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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was awesome! I told Daddy all about it at dinner since I told Mommy everything. I talked about the magic rooms, super strength, and how high they can jump, and Pearl even gave me a gift! He didn't believe me until Mommy told him that it was true, so after dessert, he told me to go get ready for bed. I took a shower first and it reminded me of Pearl's room with her pools and waterfalls, so I spun around in there a bit to make it like I was dancing on water as Pearl can do in her room. I wanna go see them again tomorrow, but I think I am starting online school in the morning. When I got out and went to my room, I got dressed and picked up the gift Pearl gave to me if I have a question about gems. She said it was broken, but I think the cracked gem on the back looked cool.


I smiled into the mirror and talked to myself about being handsome and went over some lines to look cool in front of the gems.

(Y/N)-Alright, let's see... Hey guys, I got done with school and wanted to hang out... Aww, come on! School doesn't sound cool! Ok, ok... Sup Amythest, how about me and you go and see some more gem places that you like. I think you're the coolest one!

I liked the sound of that and it could not fail with Amythest. I thought about Pearl and I think she said that if this gem mirror worked, then it must hear me... I wonder if it can hear me right now and if it's hurt because it's cracked.

(Y/N)-Hmmm... Hey, uh... Mirror. My name is (Y/N). I was thinking about Garnet, Amythest, and Pearl, and this move and stuff... If you can hear me then you can also learn human secrets for the gems to learn when you got fixed. I-I can take you somewhere. We can learn things together.

I wondered if this counted as a diary or something, but Pearl gave it to me, so I wanna take great care of it. I put it on a small pillow on my dress with the gem facing up. I think if we fix that then I can know all kinds of cool stuff.

(Y/N)-Goodnight Mirror... I'll try to get you fixed. The gems and my parents will be so proud of me.

(No POV)

???'s mind-Are all humans this dense? He thinks he's talking to an object... Better than taking orders from 'them'.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-Uggghhhhh! No!

I lost at this video game level again to try and teach the mirror what humans make and do, but this game is just stupid now! I had online school stuff, but I was taking a little break. I didn't have much left to do and Mommy said that I have to do all topics once a day. When she came in when I put the game up and held the mirror to look at myself...

(Y/N)-Mommy, do I have to do science and history too?

Mommy-Yes, sweetie. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can go out and play. It's still around 8, so you'll have all day still.

(Y/N)-But history is so boring! Why do I need to know some guy did something so long ago? It was a million years ago!

Mommy-See, you're learning. You just need to get the year right.

This took me around 15 minutes each for science and history, but I was finally done and took the mirror to go outside. Before I could leave my house, I saw Pearl walking down the street, so I ran up to her.


(Y/N)-Hi Pearl!

Pearl-Good morning. Ah, you have my present with you.

(Y/N)-Yeah! I wanted to know how to fix it! I taught it some human stuff from my school online.

Pearl-How thoughtful, but let's leave it at home for now. We don't want it breaking even more while playing.

(Y/N)-Well... I guess.

I went back inside to put the mirror facing my room, so when I come back, I will see my reflection, as I do now.


(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

Pearl carried me back to the city after talking with my mom and when we got to the beach, I saw Amythest and Garnet talking until they saw us.


Pearl put me down and I ran up to them for a hug and fist bump before Garnet put me on top of her head. There were lots to rest on and the hair was kind of hard, so it was easy to stay up here. I wanted to go to the temple and see Garnet's room, but they said that her room was kind of dangerous, and we can't go in. We stayed out here and played in the sand, and next time I can bring a swimsuit to go swimming in the ocean. When Amythest tried to take me from Garnet, she stopped her and pushed her high into the air.

Amythest-Quit hogging him!

Garnet-I'm not. You had your extra time yesterday.

Amythest-So you wanna fight for him? ~... ADVANCE!!!

She lunged at us, but Garnet grabbed her and threw her super high in the air and we watched her crash into the sand. Garnet grabbed me to hold me in her arms and I looked at her.


(Greg's POV)

It was a slow day at the car wash and I thought about getting some pizza for myself when all of a sudden, I saw someone super high up in the air. It didn't look like one of the gems until I saw Garnet jump up and grab them before they both fell back down. I ran to go see what was happening and when I did, I saw the gems playing with some kid I never saw around here before.


I sure hope the parents weren't around to see that. I ran up to them and when Garnet turned to me the others looked at me too, and the kid waved at me. He looked so happy and cheerful.

Greg-Who threw the kid up in the air?! I saw it from the carwash!

???-You saw me from that far away?! Cool!

Garnet-It's been a while Greg.

Greg-Who is this?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N). Are you friends with Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl too?

Greg-Yeah... Where are your parents?

(Y/N)-At home. Pearl is watching me!

I looked at Pearl and (Y/N) was suddenly taken by Amethyst to go run around the beach with him to act like he was flying. With the kid away from us, I really don't think they would put the kid in danger, but I'm just wondering what caused this and if it was for the right reasons.

Greg-Pearl, when did this start happening?

Pearl-I met him 2 days ago after bumping into Connie. The next day, I had his mother come here with him.

Greg-And she knows that he's here?

Pearl-I had a talk with her. She knows that I am watching him.

There was nothing more I can say without making things worse or making sense. I guess if the mom knows that her kid is here and Pearl is watching them, it should be ok. We just caught up a little before I went back to the car wash and kept an eye on the sky in case they throw him again.

