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As the month rolls into the dog days of summer, it is time to tally up your votes and release some of our older maps under the commercial use license. This month we start off with a town drawn five years ago – the Fortress at Hawksford.

While this was once a fortress of the Ukho Confederacy, the citadel fell forty years ago to mercenaries of the Udruviel Dynasty. With the collapse of both those polities over the next decade, the Fortress at Hawksford has managed to remain ungoverned. And while no external governance has been imposed on the people of Hawksford, they have also resisted the creation of an official government of their own. Which isn’t to say the place is completely disorganized – commerce continues as normal and the walls are patrolled by various “concerned citizen groups” who try to track the comings and goings of visitors and locals alike.

The stone walls and gatehouses remain in good shape although they see little maintenance now so it is only a matter of time before they start to wear down. A large number of dwarves make the town their home, happily away from the governance of humans and elves alike.



(No title)


Patric Rogers

The outline reminds of a human heart, which is ironic.