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(Carmelita's POV)

I was conducting a search around the city for (Y/N) and his kidnapper who left some kind of game controller in my room as a mark. It wasn't Cooper's mark, but somebody else. Regardless, they will be in jail and in a body cast when I am done with them. Interpol was making this a priority due to (Y/N)'s origins and is the only one of his kind that we have met. I had to stay in control, but my worry and anxiety were soaring to new heights with the thought of what could be happening to him while I was just stuck looking.

Carmelita's mind-Please, be alright! I'll never let you out of my sight again!

((Y/N)'s POV)



Tess was tickling my sides when Keira was done with her check-up on me. I still miss Carmelita and Rivet so much, but I am just so ticklish. Tess even felt so fuzzy to snuggle with and she was my size, so she was perfect to wrap my arms and legs around... She put her arm and tail around me while we both sat on the counter.

Tess-Awwww, he's so cute and friendly. Where did you find him? ~

Ashelin-In the middle of the desert, surrounded by metalheads.

Tess-This little guy was out there by himself.

Keira-Someone must've left him there. He has little to no injuries, no signs of severe dehydration, and looked fairly clean... ish.

Ashelin-I didn't get his story, yet.

Just then, Keira leaned over to me with her hands on her knees to smile at me. Tess only rubbed my tummy now.

Tess-You think you can tell us how you got there? ~


I started when I met Rivet and then I got hit with a controller to meet Carmelita, but then I went to sleep and woke up here. They wanted more details, so I told them about my home and the parents that Rivet and Carmelita promised to take me back to.

Keira-So... You are from another world?


Tess-Um... Why don't we get you something to eat back at my place? We'll let these two talk about a few things.

She took me down with her and led me out of the room we were in.

Tess-Let's start with a shower to get that dirt and sweat off of you before we get you something to eat.

(Y/N)-I'm not really hungry... Can we come back after to try and find Carmelita, Rivet, or my parents?

Tess-Well... One step at a time, Sweetie.

(Ashelin's POV)

I took Keira with me to my throne room to speak in private about this. A child gets taken by game controllers or portals at least twice. There are only two outcomes if his story is even true, plus we have no idea what kind of portals those ones even were. There was a time travel portal Keira talked about, but still...

Ashelin-It sounds like this Camelita person dumped him in the desert in his sleep.

Keira-Can you be so sure? It does sound like the work of a portal. I never even heard of a place called Paris. Plus there was that huge surge of power that you found no traces of after.

Ashelin-*Sigh* Well, we will keep an eye on that boy. If he's tied to that surge, I want to find out more.

Keira-Here, let me see the reports. Maybe I can narrow it down.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

Whatever that portal was, it wasn't the same as a time portal and we couldn't find an exit point for a teleportation portal. It doesn't even match a teleportation portal or anything we know about, so it might not be a portal and he made up a story about portals. Could be from trauma and his brain is doing something to protect him from being overwhelmed. After we did all we could here, we decided to go check on Tess and the kid. I expected the kid to be at least a little nervous, but when we made it to the tavern, we found both of them in the back and he was sleeping.


Tess held a finger to her lips and went out front with us.

Keira-Long day for him?

Tess-He did have a bit of an episode before he got tired. Did you find anything out?

Ashelin-*Sigh*... Not much. I'm just rolling out a possibility that his brain is blocking out some trauma and there we no portals. There are other things that surge could be.

(Keira's POV)

I'm still curious since we have no idea of finding out what's true or not and based on the things I have seen in my lifetime, a stray portal is not too crazy for me to believe. I wanted to ask (Y/N) more about what happened, but I need to be very specific, yet simple with my questions or he'll just be confused.

(Rivet's POV)


I took down the last of the robots to this place and looked for records of recent captures, but there was nothing here when my search was done. This was the 5th base and there was nothing else that would be around this area. This means it can't be the empire or his army that took him from under my nose somehow. It had to be someone close, someone who knew where I lived, how to get in, and knew he was there...

