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((Y/N)'s POV)

Toriel told the guards to help swaddle me extra tight before they gave me to her to be swung around while being covered in kisses. I had to keep the truth a secret, so the story was a human came through the vents and drugged Susie and it was a guy wearing a mask. He's gone and we went back the way we came from... They bought it and just gave Susie a ride room, but she gave me a smirk while tapping her wrist to remind me that I am timed before she takes me back with or without my mom. I don't want to stay in this world, but I know my mom will have more freedom in the other world with Ralsei. She strapped me down into a car seat that was more like a bed across the other 3 seats back here before she started to drive home.

Toriel-You must have been so frightened, my child. Don't worry though, I plan to take time off work and watch over you personally with the rest of our family. ~

This is going to be harder than I thought, but at least Susie won't be able to take me so easily. I'll have more time.

Toriel-Now, when we get back home, it's dinner with a bath and then off to bed. You're sleeping with me tonight.

I was kind of hungry and thought about them making really good for special things or things they think are special. When we got home she took me straight upstairs to her room while calling out to everyone that we were home and I was going to bed. They could see me in the morning. We got into my Mom's old room where I saw her naked in that gel tank again with a food tube in her mouth while looking at me and Asgre in a reading chair.


Asgre-My baby boy!

She ran to use and covered me in kisses and I could not do anything because I was completely wrapped up... Until she helped get me out and ready for a bath.

Asgre-I could join you-.

Toriel-Not with me Asgre. This bath is for us. If you want to help, you could heat up some towels.

She took me to the bathroom with her in her room before she closed and locked the door. She put me down and turned on the water before tossing her clothes in a hamper as the bath warmed up the water. She picked me up again to take me in with her.

Toriel-Ok. Let's get you washed up quickly and then we'll get that tummy full after. ~

She put me down and started washing me and she was very hard about it by getting me everyone.

Toriel-Did that man take you to other human women? Did they lay their 'filthy' hands on you?

(Y/N)-I told the guards no already.

Toriel-I just want to be sure.

She was still washing me like she didn't believe me and only went faster with her scrubbing, but not enough to hurt me.

Toriel-(Y/N) if a human woman touched you and you lied about it... You know what that would mean, right?... It would mean that you are not properly trained and I would need to take things a little further by pulling you out of your job for a while and putting you in training daycare, but lately, I would have to have Frisk leave this house and live somewhere else-!

(Y/N)-Nobody touched me!... Mom.

I could tell she was going to freak out and when her warm fire came out of her hands, it didn't burn me, but my Mom would be on her list. She calmed down when I said that and finished the bath. When we got to the room and got ready, I thought we were going to the kitchen... We went to the recliner. She did not even have a shirt on and only pajama pants where my Mom watched while Toriel would steal looks at her. Asgre watched and cooed at me a little while Toriel turned me to her.

Toriel-Dinner time, Honey. Ahhhhh. ~

(Y/N)-Can I just have a sandwich or-.

She pulled me in and started rocking. I didn't suck at first, so she picked up a remote next to the chair and turned it on low. I heard my Mom making noise, so I just did what Toriel wanted, Sometimes she would turn it off, but she only put it down which meant it would keep going until she was done.

Asgre-Is he sleeping in here with us tonight or with the Mettaton?

Toriel-With us of course. I even plan to keep him latched on to one of us even if he turns over.

(Y/N)-What?! *muffled*

Toriel-My child, please don't make this difficult. We just want to make sure you don't forget some of your training. Even a little time with the wild humans can undo lots of training and good behavior.

Asgre-Don't you love how sweet we make our milk for you, Honey Bunch? ~

(Y/N)-I-I just-. *muffled*

Toriel-Don't talk with your mouth full, my child. Your behavior has already dwindled. We are starting your education from scratch this week and that is final.

(Y/N)-But-. *muffled*

She picked up the remote and turned it on medium before Asgre took it and switched it to high and then max before she even pressed the shock button to make my mom yelp. I stopped talking and thought about my mom getting to the dark world and out of all of this.

Toriel-No. Arguing. And you just moved bedtime to now while Frisk can live with this all night.

I felt my heart sink a little when they left the remote on and put it down while getting ready for bed. Asgre got ready for what Toriel wanted and she would be allowed to cuddle me if I flip over for comfort, but not her too. It reminded me of my first week back home like this. When we all lied down with me in the middle latched on to Toriel or else Mom would be shocked the door opened up.



