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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 4

I was taken home after Daddy came back home from work today and our neighbor and him were talking next door while I just sat down and played a video game. It sounded like some adult stuff that he didn't want me listening to. Soon, he finally came back home looking upset and tired at the same time. After I had played a few levels, I had to go to the bathroom, so I ran there to go quickly and when I was done, I went on my stepping stool to look at myself in the mirror.


I fixed my hair a little before I left the bathroom and went to my daddy while he sat at the table. He still looked unhappy.


(Y/N)-Hey Daddy... Was work good today?

Daddy-Oh... Daddy got a promotion, but... things are getting a little complicated, so you might not being going over to Richard's house when I go to work anymore.

(Y/N)-Oh... Am I in a school now?


((D/N)'s POV)

(Flashback Start)

I was doing my normal business and was head of a very important project for the company, but then I got a call up to the CEO's office. I left my second in charge until I got back. At first I thought this was going to be about production on the project we were on, but that was before...

Mr. Callahan-I noticed how hard you were working on the projects I put you on as the lead and your team management skills have shown to be effective.

(D/N)-Thank you, sir.

Mr. Callahan-It's so impressive that I want this to be down with that whole floor. I'm offering you a promotion to a floor manager from team leadership.

(D/N)-... Really?! Thank you, sir.

Mr. Callahan-Now, this position was vacant for some time, but it does come with a few conditions. First of all is the increase in hours to 12-hour shifts 5 days a week. This is to make sure you are available or co-workers on all shifts.

(D/N)-12-hours?... But sir, I have a son. I'm already hardly ever home. I even slept in the dorms a few times, so my neighbor is already angry at-.

Mr. Callahan-I am aware. Not to worry, everything you need to know will be in this folder. I had my assistant handle this herself, but I threw something in there. However, I will need an answer by tomorrow or it can go to someone else I have an eye on.

(Flashback End)

This promotion is too good to pass up, but I can't just leave my son home alone. I would get weekends off still, but I would be pulling 12-hour shifts 5 days a week. I got the offer this morning and have until tomorrow to answer. I opened the folder he gave me to read over about everything for this job and there were around 10 papers. New contract agreements, I get a 45% raise in pay from my usual $80,000 a year, my new list of responsibilities I get for taking over a whole floor, a list of training programs I will need to go through, and I went over the rest by just skimming then.

(D/N)-*Sigh*... Guess it's just not in my cards right now.

When I picked up the papers to not even bother with them, I found a card under them with a note clipped to it.


I picked up and separated the 2 and read the note first.

(D/N)'s mind-(D/N) (L/N), I know your father duties come before work, and it is completely understandable. I have an answer to the care of your child. My wife runs a daycare a few blocks from work with her friends when she is bored helping the staff around my house as a housewife. I even helped fund it for a while, but now it's at times since they have a stable income and everything paid off thanks to me. Call the number on the card if you are interested... Happy Castle Daycare.

I called the number on the card and it rang for a moment until I heard someone answer it.

???-This is the Happy Castle Daycare, how may I help you?

(D/N)-Hello, I was looking to enroll my son in your daycare. I got this number from my boss and he said his wife ran this place.

???-Oh, you must be the call we were expecting. I am the assistant June. If I could have your name and the name of your son, please?

(D/N)-(D/N) (L/N) and my son is (Y/N) (L/N).

June-... Ok, if we could have you come in tomorrow, we can just have you fill out a few things and we can even give a short tour. We open at 7 and close at 6, but we are closed on weekends.

(D/N)-That works perfectly. I will see you tomorrow.

I hung up and my new hours are from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM. I can just park, drop him off and for my last hour at work, I can just bring him to the office as long as he behaves. I then called the office to tell them that I accepted the position, but I will not be coming in tomorrow to get my son enrolled.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up early this morning because Daddy said he just had a better thing at his job and that means I have to go to a daycare. I was nervous about being so far away from home and meeting a lot of new people at once. I wanted to ask our neighbor if he could watch me one more time... Daddy didn't even ask. I only curled up in the backseat of the car for the ride and it was still kinda dark out. When we got to the parking garage for Daddy's work he took my hand to walk with me down a few locks.

(Y/N)-C-Can I just stay in your office all day instead of the last hour?

(D/N)-No, Daddy is going to be super busy and you will need to stay in a small room. Daddy can't do that.

My chest felt so heavy the farther we got from the car. I just wanted to go home. We got into a building and I saw a counter with a gate by it. Nobody was at the counter, so Daddy rang a bell and I just sat on a chair in here. I felt so scared and sick to my stomach, and then a lady came out to the counter.


???-Hello, are you the man I spoke with over the phone?

Daddy-Yes. You must be June. You wanted me to sign papers and give me a tour.

June-That's right... And this cute little guy must be (Y/N). ~

I felt my face burn up when she called me cute and I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She only smiled and giggled.

(D/N)-He's just a little shy. He had never been in a daycare before.

