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A/N: And here's Chapters 5 and 6 of this story. First up...


Chapter 5: Yukari Sendo

Yukari Sendo opens the box almost reverently, eyes bright and smile wide as her face fills with delight upon seeing the item inside. Her order has finally arrived after so long. It’s certainly the most expensive thing she’s ever purchased, and the enchanted items she’d had to give up for it are in no way cheap or easily replaced.

… But it’s worth it. Staring down at her prize, the young witch can’t help but believe it’s worth it. After all, she’d known the moment she laid eyes on him that she’d do anything to be with Tsukune Aono. He was the love of her life, despite not even glancing twice in her direction. Yukari understood why that was though. She was a child, and he was a man. Her body underdeveloped, short, and skinny, just couldn’t compare with the vampire and the succubus that had managed to sink their claws into him.

But that was all about to change. Reaching into the box, Yukari ignores the small folded note off to the side and instead removes the dark magic artifact inside as slowly and as carefully as she can. There wasn’t any real danger of it necessarily breaking, but with a used item like this, you had to be careful. Yes, unfortunately she hadn’t been able to buy a pristine Monkey’s Paw. The item was rare enough and hard enough to acquire that even with all she’d given up, she’d only been able to get one with two wishes left.

And they couldn’t be anything overly special, as Yukari well knew. The more you asked of the Monkey’s Paw, the bigger the unintended consequences for yourself and those around you. Yukari had thought long and hard about the dangers, and she’d thought long and hard about the wish she wanted to make as well. That was why she wasn’t aiming to supplant the two girls that already spent every waking moment at Tsukune’s side. She wasn’t going to try and wish harm or bad fortune on Moka or Kurumu. Instead, she was going to use the wish on herself.

Grinning wickedly, the young witch rises from her knees, holding the Monkey’s Paw out in front of her with both small hands. One finger is already curled inwards, while two remain straight up. Two wishes… but she would only need the one, in the end.

“I wish that I was Tsukune Aono’s dream woman!”

She feels the change almost immediately as the dark magic in the Monkey’s Paw begins to take effect. Biting her lower lip, Yukari holds onto the artifact with all her strength, even as it begins to alter her to fit the specifications of her wish. Her fingers grow a little longer, and her hands a little bigger. The floor seems to be rapidly falling away from her, and Yukari almost loses her balance before realizing that it wasn’t the floor that was leaving, it was her that was rising.

Her shoes suddenly become very uncomfortable as her feet grow another couple sizes, and the aging witch has to swiftly kick them off, even as she continues to grow in all the right places. By the time the wish is done with it’s work, her clothes are straining to contain her new form, but nothing has torn, even as her brand-new bust threatens to spill out of her top, and her big, fat bubble butt slips out from the bottom of her too-short skirt.

She was older now, she could tell that much. Her wish, made both selfishly and in a way, selflessly, had gone far in changing her. Knowledge filled the busty, beautiful witch’s mind and just like that, Yukari knew how to snag Tsukune, how to get him to see her as a woman, as a prospective partner in bed. A wide, wicked grin on her face, the aged-up witch slowly lowers the Monkey’s Paw back into it’s box, her too-small panties straining against her fat bottom as she bends over.

Closing up the box, Yukari only straightens back up once it’s safely nestled away beneath her bed. Then, the witch puffs out her new chest and plants her fists on her hips as she grins the biggest grin she’s ever grinned. A moment later, she’s rushing out of the room, holding her wide-brimmed witch’s hat down on her head as she practically sprints away down the hall.

“It worked! It worked, it worked, it worked! Tsukune, here I come!”

So caught up in her joy as she is, Yukari doesn’t notice that there’s someone else close by when she leaves her room. She also forgets to lock her door. Is it any wonder that the one watching her decides to do a little… investigating?


Unconcerned with what’s happening behind her, Yukari Sendo focuses on what’s right in front of her as she makes a beeline for Tsukune’s dorm room. Of course she knows exactly where he lives. What sort of girl would she be if she didn’t keep tags on the love of her life? On her SOULMATE?! Regardless, it takes a few minutes, and she trips over her long new legs more than once, but in the end, a breathless Yukari skids to a stop outside of Tsukune’s room, and without wasting a moment, she knocks on the door.

