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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were looking for work to do in town after we woke up this morning, but before we did that, we got Luna a license too. Chelsie said she got the guy she fought against and he looked really mad at Chelsie from the ring with Luna. All Luna had to do was land one good blow for her test to be done... I just thought it was a bit too much because when the match started, she quickly got the first punch and she was so fast that the punch to his face looked like a blur that knocked him out... That was over an hour ago and she is still being processed in the guild, but she came along with us to gather more plants. We didn't tell anyone she was an S-Rank monster because they saw her as a beast person. Today was an interesting day already, but even more now because Luna kept on hitting me with her wagging tail on the cart we were being pulled on to get to the job. This was supposed to help us relax and take it easy, but...

Chelsie-Would you stop doing that?!

Luna-Whatever do you mean? I'm just so happy to go on my first-ever mission. ~

Chelsie-You are putting that tail of yours all over him to mark him even more!

Luna-Oh, dear, I suppose my scent is getting all over him. You don't mind though, do you (Y/N), Honey? ~

Chelsie pulled me away from her to hold me close for the rest of the ride. I guess we still need to get used to each other, but now I smelled a little bit like Luna when she got out of the bath this morning. When we got off the cart I rented for us, we all got started.

(Luna's POV)

I sniffed the air and there were no monsters nearby, so it was safe. I wanted to stay with (Y/N) and have some fun with him since we were both going to be "F-Rank" adventurers or that would be my excuse to ease into him before I really had some fun teasing him. Sadly...

(Y/N)-Ok, I'll take this side of the valley and you both take the other side to the forest. Your nose can help find more hidden plants and stuff in trees and such.

Luna-Awwww, but don't you want to spend time with m-? ~

Just then, I was picked up from behind by Chelsie.

Chelsie-Great idea, Young Master (Y/N). We'll be over here and just don't forget that you can call us if you need anything. Bye. ~

He walked off and I pushed her arms apart to make her drop me. When I turned back to her, she was glaring at me, but I didn't really feel threatened by her even if she did have a few moves.


Luna-Thanks for killing my fun.

Chelsie-You listen to me! I have cared for (Y/N) since he was a baby and saw him become this sweetheart, even when most of his family turned their backs on him and the rest were too stupid and blind to see!

Luna-Your point?

Chelsie-'I' had him first, 'I' took care of him, 'he' is my baby!

Luna-*Chuckle* Sure thing, Mama Bear. ~

Chelsie-Do you think I am playing around?! I don't care if you look like a little girl!

She showed me her knives, but I got annoyed with something else.

Luna-... Little?... You wanna run that by me again?

She pinned me to the cart and held her knife to my neck as we stared into each other's eyes.

Chelsie-I said, I don't care if you look like a little-!

(Timeskip 45 Seconds)

I clapped my hands together to get the dust from the rope off and looked to admire my work. I had Chelsie hanging upside down on a tree next to the cart with her dress hanging down and tucked it to show her boobs spilled out. I even gagged her with the spare strap for the horse.

Luna-Don't ever call me 'Little' or anything like that again or I won't be so nice next time. ... And nice rack, 'Cow'. ~

Chelsie-*Muffled screams*!

Luna-Well said, but I gotta go. Those herbs are not going to collect themselves. There are no monsters around here, but I don't know about other people passing through to enjoy the show if we're still gone. Have fun. ~

She kept on trying to yell at me, but as long as she didn't get hurt, (Y/N) would be fine. Besides, I'll let her down when I get back from collecting this stuff and my nose can already pick up all the scents. Meanwhile, she can learn to never call me 'Little' again.

((B/N)'s POV)

I kept on thinking about my little brother out there trying to be anything more than what he was destined to be... Under my feet and a suffering loser while I live the good life. So last night, I had a great idea and was in the throne room, in front of Mother and Father to tell them my plan.

(B/N)-I want to be an adventurer now too! I wanna go out and prove I can be the best this world has ever seen! I can carry a real sword and fight monsters with my own party!

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before Mother spoke up first.

Mother-Dear, you are much too young right now.

(B/N)-(Y/N) is out there! Why can't I go?! I know I will be good at it!

Mother-Your brother ran away. We did not approve of it. We already have enough to worry about until he returns home.

(B/N)-But I want to go now! I have the sword skills and the skills to even do this on my own!

