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(Connie's POV)

I couldn't get the thought of Pearl and Amythest sneaking into (Y/N)'s house last night through a window, but I wanted to give them a chance to explain themselves. I'm sure there is a logical explanation as to why they broke into the home... of a kid they recently met... in the middle of the night... I sure hope there is a good explanation. I made it to Beach City early in the morning before I have school later, given I had to leave super early. It felt weird being back here and Steven was gone, but I need to talk to the gems. I knocked on the door and the one to open the door was Amythest.


Amythest-Oh, hey Connie... What are you doing here so early? Sun is barely up, yet.

Connie-I was hoping we could talk about something in private before school.

Amythest-Well... Ok, but how long is this going to take?

Connie-Just a few questions and we're done.

Amythest invited me in and we sat on the couch. I didn't see Garnet or Pearl here, so they might be out or in their rooms. This felt really awkward and it was going to get worse from here until we get it all out in the open. I know the gems are always the good guys and there is something I am missing... That's what I keep telling myself, but with (Y/N) very similar to Steven...

Amythest-What up, girl?

Connie-So I was getting ready for bed last night and I saw you and Pearl in the neighborhood... You went through (Y/N)'s window and I wanted to know why?

Amythest-... Are you sure you weren't dreaming?

This caught me off guard that she was lying to me... I wanted the truth even more now and knew for sure it wasn't going to be simple or pretty, but I want it to at least be done with good intentions.

Connie-I'm positive I saw you and Pearl go in. I just want to know why.

Amythest-Afraid I can't answer that, Con.

Connie-Why not?

Amythest-Because last night I was chilling in my room. Nowhere near anywhere.

Connie-Amythest... Can I talk to Pearl?

Amythest-She's not here. Took off late last night on the warp. Something about boring gem culture to maintain or whatever.

I kept on trying to convince Amythest to tell me the truth and I was her friend as long as she meant no harm, but each time... I grew a bit more doubtful and frustrated until...

Connie-Amythest, I saw you two climb up the house and into a window! You can't lie to me that you didn't! What were you doing in there?! Was that (Y/N)'s room?!

When I realized that I snapped, Amythest froze before she lost the calm look on her face and just went blank. She sat up and looked me in the eye instead of trailing off and stood up.

Amythest-You know I think you really saw?... Corrupted gems.

Connie-What?... No.

She took a step toward me and I scooted away from her and got up from the couch.

Amythest-You did. It sounds like this gem likes to crawl into windows and doesn't like it if you look at them.

Connie-Amythest, stop. You're scaring me.

Amythest-I would be more afraid of this 'corrupted gem' because I think if you're well-behaved and keep quiet and your eyes closed, nothing will happen. Now, if you look at it and make lots of noise... It can get mad.

I hit the wall before you get into the warp pad area of the house and she put her hand on my chest to pin me to the wall.

Amythest-So if you want my advice, don't look, shut up, and leave it alone and it will leave you alone.

I felt my heart sink when she threatened me like that and she looked mad. I lost feeling in my legs and slid down until she stopped me at her level.

Connie-Amythest... Pl-Please. I-I know he reminds you Steven because he reminds me of him too, but-.

Amythest-If I catch you near (Y/N) or if he mentions you... That corrupted gem might come into your room and you and maybe even others 'will' get hurt.

She let me go and I slid down to the floor while she looked down at me.

Amythest-Get. Out.

I never saw her like this before, but I listened and ran away as my life depended on it. My heart was racing as I ran down the stairs and Amythest slowly came out to watch me run away. I wonder what on earth has gotten into her that she would do this just to grieve. This was so much worse than I thought, so school can wait, I need someone that has a better chance to reach them.

(Greg's POV)

I woke up to someone knocking on my van doors, so I looked at the time and it was only a little bit past 6 AM. I wondered who that could be this early in the morning, so I opened my doors and saw Connie looking a little out of breath.


Greg-Connie? What are you doing here so early?

(Timeskip Few Hours)

(Pearl's POV)

I stayed at (Y/N)'s house overnight in case Lapis found her way back, so as soon as finished breakfast, Garnet would arrive, and we can bring him to the temple for his safety. Lapis was with the Homeworld gems back during the war and if Garnet said she wants him and she gets him, she might take him with her. If that happens, we will have no functional ship or a warp back to Homeworld to get him. Let alone the human zoo he would be put in. I was hiding behind a chimney on the rooftop until I spotted Garnet coming down the sidewalk, so I jumped over to her.


Garnet-The night went by quietly, I take it.