“T-Tsukune! Tsukune, open up!”

There’s a moment of silence, and then the door opens and there’s the man himself, wearing nothing but a pair of hastily thrown on boxers. He blinks at her owlishly, taking in her slutty garb, her once perfectly fitted clothing now straining against her new body. She looks like a very whorish witch indeed… but Yukari wouldn’t have it any other way.

Dropping to her knees right then and there in the middle of the hall, the busty witch grabs at the top of her corset, and outright tears it down off of her breasts. The heaving mammaries flop out, unrestrained due to her not needing a bra before she’d made her wish. Tsukune’s eyes widen a little bit, and she can seek his cock tenting his boxers almost immediately. Grinning lewdly, Yukari puts all of her wish-granted knowledge to use in wooing the love of her life.

“Please Master, please fuck my worthless witch cunt!”

Tsukune blinks again… and then sighs and gestures for her to come inside, even as he steps away from the door. Yukari scrambles to enter, now that she has his express permission, and when he closes the door behind her, it feels so deliciously final. Of course, the occupants already laying on his bed put a slight damper on things still. Moka and Kurumu are both naked and sprawled out across Tsukune’s bed, eyeing her with questioning, and combative gazes.

There’s no doubt that they heard her confession outside in the hall, and with her breasts still hanging freely, her intentions are quite clear. So, the young witch goes with the obvious path of least resistance. She stands up straight, squares her jaw, and looks both of Tsukune’s current lovers in the eye.

“I have no desire to usurp either of you. I will gladly serve on my knees, so long as it allows me to worship my Master’s cock.”

There’s another pause, and then Kurumu cracks a wicked smile.

“Alright, I like her… she can stay.”

Moka snorts from beside her.

“Like it was ever your choice.”

As the succubus pouts mightily, Yukari turns towards a bemused Tsukune and falls back to her knees. Her hands go up to grab at the waistband of his boxers, but she hesitates for a moment, looking out from beneath her wide-brimmed witch hat, up into his eyes for permission. He nods down at her and she grins happily, tugging his underwear down and exposing his big, hard dick.

A happy moan escapes Yukari’s throat, even as she takes Tsukune’s dick in both hands. She strokes him up and down a few times, drawing groans and grunts from his lips. Finally though, she moves on, and wanting to test out her new equipment, the busty witch lifts her large breasts up and does her best to wrap them around Tsukune’s truly prodigal cock.

She finds out that they’re the perfect fit, just barely encompassing his member as her spit and his precum work together to lube up the valley that her breasts are making as he slides through them. It makes sense after all. She’d wished for this, to be remade to be Tsukune’s, mind, body, and soul. The Monkey’s Paw had given her exactly what she wanted… and Yukari had no idea how much it’d changed her in order to accomplish its task.

In the end, she was no longer the Yukari Sendo who had made the wish. She was an older, matured Yukari Sendo, one that was built for one purpose and one purpose alone… her existence centered around one thing. Serving Tsukune. The Incubus-blooded human groans as she leans in and takes his cockhead between her full, pouty lips. Yukari happily suckles at the tip of his member, even as she continues to give him an expert boobjob that she has really shouldn’t have the experience for. Her tongue swirls around the top portion of his member, and she suckles at him in a way that soon has him throwing his head back in an even louder groan.

A moment later, he begins to cum and Yukari instinctively pulls her mouth back, opening wide and sticking her tongue out, but altogether allowing his seed to spray up into the air and then back down onto her breasts as he plasters her face and her tits and even her hat with his white, hot cum. He makes an utter mess of her, and Yukari loves every second of it, happily moaning as she takes his load all over her.

Unfortunately, her hands remain on autopilot, one stroking his cock and the other fondling his balls as she tilts her head back. As such, the busty, beautiful witch ends up having the majority of Tsukune’s reward for a job well done stolen from her, when Moka and Kurumu come out of nowhere and begin licking her face and her tits clean. The pair go all out on her, stealing all of Tsukune’s cum. Then, they grab her up and drag her to the bed as she whines and squirms in protest.

