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(Steven's POV)

I think I finally figured out how to make my weapon come out again! If ice cream didn't do it then I just need to focus on my inner self, like how this samurai does it and he can sense everything around him... After 30 minutes in the mirror, there was not even a glow and this was boring. I glared at my gem in the mirror and gave it the angriest eyes I could give it to let it know that I was serious. Talk to it with your mind Steven, talk to your gem... Be one with your inner self...

Steven-Ugghhhhh! How do the gems make it look so easy?! Is pulling out a shield so much to ask?!

I'm able to make a bubble all around me, but I can't make a small shield right in front of me which makes no sense! I walked out of the bathroom, but when I closed the door... I don't think I closed it that hard.





The ground shook under me, so I ran outside to what was going on and I saw Garnet and Pearl fighting another monster here at Beach City.


Steven's mind-Where's Amethyst?... WAIT, I GOTTA HELP!!!

Without my shield, I can't do much, but I can at least get the people far from the fight.

(Amethyst's POV)

Garnet and Pearl were getting the corrupted gem into position, but the plan changed the moment I saw Steven running off to the side toward the city. As long as he's not in the fight then everything should be fine. This thing is away from the city and the people there just need to relax and stay out of the fight. Suddenly, someone made a lot of noise and the gem turned its attention to that.

Mayor-Ma-yor Dew-ey, Ma-you Dew-ey!


Amethyst-Oh, come on!

The trap failed, so we had to improvise and I had my own idea... Just whip it hard and wrap it up until it poofs. I went ahead of Garnet and Pearl to get the drop on this thing, but then it turned to me when I made a war cry. It swung its wing to send needles flying at me, so I shape-shifted into something heavy to fall straight down. It still got me a little.



The gem saw Steven running right for us and I started to panic. He can't bring his shield out at will still, and he's only as strong as a human!... Now, the gem was heading right for him!

Ameythyst-STEVEN, MOVE!!!

I tried to rush in, but just as soon as I hit the ground, it shot more needles at me... way more than last time and a lot of them got me until...

Amethyst-STE-!!! *Poof*!

(Pearl's POV)

Garnet and I made it in time to see Amethyst get poofed and Steven was in danger! I threw my spear to try and swiftly impale it, but I noticed it slightly puffed up and it used its sharp and strong feathers to block my attack. Steven started running, but the gem was quickly gaining on him!


Garnet grew her weapons when she jumped high into the air while I summoned another weapon to put it in between the gem and Steven. Even if the surprise slows them down for a moment, Garnet can finish it... Something else happened though. When I through my spear the gem must've sensed it somehow and deflected it by stopping suddenly and when my spear got deflected with its wing...



Garnet came down and created a big smoke cloud. I couldn't see what happened, so I ran up to the dust cloud hoping that everything would be alright.

Pearl's mind-What are the odds it skimmed them to-?!... No, it had to be hit back and away from them!

(Garent's POV)

This was very unlikely to happen and it came true!... No, don't think like that! There are still a number of outcomes. I had to wait for the dust cloud was down to see, but I wasn't waiting that long to get an answer.

Garnet-Steven?!... Steven?!... Steven if you're right say some-!

*Tiny splash*

I looked down in horror when I saw... blood. Soon, I saw his feet like he was laying down where more blood was coming from. My vision got blurry and it felt like I was about to come undone, but I was frozen.

Saphire's mind-I-I didn't think this could-!... I-I- *voice breaking*...!

Ruby-No, no, no, no, no, no! I-It could be not as bad as it seems! Wh-What's next?!

Saphire-*Whimper* *sobbing*

Ruby-... *Grunt* We can't just stand here, call a hospital or something!


Tears flooded my already blurry vision, but the little colors I could see spoke for themselves.


(Timeskip 1 Day)

(Greg's POV)

We all left the funeral... The gems left me fragments that came off of the diamond, but I was a mess. Rose gave her life so that Steven could have one and I couldn't do a thing to help because I wasn't there. He was just a kid, MY SON!!! I spent the rest of the day crying in my van while the whole city paid respects to my son that impacted all of them. The gems... They just locked themselves in the temple. When I collected myself a little...

Greg-*Sniffle* Wh-What are they doing now?

