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(Jasper's POV)

I had the Pearl guide me in the process of bathing both Blue and Yellow Diamond's pet. It's gross, but I did worse. Yellow even observed me doing this to make sure I did a proper job of cleaning her pet. When I was done, I had them dried off and dressed in Blue Diamond's uniform before Yellow Diamond used the leash to lift him up to her lap with hard like. She was holding something and used it to stoke the human's hair. It made it straighter with light pulls and only a few moments of the pet wincing in pain. Looks like it's another pathetic trait. That hair gets tangled.

Yellow Diamond-Jasper, I got a report of (Y/N)'s training and wish to add a few of my own. See to it that they get started before they do this sleeping ritual. It doesn't have to be finished, but I expect progress.

Jasper-Yes, My Diamond.

Yellow Diamond-I will be leaving in a bit and when he wakes up, Blue Diamond and I will be having him for the time he will be awake.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Yellow kept on holding me still to keep on brushing my hair, even when all the knots were out. I didn't want to make her mad, so I just sat still and let her do whatever she wanted as long as it didn't hurt too much. She cupped me in her hands after and started to pet and I think play with me with her fingers, but she was careful to not touch my hair she just did. She looked like she wanted me to do something, so I tried grabbing her finger that was used to pet my belly and she smiled at me a little. We kept on playing this way until she put me on her lap to look at her.

Yellow-Little Spoon?

I knew what she was talking about, but I have no idea how to do it if she's sitting and she's huge. She put her hand next to me, so I lied down and backed up into it until I was a little spoon to her hand.

Yellow-Your trainer will be teaching you more complex commands in a bit. I still made it simple enough for a human to understand.

Soon after, she got a call and she put me down in front of Jasper, and Yellow Pearl walked over to Yellow.


Yellow-I trust you to take care of his training well enough for him to learn at least one.

Jasper-Yes, My Diamond.

I was scared to be alone with her, but they left and the door closed so I looked up at Jasper while she was working.

(Jasper's POV)

I looked at the most simple command that Yellow Diamond wanted him to do. When I say, 'bath' he just has to take those clothes off over by the bath and sit by it to wait. He can't go into the water, yet and his clothes go in a basket by it. I gave him the step-by-step instructions, but he seemed reluctant to do it until I showed my distaste for his disobedience by glaring at him. He did it, but slowly and in poor timing.

Jasper-We're going to work on doing this faster. This should've taken you 20 seconds. You did it in a minute and 34.


I dressed him myself and we tried it again and again until he showed signs of stress, so we had to stop. Such a pathetic creature that could not do something this simple. He goes too slow on purpose and it takes him 32 seconds at his very best.

Jasper-We'll come back to this, later.

While he rested, I looked for another command to try and I thought this one looked promising. It's also a game called, 'fetch'. He just needs to bring me what I tell him or bring back what I throw. So long as he sees it or knows what it is. I used my privilege as his trainer to make a leash and placed it on a table across the room. (Y/N) watched me the whole time.

Jasper-Now... 'Fetch' me your leash.

This reminds me that Yellow wants him to walk around with me a little, so after a few times I will take him out and see how he and other gems behave.

(Blue's POV)

I was tackling two tasks at once. One for a new colony and another for my pet's supplies that he may like. Other foods that are enjoyed by humans would be something he will love and deserve more than the humans at the zoo. I already had a few and even had those tested at the zoo which I was checking in on by having an Amethyst come here to report. The new keeper there is too new to give valid data. She should be here any moment and I will give her new flavor formulas to try out at the zoo. Only the best for my pet.

Blue's mind-Yellow said he was doing a bit more complex training with his new trainer... Should I send Holly to join them... No, he should get to know his other trainer.

Soon, she came in and bowed to us, so I put down what I was doing and Yellow did as well to my surprise. I guess she took a deeper interest in our pet recently.

Amethyst-My Diamonds. I am here to discuss recent progress about the zoo.


