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A “basement tavern”, the Fire Beetle is built underneath “Trinkets & Secrets”, a fortune-teller’s storefront and the closest thing to a “magic shop” as you’ll find in Letath.

The Fire Beetle Ale House is a classic fantasy tavern – dark, windowless, smokey, serving ale and whatever hot stew is on that day. Entry is by a set of stairs down practically underneath the entrance to Trinkets & Secrets. As expected, it has an anachronistic bar with a grizzled but friendly bartender behind it, some booths for quiet discussions, and a pair of private rooms for meeting mysterious strangers in or handing over ill-gotten gains.

Behind the bar is the owner’s office, a storage room, and access to the owner’s upstairs apartment. Sharing the upstairs with the owner’s apartment (but with no common access) is Trinkets & Secrets – home to a fortune-teller and their spouse, with a room for private seances (and for examining trinkets being pawned off here) as well as a small store where charms, medallions, and lucky trinkets can be bought (and a moderate selection of spell foci and components).

High resolution versions of the map with and without grid (along with the commercial use license) can be found at the blog: https://dysonlogos.blog/2019/06/06/firebeetle/



Jonathan Streeter

WOW!!! This is by far the Coolest Inn!

Andrew Sternick

Is the downstairs entrance to the Fire Beetle intended to be to the right of the front door of Trinkets & Secrets?