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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

I was outside playing and chasing butterflies that come by the garden. I know I can't touch them, but it's so fun to chase them around like a fun game of tag. My Mommy, Grandma, and sister are always too busy or tell me to go away, but they were doing makeup, having tea, on their fun, watching a show, or something like that. Grandma comes over a lot to have girl talks with my Mom and sister (S/N), but she said if I leave them alone I can go find my special surprise she hid in the house for me. When I finished checking the laundry room, I poked my head against the screen window.

(Y/N)-Grandma, are you sure it's in the house?! I checked all the rooms!

(S/N)-Would you just go look for a bear or a pack of wolves in the woods?! We're talking!

(Y/N)-Last time I tried to find some, I didn't find any!


Grandma-Just keep looking in the house! It's a game and ask for help again, you just won't get it!

I went back to searching the house and thought about where she could've hidden it. It has to be somewhere super secret and sneaky. I had to think like Grandma... I told myself something she said to me once to help.

(Y/N)'s mind-Young man, if you do not get out of this house right now, I will lock you out tonight!

I giggled at myself a little at how funny that sounded to me, but it didn't help me find the surprise. Maybe something my Mommy would say to me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Go to your room and don't come out until our show is done.

That didn't help either, so I thought about what my sister said... SHE GAVE ME A HINT TO GO LOOK IN THE WOODS!!!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I didn't find anything that looked like a surprise out in the woods, so I wonder if the adventure was the surprise. I guess it was fun to try and find something. When I got back home, I went to my room to go rest before I start looking again, but I found something on my desk that I draw and colored on.



I picked it up and loved how tricky my grandma was! Of course, she would put it the last place I would think to look. I went over to my T.V. and found the place to plug this USB in before I turned on my T.V. to see what was on it. Before I could, I heard Grandma was about to leave, so I ran out to go say goodbye.

(Y/N)-Grandma! I found your surprise!

Grandma-That's nice.

(Y/N)-Are you coming back next week?!

Grandma-We're going to a resort for a few days to a week.

(Y/N)-Do I get the house to myself again?!

Just then, my sister and Mommy came in with suitcases next to them.

Mommy-And if you so much as leave a tiny mess for us to see-.

(Y/N)-I sleep out in the dog house again?

Mommy-That's right.

(Y/N)-I know how to keep the house clean.

(S/N)-And stay the fuck out of my room. I don't need your germs, even on my door knob.


They all went outside and I waved them goodbye before they drove off, so I went to go try my new present. I went on the USB and saw a whole bunch of shows and movies. I saw a watch history and it had "The Amazing World of Gumball, Danny Phantom, The Secret Saturdays, Robotboy, The Fairly Oddparents, The Incredibles, The Bad Guys, Frozen II, Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, and Trolls". I started to watch these shows and movies with some popcorn and other snacks that I could make or order.

(Y/N)'s mind-I didn't know she watched these shows or movies. Or did she get this from someone else?

I finished a few episodes of "The Amazing World of Gumball" before I watched "The Bad Guys".

(Y/N)'s mind-Who would want to get rid of this anyway? It's unlimited free T.V. you can take anywhere.

(Timeskip To Night)

It was time for bed and I wanted to watch something new in the morning, so I looked around to find something good to wake up to. There were just so many to choose from and I don't know how to make a list on here... I wrote down a list of shows and movies and got 8 of them, but before I went to sleep, I left it on "Helluva Boss" because it looked funny and I never heard of it before. I like trying new things. I went to sleep with the remote next to me while thinking about what the show was about.

(No POV)

As (Y/N) slept through the night, he rolled over onto the remote while cuddling with a stuffed bunny he won at a carnival. When he clicked on the remote accidentally electricity, magic, and light chi built up and took energy from the house until the screen on the T.V. went static once the USB. A slight popping sound could be heard that made you stir in your sleep.

(Millie's POV)

I was circling around a house to cut off our target in case he tried to make a run for it, but suddenly a small bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and shocked me a little. It was like a little sting, so I brushed it off. I snuck into the house while Blitz and Moxxie took the front, but another tiny bolt of lightning got me which was really starting to piss me off.

Millie's mind-Fucking dumbass house. I'll burn it before I leave.

More and more small bolts of lightning were hitting me until they came out of me really fast. I started to see red from how pissed I was, so I dashed through the fucking house until I found the dick twitch in the living room, drunk as hell. The client paid extra to have their dick shot off first, but they won't know the fucking difference. I chopped his head off before he could even see me coming and chopped his head into bits while I was still getting shocked! When I felt a little calmer, I chopped his dick off like the client wanted, but then... I felt so weak and dizzy.



I hit the ground and dropped my axe when my vision slowly turned to pure white as I heard a window break, which must be the boys. I tried to call for them, but I felt even dizzier when I got sick on the ground. The last of my vision was white and quickly went black.

Millie's mind-What's... happening?

(No POV)

Something was forming just beyond the screen until it was finished and floated out into the room. When the T.V. turned off...


(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my alarm clock and stretched over to turn it off before I sat up. I picked up the remote next to me to turn on the show and watch an episode before breakfast, but when the first episode started, I saw something that said "Me say bad words", so I had to stop.