Amethyst-The new formulas are very popular among the zoo humans. Some humans prefer a flavor more than others.

Yellow-Which is the favorite?

Amethyst-The one labeled, 'chocolate'.

We went into a few more discussions about the zoo, but when we got to a topic about the two recent additions...

Amethyst-Both are stay secluded, but one of them snaps and yells at the others who come near. All attempts to settle her down just resulted her in demanding for her offspring back.


Amethyst-It's when a human female has mated with a male human for her to be pregnant for a couple of months and give birth to a male or female baby human. In other terms, she calls herself a (Y/N)'s-.


She looked at me and saw that I was annoyed about this and this is new to me as well. I give her safety, I give her food that tasted new in her modern world, and took whatever burdens she has had. Now, she is asking for the one thing I want in return and that makes me feel sad, but also... angry.

Blue-'What else' does she say?

Amethyst-Ummm... It's just her ranting... a-about... you.

Yellow-Ranting how?... Do those earings record what they say and here?

Amethyst-Y-Yes, Yellow Diamond.

She seemed scared, so I tapped into the zoo's network and pulled up files that have been filtered recently. I found a human named (M/N) and it was the date they were put in and her pictured matched. Sadly, all the data was corrupted since the system was not updated in years. Amethyst saw how upset I was when I looked at her.

Blue-You have to had heard her 'ranting'... She 'exactly' what she said... Now.

Amethyst-Y-Yes... I-It was out of line, but one time she said,... *gulp* "G-Get my baby back fr-from... the Big Blue... Stupid Bitch".

She winced at the last part and I don't know what 'bitch' meant, yet, but I do know she called me stupid. Coming from her made me furious on the inside and I stood up.

Amethyst-B-But she clearly doesn't know what she is talking about. We don't have a human that goes by baby or (Y/N).

Blue-(Y/N)... is our pet.

I said it coldly to her and she just gave me a nervous look while still keeping her proper pose. She even glanced at Yellow and started to sweat, but she stood up alongside with me it was like she had forgotten how to function.

Yellow-So... she insults your Diamond and disrespects the authority over her... What were her punishments thus far?

Amethyst-Um... We never really dealt with this and are barely allowed to interact with them unless under emergency... Like if all humans were to be in distress.

Blue-Then she will receive training to make sure that doesn't happen... I will be coming back with you and Holly Blue Agate will be with me. I'm not going to allow this behavior.

Yellow-My trainer, Jasper will also be coming with me. If she makes claims on my property then she will be answering to me... Pearl.

Yellow Pearl-Yes, My Diamond?

Yellow-You are to watch over my pet while Blue and I are at the zoo with our trainers.

Blue-The same goes for you, Pearl. Is that understood by the both of you?

Yellow/Blue Pearls-Yes, My Diamond

We cut the meeting short to head out immediately and I contacted Holly to meet me at my ship for briefing on a new training job with another human. After that, I looked up what 'bitch' meant on Earth and I found a few words and videos to help under...


((Y/N)'s POV)

Jasper got told something, so she looked at me and used the leash thing I gave her to pull me to her by my clothes. She then held a treat over me.

Jasper-For learning how to play fetch... It was cute. Hehehehe. ~

It sounded like she was making fun of me a little before she gave me the treat and told me to do other commands, like ones that involved cuddling for her to relax on the job. She even teased me a little by toying with me and laughed.

Jasper-Is this what tickling is? That weird sound you make when I gently drag a finger down your back?

It felt so weird and made me shiver, but also laugh and if I move she might get made. She only chuckled before picking me up to roll on her back, put me on her belly, bent a knee up, and had me lay back on it. After that, she did whatever she wanted to as and was gentle and making fun of me a little...

Jasper-Now... Let's go on that walk.

Just then the door opened and we saw Yellow Diamond with Yellow Pearl and she looked angry, so Jasper got up and stood up straight with me. That's when Blue Diamond and Blue Pearl came in and for the first time, I saw Blue look clearly angry.