We argued a bit more on this and even the captain of the guard spoke against me leaving, but then something good happened... Father stood up and he always takes my side.

Father-Perhaps it would be a good thing.

Mother-What?... He's 8! He can't possibly be ready to go out on his own.

Father-Which is why we will make sure he has everything he and his S-rank party will need. What better way to find our youngest than to follow his lead and have closer tabs? Plus... he will have a family member he knows to persuade him to come home.

If by that, it means that I can drag him back here to prove I am good enough already and then go be a legend some more before I get the throne.

Vita-But Sire, to send a child to the field of battle is crazy!

Father-Not without the best team and equipment we can muster. Teleportation crystals to get to the nearest town and A-rank and above party members will accompany him. One of which will be an SS priestess from the church. An instant way out of danger and the best healer in the kingdom accompanied by great fighters... He will be fine.

Mother-Dear, I'm not sure about this. We are still looking for our youngest son.

Father-This is for (Y/N)... Who better to bring him home peacefully than his own big brother, Dear?

I felt so happy as he talked to Mother and Father always wins. He can keep the teleportation crystals because I am no coward. I will beat every dungeon I step into and walk out a great hero and loved by all the ladies to make a huge harem. After a while of talking, I smiled.

Father-(B/N), on behalf of your Mother, this will come with rules. You are to have a crystal on you at all times, you are to stay with your party, you are to bring your little brother home, and the weapons you will be given are what you are to use and nothing above that of which... Do you understand?

(B/N)-Yes, Father!

Father-Well then, start forming my son's team at once! And bring the weapon's master here! Captain Vita, you are to teach my son personally with a real sword until he leaves tomorrow!

Everyone obeyed my father and I ran to the yard to wait for more training.

(B/N)'s mind-Just you wait! I'll pull you out of the gutter and drag you home to deal with Father while I have the adventure you want and is rightfully mine!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was doing a good job of gathering a flower that is used to make really good tea and they come at a good price, so I put my basket down in a field where I saw a few patches of the flowers. I didn't take all of them because the teacher told me that flowers make seeds to grow more flowers, so I left some for more flowers to grow another day. I only got the amount I needed, plus a few more for Chelsie to make tea that she might like. When I left to look for fruit that is said to grow on a hill I left my basket here because all of this stuff was making it a little heavy and the hill might make it tip over. I just brought a sack and my weapon to shoot the fruit stems to make them fall but on the way up...



I looked down at my feet on the grass and then I heard the sound again. I tried to run and get off this hill, but when I pushed off the ground to start running.




I fell into an underground river and lost my bow and arrow in the water as I flipped and spun in the water. It took a bit, but I got above the water when the current was weak and shallow and I got out.

(Y/N)-*Cough* *cough* *cough* *spits*.

I caught my breath before I noticed this room was lit up with plates of fire on the walls and there were piles of gold coins, gems, and weapons that looked really high-tier. When I got up to my feet I looked back to the now weak stream of water knowing the current was going to be stronger if I went back in.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm not getting out that way.

I started to panic until I tried to think back to my classes and books to help... Nothing from them, but I remember Captain Vita telling me about something. Dungeons are said to have riches that are capable of making a new kingdom or living a life a luxury and the harder the dungeon, the better the riches, rather if it's natural resources or stolen and left behind by fallen warriors... She had good stories, but that made me feel worse because this is a lot... and I mean 'a lot' so this has to be a very hard dungeon and I don't even have a weapon! I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait!... Don't panic or you will slip up... Take your time, play it smart, and don't fight unless you have to... Ok, first thing... If this is the dungeon there are multiple levels... This can't be the boss room, right?... Right?

I tried to stay quiet, but then I heard sniffing sounds echoing in here. My body froze when I panicked inside my head I tried to move my legs until I saw a weapon buried in gold coming... It was a hammer and the closest thing, so I went for it when I could move again. Suddenly, a giant claw came out from over the pile and crashed down to make coins fall and bury the weapon.  A body came up and it was so huge that its eyes looked bigger than my whole body.


(Y/N)-*Hyperventalting* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!


It flew up and I fell to the ground crying wanting Chelsie, Mommy, Luna, Vita, and even my Father's neko slave Celia. When the dragon flew up, I knew I was going to die and there was no use fighting a dragon unarmed and I am horrible with a sword. I only curled up and got ready to die, but... I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!