Pearl-No sign of Lapis. Are you sure she just didn't fly off the planet by now?

Garnet-She desperately wanted him. Even if she did leave, what's stopping her from coming back to get him?

She was right and if she can convince Blue Diamond to capture more humans for the zoo if it was still up and running... The odds were low, but it was still a chance we were not taking. We knocked on the door and I let Garnet do the talking while I went upstairs to look for (Y/N) and found him on his bed.



Pearl-Hi there, Sweetie. ~

I walked over and helped him get some socks and shoes on before I picked him up. When we got downstairs, I saw (M/N)'s mom stressing out and looking worried, so either the future is getting to her or (Y/N) told his parents about Lapis.

(M/N)-If someone is after my son and they know you then I don't want him near you anymore!

First of all that was not happening for several reasons, mainly that I am just not going to be separated from him. She and her husband would either get thrown into a zoo or slaughtered buy any gem, and it won't just be Lapis, so if it came down to him staying with anyone, it would be us.

Garnet-We are trying to help.

(M/N)-You put him in danger in the first place by giving him that mirror! Put my son down!

Garnet-Pearl... Go to the temple. We need to talk.

(M/N)-You're not going anywhere with him!

I ignored her and walked outside with (Y/N), and he looked nervous about this while his mother yelled at us to stop, but Garnet held her back. (Y/N) seemed scared and it made me miss his smile, but also furious that she was stressing him out too.

((M/N)'s POV)

I tried to rush outside and get my son back or called the police, but Garnet took my phone and kept on blocking me. I was seriously pissed off and tried to punch her, but she didn't even flinch. I tried to hit her again, but this time she grabbed my arm and looked really mad now. She even lifted me up by my arm, so I was dangling in the air and looking at her level. I felt scared but tried to hit her in the face, but she pinned me against the wall.

Garnet-You listen to me now. You and any cop you call will not even be able to hope to deal with Lapis. I tried to be nice about this, but now... (Y/N) will stay with us at the temple.

I tried to struggle out of her grasp, but she shifted me and made her grip on me even better while also covering my mouth.

Garnet-And then there's me... right now... If you threaten to call anyone or come near (Y/N), I can break you and so many other 'police' like sticks. Make sure your husband understands this too or else.

She punched a hole in the wall right next to my head and my body shivered and I think I even peed myself a little. She dropped me to the floor and pick her foot on my shoulder.

Garnet-Go to (Y/N)'s room and pack some of his clothes if you understand.

She took her foot off of me and with her height and power... I slowly got up and she followed me to my son's room and gave me a backpack. She watched me put some of his toys and stuffed animal into a bag and took it from me.

Garnet-Now got to your room and don't utter so much as a word to me.

I did what she said and I guess I was too slow because she picked me up by my shirt and pants to literally take me to my room and throw me on the bed from the door. She slammed it shut behind her and I wanted to call the police, but then I realized... She still had my phone.

(Greg's POV)

I managed to get Connie to school on time by giving her a ride, and I told her that I would talk to the gems. Amythest might be going through a mood again, or even all of them because I was familiar with this. They acted the same way when Rose... brought Steven into this world. I parked my van at the carwash and was about to head to the temple, but then I spotted Pearl and Amythest talking by The Big Donut while Pearl was holding 9Y/N), and he looked a little reserved right now.


I walked over to them and suddenly Amythest swiped the kid from Pearl and ran away while laughing.

Pearl-Amythest! Get back here with (Y/N)!


This got her attention and I walked up to her while trying to find the right words for this moment. I don't wanna blame her for something Amythest did.

Pearl-What is it?

Greg-I wanna about something Amythest did. Connie came to me super early in the morning and said that she threatened her. Something about you and her sneaking into (Y/N)'s room. Do you know anything about that?

Pearl-... We snuck into (Y/N)'s room?

Greg-I'm just saying what she told me and lately, you all seemed attached to him... You didn't do that, right?

Pearl-Of course not! Why would we break into a window like a bunch of home invaders?!

Greg-... I didn't say anything about going in through a window. Connie didn't even say that to me! She just said you two broke in!

This caught her in her lie and she looked stumped. I knew they were bad with losing ones they care about, but I thought they learned after the whole incident with Steven when he was a baby.

Greg-Pearl! What were you thinking?!

Pearl-Greg, I can explain!

Greg-You broke into a house because a kid reminded you of Steven!

Pearl-There's more to it than that! He's being hunted by another gem, so it was for his protection! It was that magic gem mirror I gave him!

Greg-You gave him a magic mirror?!

Pearl-I know that sounds bad when you say it like that, but I thought it was broken!