Yellow-Jasper, you are coming with us to the zoo to help train another human for a short time. Both Pearls will be caring for our pet here, while you work with Holly Blue Agate on this assignment... And we will be in the room with you.

She looked confused and gave me to Yellow and Blue Pearl when they walked up to take me from her. I heard the zoo and knew Mommy had to be there, so I reached for Blue and Yellow Diamond.

(Y/N)-Wait! I wanna go!

Blue-No, Little One. You are staying here with our Pearls to take care of you. You can however choose if you want to stay in Yellow's quarters or mine.

(Y/N)-Please! I wanna go, I'll do anything!

Yellow was about to say something, but then Blue stopped her before going to grab something and then she used the leash to make me fly over to her. She put me in her arms like a baby before she shoved a crystal bottle in my mouth and this tasted like a banana milkshake. I tried to spit it out, but it didn't work.

Blue-I know, I know... You just need to sleep for a while. ~

I thought about what she said and got scared that what she was feeding me was going to make me go to sleep. I didn't feel tired and I could still move until she wrapped me in a blanket. When I was full and moving around a lot didn't make me feel good, she gave me to Blue Pearl.

Blue-Take him to my quarters to put him in the bed he's familiar with.

(Blue Pearl's POV)

I felt a jolt go through me when I got to hold and carry him. We all left the room and soon split of, so it was just me and Yellow Diamond's Pearl taking care of the pet now. On the way back, we got stares, but they knew not to interfere with us in any way or harass the pet-human or it would be Yellow and Blue Diamond that they answer to. However... a gem did intend to step in our path. It was an Emerald.

Emerald-Hello... What is it that you two think you are doing?

Blue Pearl-We ask that you step aside.

Emerald-I would like to ask what both of the Diamond's Pearls are doing with that... thing.

Yellow Pearl-That 'thing' is our Diamond's property. If you move aside now, we won't report you for interfering with a direct order from Blue Diamond. Yellow Diamond also hates it when gems touch her 'things' without permission.

She glared at us and (Y/N) shrank when her gaze met him, but we got out of there. We got even more stares and whispers now... This is something I will report to Blue Diamond later for safety concerns. When we made it back to her quarters, I got him to bed and unwrapped him, so he could lay comfortably, but he only started to cry... I sat down over him in bed.

Blue Pearl-Lounge back into me.

He whimpered, but got up a little to lay back into me, so I closed my legs a little to secure him. Yellow Pearl only watched as I started to pet him and smile.

Blue Pearl-Good Pet. ~

Yellow Pearl-What is this?

Blue Pearl-Just some cuddling position he learned in training. I'm just taking the initiative to care for him in a way our Diamonds will be pleased.

She took offense to this since she wants to prove she is the best Pearl and gets into bed with us, but is unsure of how to join. I'm not sure she can since all the positions he learned were just for 2 participants. Instead of cuddling, she tried to copy my petting before she did it her own way. First, it was to do the job, but then I saw her look surprised when his whimpering and crying stopped and he fell asleep on me. My body felt blessed by this and he felt so good when he went limp.

Yellow Pearl-They are rather... soft in a weird way. *whisper*

Blue Pearl-After he wakes up, we will give him a bath. *whisper*

Yellow Pearl-'I' will do it and if Jasper did her job and picked this command, he will show progress and get ready for his bath for us. *whisper*

I wondered what she meant by that, but I guess we will see when he wakes up. We don't have to worry about more gems making him nervous since we gave notice that we are not to be disturbed during this job.

(No POV)

Blue showed Yellow, Jasper, and Holly what 'bitch' meant and that this human called her that. Yellow was not pleased by this at all and both trainers did not like that this lowly human insulted a Diamond. On the way to the zoo...

Yellow-Why don't we show her who the 'bitch' really is.


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