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Today we are bringing back a map I drew over 7 years ago on the flyleaf of my first book of maps (Dyson’s Delves) – now a bit cleaned up and in higher resolution.

Some places are unplundered by previous adventurers because they are difficult or even impossible to reach without planning and the right equipment (or magic). In the case of “Imp Tower”, a decrepit stone tower sits over a hole that leads down to a cave, definitely home to something nasty with wings that the locals don’t have the skills, manpower and bravado to take care of.

Sure, someone could toss down a rope and climb down the shaft exposed in the floor of the ruined tower, or up or down the cliff face to get to the cave, but the entire time they would be sitting ducks for the beasts that claim these caves as their home.

But what does live here? The locals know that they are small and winged but little more. They call them imps but what they really are is up to you… I suggest the classic nest of nasty stirges (likely without treasure), but any small flying creature will work well… even a collection of actual imps.




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