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(Charlie's POV)

Vaggie and I got the pictures we needed, but she wanted to add make on him of something to make him more demon-like since a human in hell would cause unwanted attention. The only problem was that (Y/N) did not like us trying to add makeup on him. Even if he did sit still, he whined and looked conflicted by his own feelings on what to do until his tears made the make-up run... That's when I suggested Photoshopping the pictures on the camera. We got him to calm down with the promise of cupcakes, but he wiped his tears and looked at them a little confused... Don't tell me.

(Y/N)-Wh-Where did this water come from?

Vaggie-... How sheltered are you?

(Y/N)-Um... I'm in the hotel.

Charlie-... Do you want some chocolate sprinkles on those cupcakes? ~

He perked up and ran up to me while wiping the tears off of his face. I just made a mental note to not put any more makeup on him. Vaggie and I were taking him to the kitchen while I held him on my shoulders and he played with my hair.

(Y/N)-So where do I sit in the kitchen?

Charlie-Oh, you don't want to help bake? It'll be fun.

(Y/N)-... I can bake here?

He said that with a wide smile that slowly grew as he stared off into space, but I thought as long as he stayed away from the stove he should be fine.

Charlie-Do you know how to stir with a whisk?

(Y/N)-What's a whisk?

Vaggie-It's something you stir with. Then we mix the things for the cupcakes.

(Y/N)-Is that the thing where Mommy tells me to leave and turn on the big magic metal box?

Ok, this is going to take a while to explain.


(Vaggie's POV)

For such a sweetheart, he was a menace in the kitchen. Charlie wanted to give him a little more freedom to explore and he crawled into the oven when I just turned it on because he saw a light in there. For others, this would not be a problem, but for him, he can get burned alive which I am not letting happen. I had to hold him to keep track of him because he was so curious about everything. He didn't even know what some of the knives here were and tried to reach for a shiny one to play with his reflection. Just then, someone walked into the kitchen.


He looked surprised to see us here and I know he doesn't come in here since he mostly goes out. This look just screamed that we caught him in the act and (Y/N) waved to him.


Angel-... Who is this?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N)! Did you come to bake too?!

Angel-Well, yeah. What else would I be in here for?

I knew what he was in here for and he tried to play it cool, but then I thought of places that could be in here to hide a drug stash. I walked over with (Y/N) to a vent and it was a crappy looking one that I kicked a little to make it fall.

(Y/N)-Hey, more sugar!

(Y/N) tried to reach for it, but I still had him and Charlie just gave him a look now. I was not going to have this and with (Y/N) thinking that cocaine was sugar.

Vaggie-Angel, we have a kid staying here now and the last thing we need is for him to find and get a hold of your 'stashes'. Either watch him in the lobby while I get rid of this or so help me-!

Angel-Alight! Don't get your taco in a twist!... Come on kid.

I put (Y/N) down when he looked ready to go with him and I felt relieved that he didn't push on getting the sugar... Just to be safe, I am checking the sugar we used too. Charlie leaned over the counter to get Angel's attention.

Charlie-Angel wait, he's very curious so you need to keep a close eye on him! He's not like others here!

Angel-Sinners be sinners, Dollface. So what's his deal? He looks like a normal human to me. Head split open or something?

Vaggie-Just watch him and if he gets hurt under your watch, I hurt you!

(No POV)

Angel rolled his eyes at this before he left the kitchen with you and felt like this should be easy. He could stick you in front of a T.V. or some shit and you will stay put for hours.  He even thought about how he could use this time to get fucked up after a hard day with Val, so he could pour you onto Husk since he was the most tame other than the girls.

Angel-Hey kid, wanna go play with a kitty?

He turned around and saw you were absent from walking by his side down the hall. Remembering what Vaggie said to him, she's very good at keeping her threats.