Rivet-... No, they wouldn't. Not any Mort.

I tried to piece the puzzle together again with other suspects. Everyone was on assignments in the resistance or very far away to not get the job done in time that annoying British accent pirate robot, Pierre would never do something this quiet. He always makes a grand entrance to boost his ego. All the evidence was pointing to the Morts again... Who else knew where he was and how to get in, but why?...

Rivet's mind-Why?... Why, why, why, why, WHY?!?!?!

Rivet-*Sniffle* *sobbing*!

I kept on crying from feeling so betrayed by the people I cared about the most. The very people that took me in, raised me, helped me get on my feet, and I fought for the moment I could fight!


Robot-Halt! You are under arrest in the name of out glorious-!



I threw my hammer at the robot and when it came back I caught it when he was on the round. I rushed over to the robot and got on top of it to smash it over and over again while tears fell from my eyes.

Rivet-*Sobbing*! *grunt* *SMASH* *grunt* Aaahhhh! *SMASH*!!!

I kept on going and (Y/N) flooded my mind... He should be with me, but 'they' took him from me! They were just jealous of me having someone so cute all to myself! Well, HE'S GOING TO LOVE ME AND HE WILL NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!

Rivet-Hahaha! *SMASH* Hahahahaha! *SMASH* Hehehehe. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I smashed this robot into scrap metal to get all of my anger out before I headed back to my ship. I still got a few laughs in from the heat of the moment, but I pictured (Y/N) running to me and burying himself in my fur that he loves so much... It will just be us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke to be carried by Keira after they said I should sleep in an actual bed instead of a 'make-shift' bed in a bar... I didn't think this was a bar since bars are skinny, but long and not a whole building. Keira and I got into a flying car with Ashelin while Tess went to work, but I gave her a hug goodbye. When we got to the place she wanted us to go, I saw a racetrack here and thought it looked cool.

Keira-Never saw a race track before? Pretty cool, huh?

(Y/N)-Are you a racer?!

Keira-Not really, but I know two guys that are the best on the track. We're really good friends. I even gave them their hoverboard and race car.

(Y/N)-Woah... Can I race?!

Ashelin-Let's wait for when you're older. This course can be very dangerous, even when you are by yourself.

Keira-If you want, you can sit in a car.

I felt so excited and followed her to her shop area. She had so many tools and other machine stuff, but I saw the car or flying bike on top of something. She got up and Ashelin picked me up to give me to Keira before she put me in the driver's seat. There was only one seat, but that meant, I could grab the bike handles. I imagined this thing flying and going super fast while making noises.

Keira-*Giggles* Having fun?

(Y/N)-Yeah!... Did you make this?

Keira-Yep. Found all the parts and even made some other models before.

(Y/N)-Cool! I wanna be a racer when I grow up!

I had more fun in this car before it was time to get out and she took us to a small bedroom she had here, but it looked small. It was still cozy in here and I sat in the middle of her and Ashelin when I pulled Ashelin over to the couch with us to not look so alone. She had a T.V. in here too, but there was nothing really good on. She did have a lot of paper, colored pencils, and crayons for drawing.

Kiera-Why don't you try to draw your home or something that you saw lately?

Ashelin-Maybe something that makes you feel happy.

I thought about it and my family and new friends made me happy but also sad because I really wanted to go home. I started by drawing my house, Mommy, Daddy, my neighbors, Rivet, Camelita, Tess, Kaira, and Ashelin before I added grass and stuff.

Ashelin-Is that us?


Ashelin-Why are we in there?

(Y/N)-Because I like making new friends and you saved me from the monsters. So Mommy and Daddy will like you too.

I never looked away from her and she got a little pink before she looked at her phone thing. Keira just rubbed my hands and before she could pull away, I grabbed her arm and put it back on my head for more head pats.

Keira-Awwww, you like head pats? ~

(Y/N)-Daddy gave me the big ones with his big hands, but I love cuddling with warm and fluffy things even more. Oh, I even have my mountain of stuffed animals I sleep in!