I looked up to see the dragon was growing and shrinking until the light flashed before it went away to show...



She landed over me and picked me up to hold me in front of her while I was still crying. She had her eyes closed for a moment before she looked at me to smile even bigger.

Dragon-YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER!!! Who's my little guy?! Who's my little guy?! Is it you? Is it you? ~

I only kept on crying while she gave me lots of kisses while looking at me with eyes that I thought were sparkling a little.

(Grace's POV)

We were back home and I just locked myself in my room after having a fight with Father about this stupid marriage with (B/N). I used every spell I knew to blow off some steam. Water bubbles, water wave, ice dome, ice shield, ice spike, water prison, thick mist, turning thick mist into a weapon to freeze what's inside by focusing the mist on the target, blinding flare, concentrated fire hot light, and my secret spell. All good enough to use in a fight, but now it feels that all my hard work was wasted. My room was an icy and watery mess, but I didn't care. I'm allowed to be mad!

Grace-*Sniffle* (Y/N).

I thought about him running away to be an adventure because he hated his family... I'm not happy here too and it's clear they don't care about my happiness at all when it doesn't work with them. I thought about how skilled I was and the books said I could just make it to a B-rank and an A-rank if I can make my spells stronger...

Grace's mind-I'll take my chances.

I grabbed a bag from my closet to grab some clothes and left room for potions, food, and water, plus other things I would need...

Grace-*Sniffles* If I can't be happy here then I won't be here!... I want to be with (Y/N)!

I snuck out of my room when I stopped crying and my first thought was a book to study my magic. I would get to the kitchen for food and water, and finally get to the basement where we make potions.

(Luna's POV)

I finally let Chelsie down and she got her balance back in a few seconds after I put my haul on the cart, but there was no sign of (Y/N). She was fixing herself up while I sniffed the air and something was off...

Luna-Huh?... *Sniff* *sniff* *sniff*.

I marked him, so I should be able to smell him from miles away no problem! So what the fuck?!

Luna-You still got those knives?

I turned to see her glaring at me while holding both of them.

Luna-Good. We have a problem.

Chelsie-And what's that?

Luna-I can't pick up (Y/N)'s scent, so we are tracking him the longer way.

I hopped off the cart and headed in the direction he went, but Chelsie just picked me up and started running with me on her shoulders, but she was too slow. I know how to make my sense of smell even better.

(Chelsie's POV)

If she couldn't sniff out my baby then something must've happened and someone is getting their throat cut open. When I was running, Luna leaned back to fall off before I saw a flash of light from behind me. I was scooped up by a nose and landed on Luna's back. I also have a good idea of what she's capable of in this form.


Chelsie-Luna, what are you-?!

She ran so much faster than me and I had to hang on. She sniffed the air before she stopped and suddenly turned back.



She rolled her head a little and ran a little faster, so I held on tighter. That's when we came across... A dungeon that was dozens of miles away from us. She sniffed the air before she flipped me off to land on my feet and changed back.


I would get on the case that she could transform, but I had bigger fish to fry.

Chelsie-Do you think that he's here?! There is no way he could've gotten this far!

Luna-This nose and my marked scent do not lie. It's faint, but he's in here.

She just walked in and I went in with her trying to find out how he got here or if she was just leading me away from my prince. She sniffed the air the deeper we went into this hell hole, but it just smelled odd.

Luna-Lot of ash. Lot of scorch marks too.

I didn't see them, so I lit up a light crystal and finally saw them... They were all over the walls, ceiling, and ground.

Chelsie-Luna, (Y/N) is not here! He can't be!

Luna-I'm telling you that he is. If you don't like it then you can go back and look in a valley for nothing.

She walked ahead and I only followed her. Soon, I thought something was weird. Should we have run into at least one monster by now?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I got a hold of my crying, but I was still so scared of this place and of the dragon here. She told me her name was 'Zahara' and she would not let me go and kept me on her lap to bounce me and told me stories. I was barely listening because I kept on trying to think of a way to get out of here, until...

Zahara-And then BOOM!!! They all lost and went away, but then I ran out of monsters and animals to play with. Now, I get humans that always get my name wrong. It's Zahara, not SSS-rank... I'm not a snake!