There isn’t much a witch can do without magic against a succubus and a vampire though, and regardless of her meager struggles, Yukari soon finds herself pushed face down onto the bed, her ass forced into the air and her legs spread apart. The two monster girls happily molest her, each gripping one of her big, fat ass cheeks and squeezing and kneading it with their claw-like fingers.

“God, look at this slut Tsukune. Look at how much she wants you.”

Yukari moans in agreement with Kurumu’s words, even as she does her best to jiggle her bubble butt back in the direction of her beloved. In response, a weight makes itself known on the mattress, and she can feel Tsukune moving into a position kneeling behind her. Anticipation fills the transformed witch’s chest, and then his hand is on her panties, his fingers slipping past them, only to curl around her tight-fitting undergarments.

Tsukune pulls in a rather mean-spirited way, tugging the elastic panties a bit, only to let them snap back against her sopping wet pussy. Her underwear was already mostly soaked through, but the wet smack of it against her cunt lips was just too much for her. Yukari cries out and cums on the spot, her body spasming and shaking as Tsukune chuckles darkly, and the others giggle at her expense.

The witch doesn’t much care if they laugh at her though, all she cares is that she gets fucked. Reaching back under herself, Yukari tugs her panties aside completely, and then uses two fingers to spread her pussy lips apart for Tsukune to see. Then, she reiterates the words she’d given him earlier, out in the hall.

“P-Please Master~ Please… fuck m-my worthless witch CUNT!”

Her plea does not fall on deaf ears. A moment later, Tsukune’s cock is pressing into her spread open cunt, and he’s sliding forward as her slick insides welcome him in. Yukari loses her virginity a moment later, but she’s too busy cumming her brains out to feel even a small amount of pain from that. Her pussy is as tight as any Tsukune has ever had, and it fits perfectly around his massive pecker, even as he goes deeper and deeper into her.

A groan leaves the incubus-blooded human’s lips, and he grabs hold of the busty witch’s hips for support, even as he continues to sink into her cunt, all the way up to her womb. Even Yukari’s cervix has been remodeled for his pleasure, and it easily gives way as he finishes the journey into her womb, pushing a slight bulge out of the busty witch’s belly. His cock finally sheathes inside of her completely… and then he begins to fuck her.

Yukari’s eyes roll back in her head almost immediately, and her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she ahegaos on the spot. Cumming again and again around his member, the busty witch can do nothing but take it as Tsukune fucks her harder and harder. At the same time, Moka and Kurumu take advantage of their newest ‘friend’s’ vulnerability, attacking Yukari’s face with their own tongues, forcing the mind-broken witch to kiss them, even as they play with her breasts.

Watching Tsukune fuck another girl is a strange feeling for the vampire and succubus, as it’s annoying that it’s not them in her place, but it’s also quite fun to watch him break someone else down. Both women love the thought of Tsukune fucking every female in the school senseless. Neither knows exactly what’s happening across the Academy at that very moment.

No one in Tsukune’s room knows what Yukari has accidentally unleashed with her negligence… but in the end, the consequences of her mistake will be felt by all. Not that it’ll necessarily be a BAD thing… not for Tsukune anyways. The young man is about to get a lot more popular on campus, that’s for sure. As he cums deep inside of the slutty, whore of a witch’s womb, Tsukune feels a strange shiver go down his spine.

… He pays it no mind, focused on pumping every last drop of his seed into Yukari’s womb as he is. It’s probably nothing.


Chapter 6: Ginei Morioka (Genderbent)  

Ginei Morioka wasn’t necessarily a nosey kind of guy. There were negative connotations and negative stereotypes associated with werewolves and a heightened sense of smell, and this sort of belief that all werewolves were snooping busybodies, always sniffing out the next bit of gossip. Gin was pretty sure the stereotype had been started by vampires, in order to promote werewolf hatred among the other species.

