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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and felt myself between Millia and Holli. The thing in my mouth was gone and I did not see it, but I was facing into Holli still. I tried moving my arm up without waking her and moved the top part of her shirt to suck on her, but Millie had her arm and leg wrapped around me while she was still sleeping. I didn't stop trying and I guess I woke up Holli and she looked at me for a moment before she closed her eyes again and let one of her boobs out. No milk, but it was relaxing and I nuzzled into her.


I felt Millie get up and she pulled me from Holli to cuddle me, but then I saw the thing I was sucking on last night was under me. I already felt wide awake now and Millie used her tail to bring down the net wall on her side.

Holli-Millieeee, give him back. *groan*

Millie-Up and at 'em. He's going for a shower.

(Y/N)-Can Grandma come in? You said I could try her milk last night before bed?

Millie-No, Hun.

(Y/N)-But you promised.

Millie-I said maybe... Would you rather wait for us or have Madonna?

I just looked up at her and gave her a hug.

(Y/N)-Pretty please?

Millie-(Y/N)... Holli.

Holli was only getting out of bed and stretching before she walked over to us still half asleep. She was going to be hardly any help.

Millie-... *Sigh*

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((G/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my sweat clinging to my body after I heard the door to the shed open. My body was too tired to wake up until I was pulled out by Millie and (S/N) was pulled out by Planetina before we were both forcefully stripped and sprayed down with water and soap.


We tried to scream at them to stop, but we would only get sprayed in the mouth. This ended when we were blown with hot air and I fell back on my ass. Millie came over to me with a key to unlock the chain before pulling my ear to her.

Millie-When he feeds off of ya. You better let it happen, and whatever he 'asks' you to do, you fuckin' do it.

She helped me get dressed and I had no idea what she was talking about, but then I thought about her being a demon...

(M/N)'s mind-SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME?!?!?!

(S/N) was just getting a list of chores before they only gave us fruit for breakfast and she pushed me out the shed first.


We all went up to the house and when we got inside, I saw (Y/N) sitting on Holli's lap while he was playing with his hands with Dawn as she cooed at him. The others were here too and looked at us while (Y/N) looked happy to see us so much he ran up to hug my legs.


(Y/N)-Grandma, (S/N)!

I tried to push him away from me, but then I felt something sharp poke my back and I knew it was a knife she had. I froze in place and (S/N) was taken to the kitchen to help cook breakfast.

Holli-Sweetheart, you know Madonna is happy to feed you.

(Y/N)-I know, but I wanna try the whole family, and since my old mo-. I-I mean (M/N) is not coming back for a while. I still have Grandma.

They all looked annoyed and with Madonna willing to fee him, I remember what I told (Y/N) and I felt so disgusted that this little boy was so perverted he would even resort to me! I took a deep breath to yell at him, but before I could the knife poked me.

Millie-Not too much. It'll spoil yer breakfast, Hun.

((S/N)'s POV)

I was forced to help cook with Kitty and Dawn in the kitchen and I couldn't bear to watch (Y/N) do it, but I could hear him suckling on her for milk. I can't live like this. Not only is this so weird, but the chores, sleeping in the shed, the cooking, and I have not been to the mall in days... There has to be a way out of this. That's when I saw that they thought he was cute and completely innocent.

(S/N)'s mind-Once they see he's as dirty as any man turns out to be, they'll drop him immediately.

I started to come up with ideas and what I could do to turn the tables and thought about how he would do nearly anything... He was also horrible at keeping a secret, so I couldn't tell him to do something directly. When he was done breastfeeding on Grandma I thought of something... A porno. I can put my Victoria's Secret catalog where he will find it first and when he is caught looking at it, he won't understand until it's too late. When Breakfast was done, I got to work on my plan.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on thinking about how Madonna was sweeter and smoother, but Grandma's just had more taste. Everyone was doing chores or relaxing while I was not allowed to help clean, but my chore was to play. I went to Mama Millie and Mother Holli's room to play games until I got bored from playing alone, so I thought about grabbing a toy from my room to see if someone wanted to play. I saw (S/N) trying to sweep the halls, but she was doing it wrong... She was trying though, so maybe I can tell her to take a break to play. I got into my room and saw something new on my old table. I walked up to it and saw it was a book with a lady on it. I opened it and I saw a bunch of weird underwear and stuff.