Greg-Pearl, you can't do this and if a gem came from a mirror, they will be looking for him here! He needs to get out here!

Pearl-Greg, we got it under control!

Greg-You got a gem to come after him in the first place! Do his parents even know?!

Pearl-Listen to me!

I tried to get past her to go get the kid from Amythest, but Pearl grabbed me by my arm and pinned me against the wall.

Pearl-I said, listen to me.

She twisted my arm and I tried to call for help, but she hit me in the gut so hard that it knocked all of the wind out of me.

Pearl-Shut... the hell up... You took Rose from us, Steven is gone, and I am not losing one more light in my life. Do you understand me?

She twisted my arm and made me look at her while she glared at me. This was like when she first met me, but much worse because she never hurt me like this.

Pearl-(Y/N) is staying with us to stay safe, I will care for him, and if you so much as scare him any further, I will just about have it with you.

My heart sank before she finally let me fall to the ground and stepped on my head to put pressure on it. I didn't have the breathe in my lungs to scream, but her crushing me hurt like hell. She kicked me a little to look up to her again.


Pearl-Don't 'ever' show your face at the temple or hane 'any' interaction, shape, or form with (Y/N)... Nod your head yes.

She pressed down even harder and when I nodded my head, my face ground on her shoe and the tiny rocks on the ground before she finally got off.

Pearl-(Y/N)... is mine now, and he will love me... Don't ever forget that.

She left me alone now for me to get back up on my knees, but the fear kept me from getting on my feet. I know how strong she and the gems are, and they were going crazy right now.

Greg's mind-What am I gonna do? I... I can't let her do this.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Garnet-Say, ahhhhh. ~

Garnet fed me some ice cream on her lap in Pearl's room for that picnic she wanted after Pearl fed me a sandwich, and Amythest spoon-fed me yogurt. I didn't get to feed myself or sit on the blanket in here to at least lay down. I was laying in Garnet's big lap right now because I wouldn't fit on Pearl's lap like this and Amythest was smaller than her. I still felt a little worried about Lapis, but they said that she can't find me in here and Pearl gave me a warp whistle to help me travel and hid somewhere for them to come to get me if Lapis does come back. I pulled it out of my bag right now to look at it.


(Y/N)-C-Can we sleep at my house tonight?

Garnet-Oh, we know you are scared and nervous. Your mother just wants you to be safe, so you're sleeping in my arms tonight. ~


Pearl-Ahhhh, no buts. Here, have some lemonade. ~

She gave me some lemonade and I already felt tired because I could because I woke up super early and could not go back to sleep. When I saw my window unlocked, I told my parents about Lapis and she might be in the house... I guess I forgot or only dreamed about locking the window. After the picnic, the gems saw I was still tired, so Garnet stood up and curled me up in her arms. She bounced me while turning and the others watched and did things like pet me or gave me kisses while Garnet hummed.


(Garnet's POV)

Saphire was so happy that her song was luring (Y/N) to sleep and when he finally gave us his sweet soft snoring, her feelings stored really high and Ruby was giving trouble with his cuteness. I smiled down and kept on humming before I took him to Steven's bed and closed the curtains as much as I could before I laid him down gently. Pearl came to help swaddle him in a blanket that was smaller, but still big enough to cover him up. I picked him back up and...

Saphire's mind-... Let us try something.

Ruby's mind-On it.

I knew what they wanted and I slipped my finger into the tiny gap in his mouth, and we all saw him suckle on it a little.

Amythest-I wanna hold him! *whisper*

Pearl-I should go next! *whisper*

Garnet-Later tonight... He's mine right now. *whisper*

I took him to the bubble room to be alone, but it was too hot in here for him because of the lava...

(Spahire's POV)

Ruby and I unfused, and Ruby was holding him in her arms with her finger in his mouth. I had work to do before he overheats in here.


I focused my powers to create ice in a cornor for the three of us to rest and I saw my reflection until I covered it with frost, so Ruby doesn't slip with him in her arms.


I motioned for her to come to sit next to me and she laid (Y/N) across both of us and his head was on my lap. I blushed and played with his hair a little.

Saphire-Awwww... Hi, baby... Ruby, he's adorable. ~ *whisper*

Ruby-Scoot in closer Saphy. I want a cuddle pile with us if we're going to be separated. ~ *whisper*

I got closer and she kissed my cheek and (Y/N) was next. He cutely stirred and nuzzled into us, so I gave him another kiss.

Saphire-Awwww... I wonder if there's a way to create a future... where you call us 'Mommy'. ~ *whisper*


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