She crawled on the bed and pulled me into her to give me a break from one embarrassing thing to being given hugs and kisses, but the others sat up.

Asgre-Asriel, Honey. We are putting him to bed early right now.

Asriel-B-But I have not seen him in so long! He's my brother and I should get to see him!

Toriel-Well, we need to make sure nobody puts any bad thoughts in his head, my child.

Asreil-Then I wanna sleep with you!

Asgre-Your mother and I are making sure he gets milk on both sides of him, so he has no excuse to not latch on. Besides, you're not going to school tomorrow since you are troubled by him missing too.

They kept on arguing with her, but she left with a promise that I would be in her bed by the time she woke up.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Sansa's POV)

All of us got up this morning and the princess's mood was much better with our boy toy in her arms. We all took a day off today and soon the drama queen came in late for breakfast to look like she was ready to star in a movie.


Mettaton-Goodmorning, Beauties! ~

She walked behind Asriel and (Y/N) and picked them both up in one arm each and gave (Y/N) a bit more love, but it was nothing compared to her podcast last night when we heard through the house that (Y/N) was back, but Tori wanted to see if his training was sabotaged. The rules of the day are that (Y/N) can not leave this house and Frisk is to stay in the basement until bedtime. I even helped put her down there and hooked her up to something.

Mettaton-My poor darling baby boy. Did a mean human try to take you away? ~

Aplphys-Mettaton, I know what you are going to do and we can't take him out today.

Mettaton-Nothing says, I can't do a little photo op here, Alphys Darling. You forget that my eyes double as cameras and I can surely work with a homey theme. I know the public would simply adore the prince and princess cuddling together under a nice blanket next to a warm fire. ~

That did sound adorable and of course, she was going to have to take the pictures herself, but the conversation about what happened last night made me skeptical. When breakfast was over, it was easy to slip away and take a shortcut to the school's closet where Alphys said she sent (Y/N) and Susie. There was a tag on the vent big enough to crawl in, but I had my doubts about this.

Sansa-You come to the school and just happen to find two students? Even if having this place for supply runs is pretty risky... Says 'nobody'.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mettaton was helping give me and Asriel a bath together and she even added bubbles to cover us and then hug each other for a picture. This was to get us ready for more pictures and she had 48 ideas for pictures in the house already. She wanted Sansa for some, but she was gone somehow and I know it was her magic SHE KEEPS ON SAYING SHE DOESN'T HAVE!!!... I just have to put up with this, make them happy quickly and then I can get Mom out of here. Undyne and Alphys came in with warm towels and Mettaton helped me out to dry me off while holding me.


Alphys-Undyne, which anime costume should we do first?! Something from Mew Mew Kissy Cutie or Bleach or-!

Mettaton-Now, now Alphys Darling. No working up the models. Hurts the appearance on camera. You will have plenty of time. ~

Just as she was drying me off and talking about what costume I was going to wear first, I thought I saw someone walk across the door in the mirror.



Mettaton-Hm? Something the matter, Baby boy? ~

(Y/N)-I thought there were no outside people in these photos.

Asriel-You invited other models to touch my baby brother?!

Mettaton-Heavens, no.  Must have been in his head.

I know I saw someone, but when we went back out into the house to get me dressed in the living room while Asriel got dressed in her room. I didn't see that kid, but something about them felt... familiar.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who was that?... Ugh, who cares?! I gotta get Mom out of here!

(No POV)

Sansa was doing her own investigation to try and find out what really happened, but when she felt a presence she turned around. Only for it to vanish, but she was on edge... A lot.


Sansa-Pal... Who ever you are, I know you're there. ~

There was no response and she could not find anyone or any traces of anyone putting up a struggle to take to students away. Not even extra heavy footprints on the muddy ground. By the time she left, someone slowly ascended from the shade in the forest.


Gaster-☟︎♏︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ ♌︎♏︎ ♋︎●︎●︎ ❍︎♓︎■︎♏︎ ⧫︎□︎ ♋︎♎︎□︎❒︎♏︎ ⬧︎□︎□︎■︎ ♏︎■︎□︎◆︎♑︎♒︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ 💧︎□︎❒︎❒︎⍓︎ □︎●︎♎︎ ♐︎❒︎♓︎♏︎■︎♎︎. ~


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