Angel-Ohhhhh, shit.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This place had a lot of rooms and stuff and I wanted to see it all before the cupcakes were done. I found some bugs and I never saw bugs in real life before and they were... so tiny. I wanted to follow them to see what they would do since I never saw what real bugs do if they don't sing and dance. I heard something like really fast taps behind me, so I turned around and saw nothing. I heard something behind me again, but then I saw two small holes in the floor, so I wondered if the bugs dug into the ground.

???-*Giggles* Bugs. ~

I turned again and finally saw someone and they looked really happy.


???-New boy. ~

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N)!

(Angel's POV)

I was in the halls looking for this kid before the pissed-off lesbian got pissed off at me for losing someone she dumped on me. Husk is keeping an eye out for this kid too and I can guess what fucked up thing he did to get here, even if he looks normal, everyone has something here. Mainly because he can't sit still and is going to get me double killed.

Angel-Where the fuck did he go?!

I made up 3 floors and heard laughter, so I went to go see who it was and it was Niffty and the kid climbing up a pole of the pirate ship outside. The kid was shimming his way up while Niffty was running up.


Angel-You gotta be fucking shitting me.

I walked out onto the porch and yelled for them, but that made the kid turn and start sliding off the side.

(Y/N)-Hi Angel!... Weeeeeee!

He slid down back here a bit before he went off the side and I jumped off to try and catch him, but I missed him... He was falling, but thankfully he landed on the sail and bounced off into a net. That's when Niffty jumped onto my face.

Niffty-Our turn! Our turn!


We were falling and it was not to the sail or net, but right into a hole and to a pile of broken wood with rusty nails... These are parts of hell when you wish you had that sweet release of death you had before. I closed my eyes and waited for it... Thankfully it was only a face plant... Then the floor gave out and I fell for another face plant and Niffty was on my baby. My body felt like it went through a 16-hour shift.

Angel-*Groan*... Fuck babysitting. *muffled*

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was so fun and everyone looked so tiny from up here, but then I found a rope ladder like from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so I threw it down and climbed down to see Angel and Niffty.

(Y/N)-That was so fun! The outside is the best! What game should we play next?!

Niffty-Oh, how about a game of darts, but with bugs?!

(Y/N)-Ohhhhh... Like the sticky ones?

Niffty-Nope. ~

Just then, Angel lifted his head up and looked at me like he was tired or something.

Angel-I got a better idea.

(Timeskips 10 Minutes)

Angel carried me back to the kitchen when we walked in, I saw the cupcakes were done Charlie was still in here. I tried to run in the air to fly to the cupcakes of something, but then Charlie walked over and took me from Angel to cradle me. Her hair got in my face a little. It felt so soft and smelled good... I played with it.


Charlie-Vaggie just got things cleaned and was about to come get you... What happened to you?

Angel-Babysitting happened.

Charlie-(Y/N)... We told you that he needed to be watched carefully though. Maybe... next time.

Angel-Only if he has a leash, and a bell... And stays away from Niffty. Here's what happened.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Charlie's POV)

Sounds like (Y/N) is going to be a real handful, even if he has a sweet nature. I don't think it's entirely his fault, but I think I had to lay down the law and let him. I think right now any parent would scold their child and... The adrenaline was pumping, I was going to let him have it! JUST RIP IT OFF LIKE A BANDAID!!!

Charlie-(Y/N)... I think you need to stay closer to an adult that's watching you. They get worried and Angel is trying to be a better person, so... good for him.

He looked at me with those innocent puppy eyes and his hands were on his knees while I had him sitting in front of me on the counter. He just looked so cute that I could never yell at him, but then I saw his eyes trail somewhere before he just opened his mouth.




I turned around and saw the cupcakes we just frosted after they cooled off. He wanted me to feed him and my heart fluttered at this cuteness...

Charlie's mind-But he misbehaved and I can't award that... But those cute eyes... He is just so sheltered by his old life. He could not possibly know... One cupcake could not hurt.

