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((Y/N)'s POV)

Even with the fire, it was still a little cold in this place. The snow would not stop and none of us wanted to open another book about how bad it always goes and Goldilocks hated her first time doing it. We only had so many books on that shelf and I told them what I know about the other books, but it was going to be a whole lot worse if we go there. I just took all the books upstairs and put them into the office, so nobody opens them on accident. I looked at the sign about imagination before I looked at the pen.


(Y/N)'s mind-Grandpa, was this library always like this?... This is crazy.

I went back down to the others and we tried to figure out what to do right now. Some of us wanted to leave, but Alice was still reading and so far we know about a girl named Gerda and a boy named Kay. Red and Alice wanted to go help her, but Goldilocks and I wanted to stay here. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to go help her, but e got no jackets here and it's super cold out there, even with the snow calming down.

Goldilocks-Fairy tales always have a happy ending! They will be fine!

Red-I almost got eaten by Mr. Wolf at home!

Alice-I don't see anything about snow, yet.

(Y/N)-Maybe the story is already finished.

Red-But we just got here.

I sat down next to Alice and Red near the fire and they both leaned on me and they were warm. Goldilocks got in front of me and leaned back to push me against the chair a little. When I relaxed... I felt pretty warm.

Alice-At last, the final chapter mentions The Snow Queen.

Red-What happened to Gerda?!

Alice-I am more worried about Kay.

(Gerda's POV)

Kay would not last much longer and I tried my very best to find help. Soon, I saw a building in the middle of the snow, so I helped Kay over to it and tripped into the snow while crying. I kept telling myself, just a bit longer and Kay will be fine, but that sudden turn and trip down into the snow were too much... Kay was bleeding from his brittle and icy skin.


I tried to cover the bleeding, but it was no use. The snow only got more red and my tears fell into the snow.

Gerda-Kay, get up! We are close to curing you! I know it!... Kay?!... KAY?!?!?!

He wasn't moving and I knew it was too late for Kay... They were gone and I whelped as loud as I could. He was kidnapped and I just rescued him, only to have him die. I wanted to hold Kay longer, but my heart raced when I felt like I was being watched. I looked back at the building and ran to it while praying for Kay to forgive me. When I made it to the building, I saw a light inside, so I pounded on the door of desperation and exhaustion.

Gerda-Hello?! *sobbing* Please, help me! *sobbing*

I kept on crying and when the other door opened I looked at who opened it and they covered their mouth when they saw how I looked.



(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Alice wanted to wash the blood off of Gerda's clothes and Red said we needed to melt some snow to make some warm water, so Goldilocks and I did that. The whole time Gerda was crying and curled up on the couch. I don't think she had frostbite, but I never had frostbite, so I don't know what to look for. When Alice gave Gerda her jacket back to bundle up more next to the fire, I sat next to her and tried to calm her down... She leaned on me and I gave her a hug.



Alice sat next to her on her other side and Greta pulled me onto her lap a little to hug me tighter.

Alice-Are you alright? Can you tell us what happened?

She shook her head and made hicking sounds like she had a problem breathing normally when you cry too much. She just needed time to calm down and Alice did not go back to reading this time, but just sat next to the fire. Since Kay is not here and we saw blood on her... We know and the last thing we need to do is freak her out.

(Y/N)'s mind-I guess the story is finished... Well, at least as long as we stay put, it can't get any worse from here.

(Snow Queen's POV)

I was out in my sigh, enjoying the cold and crisp air before I venture off to other warm areas of the world. In the distance, I saw something, like a tavern or a home with a yellow light coming from the windows. I went over to the building and stopped a couple of feet from the entrance before I got out to knock on the door. It took a moment before the doors finally opened and I saw that it was a little girl that opened the door, and she looked far too young to be on her own here.


???-... Um, h-hello.

Snow Queen-May I speak with the adult?

???-Um... There are no adults here.

Snow Queen-Then who is in charge?

???-... (Y/N)! Alice!

I expected her parents to answer the door, but instead, it was a boy around her age and a little girl that just looked slightly older.


They both looked afraid of me and when I opened the doors all the way, a gust of wind blew in and I could feel the warmth from that fire until my cold snow snuffed it out. I looked around to see more children in here, but what I stopped at was my reflection in a mirror.



Snow Queen-Silence, little one.