(Y/N)-Where did this come from?

I looked at more pages and thought of something I could do. I just left the room to get the stuff I made.

(Planetina's POV)

I thought of a few more exotic fruits for the garden outside and tidied up a bit more around the yard. I even added trees around the shed. I went back inside when I was done picking the fruit and found (Y/N) in his old room doing something when I walked by. I walked in only to see him surrounded by shredded pieces of paper and covered in paint.

Planetina-(Y/N), what is this?

He turned around and smiled at me like nothing was wrong, even when his face and hands were covered in paint, but at least he had an old-looking towel to protect his clothes.

(Y/N)-I'm trying to make a hat... It just won't stick no matter how much paint I dip it in.

Planetina-Sweetie, you need more than just paint and paper to make a paper mashay hat.

(Y/N)-I tried glue too.

He only held up a stick of glue.

Planetina-Oh (Y/N)... (S/N)!

I went over to pick him up and I guess I needed a shower too from all the hard work I did. When (S/N) walked in she had a smile on her face, but it quickly went away when she saw the mess... Was she expecting something?

Planetina-Clean this up. As for you my little artist. You earned another bath. Let's go.

I walked past her and she only looked at the big mess I told her to clean up. He wanted to talk to her, but I stopped him and got to the bathroom quickly. I put him down and he put his arms up.

((S/N)'s POV)

That fucking idiot! I give him something men and boys drool over and he cuts it to pieces and dunks it in paint while making a huge mess that 'I' have to clean up now. This was all so stupid, but I wasn't done yet.

(S/N)'s mind-Ok, plan B.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-*Giggles* HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Planetina-I'm gonna get you. ~

I was rolling around on Planetina's bed and some mist she was spraying felt so bubbly on my feet and I was so ticklish. She even tickled me all over my body while my head was on her lap until Dawn came in.


Planetina finally stopped and I got out of bed to run to Dawn.

(Y/N)-Mommy Dawn!

I gave her a hug and she gave it back, so I sat next to her and she gave me a kiss on my head.

Dawn-I came to have my turn to play with him.

(Y/N)-Can we play dodge the-?

Dawn-And I'm picking.

They both looked at me and I don't get why I couldn't pick the game. The winner just needs more points. Planetina gave me a few more kisses and tickles before I left with Dawn and when we got to her room, I was about to go grab the rope for me.

Dawn-Hey, no. I said that wasn't a rule for you anymore. Come here.


She set up a few things by closing the curtains and turning on a ceiling fan before she got a bag.

Dawn-I'm going to lay out 3 items and you just have to grab the one you like.

(Y/N)-How do you win?

Dawn-Oh, this is another kind of game. It's just to make a chore fun. Now, let's start.

She reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle with a rubber nipple, a sippy, and a juice box. I thought for a bit before I picked the sippy cup. Next, she put out pictures of candy, cake, and ice cream... I picked ice cream. The next one told me what was going on. It was a picture of a normal bed, a crib, and a sleeping bag. I have to pick what I like to sleep on the best...

(Y/N)-*Giggles* *snicker*. ~

Dawn-Huh? Oh!

I tackled her a little, but only put my head in her lap and she looked surprised when I flipped over to look up at her from her lap.

(Y/N)-I like being held and napping with all of you for cuddles!

(Dawn's POV)

I just want to evaluate what he liked best and now he goes and does this. My heart skipped a beat when he nuzzled into my lap to treat it like a fluffy pillow thanks to my wool and new body figure.

Dawn-(Y/N), you need to pick one of those. What do you think is the best choice?

(Y/N)-Ummmm... Where are you going to sleep?

Dawn-... Say, I would be in the crib. Would you sleep there too?


