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Every month we go through our back catalogue of maps and YOU vote on which two should be re-released under the free commercial use license. Our second release this month is this “small” tomb map – I’ve adjusted the placement of the map for VTT use and included a gridless version for this re-release.

This three-tiered tomb complex contains a number of reliquaries, crypts, and memorials of Jeberiath’s Silver Army – warriors embedded permanently into their silver-wrought armour to fight against the Sarahdu menace.

While the war was won, Jeberiath’s Silver Army bore the brunt of the defence and less than a handful were left at the end of the battles – and those few bore such spiritual and mental wounds that they left Jeberiath and wandered the world in their ruined armour seeking solace, redemption, or death.

The north side of the tombs is set into three tiers. The upper level is in the centre, with lower levels reached by stairs on the left (to the mid-level tombs) and right (to the deeper tombs). There is also an air shaft that extends down from the stairs on the left to the deepest tomb (the alcove with debris in the deepest tomb is the bottom of the shaft).

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 10,200 pixels (34 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing the image to either 2,380 pixels wide or 4,760 pixels wide, respectively




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