Still, he’s also not an idiot… and when a transformed witch nearly spilling out of her clothes runs out of her dorm room shouting “it worked!” at the top of her lungs while he’s in earshot, Gin takes notice. It was obvious that Yukari was up to something. Or had been up to something and then, in turn, had accomplished that something. And if it could make that scrawny little midget into a total babe, Gin wanted to see just what was going on.

Luckily, the witch had been empty-headed enough to leave her door unlocked. Slipping inside of Yukari’s dorm room is a breeze, and just to be sure, Gin closes and locks it behind himself as well. He won’t be disturbed now, hopefully. Peering around the room for a moment, the werewolf frowns slightly. Without it being a full moon, he doesn’t have his actual transformation… but that doesn’t mean his sense of smell isn’t still heightened.

And something does stink, now that he’s flaring his nostrils and breathing it all in. What IS that? Grimacing, Gin moves towards the smell, despite wanting nothing more than to move away from it. Eventually, the scent leads him over to the witch’s immaculately made bed. He doesn’t bother pulling back the covers or anything like that. No, the perverted male werewolf is a bit smarter than that.

Falling to his knees, Gin looks under the bed and then backs away, letting out a light yelp as he gets an even heftier whiff of whatever the fuck Yukari is keeping in a box beneath her bed. Grimacing even harder, the werewolf eventually does go back, pulling the box out and flipping it open. The Monkey’s Paw sits inside, it’s middle finger pointed up and its side fingers curled in. 

For a moment, Gin is offended… then he realizes that Yukari wouldn’t even know he would be here, so there’s no way she purposefully set up a petrified monkey hand to flip him off. Wrinkling his nose, Gin’s eyes fall to the folded note pressed up against the inside of the box. Ooh, information perhaps! Grinning triumphantly, Gin snatches up the note and opens it, reading the thing swiftly.

His eyes go a little wide. It’s a receipt, as it were, for one “Wish-Granting Monkey’s Paw (Lightly Used)”. And the price tag… h-holy shit where did Yukari even get that kind of dough? It’s just… damn, she’d definitely splurged to buy this thing! Staring down into the box at the smelly Monkey’s Paw, Gin slowly puts things together.

“… Wish-Granting…”

His mind goes back to a much-changed Yukari running off down the hall with a far more mature body than she had any right to. It’s obvious now, what happened. The Monkey’s Paw had been delivered, Yukari had used its power to grant her a wish… and now he had it before him… and it would grant HIS wish, wouldn’t it?!

Eyes sparkling with barely contained glee, and smile threatening to split his face apart, Gin reaches down and snatches up the Monkey’s Paw from within the box. His nose wrinkles at the smell, but he still holds onto the thing as best he can, even as he wets his lips with his tongue and thinks on what his wish should be.

It doesn’t take the perverted werewolf long to figure out what he needs to wish for, of course. In the end, it’s pretty obvious what he needs to do, isn’t it? There’s one thing this school feels like it’s lacking sometimes… and Gin is happy to selflessly waste a wish on righting a wrong for EVERYONE.

“I wish there were more girls in Youkai Academy!”

The words spill out of his mouth one after another, and then he can’t take them back. Gin waits a beat, and then the middle finger on the Monkey’s Paw begins to curl inwards and Gin can positively FEEL the dark magic whirling around him as his wish is carried out. Then, its as if the paw is burning him, and he finds himself forced to drop it with a yelp as it sears his palms. Staring at his hands, the werewolf’s eyes bulge out of his skull as he watches them transform before his eyes.

The Monkey’s Paw had taken Gin’s wish and done it’s best to replicate it. However, there was no way that a simple dark magic artifact could possibly create life from nothing. It wasn’t about to pull new women from nowhere. Instead, it took hold of bodies that were already there… and it worked its magic. In that moment, Gin and every other male student and teacher in Youkai Academy became female. The transformation took a few minutes, but by the time it was done, the werewolf was staring down at her voluptuous new form in disbelief, her tits tenting out her slightly unbuttoned shirt, exposing a gratuitous amount of cleavage.

The only one left unaffected by Gin’s wish, was Tsukune Aono. A combination of his incubus blood giving him a natural resistance to most magics, and his humanity letting him pass under the radar as the Monkey’s Paw sought to change all of the monsters and supernatural creatures first, leaves him as the only one unscathed.

