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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 4

I was in my room buried under all of my stuffed animals on my bed. Everything felt so fuzzy, warm, cozy, and soft... Then I heard the rain come down harder outside and Mommy and Daddy said I couldn't go out to play in the rain because the wind was too strong and there was thunder and lightning outside. Thunder always scared me and that's why I built this fort... Forts are good and can protect me from thunder and lightning. Nobody can go anywhere either, so Mommy and Daddy got the day off which could be filled with a movie and cuddles later... The thunder got really loud and the lights went out.


I was getting scared and wondered why the lights were out. Mommy and Daddy came in and saw why I screamed because I hate the dark because of how scary it is. They came to my bed and I came out of the pile of stuffed animals I was buried in.

(Y/N)-The lights turned off! I didn't touch my light switch! I wanna open my curtains!

Mommy-We can't do that honey. There's lightning outside... The power just went out.

Daddy-But relax. We have generators in the basement and we can power stuff on in the living room... How about you take your favorite stuffed animal and meet us in the living room? We can play video games or watch movies on the Blu-ray player.

(Y/N)-Ok... I want to bring Jupiter the wolf.

Mommy-Well, grab him, and let's go. Mommy is going to be a bit longer since she's going to plug in the refrigerator.

Daddy-You can even help Daddy too if you want. You can carry cords.


I didn't want to be alone anyway, so I followed them to the basement and they both carried one big generator up the stairs and then were going to come down for the other while I grabbed cords. Daddy saw something and went to a box.

Daddy-No way.


He opened the box and I saw something in there that he pulled out and looked happy to see it.


Daddy-Oh, my god! I thought I lost this in the move!

(Y/N)-What's that?

Daddy-This is your Daddy's PS2! Oh, the games I used to play for hours on this thing. Some of the best moments of my life.


Daddy-... I-I said 'some'. Clearly, not better than our wedding and such.

Mommy-Well, let's hurry and get this last generator to the living room You can play it after we get everything set up. (Y/N), Honey, take up the cords first and put them on the kitchen table.

I went upstairs first and I loved watching Daddy play some of his games and he said I can play when I am a little older because the controllers are so confusing right now. I put the cords up and ran to the couch and saw Mommy and Daddy come in with the generator. They put it by a window against the wall before they plugged in the T.V., and a heater and Daddy can only plug in one console... He brought up the box full of PS2 stuff and showed me 3 kinds of games, but there were a lot more than 3...

(Y/N)-Um... Slaaayyyy Copper?

Daddy-Close, it's Sly Cooper. I also have Rachet and Clank and the Jak and Daxter franchise for the PS2. Pick one that you want Daddy to play.

Rachet and Clank looked like fun and I like fuzzy things and they all had it. I got the normal Rachet and Clank game for him and after he was down untangling wires, Mommy came in to sit down with us. She brought a blanket and when Daddy turned the PS2 on after get grabbed one of his 3 controllers.


Something came on and it was showing balls of light moving around. Daddy checked it again and tried a few times before he gave up.

Daddy-Looks like something is wrong with the laser... I'll just order the part when the storm passes.

Mommy-That could be a while.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, so Mommy and Daddy went to answer it, and I was watching from behind them. It was our neighbor, so I ran up to hug them, even if they were wet with a raincoat.

(Y/N)-Hi, Mr. Callahan!

Mr. Callahan-Hey kiddo.

Mommy-What are you doing out here?

Mr. Callahan-Power went out and I need help moving my generator upstairs and hooking it up.

He is old and needs more help with things, so we help him with some things. When they said yes to helping him, I was gonna go get my coat, but Mommy stopped me.

Mommy-No, Sweetie. It's too dangerous outside and we don't want you getting blown away by the wind.

(Y/N)-What?! B-But I don't wanna be alone! I'll hold hands, promise!

Daddy-Sorry, Bud. But hey, you have Jupiter and your other stuffy friends, the lights are on, and you can even pick a movie while we are gone.

(Y/N)-... I get to pick?... I wanna watch, (Favorite Family Movie)!

Mommy-We'll put it on as soon as we come back... We can even make some hot chocolate with marshmallows. ~

Now, I was happy and ran to get things ready for them when they came back. I wanted things to be perfect, so I straightened up the blanket on the couch, put more pillows, and gave Jupiter his own spot next to mine.

(Y/N)-Jupiter, when they come back, it's going to a family movie day and night, so we can't really move... I'm going to get the brush to make you extra fluffy for me, Mommy, and Daddy to cuddle.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was getting ready for it to be a perfect day for him and his family, the storm was getting more violent outside with thunder and lightning happening more and more around the area. The wind got even stronger to where the living room window cracked and water got in to drip on the generator... With the PS2 and such still plugged in.