(Y/N)-W-Wait... Tri-Triple S?

Zahara-Yeah, but I like to play fight with them because I get 'super' bored of this hide and don't seek game. Daddy said he would come get me when I won, but that was forever ago. So I play fight to pass the time.

She kept on talking and I froze again... I was on the boss floor of an SSS-Rank dragon. She suddenly put me down again and backed away.

Zahara-But not that you are here, we can play fight too!


Zahara-... No? But I wanna play a game! All the fun monsters left and not a lot of people come here! Just one round, please?! L-Look, I'll even go easier on you!

She was about to transform and just then my brain thought of something when I thought about her just wanting to play a game.


She stopped and just looked at me like she was curious.

Zahara-What?... Need a warm-up?

(Y/N)-N-No, I got a new game!

Just then she looked a little excited and it was like she was a playful little girl looking for something fun to do... My life really depends on what I say now.


(Y/N)-Y-Yes! I-It's... um... It's called... Adventurers!

Zahara-Adventurers?... How do you play?

(Y/N)-You form a team that you do not fight and you go on all sorts of quests... I mean you play even more games. Lots of them! Play fighting, searching for treasurer, picking plants, fighting bad people, and helping the good ones.

Zahara-Ohhhhhh... What else?

(Zahara's POV)

He told me more about the game it sounds so fun. I can make new friends and the more explained it and he looked less nervous now. I could play all sorts of games in this game. I thought about my hide and don't seek game with Daddy since my second birthday after I showed him my pure white fire during a play fight with him and won against his orange fire. I thought about it and this game was getting boring and all this gold gets boring being my only furniture when I take them out of the magical item box to spray them around like a weapon. When he finished explaining the game...


I raised my hand up as high as I could while jumping in place and my human body moved with me until my big squishy things females call boobs slipped out, so I fixed them and kept on jumping while raising my hand. His face looked a little pinker, but I ignored it.

Zahara-*Grunt* *whines*!

(Y/N)-Um... Zahara.


I rushed over to him to sweep him up and spun him around with me while I kissed him a bunch of times.

Zahara-I'll pack my things and we are going to be the best team out there! ~

I took him with me to get the item chest Daddy left me with my hoard and when I opened it, I got a running start to do big scoops and in the mine time (Y/N) was in the corner holding his head.

Zahara-Are you ok?

(Y/N)-Just... trying to understand what happened.

Zahara-Oh, well you came here somehow and instead of play-fighting, we made a team.

(Y/N)-... Yep, that sounds about right. I'm just gonna sit here until you are done.

Zahara-Should only be an hour or two!... Oh, since you let me in the game, you can be the leader of the team and I can call you Master! ~

(Chelsie's POV)

There has not been one monster here so far and I was under the impression that when a dungeon is defeated you and the rewards get teleported out while the place falls apart. Luna doesn't smell any monsters except for one and (Y/N)'s scent is up ahead.

Chelsie-How do you even know your way around here? Have you been here?

Luna-Yes, I just 'love' to go into random dungeons and bring hugs and kisses to every monster inside. ~

Chelsie-... Bitch.


If she's wrong and wasted our time here, I am gutting her in her sleep. We made it to a huge door and it slowly opened by itself for us to step inside a room full of riches and we heard something, so we tried to avoid it. Luna pulled me with her and hid before leading me and pointing to where we were going. Suddenly, we got knocked down by a bunch of gold coins and someone else. We all fell and there was a chest with gold coins sinking into it with a woman next to it.


???-*Groan*... Huh?... Oh, hi!

That tail, those wings, and horns... Who is she? Did she clear this place alone?

???-Are you here to play fight too?... Well, I'm playing something else now. Sorry.

Luna-Play fight?... Actually, we're here looking for someone. Maybe you saw them. A little boy with brown hair.

???-... You know him too! That makes us a team now!

Chelsie-What? No... Wait! WHERE IS HE?!?!?!? WE'RE LEAVING WITH HIM!!!

???-Sitting in a corner thinking about stuff before we go out to play.

I swear if she did anything to hurt him, I was going to gouge her eyes out! She went back to scooping up more gold in her magic item chest, but I didn't care about that right now. That was until she said something.

???-I can't want to play with Master! Do you think we can go on a mission in another fun dungeon?!

Chelsie-... What did you just say?