My heart rushed a bit, but I kept my composure and tried to get more pictures out, but then her surprised hugged and kissed me.

Dawn-*Chuckles* Hey, settle down and get off! *giggles* No stupid predators on top of me! *snicker* Stop!

He only kept on playfully cuddling with me, but went off to my side when I said he couldn't be on top of me. When he had enough play time he only sat up and looked at me when I stood over him a little.

(Y/N)-I'll like whatever you want me to, Mommy. I just want everyone to be happy.

This look on his face and those innocent (E/C) eyes... My heart couldn't take that answer and it felt like I was having a mini heart attack from the cuteness. When I lost my composure a little, he tilted his head a little and looked confused.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?

Dawn-I'm... I'm fine. How about I go get you some juice for your sippy cup? It's the one Planetina made. Wait, right here.

He bounced in excitement while sitting down. I needed a break from the cuteness before I really do have a heart attack.

Dawn's mind-AAAHHHHH!!! SO CUTE!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waiting for Dawn to come back with my juice. To pass the time, I rocked myself in place before I accidentally rolled onto my back. When I did that, I saw my sister at the door smiling at me, so I sat up gain.


(S/N)-Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something. You remember the rules for the mistletoe, right?

(Y/N)-Oh yeah. The thing where two people standing under it have to kiss. It's for Christmas.

(S/N)-But did you know that you actually have to kiss whatever is under it also?

(Y/N)-I... didn't.

(S/N)-*Gasp* You don't know the rules? Well, let me make this quick. All year round, it has to be with what is closest to you about that person. They can even put a hand up for the guy to kiss.

(Y/N)-I thought it was just for Christmas.

(S/N)-And leave the love for only one season? Never. We even had some around the house and all of those tests... You failed. I thought I would drop you a hint.

(Y/N)-Wow... Thanks (S/N). I would have never thought of it with Halloween coming up.

(S/N)-Hey, what are big sisters for?

She was right. She left and I waved goodbye before I rolled on my back to wait for my juice again.

(No POV)

(S/N)'s mind-Ahhh... Dumbass. Now to get someone into position for the leak I made.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I finished my juice with Dawn and wanted to play with her, but she said she was going to go tell my other mommies what she learned about me. I heard someone in the kitchen and they sounded a little mad, so I ran in to see Millie a little mad while checking under the sink and this made me a little sad.


She already looked a little wet, while not being happy about it, so I went up to her.

(Y/N)-Mama... Are you ok?

She turned to look at me while she stayed in the sink.

Millie-Oh, Sweetie. Mama is just busy fixing something that broke.

(Y/N)-I can help you.

Millie-Umm... Just wait here if ya want. It shouldn't be too long. After, we can plan for something before bed tonight. Your bedtime is at 8.

I just waited behind her and I still thought she was made, but I can't kiss and play with her because (M/N), my sister, and Grandma don't like that. I know she needs some love.

Millie-*Grunt* What did she do?!

I flinched and looked and saw something on the ceiling... It was a mistletoe that my sister was put there all year long to test me. I missed it so many times and forgot so many kisses. It was right over Millie where she was working under the sink...

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm a super bad boy. I missed it so many times and I know I was there with my other Mommies, even before they were my Mommies...

I need to make this kiss really count for her. I can even let her punch me as hard as she wants after. I walked up behind her and got on my knees like her, but flinched when she punched the wall in anger.

(Millie's POV)

I almost got this fucker and that bitch is next because this was no accident. Just when I backed up to get out, I felt something on my ass and very close to something else... The sound it made was no mistaking it and I looked back to see (Y/N) kissing my ass. I curled up and pulled away before I sat up in front of him.

Millie-Why did you do that?!

(Y/N)-Y-You were v-v-very mad. And it was the rules.

Millie-Rules?! What rule?

He pointed up and I saw a mistletoe before he leaned closer to me while crying a little harder.

(Y/N)-I-I'm sorry I missed it all those times! *sniffle* J-Just hit me all you want! *sniffle* *whimper* I missed so many kisses! *voice cracking* *hic*

Millie-(Y/N)... Did (S/N) or your grandma tell you this?