He tried to speak up again, but I just walked past him and the girl to see that this place was a library. The youngest in red tried to push me out, but a mere child is powerless against me and not even worth the effort.

Snow Queen-What are four children doing in a place like-?

I overlooked something, but I think I recognized a description of a girl from a boy I had in my custody.


Snow Queen-Hmmmm... You must be the friend of that boy.

She was about to speak, but then the little boy got in front of her, so we both looked at him. I almost laughed at his attempt to be a hero given his size, age, those (E/C) eyes, and... those clothes. I never saw something like that fashion style before in any part of the world. I knelt down to his level and took a closer look at them. Full of life and oddly reminds me of one of my favorite winter memories... given its always winter here, but still.

Snow Queen-So, you will try to be her hero?

(Y/N)-Uhhhhh... I-.

I picked up and placed him on the table to be at my level as best as he could. One of the girls tried to save him, but I grabbed her wrist and looked at her.


Snow Queen-It's very rude to interrupt a Queen's work. Just sit down like a good girl.

???-My name is-!

Snow Queen-Now (Y/N), I never saw clothes of this region before. Where do you hale from?

(Y/N)-I'm not telling you anything!

Snow Queen-You will. I could just... freeze this place by buying it in a blizzard or turning some of your little friends into icicles... Now,... where are you from?

(Y/N)-... Th-The United States.

Snow Queen-I never heard of such a place... I suppose it will be frozen and colder soon enough. I do find this culture of clothing interesting... Tell me more.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I have no idea what to do except just tell this lady whatever she wants and just hope she leaves. After so many questions about my home, she looked a little happy and smiled at me.

Snow Queen-Very interesting. This 'United States' you speak of must be quite wealthy from the fashion sense alone, not to mention the tall building that can scrap the sky. It would be a perfect place for a queen and her new prince.

Alice-You don't have a prince.

Snow Queen-I do now.

She picked me up and was about to take me outside, but the girls blocked the door and Gerda grabbed me to rip me from her. I fell to the ground, but better than being taken by her... This made the Snow Queen super angry and the wind started to pick up in here and made it freezing cold.

Snow Queen-You 'dare' defy the queen of this land?

Gerda-You took Kay from me! You're not taking anyone else, you-!... YOU WITCH!!!

Ice started to form on the walls in here and we were all scared, so I had to think of something and fast. I got in front of Gerda and hugged the Snow Queen to calm her down. Everyone looked surprised and I just hope this works.

(Y/N)-Wait! I'll go with you!... I'll tell you more stories about my home and it can be about 'anything' you want.

I secretly looked at the girls and hoped they would catch on. The Snow Queen picked me up and the girls had to hold Gerda back while she was yelling at her to let me go. I just went outside into the snow with her and looked back to see Red running around the library.

Snow Queen-You will be a start of a new collection. You will just have to become accustomed with the cold first. I do not tolerate warmer parts of the world.

I could tell because she even felt as cold as ice. I had to get down and be ready to make a run for it back to the library as soon as they got a book ready. I looked to see Gerda crying again and fell to her knees while I think I saw Red at the window, holding up a book.

(Y/N)-O-Ok, but can I walk... My feet can get used to the snow.

Snow Queen-I will be carrying you to the sled. Once we return home, I will postpone my advancements on the warmer territories of the world to get you accustomed to this weather.

The sled was still close, but it won't take long for her to catch me. I gotta think of something.

(Y/N)-Wh-What will you do to help me do this?

Snow Queen-The first is a nice cool bath, charming you to help your body, having no clothes on in a snow storm, and lastly, giving you the kind of clothes I have.

(Y/N)-That sounds... kinda cold.

Snow Queen-Kind of? It better be freezing for the first while.

She put me in the sled next to her and I scooped some snow off the edge of the seat. She grabbed the belt to whatever for the sled and at the last second... I threw the snow in her face... or tried to. She blow the snow into the air before it could even reach her face.

Snow Queen-... Was your plan to blind me with snow and run back inside?

(Y/N)-... No.

(No POV)

The Snow Queen Held (Y/N) down and used ice to keep him in the sled before she took off with him as the girls watched in horror as their secret plan fell apart right before eyes. They all ran outside but had no hope of catching up to the sled as the snow started to come down again. One of the girls never liked this plan and after losing someone close to them very recently, they were 'NOT' going to lose another.



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