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-Aaaaannnnd, done.

Everything was perfect and ready for Mommy and Daddy to come home. I hugged Jupiter extra tight when I could hear more thunder and tried to remember what Mommy said. Thunder can not hurt me... It's just so loud and scary though. I turned on the PS2 again to see if I could get it to work, but when I pressed the power button... I heard thunder and there was a big flash at the winder to make lightning pop around the generator. The PS2 shocked me and the start-up screen was really glitching before it flashed my eyes.


I held Jupiter extra tight before my body felt tingly, but I didn't want to open my eyes.

(No POV)

Lightning was filling the room from the wet generator getting a direct hit of lightning from a window. All Playstations were engulfed in the energy too, just looking for a place to escape... the storage device with all the saved files of each game on the PS2, PS3, PS4, and PS5 before it shot it all out...


The lightning stayed concentrated on the T.V. and sucked (Y/N) with the controllers for the PS2 that were out. in while he screamed and held Jupiter the wolf with his eyes screwed shut... Where would the portal take him?

(Timeskip ???)

((Y/N)'s POV)

My ears were ringing and my head felt funny while I was opening my eyes. I saw it was night outside and... I was in some kind of city. I got scared and saw Jupiter, so I grabbed and held him close. Tears were coming out of my eyes while I looked around and could not think at all except...

(Y/N)-MOMMY?!?!?! DADDY?!?!?!

I tried to figure out where I was and there were robots everywhere... Now, they were coming around me. I didn't pay attention to what they were saying because I was crying... If they are robots then maybe they can help me. When I finally started to pay attention again... I was grabbed and held very tight.

(Y/N)-Ahhhh! L-Let me go! Let me go!

I looked at the robots again and some of them had three eyes on top of 3 different tentacles. THEY WERE MONSTERS!!!

(???'s POV)

I just nabbed another info bot with Emperor Nifarious's hit list all over it, so this will help the resistance tremendously. All I had to do now was get back to my ship and back home to upload it to the resistance servers. On my way back to the ship, I heard something...

???-AAAAAHHHHHH!!! *echo*

Someone needed help, but I was so close with the info bot that can help us be better prepared. I took off my helmet and looked at my reflection on the screen, wondering what should I do.


Rivet's mind-... Screw it!

I tossed my helmet in the ship and ran to where I heard the screaming before I saw a group of Nefarious robots surrounding someone. When I got closer, it sounded more like a kid or someone with a high voice. Not like they care, but they sure do. I pulled out my hammer and smashed one of the robotic heads in which gave me a quick glance of them knocking the child out after attacking them. I just didn't get a good enough glance to see what they look like... Gotta focus on the fight first. I pulled out my Omega Burst Pistol and aimed it at the small fry first.


Rivet-Hey! Why don't you pick on someone who fights back?!

I held down the trigger and filled the small fry with bullets before I dodged lasers with a phantom jump. Now, the bigger robots were up next. I still made quick work of them and they fell apart into pieces. We were safe now, but I needed to get his kid out of here. When I finally got a look at him... I never saw anything like him before.


He was covered in bruises and had a toy torn to shreds and it looks like the plasma from my gun burned it... I hope he wasn't too attached or could find a replacement.

Rivet-Hey, are you awake?!... Do anything!

No response and this was not looking good. I picked the boy up and ran back to my ship. When I put him in the passenger seat and buckled him in, I got in my seat to fly off. I put the ship on auto-pilot to check on him some more. I lifted his shirt to see where some of the robots grabbed him and left marks.

Rivet-*Gasp*... Ok... Ok, ok. Calm down. Mort knows first aid, Mort is great at first aid, they helped you when you lost your arm, so this should be child's play.

I told myself to calm down, but it wasn't really working. I only checked him some more and found a bump on his head too, but other than bruises and a minor cut here and there... He was still breathing just fine. With that aside...

Rivet-What are you?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

We were back at my place and I gave the info bot to someone else to upload the information. This kid needs my full attention, even after treatment. Mort said that she did all she could, but he just needed rest and to heal. She also wondered where his parents were, but I told her that I found him alone and unconscious after being attacked, so I didn't have time to find his parents if they were there. When she left, I looked at the kid in my bed before I started making some food in case he woke up, and... stealing an info bot from right under the emperor's assistant bot really works up an appetite.

Rivet's mind-Well... At least he won't be in any pain when he wakes up.

((Y/N's POV)

My head and body felt a little weird when I was starting to wake up and when I looked around, I saw I was in a new place again... I looked for Jupiter, but I couldn't find him, so I panicked. That's when I saw someone moving and coming to me when I started to cry.