Not that Gin knows that. All Gin knows in that moment is that she’s become a woman… and yet, it just feels right. The pervert brings her hands up to her chest, and slowly undoes the buttons on her shirt. Her new titties spring free, and a wide, wicked smile spreads across the female werewolf’s face as she reaches up and grabs hold of her breasts.

Her legs immediately give out on her as she cums on the spot. As it turns out, the consequences of the wish were even further reaching for Gin herself. The now-female werewolf was experiencing her first heat, right then and there, pulsating through her as it was. With her breasts extra sensitive, she orgasmed from the first real touch of them, and once she’d fallen to her knees, she just couldn’t stop herself.

Her pants are swiftly undone and a hand is shoved down her boxers as the perverted female werewolf thrusts two fingers up into her moistening cunt. Pistoning her digits in and out of herself doesn’t quite give Gin the relief she now needs, but it helps to take the edge off a little bit, as she creams herself time and time again, right there on the floor of the witch’s dorm room.

This… it’s everything she never knew she wanted.


“You’ll see Master! You’ll see! I was a total shrimp before I wished upon the Monkey’s Paw, and now look at me! And there’s one wish left! I definitely want you to have it! Whatever your heart’s desire, this artifact will give it to you!”

The door is suddenly opening as Gin’s enhanced sense of hearing catches Yukari’s excited voice out in the hall. The dazed, hazy werewolf looks to the door as it swings open entirely, revealing Yukari and Tsukune standing there in the entryway. The busty, aged up witch’s mouth drops open at the sight before her, while Tsukune lifts a single eyebrow in surprise.

Gin imagines she looks like a right mess, stripped out of her clothes and covered in her own pussy juices and sweat. But none of that matters now. All that matters is the fact that there’s a boy, right in front of her, a cock for her to get fucked by. Letting out a needy groan, Gin begins to crawl forward on her hands and knees, only for an angry Yukari to pin her to the floor with the witch’s overwhelming magic.

“What did you DO?! YOU USED UP THE LAST WISH YOU MANGY MUTT! YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER IDIOT! Haven’t you ever heard of personal fucking property?!”

“Yukari… calm down.”

Tsukune’s words immediately cause the witch to do a one eighty, going from apocalyptic fury to apologetic subservience in a single moment as she turns and bows her head towards him.

“S-Sorry Master, I just got really upset on your behalf… a-and also mine, maybe. It’s just… I spent so much money on that Monkey’s Paw, and to only get one wish out of it… ugh, it’s very upsetting, you know?”

Tsukune nods in understanding, though whether he truly understands or not is up for debate. Gin doesn’t care one way or the other, she just wants cock. Struggling against the magical bindings holding her to the ground, the female werewolf whines pitifully as she finds herself kept from her desire, her greatest need.

Slowly, Tsukune walks forward, his eyes moving between the squirming girl and the closed fist of a petrified paw on the ground beside her. He crouches in front of Gin, causing the female werewolf to freeze up at the close proximity. His cock is less than a foot from her nose, and she can smell his musk all the stronger now. Yet still, she can’t move, can’t escape the witch’s hold.

“Tell me… what did you wish for?”

Biting her lower lip, Gin looks up into his understanding eyes. He’s smiling at her, even as he reaches out and strokes her hair gently. It feels so good… and for the first time, the female werewolf sees more than a possible mate… she sees an Alpha.

“I-I… I just wanted the Academy to have more g-girls. So I wished for more… a-and now I am one.”

Yukari lets out a curse at that.

“Shit, the idiot probably had no idea how to mitigate the effects of a Monkey’s Paw. There’s probably not a single boy left on campus at this rate. Well… besides you Master.”

Tsukune seems to consider that for a moment, before chuckling.

“As it turns out… that might very well have been my wish too. Let her up Yukari, I think she knows she did wrong. And she’ll be happy to make up for it, won’t she?”

