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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night night and Zahara was crying into me a little still after losing a fairy today and not getting her wish. She was mostly calm and I told her how good she did bringing in all of these bears for meat. We sold all of the lower-grade ones to get a few silver coins and kept the high-grade ones for Chelsie to cook for dinner. It all smelled really good, even Zahara who took a bath to get some sap and leaves off her butt and tear stains out of her face. She smelled like flowers now, but I couldn't enjoy it because I was scared of what would happen if she lost control. She was holding me close in a hug, so I hugged her back with my head resting on a boob to look her in the eyes.

Zahara-I had a really with and I poked out of the hole when a bear poked me with something... Now, I'll never find the fairy. *whimper*

I read about fairies and wondered if there is a wish-granting one... Maybe I can get sword skills with my current skills. That's if there weren't any rules attached to it, but from what Luna said.

Luna-Wish for whatever you want. It's a wish-granting fairy, Puppy.

I thought her nickname for me was silly, but I guess it doesn't really matter as long as it keeps tensions low in my party. Still, I wonder...

(Y/N)-What would you wish for?

Luna-To not share something of 'mine'.

I wonder what he meant by that, but just then Grace came out of her tent with new clothes on to sleep in and Chelsie walked over with S-rank food for everyone and the bear meat was only B-rank.


Everyone loved Chelsie's food and I told them that she was an amazing cook while making her smile and blush. She then pulled me to her lap to try and feed me, so... everyone else wanted a turn. After dinner, I was full and getting sleepy, but...

Chelsie-I'll make you a fruit tart for dessert, Young Master. ~

Luna-Don't listen to her. I can run and get something from the town a couple of miles away. You'll love it if I feed you some yummy cake, right? ~

Zaharra-Oh, oh, Master! I know how to make yummy roasted chestnuts perfectly when they fell into my dungeon and then I melt some sugar from the sugar canes in there and they are so yummy! I wanna share some with you!

Grace-Oh (Y/N). I have lemon, lime, and sugar. I saw some grapes and berries in the forest and if I freeze them in the ingredients for a few hours, they taste like yummy candy... You'll have some, right?

I wanted to tell the girls I wanted to go to sleep for the night, but when Chelsie ran to get things she needed, it turned into a race to make dessert... They were all together, so I didn't need to worry about them Luna said she marked this area, so no monsters would come and the bug repellent from Chelsie kept all the bugs away. I had nothing to worry about, so I just went into a one-person tent to get some sleep.

(Y/N)'s mind-They'll wake me up, but a little sleep would not hurt.

(Timeskip To Morning)

When I woke up this morning... All the girls were sleeping outside and they looked pale and sick, so I asked what happened, but they all just looked at each other.

(No POV)

(Flashback Start)

The girls were looking for ingredients in the forest while Luna was dashing off into town for a cake between the two of you. During the scavenging for the dessert food, Grace didn't know much about plants since she mainly focused on magic and got some berries that would make your stomach very upset and you would have a bit of a fever with a runny nose. She and Chelsie bumped into each other and dropped the berries they got. In the dark, Chelsie could hardly see what she was picking back up which were some of Grace's poisonous berries and even left some on the ground for Zahara to eat because she thought they looked yummy and would go great with the walnuts she found to gently roast. When Luna came back with the cake she saw the others were cooking and you were asleep in the small one-person tent. Not wanting to wake you up, the girls got their dishes prepared for the morning and slept in the big tent together... Luna caught something from everyone else and even Zahara's very strong immune system was not enough for how many more berries she ate in the forest that Grace found and knew what they looked like thanks to being able to see in the dark like Luna... It only made things worse.

(Flashback End)

((Y/N)'s POV)

They tried to tell me they were fine, but Grace threw up after she tried to use heal, but heal is not for being sick. I helped them all to the bed tent and tucked them in sleeping bags before I left. Maybe since they can't really move, they will only have each other's company and will even be too tired to really fight. As for their desserts, I covered them up to hide the smell of food for animals that would want to get it. The nearest town was miles away on a map, but then I saw an unmarked village on a royal map and wondered why they would want you to stay away... Maybe it was destroyed or abandoned, but hopefully, they left some medicine, potion, or at least herbs lying around. The map led me off trial, but if it was an abandoned village, I don't think they would have a road. After a little while of walking all I saw were trees and the village should be right here. I learned how to read maps in class and the teacher said I was good at it.