Now that I had to watch something else, but before I could do that...


I got up to go to the kitchen, but before I could leave my room, I heard a groan coming from behind me, so I turned and found something at the foot of my bed that looked like a cartoon. I wonder if I was still dreaming.



I was curious, so I went up to the thing and poked it before 'they' moved a little and opened their eyes. I wanted to help them up, but they suddenly grabbed me and pushed me against the end of my bed.

???-Who are you?! Where am I?!

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N)... Is this a dream?

(Millie's POV)

This kid looked weird. Not like a birth defect kind of thing, but weird as in just... not normal, but he matched the texture of this place. Something about my arms and hands even looked different, like they were... thicker. Suddenly, this kid smiled.

(Y/N)-Hey, I know you! You're from the cover of the T.V. show I wanted to watch when I woke up!



He pointed up to a T.V. and when I looked, I saw something called "Helluva Boss". I spotted a remote and let him go to start the show and he watched it with me... It was the meeting we had after we killed that kid. I saw Moxxie and everyone I knew in this 'episode'. I already felt so confused, but it got worse when

(Y/N)-Weird dream. You look nothing like you do in the show and I never saw it before.

I wondered what he meant by that, so I ran to go look for a mirror somewhere and when I made it to a bathroom, my new body in this weird-looking place...



My clothes feel normal, but they clearly don't look like they fit anymore. When the kid got in her, I picked him up and held him in front of me. I'm not playing this stupid fucking game and for his sake, he better hope this is a fucking dream!

Millie-Where's my husband?!

(Y/N)-You have a husband?

Millie-You better tell me 'exactly' what is going on or I swear to Satan that-.

I stopped when his eyes trailed to my horns and he poked the tip of one of them before he looked at his hand. He poked my other horn and looked at his hand again which pissed me off that he wasn't taking this seriously at all.

Millie-What are you doing?!

(Y/N)-I'm just seeing if this dream feels real. I never felt anything in one before. I think I should check with pinching myself.

He started to pinch himself and I think he has the right idea. Nothing about this makes sense, so maybe me getting shocked with those tiny bolts knocked me out or something. I put him down and looked at myself in the mirror. he stood next to me with an innocent smile before he held up his own arm, so I did the same.

(Y/N)-On 3. 1... 2... 3!

I pinched myself and I felt it, but (Y/N) flinched a little before he looked at me. I felt like I was about to lose my shit and rampage until I found a way back home, but then he hugged my leg while looking at me.

(Y/N)-Are you magic?!


(Y/N)-I knew shooting stars work! I knew it, I knew, I knew it! ~

He bounced in place while hugging me tighter and this made me even more confused. I'm a fucking imp from hell and he acts like he wished for this from 'a shooting star'. This has to be an act or this kid is just stupid. I didn't have time for this because I had to get back home and since he's not on a list or trying to kill me, and nobody will believe him, I tried to let him be... He followed me back to his room where I woke up, so there has to be a way back in there, right?

(Y/N)-So your name is Millie from the show?! I like it because it's pretty and you looked like you loved your friends, so maybe another will make you want to stop hurting people! If you're shooting star magic, can you grant more wishes?! If you can, I want another friend to play with or my Mommy, Grandma, and sister to have more free time, so we can play together!

I think he's clear he has no idea at all about what is going on, who I am, or what I do. I just picked him up and put him on his bed. I tried to call Loona, Blitz, or Moxxie, but there was no signal for me and probably never will.


(Y/N)-Hey, I was gonna go make some breakfast. Are you hungry?

I am hungry, but the longer I stay here, the more likely an adult is gonna spot me and call the government or something, like those fuckers that jumped us in an alley that one time. I can keep them knocked out or tie them up in a basement or something until I find a way back home.

Millie-Kid... Where are your parents?

(Y/N)-Oh, Mommy, Grandma, and my sister all left for the week. I'm by myself like a big boy.

Millie-... How old are you?

(Y/N)-This many.

He held up six fingers and I guess this is not the worst parenting I ever saw, but to leave a kid alone for a whole week is still pretty shitty. He took my hand and pulled me to the kitchen. He actually worked the oven by pre-heating it and took out some raw cinnamon buns to put in and poured some heavy whipping cream on them.

Millie's mind-He knows how to cook?

((Y/N)'s POV)

My sister loves them this way or she would smack it to the ground and make me clean it up. I hope Millie likes it this way too. I put the cinnamon buns in the oven when it beeped and then started a timer. I wonder what I could do after I eat with my new friend. There are so many games I wanna play with her. When the Cinnamon buns were done, I got some oven mitts on and took them out to cool off, but she looked surprised at how good they looked and smelled.


Millie-Who taught you how to cook?

(Y/N)-My sister told me to learn how on Youtube or starve, and Mommy thought it was a good idea too.

Millie-... Ok.

(Y/N)-After we eat, we can play a game!

Millie-Listen, I gotta get home before your folks get back.

(Y/N)-Well, you can try a shooting star like I did. I think I saw 1 or 13.


(Y/N)-My sister called me a dumbass and said I just saw airplanes at night when I saw a star with a flashing red light.

