolf, not simply part dog. You’re specifically a grey wolf, or as they’re also called, a timber wolf. Thought you’d like to know.”

Blinking slowly, William processes this for a moment, and then smiles. That’s… nice. Very nice. It certainly explains some of the instincts he’s had since he became like this. He certainly didn’t think most domesticated dogs would be so very… aggressive, when it came to their territory… and their mate. Glancing to Joyce, he sees his wife looking contemplative and nodding, as if it all makes sense to her now. Ah, but looking at her brings up a question.

“Do you know what breed Joyce is yet?”

Here, the old man smiles apologetically.

“Not quite. The breakthrough is quite recent, to be fair. But when we do find out, and truthfully, it’s only a matter of time now, I’ll be sure to pass the information along to you two. You have a good day now.”

Nodding, they both say their goodbyes to the personable doctor, and they leave Medhall behind. Only once they’re outside do the two of them stop. William meets Joyce’s eyes with a grin, and she grins right back as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials the number for the rogue cape they’d found through research a while back. Finally, they were going to get some decent clothes!


This was actually the first job of it’s kind for Parian… but money was a little stretched and she imagined she’d be taking a lot of jobs like it in the future, if this worked out for the best.

“So… you each want a full wardrobe designed to fit your new bodies? Um, first I have to ask, what are the chances of you both altering yourselves further?”

The dog-morph, or wolf-morph as he’d proudly proclaimed to her, and his wife, the cat-morph, glance at one another in silent conversation for a moment. Then, William looks back and speaks for both of them, a smile on his face as he shrugs.

“Won’t lie, the chances aren’t nothing! Think you could do anything about that, maybe use some sort of elastic but comfortable material? If not… well, we can always come back and give you more business, worst comes to worst. Medhall is paying big money these days for help from people like us.”

She’d heard about that, through the grapevine. Much of Brockton Bay was trying to carry on as normal… but when ‘normal’ involved gangs terrorizing citizens and nightly fights between capes, ‘normal’ wasn’t what a lot of people wanted. More and more of the city’s citizens were looking for a better way, and this new store on the Boardwalk was proving to have all the answers so far, or so it seemed. Regardless, Parian was tentatively hopeful that the changes happening in her hometown wouldn’t prove disastrous. 

For the time being at least, the gangs had quieted down and were busy with other things. E88 activity had dropped to nothing more than defending their territory, rather than aggressively pushing outwards in all directions. The Merchants were pissed about the new store and its ‘drugs’ muscling in on their turf, but ultimately they were a bunch of yapping dogs with no legs to stand on. And Lung… Lung had taken the ABB and the transformations many of his members had gotten to go partially legal. 

As far as Parian knew, the rage dragon wasn’t so ragey at the moment, instead using the ABB to attract tourists to the Asian shops in town by promising service with cat girl and kitsune wait staff. ABB territory was quickly becoming a lot less like a gang’s stomping grounds and a lot more like the numerous ‘Chinatowns’ found in almost every major city in the world. Brockton Bay had never had one… they’d had the ABB instead. But now, the ABB was making its own, making a sort of ‘Asiantown’ that had the Asian community in the Bay prospering for the time being.

… Until someone fucked with Lung and he ended up burning it all down in a fit of rage. Or maybe that was just Parian’s dark thoughts. Realizing she’d let herself get a little distracted by said thoughts, the rogue cape turns her attention back to the matter at hand, eyeing both of her new customers up and down.

“I’ll need you to strip down to your underwear so I can take measurements.”

“A-Ah… we’ll be wanting underwear as well.”

That comes from the cat lady, said with a light blush. Parian is immediately thankful for her mask, because she knows she’s blushing a whole lot harder as she stiffens momentarily. But only momentarily. The young woman weighs the big meal ticket at the end of this sale with her own embarrassment, and the big meal ticket wins, straight out.

“Very well. Everything comes off then.”

The married couple seems a little uncomfortable stripping naked in front of her. In the end, that’s very good, because it makes it easier for Parian to get over her own discomfort. Eventually, it even becomes a little fun, getting to play dress up with a real, live cat girl. Joyce is a cutie too, which sort of helps and sort of doesn’t, but in the end Parian manages to keep everything professional, focusing on the service she’s providing, even as she takes measurements with her power and begins to get an idea of just what she’ll be making for the couple in her head.