???-Hey, hey, it's ok... I saved you from those droids.

I looked at her robotic arm for a little bit before I saw the rest of her monster form and scooted back a little. She got a little closer and sat on what might be her bed in her room.

???-Hi... I'm Rivet... Cool arm, right?

(Y/N)-Yeah... I'm (Y/N)... Where are Mommy, Daddy, and Jupiter?

Her ears went down a little and she looked a little sad.

Rivet-I don't know... I had to get you back here after you got hurt.

I looked at my arms and saw marks on them, but that's not what made me cry... I just wanted to be home. She wanted me to try and tell her what happened, so she could help. I did my best to tell her and she let me stop talking to keep my crying under control. When I was done with my story... She gave me a hug and... Her real arm and cheek felt fuzzy and warm.

Rivet-Poor thing... I don't know where your home is still since you might've hopped through a portal, but you can stay with me until we find Mommy and Daddy. ~

(Y/N)-But Jupiter is here... Where is he?

Rivet-Oh... Ummm... I think those robots... ripped your toy to pieces.

(Y/N)-... *Whimper*.

Rivet-B-But we can find you a new stuffed animal! I think it's kind of cute you like to cuddle.

She was trying to be nice and Mommy said I should be nice back to nice people. It's just so hard and scary right now. I just feel so lost and miss my home already. She stopped the hug when we heard a pot whistle.

Rivet-Hey, do you like soup with some crackers?

I nodded my head and she smiled while walking away. I curled up a little while thinking that Jupiter was taken by those robots and torn apart. NOTHING CAN REPLACE JUPITER!!!... I saw her making the bowls and her tail was moving on its own...

(Y/N)'s mind-So fluffy.


(Rivet's POV)

It's clear that (Y/N) is scared and wants to hold it together, but I don't think now is the best time to be telling him to let everything out... Let's calm him down with some food in his belly first. While I was pouring out the bowls, I put them on plates with crackers around them. Before I could pick up the plates, I failed to pay attention to the footsteps behind me until... my tail was grabbed and stroked. My body shivered at this and I turned back completely surprised to see (Y/N) hugging and rubbing his cheek on my tail... He looked happy though.


(Y/N)-Hmmmm... Fluffy. ~

Rivet's mind-Fluffy?! Didn't his mom or dad tell him what grabbing a tail means?!

I was about to say something, but his battered body looked so heart-wrenching and then he looked at me with warm eyes... I couldn't bring myself to tell him off right now, but I did get my tail back from him which made him look a little disappointed.

Rivet-L-Let's eat first and you shouldn't be out of bed. The pain is numbed, but it can still hurt you.

I led him back to my bed and put a cover over him. He enjoyed the soup and thankfully I gave him that cover because he was a little bit of a messy eater... It looked adorable though. I sat next to him when we were done eating and he nuzzled into me a little.

Rivet-Awwww. Do you like cuddling this much? ~

(Y/N)-Yeah! I have a mountain of stuffed animals. I like to be buried in them when Mommy and Daddy are busy or gone.

As cute as the thought of him being buried in cute stuffed animals was, I thought about what he meant by his parents being gone... He just meant they went to work and he got a babysitter which was understandable. He went on about how he named each stuffed animal... Jupiter was his favorite though which made him a little depressed.

Rivet-Hey, it's ok... You like fluffy things, right?

I thought about what he did earlier and when he nodded his head, I took a deep breath before I put my tail between us. His eyes lit up and I swayed it a little and fixed my fur... It did feel a little greasy though, so I'll get in a shower later, but I'll let him have this right now.

Rivet-Just... be gentle with my tail.


He hugged me and rubbed his face against my tail again to cuddle it. If anyone did this, I would *****slap them before pulling out my hammer. He just looked so cute and happy right now which was amazing because he looked so sad and scared not so long ago... He still has to be, but this is offering a distraction... Until the shower and... He will need one too.

Rivet's mind-Wait, he's 4. Does he know how to properly bathe himself, yet?

We got him wiped down when he got here, but he still needs a proper bath.



(Y/N)-Is there toys made of fluffy fur like this?... It feels nice and smells pretty.

He could not tell right now thanks to my fur, but I was blushing from that comment. I just let him keep on cuddling with my tail before he closed his eyes to take a nap... He's had a long day and I could use this time to relax and read something.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I could hear his cute little snores muffled into my tail. I could not read anything or even look away from him because of how cute he was! Just then he did something that made my heart skip a few beats, even if I knew it wasn't for me.

(Y/N)-... Mama. *muffled*

Rivet-*Squeals*! ~


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