June-I understand, well, we can drop him off in the playroom. My boss is in there right now.

((D/N)'s POV)

She looked gorgeous and I didn't see a ring on those fingers. I took my son with me to the back rooms and down the hall we got into a room that had play mats, drawing tables, buckets of toys, plenty of room to run and play, and there was even a way outside to play on a playground next to an open field and other things. All of this and a work desk for whoever is in here with another door by it. On top of that, there was another woman in here.


June-Kinsley, our new additions are here. (D/N) and (Y/N).

Kinsley-Awwww, he looks adorable. Hi there. ~

(Y/N) hid behind me and she just giggled before I held out my hand.

(D/N)-You husband recommended you to me. I work just a few blocks down and I will be here in time to pick him up.

She took my hand, but she looked confused.

Kinsley-My husband never told me, but we can go over this together. I'll get someone to be in here with (Y/N)... Or, there's someone right now.

I turned around and I saw another woman walk in and there were two furry women. I read that this place had a head of security and people to play with the children.


(D/N)-Are they security?

Kinsley-Oh no, that's Betsy. There are our field instructors who make and play games with the children. The leopard is Bri and the hyena is Miley.

Miley-And who is this? A newcomer? ~

They both look like they hit the gym a lot, so I wonder who the security is if it's not them. I tried to leave (Y/N) in here with them, but he tried to cling to me. I had to pry him off of me a little before I could ease him into staying. It took 10 minutes and 2 other kids showed up before we could leave the room.

(D/N)-First day.

Kinsley-We see this all of the time.

The next place they took me to was the nurse's office and when we got in, I saw the nurse and I swear, every woman here was a babe. Her tail was just so fluffy.


We walked in and she looked at us while she was stacking boxes on the shelves.

June-Hey Ruth. Meet the dad of a new child joining us. This is (D/N).

Ruth-Oh, I just went over (Y/N)'s file and saw it looked empty. Hello, I'm the nurse's assistant. I also help with the kids for story time and putting them down for naps. Rose is bringing more things in with Betsy.

We kept on talking and soon left to go get things signed. First up for his enrollment were my contact information and information if my son has allergies.

(D/N)-I think my son doesn't have any.

June-Um... You think?

(D/N)-That should be on his medical records I can send it over on my phone.

Other things were my address, times I will pick him up which will be near closing and the times they can expect him to be opening time.

(Kinsley's POV)

I guess if he works at my husband's company, he should be pretty busy at times, and he does have a doctor for his son. He signed more to the paper, but when I looked it over, I saw a few red flags. Nothing I can turn him away for, but... opening to closing, 5 days a week, doesn't know much of his son's medical history other than monthly check-ups, and additional information...

Kinsley's mind-(Y/N) doesn't have any friends and I can't really take him out much. See to it that he makes friends here.

We do groups for games and during playtime, we encourage this but hardly take him out. He is doing the bare minimum. I decided to ask a couple of questions I can ask him, but I will also have a few for my husband who sent him here. He doesn't know a whole lot about his son and his shy appearance makes sense now because he hardly interacts. On top of it all...

(D/N)-Hey, does his enrollment start today? I need to do some errands while I have the day off and I can pick him up around 2 or 3.

He's not even in our system, yet he seems so eager to leave his son here, even if he didn't have work. On top of that, it's a little bit past 7.

June-Um, sir. You did just sign up. He's not in the system.

(D/N)-I never did a daycare before. Does it take a few hours that I have to wait for?

Kensley-When did my husband tell you about me?

(D/N)-Yesterday. I just saw it on a card and he said you were his wife, so I know he trusts you.

No research on me either? Just that I'm his boss's wife. I'm running a very good daycare here, but for all he knows, this could be good-looking on the outside, but the staff could be abusive like I read about before I started this. I also had other motives to do this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

More kids were coming and the ladies here were talking with them while I sat in the corner. That's when the leopard lady looked around a little confused and saw me before she came over here.


Bri-Hey there, Sweetie. Don't you wanna play? ~

I shook my head no at her and wished I could back away some more.

Bri-I know it's scary to make new friends. Let's talk about it. ~

She sat down in front of me and I didn't know what to say to her. She scooted a little closer to me and smiled.

Bri-I don't bite, Little Man. Let's start with your name.

(Y/N)-... (Y/N). *whisper*

Her ears did a little thing and I thought of a kitty cat just now because of it.

Bri-That's a nice name. I'm Bri, but you already heard that... Here, let's get you something to do. You look so lonely and sad over here.

I shook my head no at her, but then she reached into a shelf before she pulled out a pop-it toy and gave it to me.

(Bri's POV)

I could tell how nervous he was and frankly, he looked miserable. I think it could be separation issues or a bad case of cold feet to this stuff. He just played with the pop-it toy to press on the bubbles and he did calm down a little. He looked at me again and shifted a little in his spot.


