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((Y/N)'s POV)

Heckapoo and a few monsters were giving me all kinds of tests that doctors would or something else, but one monster kept on scaring me. He kept on asking, 'Are you evil?' and when I kept on saying no, he kept on asking and yelling it while getting closer with his snake hands. It made me cry, so Heckapoo pushed him away and the same for a skull with antlers in a crystal ball. Next a little bit taller than me blue monster that could float and acted weird came in and told us to be quiet while he worked. He mushed my face and body, shined a light into my eyes, shined it back into his, and a few other weird things. He even smashed a bug that was on the wall and looked at it like a smart person trying to solve a math problem.


Glossaryck-I found the problem... This human is too small.

Heckapoo-We know that already!

Glossaryck-Then why did you bring me here?

Heckapoo-Fix him!

Glossaryck-You make it sound like being tiny is a bad thing.

Heckapoo-These are the orders from the queen before she asks him questions! Bring him back to normal size.

Glossaryck-I am aware of the orders from the queen, but what is 'normal size'?

Heckapoo looked angry before she opened a portal with scissors and chocolate pudding poured out to the floor... Glossaryck snapped his fingers and I was back to my normal size before he dove it the pudding.

Glossaryck-Just so you know. This bribe will not work again.

(Moon's POV)

I was speaking to the girls who wanted to rescue (Y/N) in the first place and how Star actually made this happen. I did so separately to see if the story gets mixed up between them. They seem to be telling the truth so far, but they said the one who had him first was Luz's mentor 'Eda The Owl Lady'. Finally, I brought all the girls into the same, but the one thing they were all eager about was...


Star-Can we see him now?!

Anne-We told you everything!

Amity-Were they able to fix him?!

Willow-IT'S BAD ISN'T IT?!?!?!

Luz-IS IT?!?!?!

Moon-Girls, calm down. We have our best working on him. You just need to give them time.

Star-We can go in to see him, right?!

(Luz's POV)

I have to get him back to my world and back to Eda, so I will no longer be in trouble with her for starters. I also just need him for myself in general and wrap my arms around his adorable tiny figure! When we were finally able to go see him after Star's mom spoke to a few others, we were taken to the medical ward and saw (Y/N) sitting at a bench with someone.




We ran to him, but I was the fastest and made it there first. When I snatched him off the bench they both looked surprised and it felt so good to be holding him in my arms again. The others came to join a group hug, but it got interrupted when Moon used magic to pull (Y/N) into her arms to get our attention. I just got him back and my body almost acted on its own to pull out a plant glyph.


Moon-Girls, I will tell you what is going to happen. I am going to send you back to the worlds you came from, Star and I are going to have a long discussion, and I will let the use of my guards be forgiven this time, but it won't be again. Are we clear?

(No POV)

The girls understood, but Anne and Star were completely heartbroken. They had no way to get to (Y/N) since Star got her scissors taken, Anne was in a whole other world with the frogs and her two friends she needed to bring home. Luz just told Amity and Willow to go to Eda's and have her open the portal door. Meanwhile, Heckapoo felt conflicted by this decision but knew she had her own portals. She just needed a moment.


(Anne's POV)


I was back in Amphibia and since Star got her scissors taken away, I don't know if I will see (Y/N) ever again. I was back in Wartwood and the Planters weren't home, yet... Or so I thought. In the middle of hitting the ground and throwing my stuff at the walls in my room here Polly opened the door from the living room to my room.


Polly-... Did you... find him?


I have no magic of my own, no scissors, OR ANYTHING!!!... No, there is magic in this world too! There has to be something if the music box can travel through worlds!

Anne-Polly, show my Hop Pops old creepy magic books!

(Luz's POV)

We were back in my world at the old and nearly fallen-apart house next door to my house. I had (Y/N) on my lap while we wait for the portal to open from Amity and Willow to open the portal. In the meantime, I enjoyed some time alone with him. I covered him with hugs and kisses while holding him until he wanted to get up to stretch. I just made sure that he stayed close by and we even played in the yard. Everything was great!


