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Guerras-El-Essat is built up around a massive temple dedicated to the living (or unliving?) eight-armed vampiric deity-demon El-Essat who stalked the peoples living along the verge of the Blue Jungles since times beyond recorded history. In what was either a brilliant coup by the demon or by the priesthood (depending who’s stories you hear), she now lives within the jungle temple and is served blood sacrifices to keep her happy and in turn to keep the holy city and the lands along the blue jungles safe from her hunger.

Multiple religious compounds have cropped up within the city since the “capture” of the demon – mostly dedicated to other traditional faiths of the Blue Jungle peoples, and a few subcults of El-Estat herself. The holy city also has just about everything you would expect of a major city of the jungle peoples – trading markets, outfitting stores, and many places to draw coin and trade goods from visiting tribesfolk while offering them relaxations and pleasures unavailable in their small towns and nomadic tribes.

It is also a strong trading hub in thellas bark, a bark similar to cinnamon in flavour and harvest, but that imparts mild euphoric and analgesic effects, and of emeralds mined deep within the blue jungles themselves.

You can download the map of the Holy City for your own games from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/07/25/the-holy-city-of-guerras-el-essat/



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