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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was getting dark outside and I was scared to sleep away from home and the girls noticed this, so they put me on the small couch to cuddle with Sora. She had Keonji do dances for us and while they did look a little funny, I didn't feel that much better. Dessert didn't really help either. When Keonji didn't help much, they sent her home and she swung her hands a little with her body as she walked out. Senko thought a nice relaxing and bigger bath would help me, but during the bath, Sora made me cry again with her spell while Shiro made me admit that I just wanted my old room.

Senko-Oh sweetie. I know the first night is going to be the hardest, but I plan to make my tail extra fluffy for you to cuddle. ~

Shiro-The Great Shiro will grant permission to use her tail too!

They poured more water on me outside of the bath that still had a drain which felt weird, but it didn't feel as cold as I thought it would. When we got out, the girls all used hair dryers and fire to dry us off and the soap, shampoo, and conditioner made my hair and body feel softer, but they weren't kidding when I say their tails look extra fluffy when they were done. Now,... it was bedtime and they turned everything off while Sora put me in my bed to give me a kiss goodnight before she disappeared into her flames.

Senko-Don't get too comfy, yet. Here we come. ~

They both got in the big bed and it helped if I buried my face under the blankets and got buried more under their fluff. I just had to pretend that I was back in my room. I felt Shiro massage my back while I nuzzled into Senko a bit more. She cupped my ear and the back of my head to give me a little massage and it felt so nice. Soon, she backed up and made a tiny fireball for a soft light and Shiro started to scratch my back. My mind felt fuzzy as I went limp in bed and felt super tingling to where I thought my leg was twitching.

Senko-That's it. Just relax and let us take care of everything. ~

(Sora's POV)

I watched the girls take care of the boy while I got things ready for when it was time to move him here. A nice round bed with a couple of pillows and a soft blanket will be better than any bed he has ever slept on... Or will ever. I checked on the parents and they were both crying over the decision I have made to care for their child, but it is their own fault that it has come to this. I went to go take a couple of hours for a nap. When I did try to go to sleep, I did feel a little restless and had (Y/N) cuddling with me on my mind. I can't go wake him up to just take him and cuddle with me here...

Sora's mind-Perhaps a nice walk would help clear my mind.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I am only getting more impatient on this walk and just wanted to have (Y/N) by my side. The moment he wakes up, I will be taking him, but in the meantime, I need to do something to calm my nerves or I will be as miserable as if I had darkness growing on me. I am above having darkness.

Sora-Keonji needs her sleep and I can't just torment mortals simply because I am bored or anxious... I drink or two could help.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being picked up with magic and placed on something soft and they hugged me. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I had my face buried in Sora's chest, so I tried to get up. This made her hold me tighter and I went deeper into her chest.

Sora-*Hic* Don't be shy little one! *Giggles* You're like *hic* a scared little bunny. ~

I just tried to look up at Sora and when I did, I saw that her eyes looked a little weird and her cheeks were a little pink.


We were on her couch and she looked happy to see me until her smile started to go away.

Sora-Sweetie,... *hmph* I want those cheeks of yours to *hic* blush harder for me.

She put my face back into her and when I tried to struggle again, she did something to make me feel lightheaded and dizzy... I couldn't get up and felt so weak.

(Senko's POV)

Lady Sora demanded we let her take (Y/N) with her on the couch and I always saw her as someone who could really hold her liquor... How much did she drink to get like this? I knew (Y/N) would never escape her grasp and right now, I can not do a thing to get him back for his bath... I could try to persuade her to take a bath with us, but I was nervous about her in this state while doing that. He needs a gentle and reassuring hand that knows what they are doing and not someone who is drunk and makes him wary of where they might touch him or if a slip of her hand or magic gets soap in his eyes or worse.

Senko-L-Lady Sora. I-If I may borrow him for his bath.

Sora-Not right now... Go spend time with Keonji or something *hic* I want some alone time with (Y/N).

Shiro-My Lady?

Sora-Leave us.

We had to obey, but I will be listening closely next door for them. When we went through the wall and hopped into Keonji's apartment she looked happy to see us when she just woke up.


Keonji-Play time!

Senko-No, work time, and be silent. I need to listen closely.


I sat next to the wall and put my ear up onto it to listen while Shiro took Keonji's spot on her bed when she worked on her manga.

(Sora's POV)

I should be checking in on those awful adults, but I want (Y/N) right now and through with waiting. (Y/N) was all mine right now and nobody can tell me otherwise. Not even him. When I wanted to see how much he was blushing, I lifted his head and he looked so cute.


Sora-You're Mama's blushy baby, *hic* aren't you? ~


Sora-No. Say Mama... Say it. ~

(Y/N)-... *whimper*... M-Mama.

Sora-*Chuckles* There... Now, say... 'Mama, I'm hungies'. ~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

All things I made him say made his whole face red, so I covered him in kisses. I wrapped him in my tail when I stood up and with help of my magic, I easily made it look like my tails were tossing him in the air a little, only to land back into my fluff, as he and Nakano calls it. I walked to the kitchen while keeping this up to find a small snack before we officially have breakfast...

Sora-Or maybe... ~

I had my snack before I went back over to y couch while holding (Y/N) in the air. The look on his face when I let my robe hit the floor, he look confused and blushed even harder for a moment. He already saw me like this in our bathes, but the real kicker was when I laid his limp body onto me and he used the muscles in his neck to turn.

Sora- *Hic* Sweetie, nooo. Open for Mama. ~

(Y/N)-S-... M-Mama, please.

Sora-I don't see any darkness coming off of you. I know you at least don't feel like you're in danger. You know I would never hurt you. ~

(Y/N)-I-I don-.

Sora-I just wanna feed you, baby. I've been up all night just wanting to hold you in my arms. Just let me do this and I will pamper you in ways you never thought of to make your body feel in total bliss... Here's an example. ~

She snapped her fingers and I felt my whole body shiver. It felt so good like my body was being massaged all at once. My body was already limp, but I could still feel it... My mind felt so fuzzy, but suddenly it stopped, and I could move again when I heard...

Sora-*Slow and heavy breathing*.

I looked at her to see that she fell asleep, so I got up and put a blanket over her before I went to the bathroom to try and bathe by myself for the first time in a long time. When I got into the bathroom, I turned on the water and was about to get my clothes off, but then Senko and Shiro suddenly ran through the wall and they looked like they were panicking a little.


Senko-Lady Sora, please let me do this! He's still very-!

Shiro-Uh, Sen.

She took a moment to see that Sora was still asleep and I was about to get in the bath by myself. She got pouty and crossed her arms which made Shiro a little pouty too.

Senko-Were you about to try and bathe alone... You know you like it better when I do it.

Shiro-And we already missed out on playtime together!

(Shiro's POV)

The Great Shiro will not be cheated out of playtime like this. Luckily the bubble bath makes up for it thanks to its amazing bubbles. Senko got to clean him and there were only hints of darkness coming off of him. I gave (YN) a cute bubble beard while Senko was scrubbing his head.

Senko-See. Much better than doing it yourself.

Shiro-And we get bubbles!

(Keonji's POV)

I got changed into my maid clothes to go over and be a good toy that will clean, serve, and make small snacks. I want a bit of playtime too. Last night, I had a weird feeling between my legs and I had no idea what to do with it. I had to ignore it right now or I could be a very bad toy.

Keonji's mind-Good toy. Be a good toy for them!


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