(Y/N)-When was this map made?... No date. So much for a closer place to find medicine.

I was going to head back to the trial, but then I heard something like flute music from very far away. I headed to it and soon I saw a lantern hanging in a tree... and then another one. I followed them and more things popped up until I found the village that was said to be on the map! It was still here and had lots of people living there, so I got my money ready and looked for someone selling medicine. Maybe even a hospital to buy from directly.

(Y/N)'s mind-Hold on girls I'm getting the medicine right now... Hey, this is like another quest! All by myself!

(Chelsie's POV)

I wanted to cuddle (Y/N) so badly while I was stuck here, but I could barely move. We all even lost track of time to tell how long it's been and I was getting so worried. At first, I tried to power through this, but I could hardly get up... (Y/N) was kind enough to leave us bread and water to hold us over since I did this for him when he was sick one time and could not eat much. I yearned for him and the others did too. Meanwhile, they looked like they were suffering as much as me Not from the illness, but from being away from my baby.


Zahara-*Groan* M-Master!

Luna-He's not here. I heard him leave... Or I think I did... My ears are ringing sometimes now. *groan*

Grace-... If we're stuck here right now... Want to talk about stuff?

Chelsie-Princess, what is there to talk about right now?

Grace-Well... We all like (Y/N) and he left us food and water before he left to go help us. *gag*

She ended up puking in a bowl and Luna and Zahara wouldn't covered their noses if they could smell right now. I guess if we're stuck here and can barely move...

Chelsie-Well, of course, he's a Sweetheart. I treated him and his brother with care from when they were babies... One just got sword *sniffle* skills and became a spoiled brat, but (Y/N)'s resolve,... kindness,... cute little habits in his bedroom when he thinks nobody is watching, or how his nose *sniffles* twitches adorably-.

Everyone was looking at me now.

Luna-What habits? How do you know?

Chelsie-*Chuckles* There's a small hole in the attic *sniffles* over his room he doesn't know about. When he was taught to read, he first tried to act like animals he read in a book... You should see his impersonation of a wild Jack Rabbit.

Grace-What did he do?!

Chelsie-He hopped around his room.

Zahara-Awwww. ~ *sniffle*

Luna-What else? ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I made it to a market area and noticed everyone was staring at me, but it took a while to notice the pointy ears... This is an elf village and Father said that elves are very dangerous and should be killed on sight, so I was nervous... They seem to not like me already and it might have to do with kingdom stuff and we might not be friends with them. The teacher said that sometimes telling others you are a royal could be bad, so I will keep that to myself... (B/N) said he would fight to make others respect him, but I thought fighting would make things worse.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, just get the medicine you need and go. That's easy. It's super easy... Please, don't be elves that want to kill or capture me.

I found a potion stand and there were weird scribbles or something for words that I had never seen before... Can they still speak the same as me? I walked up to the man at the stand.

(Y/N)-E-Excuse me... sure... I-I mean Sir!

Elf-What is it?

(Y/N)-Um... I-I need healing potions... f-f-for sickness.

Elf-Sorry. I don't sell those here, right now.

(Y/N)-B-But... is the white ones healing potions... Are they something else? *mumbles*

Elf-Yeah, those are on hold. You want me to look under the counter?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes, please.

He only gave it a quick look and I heard some glass clanking around a little before he came back up.

Elf-All empty bottles.

(Y/N)-Do you know where I can get some healing potions or medicine?

Elf-Try a town, Little Guy?

I was feeling scared, but if I did that my friends would be sick longer or even die from whatever they had... I don't know if it's that bad, but I don't want to chance it. I walked around the village some more and soon did a whole circle and other stands with potions until I made it back to the stand I first went to and saw the elf man give a guy a bottle that was on hold...

(Y/N)'s mind-Did he lie to me?!

I walked up to the stand again and this time tried to look mean, but all he did was laugh a little.

(Y/N)-I saw that! You do sell healing potions!