The next few hours are spent in a frenzy, as Parian’s power allows her to do what a normal seamstress might takes weeks, or even months to accomplish. By the time she’s done, the wolf-morph is dressed in a really nice, casual get up with a material that stretches but doesn’t scratch at his fur. Meanwhile, the cat-morph is wearing a dress and looking a little uncomfortable in it. But Parian had worn her down, along with her husband’s help, and in the end the young woman had agreed that it was probably time to give up on the pants-dream, for the sake of her poor tail and fur.

The two of them look nice, and Parian is quite satisfied with her work, even as she uses her power to pack the rest of their new clothing away inside some bags for them to carry, undergarments and all. Once all is said and done, the wolf-morph, William pulls out a card and Parian pulls out a handheld chip reader, hooked up to her phone. Using the smartphone as an interface, she’s able to let him swipe his card, and moments later the substantial payment is out of his personal account and into her business account.

As she sees the full amount successfully transferred to her, Parian can’t help but let out a sigh of relief, hidden thankfully behind her mask. All the two satisfied customers get from her is a curtsy and a bow of her head.

“It was a pleasure doing business with you both. If you ever have need of me again, just call.”

William bows slightly, and Joyce does her best to mimic Parian’s curtsy, though it’s obvious the cat-morph isn’t used to wearing a dress, or performing the action.

“We uh… yeah, pleasure for us as well. You made this super painless, thanks. Really wasn’t sure what to expect from a cape clothier, but you’re not like the others, are you? You’re one of the good ones.”

That fills Parian’s heart with a bit of pride and a whole lot of satisfaction, and there’s a smile spread across her face beneath her mask as she cocks her head to the side and lets out an airy sort of giggle.

“I try.”

William chuckles in response, and the married couple depart in high spirits, bags of clothing in hand. Parian watches them go, feeling like she’s accomplished something surprisingly meaningful. There’s an idea now, percolating in the back of her mind. These… animal people, for lack of a better word… they’d need clothing, going forward. No major fashion designer or wholesaler was going to sell to them, mostly because there was no real fashion designer in Brockton Bay.

Except… for her? Maybe? Biting her lower lip, Sabah reaches up and removes her mask, now that she’s alone with her thoughts. She looks down at Parian’s face, her cape persona… and she considers things. Just where is she going to take all of this? And how far can she truly go?


As soon as William and Joyce are back in the apartment, the clothes that Parian had made for them are off and discarded. However, unlike with their old garments, with holes cut through them and the like, these clothes are folded up and put away nicely as the married couple happily goes nude in the privacy of their own home. 

First order of business, after all of the outfits that they’d bought from the cape clothier are put away, is eating. They’d stopped off at one of the Asian places in the ABB’s territory that advertised as catering to animal-morphs. Given they were now furry, neither really registered as Caucasian, and thanks to Lung, people like they were actually held in high esteem in ABB territory.

It was definitely better than trying to go through E88 territory. William didn’t know how Brockton Bay’s Neo Nazi gang was reacting to the whole transformation thing and lack of purity, but he really didn’t want to find out. The Empire had pulled back and was mostly defending their own territory, but that didn’t mean you walked into the dragon’s cave to tickle it while it slept.

No, as amusing as it was, considering they’d both started out as white as they came, William knew that he and his wife were safer in the newly growing Asian/Animal-Morph community than they were on their old routes home. Luckily, their apartment didn’t rest within E88 territory, and he’d hopefully never have to find out exactly what the E88 thought about his or his wife’s ‘impurity’.

After they’ve chowed down on the Chinese takeout, Joyce moves over to the bed, while William finds himself beginning to pace. This has, in a way, become their nightly routine as a matter of fact. Joyce has a heated blanket that she’d bought from the store, and there’s nothing the cat-morph loves more than to curl up on top of it and clean herself with her tongue each day.

Meanwhile, William was beginning to wear a damn divot in the floor with his pacing, something he did each and every night without fail. It wasn’t so much worry, or stress, or nervousness that had him pacing… it was simply a wolf’s instinct to always be moving, to always have the blood flowing at least somewhat.

In all honestly, there isn’t too much to worry or stress about anymore. Their lives have improved by leaps and bounds since Medhall had picked him and his wife out for the medical trials. They were both making a helluva lot more money than he’d been making before, and while the majority of their latest ‘paycheck’ had gone towards new clothes, the next payday could very well see them moving into a new, nicer placer in a better part of town.

That definitely appealed to William. He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a bit of a dream of owning an actual house. Maybe with a yard to, so he could get more exercise. Hm, even a farm, though that would take them out of the city into the outskirts and the rural areas that surrounded Brockton Bay. It wasn’t a bad idea though, but then, William liked to think he didn’t have many bad ideas anymore. 

