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Sometimes I ask you for map ideas. I don’t always draw them, and often the final map bears little resemblance to the suggestion, but the goal is to see my maps with ideas that I can use and that will hopefully fit the needs of a patron or two. Recently a patron was describing a monastery built around the foundation of a massive chain that holds a floating island in place. As you can probably tell, I loved the idea. I went with an unusual temple design (something monolithic, almost an obelisk, jutting out of the hillside) that is almost directly above the location where the chain is mounted into the bedrock. I like the sense of scale. That the chain is so big and sturdy that someone’s actually built a few buildings on the chain itself. I’m definitely going to use it in my campaign. Probably holding onto a chunk of the world at the northern pole, where the world becomes very thin and exists just over the roiling stuff of chaos.


[Tuesday Map] Unchained!

My Patreon campaign includes levels where I ask my patrons for suggestions for maps. I don't always draw them, and often the final map bears little resemblance to the suggestion, but the goal is to see my maps with ideas that I can use and that will hopefully fit the needs of a patron or...


David Jenks

I like the tree for scale, too.


Wow, different and exciting! I have a "plane shift" concept in my magic system and this give me an idea of "what if" an ancient wizard tower shifts back into the prime plane suddenly after a couple of thousand years shifted in the astral? Bringing whatever astral creatures along with it? Instant new sky dungeon next to anywhere! The astral creatures may have finally penetrated the interior and accidentally shifted it back! The ruins built and abandoned only a few hundred years ago on the site of the chain attachment. As the chain popped back into our reality the tower was pushed up.