I pulled out a gold coin to put it on the table to by one, but all he did was push it back to me.

Elf-Listen, kid. I don't sell good quality to your kind.

There is no way he could now that I am a royal prince... I thought of another reason.

(Y/N)-It's because I'm a kid, isn't it?!

Elf-*Snicker* Sure, why not. Take our business to a town.

(Y/N)-I need those potions now! I want 4 for my friends! I'll pay with 2 gold coins.



Elf-Are you really this stubborn?

I stuck my tongue at him and put down 10 gold coins, but he still pushed them back to me. I am not going to leave until I get the potions to help my friends.

(Y/N)-Y-Y-Y-... You're a meanie and... YOUR MERCHANT STAND SMELLS!!!

He got mad when I yelled at him and I started to feel really scared now. He stood up taller to look down at me with a glare. I backed up a little

Elf-You stubborn little bra-.

???-What is going on here?!

We both turned to see an elf lady walk up to us and she looked like a very strict royal person from the way she walked with what my Mother calls 'grace'.


I felt scared of her, the man, and everyone staring at us now. I wanted to run, but I think it was too late for that as a crowd surrounded us and most looked at me like they were mad.

Elf-Prime Huntess. You came. What an honor.

He talked to her like how commoners would talk to me and my family and "Prime Huntress" looked at me with one eyebrow raised... When my Father does that, it's never a good sign.

(Amara's POV)

I was only coming out to get some food in my peaceful little village, but I guess it was not so peaceful. There was a talk of unrest going around today and I found the reason why. A human wandered into our great village and now had the nerve to yell at my people. When I walked closer to him, the little coward took a step back.

Amara-What are you doing here?

???-I-I just wanted potions a-and he would not sell them to me.

Amara-And why would anyone here sell anything to 'you'?

???-I was going to pay 10 gold coins.

Amara-I don't care if you paid him a thousand gold coins. I bet you don't even have an honest coin to your name... How did you find this village in the first place?

???-Um... Th-This map.

He showed me a map and I took it to show a mark near our village that was blank. There should be no maps in the human kingdoms to show their way here.

Amara-You little thief! Where did you steal this from?!

???-I-I didn't steal it... I mean... it was from a library at-.

Amara-I would expect nothing less from a fickle human. Leave and never return!

I rolled up the map and thought about how humans always lie to get things like this. Like when they once broke a peace treaty to start a war and enslave our people, forcing us into hiding to live in peace.

???-But I need those potions for my friends!

Amara-*Scoff* There is nothing for you here, you little liar.

I took a look at his bow and arrows that he had and thought how a puny human would be hilariously awful at it. As for me, I am the best archer and huntress in the village with an SS-ranking to prove it. I took him with me to start leading him out of our village while others seemed pleased with this.

Amara-While you're at it, discard that bow. It's disgraceful to archers everywhere with a shred of honor.

???-N-No! I'm n-n-not leaving until I get what came for!

Amara-At the end of the day, you won't get it here. Nobody will take anything from someone like you. It's stupid you thought so otherwise.


Everyone gasped at this and I too was taken aback by this sudden outburst from the feeble creature as he ripped his body away from me. He looked back at me in anger with a look that he thought he was better than me or even an equal.


Amara-Excuse you?!

???-I want to help my friends and any good person would let me do that! I don't care if they see you as a hero! I don't want anything from any of you anymore! *Pfft*

I was not going to take that from a human of all species! I grabbed him and glared at him.

Amara-You will watch your tone before I hunt you down.

???-*Hmph* I could be a better archer than you any day!

Amara's mind-What did he just say?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?!?!

I tried to act tough and better to do something where if I thought I was too good for them, they would let me buy it! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!! My body was shaking like a leaf after going too far and she was almost as scary as my father right now.

(Y/N)-U-Um, I didn't mean it!

???-Do you have 'any' idea 'who' you are talking to?! I am the SS-rank Prime Huntress, Amara! The best Huntress in all 4 Hidden Elf Kingdoms!

(Y/N)-I-I was just mad and wanted to help my friends!... Please, I just need the potions and I will pay anything!

Amara-I want nothing except to take care of that ego of yours! If you think you are so talented then let's put your skills to the test!