(Amythest's POV)

When we had enough running around, we chilled on Steven's old bed together and he turned on a video game and we played one of the fighting games we have. Pearl and Garnet sat next to us and (Y/N) helped himself to Pearl's lap when he lied back. She smiled and rubbed his head as he played. Next wrong, I gave the controller to Garner and took (Y/N) to be in my lap.

(Y/N)-Hey, I was comfy there!

I threw my long hair over him and his pouty attitude instantly went away.

(Y/N)-... Fluffy.

He held my hair close to him while he played with Garent and Peal gave me a look. When Garnet gave up her controller to Pearl, (Y/N) looked confused about something while Garnet smiled and had her legs crossed on the bed and (Y/N) went up to sit on her lap.

Amythest-Hey, I thought you liked it on my lap with me!

(Y/N)-I thought we were taking turns.

Garnet-We are now.

(Y/N) pressed on Garnet's lap and he nuzzled back into her while he played with Pearl, and Garnet wrapped her arms around him.

(Y/N)-Are all gems this comfy too? I can't get that mirror to work, yet.

Garnet-You got us. Ask away.

He paused the game to think about his first question. I was prepared for some boring history lesson from Pearl, but his first question was...

(Y/N)-Pearl told me that you all can shapeshift, so are you all always this pretty, or just your gems that always have to shapeshift?

We were all taken back by this. His first question made me blush a little while Pearl tried her best to sound professional about it.

Pearl-Well... This is a form we naturally have until we are able to make such a change, but shapeshifting is just temporary.

Amythest-We can do things like this.

I turned into a cat for him and even did the thing where they lick their paws and his eyes lit up when he ran over to pick me up and hold me.

(Y/N)-You're so cute and cool at the same time!

Amythest-Uhhh... Yeah.

I loved this feeling that I was getting and it felt stranger than it ever did, and it got stronger when he kissed my head before snuggling me some more. The others turned into cute animals and for the next hour, he adored us and was easy to push on the ground to pin him while he petted us. Garnet even bubbled us a little to impress him and when she popped it.

(Y/N)-Oh, another question! Can those bubbles take us underwater or fly?!

Garnet-That's a bit more dangerous. I can put you in a bubble and hold you up to be safer.

(Y/N)-What other things can you do that's magic?

Amythest-Well, we can summon weapons and use warp pads.

(Y/N)-WHAT?!?!?! I WANNA SEE IT!!! I WANNA SEE IT!!! Can it be any weapon, like a gun, sword, or how about nunchucks, or-?!

We took him to the warp and when we entered the warp space...

(Garent's POV)

He was completely silent now. We showed up at Rose's fountain that poured out her healing tears and Pearl said that any gem can use a warp and went into details about this place. He sat on my hair to get a better look at this place and ask more questions, wanted to pick flowers for us and his parents, eat lots of strawberries from an old battlefield, and after a couple of hours, he started to look tired. I saw this coming with future vision and his bouncing off the walls in excitement from learning something about us He yawned while coming up to me, wanting to be picked up.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* I wanna go home now.

I picked him up and he nuzzled into my chest. I shapeshifted a little in my chest area when I saw him trying to find a spot he liked. We headed back to the warm and Saphire wanted us to plant a kiss on his head. He looked up at me and leaned up to kiss my cheek.

Saphire's mind-OH MY!!! RUBY!!! ~

Ruby's mind-GIVE HIM ANOTHER!!!

I gave him another kiss and he wanted the last one, but when we got to the warp space again, he jumped a little and... kissed my lips. Now, for once he was blushing and the others saw this, and I didn't care... HIS FLUSTERED LOOK WAS SO ADORABLE AND HE HIS HIS FACE IN MY CHEST!!!

Ruby's mind-Did you see this coming?

Sapphire's mind-... No.

(Pearl's POV)

When we got back to the temple, I saw it was getting close to sundown, so I took (Y/N) from Garnet to take him home. He was too tired to say goodbye or sadly give more kisses back on the way home. When I made it back to his house, I saw both his Mom and Dad looking at me at the front door. I put my finger to my lips to make sure they don't wake him up, and his Mom took him from me.

Pearl-He had a pretty eventful day. *whisper*

(M/N)-Thank you for bringing him back safely. *whisper*

Pearl-Want me to take him out again tomorrow? *whisper*

(D/N)-No, I'll be taking him to town. *whisper*

Pearl-... Oh.

They waved me goodbye and closed the door, but I wanted to bring him to the temple again... Do they have any idea how lonely it feels there now?! I walked a few blocks away I couldn't take another step further. I stood in place, asking myself if I should do this or not, but later I went back to the house and saw all the lights were off. I snuck up to the house and jumped to the roof to peek into a few windows before I saw his parents mating a few windows down for (Y/N)'s room. I got into his room and found him sleeping in bed.


I pulled up a small chair from my gem and sat next to his bed before I gently rubbed his head.

Pearl's mind-You remind me so much of him. ~

(No POV)

As Pearl sat in the room, she thought nobody was watching her sitting next to (Y/N) and did some daring things to baby him in his sleep... However, someone was watching her from a little mirror. They did love the most comfort they had in a while and felt like she can trust the child, so she will wait until he is alone... From what she heard from the parents, he will have school in his room tomorrow.

???'s mind-You Crystal Gem scum... Get away from him and go hug another human!