Bri-We have more toys you can play with. Maybe even come join the other kids for playtime.

(Y/N)-... Maybe.

I stayed with him to help him get used to me, seeing as I was going to help care for him when he comes back here. He didn't really like so close and tried to scoot off to the side, so I stood up and he looked so small that he could only make it to my knees.

Bri-*Giggles* Where are you going? ~


Bri-Awwww, don't be scared... I'll come back later and we'll see how you feel. ~

I left him alone with the toy and he looked so adorable that I wanted to go back over and cuddle with him!

Bri's mind-Eh, eh, eh. Down, Bri... Let him settle.

I got over kids to play with and adore anyway. He should be leaving soon because we need a few days to put him in the system.

(June's POV)

I was trying to explain that we can't just take his son without his information in our system. It just was not legal and really concerning that he was pushing it this hard. Kinsley was even on the phone with her husband. I just left him in the office waiting room before I went into the other office where I saw Kinsely looking upset.


Kinsely-Are you serious?! I'm not asking him if he can come to work for you! I 'legally' can't take in his son right now... 2-3 days. No, I do not want someone to come over, and the fact that you even have the impression I can take in children the second they come in leaves so many things left unchecked... If something happens and I need proof that all of these children are in my legal care, it makes the difference if that child is taken from me and the parents end up getting a call from the police or CPS! We are small and don't have lawyers to get this through in minutes! I need his medical history, to see if he has special needs, allergies, and-... Marcus! Ugh!

She hung up and rubbed her head a little before she took a few breaths. When she noticed I was here, she knew I had no luck in getting (D/N) to leave and neither of us wanted to turn a child away like this.

June-Um... I can try to get things situated, but the earliest I can finish it is tonight after closing.

Kinsely-... *Sigh* This puts us up to 13 kids and we can't do this right now... Call in Betsy and tell her the situation.

((D/N)'s POV)

I was waiting for June to come back with news on how this is going because I really don't want to take my son to some places with me for errands. When June and Kinsely came back into the room, I stood up and thought about what I could say next.


June-Sir, we can start tomorrow, but we can't do it today.

(D/N)-What if I leave it in writing and if something does happen, I can say you have my permission?

June-I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. Sorry.

Kinsely-It has to be tomorrow. That's the best we can do.

(D/N)-But I got a lot of errands to run. There's the grocery store, my car needs to get checked and worked on, I agreed to help a friend with something, the place we are going to is very expensive and only will have adults around dining tables, and-.

???-Ya'll can bring yer son to all of that stuff. The only one ah feel bad for now is the 4-year-old.

(D/N)-Excuse me?! Who said-?!

I turned around only to face abs... mostly a belt buckle, so I slowly looked up and backed away a little to see who must be the head of security... Betsy and there was Rose right behind her.


Betsy-Ah did. We can take him tomorrow... 'Have' a good day.

(D/N)-... *Gulp*.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stayed in the corner, but just then a new lady came in with Kinsely and she knelt down and looked a little worried. I just curled up a little more in the corner.


Kinsely-Awwwww. Feeling nervous, Honey? Would you like to go home and come back tomorrow? ~

I wanted to go home and stay there, but I just nodded my head and put the toy I had down.

Kinsely-I gotta help the other kids, but this is Rose. She's our friendly nurse and she's going to take you back to your daddy. ~

Rose held out her hand and I looked at Bri and Miley waving by to me while Rose took me out, and I felt better now that I was going home.


Miley-Bye (Y/N)!

Bri-See you soon, ok!

I waved back to them a little and Rose held my hand down the hall.

Rose-Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing? Did you make any new friends? ~


Rose-No? What about Bro and Miley?

(Y/N)-... I... talked to Bri.

We made it up front and Daddy was waiting for me and he looked ready to go.


Rose-Here is, sir. Please, come back tomorrow.

Daddy took my hand and we started to leave and on the way to the car, he said that he was going on a few errands and our night is going to watch me one more time.

(Kinsely's POV)

The 'solution' he had to de-escalate the situation with Betsy was to tell us that he would drop his son off with his neighbor 'one more time'. His paper said he was single and I saw him eyeing June, but little did he know that she doesn't swing that way. Even if she did, a father who not only does the bare minimum but puts his son off to someone else almost always when he is or is not at home... I remember not being cared for by my parents. I watched (D/N) take (Y/N) down the street from my window and I felt sorry for (Y/N). No wonder he doesn't have any friends and put himself in a corner, he has absolutely no social skills with children his age and no real love.

Kinsely-Poor baby... Just one more day and we will be seeing a lot of each other. ~

I took a look at his papers and he will be here from opening to closing every day we are open. But even the thought of going to an uncaring home like I was subject to and arranged to marry a wealthy, but uncaring man who left me in another bigger home... It's why I started this daycare. To get away from him and I wanted to help kids not feel the way I did all my life, and my friends wanted to help with that.

Kinsely-A lot more.


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