When she said that, I thought about the fights with my brother and now she is an SS-rank elf lady with lots of experience! If we fight, I could die! Tears started to come out of my eyes a little.

(Y/N)-I-I don't want to fight!

Amara-I have no such desire your puny life. I want your pride to be hung by its neck... I call forth a challenge of archery!

Everyone heard this and cheered.


(Grace's POV)

I think I was feeling a little better, even if it was because we were all giggling and throwing up from it, but were still too weak to go anywhere side a small hole to dump it in and have Zahara burn it to where there is nothing left to even smell... We think. This team was a little nicer to be around while I waited for my future husband to come back. The town is just really far, but the path is said to be safe. I looked over to the others and thought if we had to leave to go find him, they would be super helpful.


Zahara-Do you think Master will come back with the feel-better medicine and a ton of food?

Luna-Why not? But do you know what he would love when we get better?


Luna-You holding you as high as you can in this form and spinning until he gets so dizzy, he can't fight off any kisses or nose boops. ~

Zahara-Oh! *cough* *coughs up a little white fire* Because it's like a fun ride!


Zahara-Stop what?

Grace's mind-This actually... kind of fun to do while sick... Where's (Y/N) anyway?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I asked myself how did I get myself into this mess. There are 5 stages of archery where you have to hit a target to see who did better. If I won I get the potions for free, but if I lose... I get my bow taken and get put in chains to be made a hostage. I know I was good, but she was SS-rank and had a better bow than me. We only used simple arrows since this was not a battle of power, but accuracy. Some of the stages looked too far for me to shoot on this field. We both stood up to the line and everyone was laughing at me a little... It was just like home all over again when nobody that cared about me was around. Amara looked at me, so I did the same to her, but all I thought about was losing to her and losing the life I wanted to have of my family accepting me.


Amara-Being a 'generous Huntress' I will allow you to watch how it is done. We each have 5 shots. ~

She took out multiple arrows at once and held them in a way that had one on the string, but the rest were in hand with the handle. I never saw this before. She shot them all really fast one at a time, splitting her arrow each time. I was amazed at how fast that technique was. Everyone clapped for her.

Amara-Your turn, '(Y/N)'.

I tried to copy her but failed which made others laugh a little. I could only do one arrow at a time by grabbing it from the holder on my back. I split my arrows in half each time too, but not as fast as she did. Everyone was silent now and Amara had her eyes wide open.

Amara-... Alright... The next target is doubled in distance. From 25 feet to 50 feet.

She did the same technique again that I could not copy with my smaller hands, but we split all of our arrows again. The next target was doubled in distance again which was my limit, but we still got our arrows split again which made her a little mad... I think it was over because the next target was 150 feet away.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm doomed.

(Amara's POV)

This has to be beginner's luck! Nobody can beat me at archery and it will not start with a child! I took my shots with the help of my skills 'zoomed vision, sensory sensitivity, and craftsmanship'. The arrows we are using can go further than the average arrow by a lot. Even without my wind arrows to go farther than that, he can't see that well to make the shot.


He released his first arrow and I zoomed it at his target and saw... he hit the center still. I looked back at him and he was as surprised as I was. He took his shot again and again and he got the same score as me!

Amara's mind-How is this happening?! How can he even aim?!

The next stage was not farther, but we would be standing on wooden poles to keep our balance while shooting our next shots. I ran to a tree and launched off it to land on the pole perfectly without letting it wobble at all, but the human boy just bent down to jump up... The wooden log barely reacted to him, even when he fell off the first time... He tried again a few times, but while others were laughing at his failed attempts...

Amara's mind-I know the log is sturdy enough to stay standing, but it's not moving at all and he jumps as if he is using wind magic to jump higher, but there are no magic circles... What is with this human child?

I took my turn to get the perfect score again, but so did he... Enough of this. Now, it was time for the final round where we shot all the targets with one arrow to see who got more or the better score... It ended in a tie even when I was faster at shooting.

Elf-Folks!... We have a tie, so we are going to our bonus round! Both archers make your way to the village's central tower!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not believe this... I could shoot farther than I did before! Much farther! I just have to trust my skill and I think I could win this! That was until we started to walk towards the center of the village and climbed up a tower by going up a lot of stairs. When it was just the two of us...

