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While drawing maps last month I felt the need to settle into a classic single-elevation dungeon map - and then I remembered that I need a few of these to finish off the Fedor's Pass megastructure. Thus I present to you, the first of the three Palace Sublevels from Fedor's Pass.


[Friday Map] Fedor's Pass Palace SubLevel 1

Today we return to Fedor's Pass. While not one of the original "Lost Dungeon" maps that I drew in pencil when I was creating Fedor's Pass, I drew this one afternoon to fill in one of the missing levels from that megastructure. Below the palace level indicated on the map are three levels marked with...



Using Fedor's Pass as a walk-by "carrot" in my current campaign. We'll see if the party bites.


That's very much how I've used it in the past. It's a mega-structure that serves no campaign purpose except as adventure bait. One of these days I'll actually have an adventure that requires going in at least part way - maybe just to the Opal Lake Fortress part.


your dungeons are the best!