When the cinnamon buns were cool enough Millie got some for the both of us and she looked like she really loved them.

Millie-What did you do to these?

(Y/N)-My sister likes them better with heavy whipping cream to let the rolls absorb it a little before I cook them.

I had two while she had three of them before I took her hand and wanted to give her a tour around the house. It was big with lots of room to play. I showed her the 12 extra guest bedrooms she can have until she gets home. I even told her stories about my family during the tour, like one time my grandma accidentally locked me in the basement when she was babysitting me and forgot about me until bedtime. We have the woods around the house that I like to play in, there's a lake just over a hill, there is my Mom's make-up room, the living room, laundry room, a basement for wine, pool, and other table games for parties, the big porch with a T.V. mounted on a wall and covered up with a plastic case to protect it from rain, and finally my room.

(Y/N)-So, what do you think?

Millie-I killed in bigger houses.

(Y/N)-Really?... But killing isn't nice.

Millie-I get paid to do it, Sweetheart, so I gotta.

(Y/N)-Well... then quit. We got lots of money here, so you won't have to hurt anyone anymore.

I really didn't want her to do bad things anymore because that doesn't make anyone happy or it shouldn't. I can show her that she doesn't have to hurt people. I hugged her leg and looked up at her.

(Y/N)-... Please.

(Millie's POV)

This kid was acting so pure that it made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Talking about how he can pay me to stop killing and giving me those puppy eyes while hugging my leg. I pulled him off and put him back on his bed because this was not happening. When I tried to tell him that there was not a chance in heaven or hell that I was gonna stop... He had tears in his (E/C) eyes.


Millie-No, no, no. Not gonna work kid. It's my job and I like my job. Some of the horse fuckers have it coming anyway.


Oh, come the fuck on! He gets abused and tells me about it like it's his family playing with him, but this brings him to tears?! I'm not even trying to kill him or his family! I don't wanna hear him whining while I'm trying to think, so I'll let him think what he wants.

Millie-Fine, I'll quit when I get back. Will that make you happy?

He was about to bawl his eyes out but stopped and nodded his head at me. No way I'm quitting, but at least I get more peace to think of something. He gently pulled me into a hug before he had me lay on my belly on his bed. Now, he started to give me a backrub and it actually did feel nice.

Millie-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-Trying to make you feel better about being good and not killing anymore... Is it working?

Millie-... Can you do my shoulders?

Waving an axe around is cool as shit, but it strains my arms sometimes. He got to work on my shoulders and they were slowly getting worked out. I closed my eyes and let him do his thing. He stayed on my upper back and shoulders for a while before he moved to the back of my neck. This kid was better than the other human kids I met. One was a little shit and the other two were fucking cannibals.

(Y/N)-Want me to get your feet next? I'm so good my family only kicks me twice now.

Millie-Why do they kick you?

(Y/N)-I stay in one place for too long or I miss a spot for too long or I try to look up at them to talk.

Millie-... Go ahead.

He moved down to my feet and he stared at my hooves a little before he got started. He was not shy about getting in between the toes. A moan or three slipped out from how nice this felt until... I think I fell almost fell asleep. I didn't have time to sleep, so I pulled away from him and sat up feeling lighter than I did before.

Millie-You said yer name (Y/N), right?

(Y/N)-Yeah. Did you like my massages? I do them for my family. You just didn't hit or yell at me once.

Millie-Why would I? You are very good at this stuff?

(Y/N)-I have to be. Mommy says I have to cook, clean, massage, bring food and drinks, set the table, do my own laundry, and do whatever they say.

I thought about it and wouldn't mind bringing him back with me. He is a cute little guy with a very sweet and innocent heart... Perhaps too sweet and innocent for his own good.

(Y/N)-Hey, I can take care of your clothes while you get in a shower if you want.

Millie-I can wash my own clothes... A shower does sound nice. Just stay here and... we'll play a game when I get back.

(Y/N)-... REALLY?!?!?!

Now he was super excited and acted like a puppy that could not sit still while I left to take a shower. I stopped by the laundry room to strip and put my clothes in the wash before I grabbed a robe and towel. I went to the bathroom and this place looked nicer than any bathroom I saw in my rings of hell.


I had a bit before my clothes would be ready to be put in the dryer, so I'll start with a shower and then relax in the bath. During my shower, I heard (Y/N) laughing to himself down the hall, and his cute little laughter from what little I could hear made my tail sway.

Millie's mind-How an abused kid can be so happy and pure is beyond me... So cute. ~

I thought about Moxxie and the others when I moved over to the bath and turned on the T.V. to see what they had in this world since this human world is clearly different than the one I killed humans in.

Millie's mind-Moxxie, just hold on. I'll be back and be bringing a little surprise with me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to surprise Millie with games and stuff and put her clothes in the dryer for her. I even wanted to do a movie night in the living room on the big T.V. while doing other spa stuff for her.

(Y/N)'s mind-She'll be so happy that she'll never do anything bad ever again! ~



Millie is such a good character and super KICK ASS! ^-^ (Her fighting scenes are just INSANE)

Aiden Cassidy

Millie is going to be the best mom