(Y/N)-*Hic* *hic* (S/N). *whimper*

He was trying not to fully cry and I just pulled him into a hug to comfort him and told him things, like I wasn't mad at him. He held back his cries while trying to give me more kisses and I carried him back to my room while most of the other were outside. I put him in bed, pulled up the walls and covered him up in a blanket with a game controller.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why are you not hitting me? J-Just one?

Millie-No... No, no, no. I could never be mad at you. You just didn't know. It's ok. ~

I kissed his head.

(Y/N)-But I need a punishment.

Millie-*Sigh* Fine, how about... No more milk from (G/N). Ok?


Millie-Now, you stay in bed. Play some games, and calm down. I'll have someone in here to cuddle with you soon. Mama is going to have some Mama daughter time with (S/N). No boys are allowed in her room while it's Mama, Daughter time. ~

(Y/N)-Ok... I love you.

Millie-Awwwww. I love you too Baby. ~

I gave him one more kiss with a soft smile before I left the room and my smile turned into a different smile.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((S/N)'s POV)

I was screaming for help while I was completely naked, tied up into a ball, and hanging over my 'old bed'. Millie held her tail to swing it playfully and had a suitcase in her other hand.


Millie-Did you think I was fucking lying when I said things were going to be different... Like what happens when you make mah baby boy cry after tricking him into kissing my ass and almost something else that you are definitely going to be kissing?


Millie-What are you talking about?... We're just watching a movie for Mama and Daughter time. ~

(S/N)-What kind of brain-dead dumbass would believe that for a second?!

Millie-Even if he did come in and see... He was abused all of his life, met us after we were nothing, but shows to him, and was even kidnapped by gangsters without sugarcoating anything at him, except from himself. We even tried to explain that shit to him, but it was hopeless... Do you think he'll understand this?

I struggled more and started to cry from not being able to move and only swung myself a little.

(S/N)-You *hic* ruined my-!

She covered my mouth and sadistically and seductively smiled at me.

Millie-Save the crying from when we start. When I'm done with you, the Mama I'm going to be to (Y/N) and the 'Mama' I'm going to be to you... ~

She played with her clothes in front of me and I felt my heart sink and like I was going to get sick.

Millie-Are going to be two 'very' different things. ~

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were playing Monopoly on my new game console and passed the controller around, so we could all play, but Grandma didn't want to play, so Planetina walked her back to the shed to make sure she got there safely before she came back to play. We got Madonna to play as long as I was snuggling on her lap. I even helped her with the controls that were super easy. It was Kitty's turn right now.

Kitty-Ugh, hey Dawn. Do you want to trade?

Dawn-No. I got a whole set with houses.

Kitty-I wish this was real dice.

(Y/N)-We can get a real board game if you-.

Just then, we heard something from the room next door from 'Mommy Daughter Time' and I was happy (S/N) get to be with our new mommies, but I wonder what they were doing.

Millie-Louder! *muffled*

(S/N)-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! *muffled*

I could only guess what they were doing because I heard Millie making (S/N) give her kisses. Everything sounded so different at times.

(Y/N)-What are they doing in there again?

Dawn-Jumping on the bed, dancing, teaching her to give more kisses like you. Just how to be a good.

(Y/N)-Even how to play with toys?

Kitty-Did she ever play with toys before?

I guess she was right. We just played our game and it lasted so long that it made it to dinner time and only 2 of us were out of the game... I was one of the people who lost, but wanted to help Madonna. When we got dinner started and Kitty just held my head on her lap, Mama Millie came out with (S/N)... She looked hurt, very tired, and sweaty while in a towel.


When she saw me looking at my sister...

Millie-Oh, don't worry, Honey. She's fine. Right, (S/N)?

(S/N)-Y-Yes, Mama.

I smiled that she saw Millie as her mama too. She took her out to the shed and everyone was quiet until...

Dawn-Who just wants to order takeout tonight?

(Y/N)-Oh, I do!


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