His eyes tell Gin that she will indeed, and in the end the female werewolf simply whimpers and nods her agreement, even as Yukari grumbles but releases her from the magical hold. Tsukune’s hand abruptly grips tight in Gin’s messy mop of hair and he pulls her head up as he leans in close.

“So, you’re a werewolf, right? Bitch like you… you probably want me to give it to you long and hard… doggystyle, if I had to guess?”

Eyes wide at the sudden offer, Gin nods her head up and down as emphatically as she can. Tsukune’s grin just grows wider.

“Than you’re going to do something for me, and if you do a good job, I’ll give you what you want. Yukari! Go lay on your bed and spread your legs. This bitch here is going to apologize for stealing your wish!”

“Ooh~ Master, you have the best plans!”

Gin blinks as Tsukune releases her hair and steps back. She watches as the busty, aged up witch runs over and hops onto her bed, and finally, when Yukari spreads her legs wide and exposes her naked, cum-stuffed pussy to Gin’s eyes, the female werewolf understands what she has to do. She wastes no time in doing it either, clamoring up onto the bed and slinking up to the empty spot between Yukari’s legs.

If this is what she has to do to get the hung stud behind her to stick his cock inside of her cunt, Gin has no problem with that. Leaning in, the female werewolf happily begins to eat Yukari out, licking up Tsukune’s seed and wiggling her tongue around inside of the witch’s cunt. A loud, wanton moan leaves Yukari’s lips, and the girl’s hands lace through Gin’s messy mop as she begins to grind her cunt up into the werewolf’s face.

Meanwhile, Tsukune unbuckles his belt and strips off his pants and boxers. With his cock in hand and nothing standing between him and another girl’s cunt, the Incubus-blooded boy simply shrugs his shoulders and chuckles. It’s a little silly, all of this… but bending a vampire and a succubus and now a witch to his will… it does wonders for a boy’s confidence.

Kneeling on the bed behind the female werewolf, he grabs hold of Gin’s hips, lines up with his cock, and thrusts into her cunt. Immediately, she’s howling into Yukari’s quim, much to the aged-up witch’s pleasure, and her body is shaking and spasming as she orgasms right then and there on Tsukune’s dick. The next long while is more of the same as the young man fucks his latest conquest, breaking the bitch in heat kneeling before him like he’s broken the others.

His member slams into Gin’s cunt, hammering against the entrance of her womb time and time again, and the sounds that Gin makes in support of his enthusiastic pounding are certainly pleasurable to Yukari if the witch’s ecstatic face is anything to go off of, even as she continues to force Gin’s mouth against her sopping wet pussy lips.

Tsukune rails the female werewolf into oblivion, and cumming inside of her womb just like the others feels so damn right that Tsukune makes sure to deposit every last drop of his seed inside of her. When he’s finally done, he pulls back and watches as Yukari continues to make Gin her bitch, a smile on his face as his cock softens for a time.

It’ll be back up and no time, and he’ll fuck one of the two again undoubtedly. But for now, Tsukune pauses and reflects, resting up and regenerating his spent sexual energy. The werewolf had said she’d wished for more girls at the Academy… and Yukari had said that’d probably extended to every man on campus. That could be good for Tsukune. It certainly sounded good, on the face of things.

If every male on campus was suddenly female… well, Tsukune had always had trouble with men, and male monsters hadn’t appeared to be any different so far. They’d always felt threatened by him, he imagined, and they’d taken out their own insecurities on him. Now though… if he could go through his school life with nothing but women surrounding him every day, Youkai Academy just got a whole lot nicer.

Grinning almost ferally, Tsukune finds himself getting hard once more in record time. Oh yes, this school year was promising to be quite FUN.



Find it hilarious that Tsukune treats a busty witch begging for his cock as something of a chore. Also, besides looking forward to Mizore now I'm also looking forwards to so many other minor girls. Nekomone-sensei, the lamia teacher, the mermaids, and the gorgon art teacher. Wonder if Tsukune was fucking his mother? And when he'll fuck the girls' mothers


Yeah a Monkey's Paw is one of top 5 things you don't make wishes on. This is pretty much the expected outcome of both characters getting their hands on one.

kyle johnson

nice touch with gin