???-Do you think we can go on a mission in-.

Chelsie-The other thing.

???-I can't wait to play with Master... You see, he let me in the game in and-.

I walked up to her and she just stared at me a little confused while I was ready to gut her.

Chelsie-This is not a game and you can take your gold somewhere else! I already have one annoying pest!

Luna-I could say the same about you... Sorry, lady. Party's full.

???-Hey, Master (Y/N) said I could play! You are not being very nice!

Chelsie-I don't care!

I shoved her back a little and made it clear that she was not coming with us. My anger made my body act on its own and rant at her before I pulled out my knives and looked at Yuna who was not helping her. At first, it looked like she was going to cry until...

???-*Sniffle*... *Growl* You meanies.

She opened her mouth and we saw white fire fuming out of her mouth, but then... (Y/N) ran in the middle of us.


(Y/N)-Woah, woah! Zahara, don't! I-If you do this then... we won't be able to play adventurers!

She kept on getting more and more angry and I wanted to get him out of there, but then she stopped her fire and stomped her foot like she was throwing a tantrum with a bit of tears in her eyes.

Zahara-B-But they weren't going to let me play with you! 'They' were being mean to me!

I would find this behavior funny if she almost didn't blast us with fire and Luna looked worried while covering her nose. It had to have been the fire that shook her. She continued with her tantrum until (Y/N) went up to her and hugged her legs.

(Y/N)-H-Hey, it's ok. It's just tricky to add more players. Isn't that right Chelsie... But it's just a game. Luna, Chelsie, this is Zahara and she is also called, 'Triple S' and she just wants friends to play with.

He looked scared and wanted me to play along. If she's not only a dragon, but a SSS-ranked dragon in this room all alone... Did she kill all the monsters here?! Just then she fell back on her butt to slam her fist down so hard she punched a hole in the ground. She looked at me with a sad face.

Luna-Um... Y-Yes. Just keep the fire to a low roar. Ok.

(Luna's POV)

That fire. The smell of it smelled almost completely clean with almost no smell of ash or anything like any fire I have seen from any magic. Considering there were no skeletons or anything... If (Y/N) didn't get in between us, we would be lucky to be ash after a direct hit and it's very doubtful. He kept on hugging her and got her to pack up the rest of the gold she had and said it could help us in the game, so that put her in a good mood again. When we got out of the dungeon...


We all looked back and saw Zhara behind a force field. She was even starting to panic a little not.


Zahara-What? Hey, let me out! Help me!

Luna-Relax, let me see. I have experience in dealing with curses.


I walked to her and tried looking for a mark on her body and then we could go to town, get a potion to remove it, and be done with it. I checked all over her body, even going as far as to remove her clothes, checked inside her mouth and hair, but...

Luna-I don't see a mark... I guess this is just because you are the boss of this dungeon.

Zahara-Wh-What does that mean?

Luna-Well, I'm no expert, but I never saw a boss leave a dungeon, so I think you can't leave.


Her breathing started to get faster as she started to punch and kick the barrier so hard that the ground shook.

Zahara-I don't wanna stay here anymore! I don't wanna play my Daddy's game anymore! I wanna go play with Master and all of you! Let me out! Let me out!

(Y/N)-Zahara, wait. Calm down.

Zahara-Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!

Luna-Relax for a moment and let me think here.

Zahara-*Hyperventalating* I don't want to be here anymore! Let me out! LET!!! ME!!! OUT!!!

Fire started to fume out of her mouth again, so we all backed away from her.

Zahara-*Hyperventaling* *huff* *huff*!


I quickly transformed and scooped both of them up before making a run for it. We all saw her start to glow before I barely got away, but then a huge gust of wind knocked me off balance, so I stopped running and we all looked to see the mountain of a dungeon turn to rubble and dust as the dragon emerged.



A transforming glow like mine formed around her as the dragon flew to us and when she landed, she made a crater in front of us before she ran over to us crying and snatched (Y/N) away from my back, so I transformed back into my human form.


Luna's mind-WHAT KIND OF DRAGON IS SHE?!?!?!

Zahara-*Sobbing* (Y/N), I-I was so *hic* sc-scared! *sniffle I th-th-thought *hic* I would n-not get to play and I was st-stuck! *sobbing*

She only kept on crying and (Y/N) was scared too, but tried to comfort her enough to get her to stop crying. When she put her head on his lap to only whimpered as he held her...