Ashelin-A mountain of them?

(Y/N)-Yeah, some even have sand in them to make them heavy and the weight feels really good and relaxing. I even slept wonder Mommy when she rolled over on me a little in her sleep after I snuck into her bed during her nap.

Keira-That's... not very safe.


We heard something on the T.V. and it looked like a scary movie... I thought Ashelin looked stronger, so I hid behind her a little when it got past the title screen. Keira just changed it and it did make me feel a little safer... I went back to drawing.

(Ashelin's POV)

Keira was smiling while covering her hands from when (Y/N) hid behind me for security. He hardly knows us, but why did he pick me? Even adult men are intimidated by my appearance alone. He kept on adding more things to his drawing, but he kept on moving around to other spots. I guess this couch was not up to his standards, but what he did next made me jolt a little... He helped himself to sit on my lap to keep on drawing and he stopped moving and shifting.

Ashelin's mind-Is he... comfortable on my lap?

He didn't look bothered or scared at all. I never had anyone rely on me like this before. He then lay down across from Keira now to snuggle into both of us and gave his picture to her. I took a peek and saw a bunch of stuff added to the picture, but he was holding my hand and I was also with some kind of white-furred animal with a gold arm and a hammer.

(Y/N)-Do you have any cartoons?


Keira-Is that a food or something?

He did a cute little gasp and explained cartoons as made-up characters that go on fun adventures in each episode. The closest thing we had to what he wanted was a comedy show he could enjoy. Keira put it on and he relaxed with us. I tried to get up, but he only tugged on me.

(Y/N)-Where are you going?

Ashelin-Look, this is fun, but I have a job to do.

(Y/N)-But can you stay for a little longer?... You both feel so comfy to lay on.


He gave me puppy eyes that never worked on me before, but the ones from others were because they wanted something I could not give... He just wants to use me as a cushion to lay on.

Keira-Come on. I'm sure Tess will find us soon and she can take your spot.


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Y/N) was nuzzling his head playfully into Keira's belly and then switched back to me and rest his head on my lap. He took my hand to play with it and hugged my arm. He was so sweet and loving, so whoever left him to die out in the desert had to be completely heartless and hope that I don't find them... or her. I had to discuss this with Keira in private.

Ashelin-Um, kiddo... Just wait here while I talk to Keira outside for a little bit.

(Y/N)-Is it an adult talk?

Ashelin-Yes. We'll be right back.

I picked him up and sat him back down on the couch. When I went outside into the alley with Keira, she looked curious.

Keira-What is it?

Ashelin-I don't know what happened to him, but I know he won't be safe with whoever he was with. Nobody comes from a loving home and 'portals' come out of nowhere without a reason.

Keira-... I mean... eco can be wild at times.

Ashelin-And it targets a little boy 3 times?

Keira-... So what do we do?

Ashelin-I will keep him with me at the palace and send Jak out to investigate.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This show was kind of funny, but I miss cuddling already because this couch was not the best for laying on. I miss snuggling on their soft laps or Tess's fuzzy and smooth fur. I waited for them to come back, but then something flashed and hit me in the back of the head. I held my head and leaned back while crying. I rolled onto something with my back and it started to shock me.


I started floating and got one look at the thing that hit me before I got lost in this light portal thing again.


It blasted me again in here and everything started to get really fuzzy while I was spinning and flipping around in here.

(???'s POV)

I was editing this genetic code for the proto-pets to help listen to commands, but I knew I couldn't be so specific about this. The higher-ups weren't having it and only listened to what they wanted to hear. I put my work down for a moment and held a proto-pet that I had with me before looking at the both of us in a mirror.


Angela-I think you're fine the way you are. I already fixed you. ~

Proto-Pet-*Purrs*. ~

Angela-*Sigh*... I think I can handle some scolding for your free will

Just then I heard something that got both of our attention.



???-*Whimper* *sobbing*!



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