I froze in place because I recognized that voice and I had no idea 'she' would be home around this time.


Luz-... Hehehe... Alah Mami.

She only looked at me and saw (Y/N) try to hide behind me, so I helped him hide behind me for my own comfort too. She only continued to look at me.

Mom-Who is this little boy?!... What is going on?

Luz-Um... Camp shut down for termites... Hehehe.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were at Luz's house next door and I was waiting in the living room, feeling like I was going to be in a lot of trouble. I heard them talking upstairs and soon they both came down and Luz's mom looked a little annoyed at first before she smiled.


???-Hello there, little one. Luz told me some interesting things about you. Like how you live at an orphanage... I want to hear more from you.

I told her everything that sounded like it would be normal, but that was really hard, so she looked annoyed and like she didn't really believe me.

(Camila's POV)

First Luz runs away from camp and now she ropes a little orphan boy into this mess. Now, I am going to feel guilty about having to take him back there after his little adventure. I sat next to him and tried to find a way to say this as gently as possible, but there was no way to say this where he wasn't going to be hurt by it. He bumped into my side and I smelled something a little sweet, but I tried to think of what I was going to say. Then Luz came over to sit down and pull him onto her lap.

Camila's mind-She's already so attached... (Y/N) is already attached to her too.

It's clear what I need to do... I need to rip the band-aid off before this gets worse.

Camila-*Sigh* Luz, (Y/N)... This... This...

I can't say it and I just caught myself seeing (Y/N) being cuter and cuter the more he looked at me. It turned into an awkward silence, so I just went to go make some juice and call the camp to tell them my daughter made it home.

Camila's mind-Why did you not just say it? You can't just take in an orphan like that. You didn't even know their name for an hour! You haven't even met them for an hour!

I have no idea how I am so attached to this boy already. When I got back out to the living room, I noticed (Y/N) was alone on the couch and Luz was gone.


Camila-Where's Luz?

(Y/N)-She... went to check on something outside... Am I in trouble?

Camila-Oh, no... No, no, no. This is all just surprising.

I sat back down next to him and I could smell his sweet scent again. I let him watch some cartoons in the living room and... scooted against him. I kept on fighting with myself about this, but it was so much easier to let him lean on me. When he cutely yawned...


(Eda's POV)

Hooty told me the girls came and while he did not let anyone in like I told him, he told me that they said Luz and (Y/N) were waiting in the human world. I ran for the key and opened the portal and when I ran outside, I ran into Luz and knocked up both down.


Eda-Luz?! Where's (Y/N)?!

I got up and picked her up to hold her in front of me for answers.

Luz-With my mom. Next door.

I ran with her in my arms and she let me into her home I saw (Y/N) on the couch with who must be her Mom.


???-Luz, who is this?!

She held (Y/N) closer to her and this made me really mad. I used my magic to rip him out of her grasp and now she looked afraid of me. Luz got in between us and I turned (Y/N) away from her.

Luz-Woah! Let's just calm down!

(Lilith's POV)

I saw my prized student leave my sister's house with her friend in tow. The owl thing was distracted inside and Eda has been slipping lately from this depression thing. It's possible that it might be because of the course, but that won't help get past the owl... Luckily I came with some... less than desired company.


Kikimora-So this is the house you failed to get into numerous times.

Lilith-Don't let the look of it fool you. That owl thing can take out armies if you're caught and not careful. Edaline on the other hand is depressed and will be easy to capture. Just keep it distracted for me when the time is right and we will have her with a simple levitation spell and a net.

(Moon's POV)

I keep on thinking of (Y/N) ever since he left and Star is throwing a fit in her room. I tried to clear my head in the garden, but it felt so frustrating and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


Eclipsa-Hello Moon. I was wondering if I could get an opinion on this outfit. I like the freedom in walking, but it could be a bit too much... You looked stressed, Dear.


The Toku-Hero

Yes to hot thick Latina milf