Luna-Does... this count as conquering an SSS-rank dungeon?

Chelsie-... I have no idea.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Grace's POV)

I made it to an Inn in another town, but plan to go farther away to try and find (Y/N) in another town. In the cafe, I thought about a few towns (Y/N) might be at since I would go there if I was running away from home. I would just need to be sure before I use my only teleportation crystal because if I mess up, I might never find him. I thought about how I would spend my days alone with him together as adventurers and when we get time to relax... I would cuddle with him in bed and with some yummy treats to feed each other in a small cozy room.

Grace-Hmmmm. ~

Maybe I can ask a guild tomorrow to see if they know if a boy my age signed up anywhere and he like to use a bow. I made a water clone of (Y/N) to hold hands with the clone in the bath for a moment before I let it fall apart because it made me feel sad that it wasn't him and until I found him... It's like I left home for nothing.

Grace's mind-Someone has to know.

((D/N)'s POV)

I got to meet my time and I had a party of 8 people, but only one of them was a girl. It's a small start to my harem, but it beats being alone like (Y/N) is right now and hopefully crying about it. When I met all my strong men in my party who were A-rank and above, I met the SS-rank priestess and the start of my harem, like Father's.



???-A pleasure to meet you, Prince (B/N). My name is Lillian. Your SS-Rank priestess that will aid your wounds in the name of the gods.

(B/N)-Well, I would love to ride in the carriage with you to the first job tomorrow. Do you know what the mission is? Conquer a high-ranking dungeon, hunt down monsters... I'm a huge prodigy at swordplay with my skills.

Lillian-*Giggles* Actually, the first mission is to check a nearby town for your brother. Perhaps if we come across slimes on the way, we can let you get in some practice.

(B/N)-I can do more than slay stupid slimes. I want to take down an S-rank monster for my first kill!

(Lillian's POV)

This eldest prince seems to be very eager, but even with my enchantment buffs and healing magic, orders from the queen are that her sons are to be safe. There is no need for unnecessary battles with monsters. Especially S-rank monsters. I expected this since the king said his son is a fierce warrior at heart while the queen said that her oldest is very bold and wants to play with the big boys. As for their youngest, the king said that they are at odds with the family bloodline but wishes to see them grow and the Queen said that he is more settled and gentle with a passion to help others. His leaving to be an adventurer would fall into line with that for the right reasons, but the methods are wreckless and cause his family and staff to worry about him.

Lillian's mind-To be able to serve the royal family directly and save a prince. How truly blessed am I? ~

Lillian-Well, the time will come Your Highness. However, for now, we must rest because we are leaving first thing in the morning.

He left with a fire in his eyes to show that he couldn't wait, but it did make me worry.

((B/N)'s POV)

(B/N)'s mind-As if I am coming back without killing a monster or conquering a dungeon!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Zahara was cuddling me in bed, still a little sad about what happened today and my face was burning up because my head was trapped in the middle of her boobs. Chelsie was making dinner and it took a while for her to stop being mad, but I helped her bring the herbs back and gave her the extra for a tea that is supposed to calm you down... It also helped that I gave her some kisses to say sorry that I made her worry. Luna was mad at me for going into a dungeon and when I said it was an accident, she still wanted me to do something and that was to give her cuddles in the cart earlier and eat when she makes with Chelsie. They were out right not getting stuff for Chelsie to add to the food and that's when the door opened, so I looked at her walking to Chelse with a few plants.


She whispered to Chelsie and they both smiled. Zahara pulled me back into her and I felt so embarrassed, but it was worse when she didn't put me down back at the guild.

(Flashback Start)

We made it back to turn in the herbs and report an SSS-rank dungeon had been destroyed which they said they would send someone out to check it. Everyone in the guild was looking at us or more likely Zahara still holding me close and it was mostly the men. One of them even came up and Zahara just looked at them while putting my head on her shoulder.

Man-Hey, Baby. Since you look new here, why don't you party with me and my friends? We happened to be A-rank and could use a beast woman like you. ~

Zahara-Oh... No, thank you. I'm in his party.

He looked at me and chuckled a little.

Man-This squirts party? What? Are you babysitting?

Zahara-I would never sit on him! He's my Master!