(Timeskip 3 Cupcakes)

(Y/N) just looked so cute and happy now! He even jumped into my arms while kissing my face. I'm sure Angel grew a lot in a short time from trying to save him, so surely that derseves some reward. He was even being so loveable and thank makes him the star guest of the hotel by far. I was so caught up in his cuteness that I just noticed his face had a bit of frosting smeared on him, so I felt my face and found frosting on my fingers... He licked my fingers clean and as cute as it was, he needed a bath. Just then, Vaggie walked in looking a little mad.


Vaggie-I give him one job and-!


He was reaching for her before I walked over and she looked hesitant to take him after she saw both of us. This put her back into a good mood and she let him hold her hands while he adorably played with them.

Vaggie-Isn't he supposed to be in trouble too?

Charlie-I'm sure he's sure and you saw how sheltered he is... Look at this little frosting-covered face. ~

Vaggie-... He needs a bath.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Bubbles! I love bubble baths!

Vaggie had a cupcake before we took him to my room and I thought he would want some privacy, but he took off his clothes in front of me and Vaggie before he sat next to the bath to wait for us. I guess this is to be expected of of any child, but when I turned on the water put some bubbles in he looked around confused and tapped my leg.

(Y/N)-Where are the bath toys?

Charlie-Oh... Sorry, I don't have any. I never had a child here before.

(Y/N)-Oh... What do you do in a bath without toys?

Charlie-I just get clean, soak, and get out... I also sing a little.

(Y/N)-Oh, Mommy and some of her friends sing songs too! They are about Lilith!

This caught me off guard a little with people singing about my mom and her image is skewered on Earth. He asked me if I could sing while I washed him and he played with bubbles. Vaggie and I found this cute and he got in the water.

We came up with that on the spot and even we kissed while (Y/N) looked at us with his mouth opened wide like he was completely surprised. I thought it would be the classic 'kissing is gross' thing from a child, but...

(Y/N)-Is singing supposed to be so prettyful?

Vaggie-How do your mom and her friends sing?

(Y/N)-Something from a book and I never understand what they say. I love your singing more!

He sprung up from the water a little to hug us and get us wet with bubbles on our clothes, but it was so hard to be mad. We got our wet clothes off before I got started with washing him, but it was too hard, and with his innocence... It would be easier if I just got in and didn't strain my back. He wanted us to sing some more for him and we did while he looked up into my house in awe when soap was not in his hair. This moment felt so magical to him, but it got better when a few more songs...


He helped himself onto my naked body in the bath to sleep in my arms and Vaggie blushed when I looked at her in this moment. HE WAS JUST SO ADORABLE!!! When I got out of the bath with him, he whined and shivered a bit while snuggling into me for warmth. Vaggie just put a towel over him in my arms to dry him off while I held him. Now his mouth was trembling and this sight broke my heart.

(Y/N)-Ch-Charlie, V-V-Vaggie. Too cold.

Vaggie-Let's just get you dried up and in a robe while your clothes get washed and dried.


He curled up even more and Vaggie was bothered by this too.

Charlie-Hey, don't cry. Would it make you feel better if Vaggie and I warmed you up? ~

He nodded his head and after quickly drying him off and putting him in a robe of mine, we got into my bed with him squeezed in the middle of us. (Y/N) was in a better mood soon, but then almost immediately after his soft snoring reached both of us and it was adorable.

Vaggie-Wow, he can go to sleep fast. *whisper*

Charlie-He's so precious. ~ *whisper*

Vaggie-Yeah... How did he end up in hell? *whisper*

Charlie-Well... He needs a place to stay and what better place in hell than here?

And I meant between us in bed to cuddle with. Vaggie was silent now before we closed our eyes to take a nap with (Y/N). I already now, I am going to get the best sleep hell as ever scene before...

Charlie's mind-Cupcakes, hugs, kisses, bathtime, bubbles, singing, comforting, and now cuddling together for a nap... Is this... being a mother wither Vaggie for me?... Heaven and Earth don't want him, so don't mind if I do. ~

Charlie-My baby. ~ *whisper*


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