Amara-What tricks are you using, human? I refuse to accept this outcome.

(Y/N)-I-I'm just looking at the target and trusting myself when I fire... I always do that with my skills.

Amara-And do tell... What are your skills?

(Y/N)-... B-Battle IQ, lightweight, and precise aiming.

Amara-... Precise aiming?

(Y/N)-Y-You see it helps me-... What?

She was looking at me with her mouth opened a little before she shook her head and walked up faster than me.

Amara-I do not have time for such obvious lies! You will be in chains where I can teach you proper manners soon enough! During a turn, I saw she was blushing or something while looking angry.

I thought about everything even before I got here and thought about why we were doing this... I guess I did act a little mean instead of trying to find a better way not to fight like Vita says I should always try to do. I just wanted to be a good leader and I guess... she's the leader here or something. Even if I won, I could help my friends like I wanted, but what about her? How would they see her if they think that she's not the best to keep them safe and lead them?

(Y/N)-Um... C-Could we just talk about this?

Amara-No! I do not want to hear any more about you having such a skill!

(Y/N)-N-Not that! How we could just stop this?!

She only looked at me from up the stairs with her face still a little red.

(Y/N)-I-I just wanted to be a good leader ever since I ran away from home and I got... carried away a little. I-I just wanted the potions to heal them and go on more adventures to prove myself.

Amara-*Tch* I'm 'sure' your 'friends' are eager to await your return with our specially made potions any human would love to have their greedy hands on to sell to the highest bidder.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* I-I can tell that you want to be a good leader too... I have never been anywhere except home or another castle before... But someone once told me that, 'A good leader doesn't always fight, but listens to those who trust them'.

Amara-... Castle?... Are you a prince?!

(Y/N)'s mind-... Uh oh.

(Y/N)-Hehehe D-Did I say castle?

She walked back down to me while I backed up against a wall.

Amara-Now it makes sense! That map you had came from a royal archive! You came here to enslave us after you confirmed our location!

(Y/N)-N-No, I ran away from home and don't want to hurt any of you! Honest!

Amara-As if I could trust you and put my people in danger! I should turn you over now!


I reached into my clothes and showed the symbol of my family and the symbol looked familiar to her as everyone knows my family has a bunch of swordsmen. I told her everything about why I ran away as fast as I could. Mainly my father, brother, and all staff hate that I am bad with swords, but good with bows.

(Y/N)-So I ran away! I-I don't *sniffle* to hurt any of you! I just want to help my friends! *sobbing*

I curled up against the wall while my emotions were too strong. For a while I wanted to go back home and to my room and have everything back to normal, even if it meant getting beaten by Father and (B/N) again.

Amara-I-... Get up. We still have one final round and you are not getting out of our agreement.

I felt so sad from telling my whole story like that, but stopped crying enough to where I could aim again. We got to the top of the tower.

(Amara's POV)

The way he acted... It sounded so sincere, but I will not falter before a human. The horn sounded off, so I took my aim. At that moment...

(Y/N)-I-I *sniffle* wanted to be a good and strong leader like you.

My focus dwindled and my finger slipped to let my arrow go. I used my zoomed vision again to see that I hit the second ring. Fury took over my body as he got up for his turn. This would be the part where the human shows their true colors at the brink of victory to gloat and be smug... But he only looked at me with a look of sadness and sympathy. he focused but in the last moment... I saw him twist his aim before he fired. I kept my eye on his arrow the whole time as the wind shifted and helped carry it before... it landed on the ground next to the target. I could hear the cheers for my victory as the human dropped his bow.

Amara's mind-He... did that on purpose? For my honor?

My heart felt funny for a little bit and he looked at me with the same look as last time.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I had the bow as my trophy and the 'prince' in chains that I held... Everything I wanted in this moment and more, but that moment lingered in my mind. I walked through the crowd to be showered in praise until I got to somewhere more private to talk.

Amara-Human... Who told you that thing you told me?... Was it your father?

(Y/N)-No... It was the captain of the guard, Vita.

Amara-And you left her to prove something to your deplorable father and brother?