He looked confused and I was blushing really hard while more people stared, Chelsie got more angry, and Luna was trying not to laugh.

(Y/N)-Um, Zahara. You can just call me by my name. *mumbles*

Man-Master? How old is he? Five?

(Y/N)-Um, s-seven.

Man-He's an F-Rank and you are not even registered. Just come join my party and I'll make it worth your-.

Zahara-No! I want to be in Master's party!

Man-You stubborn little greenhorn! If you sign up I'll test you and-!

Zahara-No, means no!

She pushed him and it sent him flying across the building and smashing outside of a window. That guy was mean, but I was not focused on him right now.

(Y/N)-Zahara. He was talking about the test to join... And it's just (Y/N).

Zahara-... Oh.

Luna-*Snicker* Hahahaha!

(Flashback End)

We were eating and everyone wanted to take turns feeding me, but even with that, Zahara asked for seconds. We only had the special herb blend on my food that added a kick to my food that Chelsie made and it made me feel so relaxed and happy. When I was full, I fell on Chelsie's lap and reached for her face... My head felt nice and fuzzy wuzzy.

Chelsie-Are you full, Honey? ~

(Y/N)-*Snickers* You're so pretty... All of you are. ~

Chelsie-Awwwwww, thank you. Who wants a nice bath before bed with us? ~

(Y/N)-... I know this, one. Don't tell me. ~

Luna-Let us know when you figure it out, Little Pup. ~

I kept on thinking about how pretty they are and when I closed my eyes to think about something funny to laugh a little, I opened them to the sound of running water and all of our clothes were gone in this magic spa.

(Y/N)-Wha... Is this magic? ~

Chelsie-No, it's the bath house for bath-. ~

Zahara-Weee! ~


That looked so fun and when we got in the water, Zahara was swimming around until she came up to me with Luna.

Chelsie-Now,... let's you all cleaned up. Remember what we agreed to girls. I got his hair. ~

Luna-I got his body. ~

Zahara-And I get to dry him off!

(Luna's POV)

Zahara cleaned herself and splashed around the big warm bath. I had never been in a bath this clean and relaxing before without looking out for predators. (Y/N) was even more adorable like this and made grabby hands for me.

(Y/N)-You're so cute and tiny compared to the others... I wanna cuddle with kisses. ~

For a moment, I was pissed that he called me, 'Tiny', but then I saw that droopy look in his eyes and it oddly made it more adorable. I guess I can let this slide or him. I kissed his nose while Chelsie did his hair.

(Y/N)-*Giggles*. ~

Luna-You are just the cutest thing... You are going to love cuddle piles. ~

(Y/N)-*Snicker* No Luna, it's, "Hi, I cuddle you". ~

Luna-... It sure is, Puppy... It sure is. ~

(No POV)

The bath went smoothly and Zahara just blew hot air at (Y/N) to dry him off with the girls. Before they could leave the bathhouse, they had to remind Zahara that she needed to get dressed first because she almost left naked for the town to see. It was clear that she was going to be a handful, even more than (Y/N). Speaking of which, he passed out on the way back to their room and they all got in bed together to sleep in order to prevent another fight like when he was asleep last time before the bath at the bathhouse to share him. The effects should wear off in the morning and they were going to get more gear and stuff in the morning, starting with a new bow and arrows for (Y/N). Meanwhile, at the guild, they confirmed the SSS-rank dungeon was conquered and each member who went up the new ranks was going to be determined tomorrow by giving them a higher-ranking mission that would only be given to them.

(Calvin's POV)

I know my son will want to fight monsters tomorrow, so I will make a rule that there will be nothing more than a weakened B-rank for him to finish off with his new sword. I will not have my youngest stain on the family outshine him in any way at all. He will return here and I will have him under strict watch where he can't embarrass the family anymore.

Calvin's mind-Just wait until we are alone and I get my hands on you for this. ~

Aurora-Honey, I'm going to go out for a walk... Maybe tomorrow night.

Now, he is costing me sex with my harem and even Celia is spending time with Vita to try and find my son.

Calvin-I understand, Honey. Our son is missing and you're just worried.

Aurora-I know... I'm so happy to have a sweet husband and father. ~

She kissed my cheek before she left and I punched the armor that I had and made it fall to the ground.

Calvin's mind-You little fucking brat.


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