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A number of townfolk head out to the Old Grant Farm about once or twice a month in a semi-secretive manner. They are a motley crew, a mix of the well-to-do and grubby farmers and the woodswoman ranger.

It turns out this town has a very draconian “legal system” where punishment for not fitting in or disturbing the way things are involves the cockatrice pit.

Behind the barn at Old Grant’s farm is a deep square hole dug into the ground. At the bottom of the hole is a small cave, home to “the chickens” – a pair of cockatrice that are used to dispense a very final “justice” to those who fall afoul of the locals.

Most people are just thrown in and left for the cockatrices to petrify and consume, but some are instead lowered on ropes to be fished back out afterwards and used as displays in some of the finer establishments in town.



(No title)


Brandon Blackmoor

I love the stories you write about these maps, almost as much as the maps themselves.


"Watch your mouths, strangers, or we send you down to meet the chickens." Yes, we can definitely see this happening with a group of cocky new PCs... Really dig the times you go isometric, btw.


Thanks! Once the current batch of commissions are done, I'm going to give another run at doing a month or two of purely isometrics to work on my style.