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It's been a while since I posted an adventure or a site-based encounter. So here's a little something to throw into any drug-fueled game's hexmap or just a bit of weird to throw into any hexcrawl game. It's the Molds and Slimes of Vilnid the Master - a 12-page digest-sized PDF describing a strange environment overrun by bizarre psychedelic mushrooms. Click on the link to get to the blog post for a full description and to download the first draft PDF. http://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2014/08/18/adventure-the-molds-slimes-of-vilnid-the-master/


[Adventure] The Molds & Slimes of Vilnid the Master

I love a great creative challenge. You might hear me complain about the whole "Blog Challenge" phenomenon where all kinds of otherwise awesomely cool gaming blogs all start putting out the same general content and it drives me nuts, because more often than not it isn't actually INTERESTING content.


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