(Y/N)-And Mother... And my Father's neko slave Celia.

Amara-His neko slave?

(Y/N) She likes it when you hurt her, but I don't know if that's true... I can't stop him from doing it though... C-Can I ask just one thing?


(Y/N)-They are 'really' sick... Please, help them.

He got on his knees to beg for my help which I would call bold and pitiful in this situation, but with the circumstances... My heart fluttered again. If all of this is true... The nobility, loyalty, pure intentions, and determination... It's something I could not ignore. He gave me puppy eyes and in my softened emotional state...

Amara's mind-... SO CUTE!!! ~

(Timeskip 25 Minutes)

I placed 2 gold coins on the counter in front of the merchant's stand where this all started. He gave (Y/N) a smug smile when he saw I was holding a chain collar around his neck.

Amara-I want all 13 healing potions and keep the use of the rest of the currency for my usual potions of choice.

Elf-Of course. Good luck on your trip.

He gave us the 13 potions, plus insect repellent, scent coverage, night vision,  extra stamina, and lightweight. Afterward, we left the village and I took out the key to let him out of his chains and he looked so happy. I felt myself blushing, so I quickly turned away, but blushed so much harder when he grabbed my hand to pull me with him.

Amara's mind-He is just a human, he is just a human!... With soft, tiny, warm hands wrapping around 3 fingers of mine so cutely. ~ No! Stop that thinking at once! Y-You let him out of the chains, but he is still your slave!

My mind went to places of slavery being mistreatment of others and even when I wished it on all those greedy and dishonest humans that feast on other's suffering... It was not (Y/N)... He doesn't deserve to be a slave.

Amara's mind-So... What does that make him to me?

(Chelsie's POV)

It's been far too long, so we were packing up camp and were going to fly on top of Zahara to look for (Y/N). Just as we finished packing up we noticed Luna perking up a little to look happy at first, but then got a little mad. Her nose was still plugged up, but maybe she could smell things close by.

Luna-I smell (Y/N), but there's someone or something else!

I could barely pack up, so that wouldn't make me very good in a fight, but they could help me gut whoever was chasing my baby. Soon, we heard him and he sounded happy.

(Y/N)-Come on, our camp is over here!

We all wondered who he was talking to, but the question was soon answered when he came out of the bushes and an elf woman with high-grade archer gear, magic storage, and holsters, and generally what you would expect of a fighter to be with him... Humans are not on good terms with elves which made me more worried and angry.


I was furious when I saw him holding that elf's hand she pulled away to cover her blush while playing it off and covering her mouth to cough. Grace looked as unsettled as me, Luna's fur was puffing up, and Zahara just ran to him.


(Y/N)-Zahra, wait!

She didn't listen and picked him up to hug him while crying a little, saying she missed him so much. After a bit, he got potions from the elf from her magic storage pouch and it was a healing potion with a cure effect... He got us to drink them and we all felt completely healthy and better than before in a matter of seconds. That didn't stop us from being suspicious and I pulled my baby into me while looking at her.

Chelsie-(Y/N), who is this?!

(Y/N)-Oh... This is-.

???-Allow me. I am Amara, the Prime Huntress of the Elven Kingdoms.

Luna-You were going to get medicine! When did you meet her?!

(Y/N) went into his story of what happened with how they had a competition for potions and even though he lost, she still wanted to help... I bet he was hiding a lot more to that story and I will get it out of him, so I didn't trust her.

Amara-Y-Yes. During the competition, I saw room for improvement as well as amazing potential in need of guidance... Which is why I have just made the decision... to join this party and take him under my wing as my student prodigy!


(No POV)

Zahara was the only happy one out of the four to have a new teammate in the 'game' that seemed nice enough to her while the others were feeling threatened by this. (Y/N) tried his best to calm the others down. In the meantime, Amara walked off to 'look in the distance', but really it was to not show the others how much she was blushing from the thought of having a student to call her own and how adorable and kind he was despite their horrible first interaction with each other.

Amara's mind-I have a student! I can show him arrows that will work well with his skills, guide him, and see as he takes a shine to me! Just think of all the training and bonding that will come of this! The best human in this cruel world and he's mine! ~

Amara-*Squealing*! ~


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