Perhaps it was the wolf-instincts talking, but the young man was definitely more confident than before. His ego had certainly become a bit inflated by success after success. Still, was that not his prerogative? Was he not doing well, was he not providing for his mate? Thinking of Joyce causes him to glance over at the beautiful woman he’s married, and William stops for all of a second as he finds the cat-morph with her legs spread wide, her fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy as she stares at him with single-minded focus and hunger.

Her desire is obvious, but after a moment William simply continues to pace. If she wants him, she’ll ask for him. Right now, it’s obvious that Joyce is enjoying just watching and touching herself to the mere sight of him. That fills William with a fair bit of pride as well, a slight grin on his face as he glances over at his beloved wife more often, now that he knows what she’s doing.

Eventually, Joyce can’t take it anymore. But she doesn’t call him over, instead the cat girl flips over onto her hands and knees, crawling off the bed and onto the floor before heading over to him. William stills as she invades his personal space, and he stands there like a statute, even as Joyce crawls atop him like a cat crawling atop their owner. Only, she’s a lot bigger than a simple fucking housecat. Luckily, he’s also a lot stronger than a simple human now, and as her flexible form wraps around him as only a feline could, William’s hands slide down to Joyce’s furred bubble butt, and he lifts her until he feels the tip of his member press against her pussy lips.

A happy little whine escapes from his wife’s throat as he lets go of her for a moment, and watches her impale herself on his cock. Her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, it’s obvious that the cat-morph has found a new position to enjoy him with, even as she clings to him all while bouncing up and down on his member. Their eyes meet after a moment, and William sees the unspoken demand in them. He begins to pace again, easily carrying the new addition to his weight as he splits his focus between his beloved wife and their future together.

They’re bound for great things, William just knows it. Most important of all… he wants a family. Grunting, the thought leaves him gripping Joyce’s hips all over again as he begins to more actively participate in her bouncing herself up and down on his cock. His gait becomes a bit bow-legged as he thrusts up into her with every step of his member. In turn, Joyce cries out happily, moaning lewdly and rubbing her lightly furred breasts against his equally furry pecs.

The two of them make quite the sight, him a wolf-morph, pacing a fucking divot in their carpet, she a cat-morph, happily clinging to him as her pussy walls rhythmically clench and tighten around his throbbing cock. His hard, canine pecker presses against the entrance of her womb time and time again, and his sizable knot presses against the entrance of her cunt in the same way, growing thicker and harder as the bulbous thing sits at the base of his cock, just waiting for its chance to lock his seed inside of his mate.

To be fair, William can’t wait for it either. Even as Joyce cums around his member, her pussy walls tightening up all the faster, all the harder, the wolf-morph growls in pleasure, continuing his back and forth movement as he paces across their small apartment. She orgasms again and again along his pistoning length, and the milking sensations of her insides around his cock make it all the harder to hold back his own release.

Eventually, she simply milks his load from him, as she always does. Her pussy juices, flowing along his dick as they have been, make the passage of his knot inside of her all the easier. He pierces her womb with the tapered tip of his doggy dick, and the bulbous knot at the base of his cock pops up into her cunt, drawing a groan from his wife, even as he seeds her with a copious amount of white, hot cum.

When he’s done, William finally stops pacing for a moment, and just stands there in the center of their apartment, holding his beloved sweetheart in his arms. Joyce in turn clings to him just as tightly as before, and their foreheads come together as they look into each other’s eyes.

“I love you darling.”

“I love you too, with all my heart.”

They exchange smiles, and then William moves to the bed, turning around and flopping back on it as he takes Joyce with him. The cat-morph lets out a peal of laughter at the sudden movement, a loud moan escaping her throat as his knot is jostled around inside of her. She ends up on his chest, his member still embedded in her pussy, and her head resting atop his pecs. Reaching out, William runs a hand through his wife’s hair, listening as she almost immediately begins to purr.

The two lay like that for a time, until his knot softens and Joyce can begin to move again. And once she can, she most certainly does, riding him for quite a while, as they make love well into the night. After all, their next ‘work day’ isn’t for three more days at this point. They can afford to waste the night in each other’s arms, though personally William doesn’t see that as much of a waste at all.

In the end, they are the masters of their own fates now, and William has never been happier. Together, as a couple, as husband and wife… THEY will decide their destiny, their future. He can’t wait.


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