(Amethyst's POV)

I kept on punching junk in my room while hating myself for not being able to do anything to help! He needed me and because I was wreckless and went in by myself, I got poofed at 'THE WORST' possible time! When I knocked over a dresser I saw a mirror behind it, showing me my new form crying and looking pathetic!


Amethyst-... It should've been YOU!!!

I pulled out my whip to aim at my gem in the mirror and shattered it from there before I fell to my knees crying again.

Amethyst-You were right there! After all, he does to fix things and makes them better like releasing a gem, heals his friends, and wants everyone to smile! YOU WERE RIGHT THERE AND YOU COULDN'T DO A THING TO HELP HIM!!!

I promised Rose I would help protect and be there for him! He was more than a best friend to me! He was like a little brother and... I failed him.

Amethyst-*Sobbing* St-Steven... *hic* *hic* I'm so sorry.

(Pearl's POV)

This was more than a betrayal to Steven! This was a betrayal to Steven, Greg, Garnet, Amethyst, Connie, and myself! Out of all the things that 'really' shattered their 'diamond'... it was my spear that did just enough damage to chip it and those cut him from the inside too until he was completely gone... Just a body and the broken diamond. I made several clones of myself and cut down every last one of them until I got poofed and left alone with my thoughts as I had to rebuild myself.

Pearl's mind-Failure... You're an absolute failure for the very thing you were made for and what you promised.

(Garent's POV)

Ruby and Saphire were both completely broken down. Saphire was crying and constantly second guessing what futures she could see, and Ruby was crying, but also beating herself and myself up. I could barely function and was lucky to still be Garnet as I stared off into the ocean. The memories of us swimming out there and Steven resting on my head as a baby came to mind.

Saphire's mind-I-It was just so slim... I thought... No, no excuses... I made the call. 'Me'... I couldn't save him! *sobbing*


I couldn't take this anymore and went back inside my room for the day... I need time before the next mission. The corrupted gems must be hunted down and contained, and I will not rest anymore until I am sure that it's the last of them.

(Timeskip 2 Months)

((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was running as fast as I could and I was panicking. They were getting closer and I couldn't see where I was really going. I could hear them getting closer and my heart started racing, but I am so close. I just know it!... I saw them, so I knew it was too late.

(Y/N)-No, no, no! Please! NO!!!


Mario-O-Ohhh, no!

*Game Over 0 lives*

I took off my headphones to hear the loud music in the car that my parents were listening to. My ears hit the cool air which felt good, but I couldn't enjoy it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Man, this game cheats!

I turned off the Switch to take a break from Super Mario Maker. That level is so hard since it's a moving level and a maze with a giant bomb following you. I looked out the window and saw the city my Mommy and Daddy told me about. This long car ride was almost over and when the music turned down, I looked up at the mirror in the car and saw my own reflection.


(M/N)-Are you excited to meet some new friends, sweetie?

(D/N)-No school close by, so with online school you won't be making much friends there. When we get to the house, walk around a bit, but stay close to the house.

(Y/N)-Ok. Do you think there are kids my age? Can we go to the beach? You said it wasn't that much of a drive or a walk.

(D/N)-Let's get settled in first before we talk about trips to the beach.

I went to my game to give that level another shot before we get to the house.

(Pearl's POV)

I was out doing a patrol alone for corrupted gems near the city... That, and I needed to get out of the temple when memories got overwhelming. We still couldn't bring ourselves to throw out Steven's things to move on, even if it hurts to keep it all and Greg doesn't want to move in. I went to Connie's neighborhood to take my time on this patrol and before I could even make it to the neighborhood...


I turned to my side to see Connie and a wave of shame and guilt hit me.


Pearl-Oh... Hey, Connie.

Connie-I haven't seen you in a while since... Anyway, have you been doing ok? How are Garnet and Amethyst?

Pearl-We're fine, just... out patrolling for corrupted gems in the area. There's still a hand full left of them.

Connie-I get it, I get it... It's good to see you again. Would you like to come over for some tea... I have your favorite flavor.

Pearl-That... sounds nice.

I do need something to ease my nerves and on the way, she told me what she's been up to. On the way to her house, we saw a big truck in front of a house and a car pulled up by a house.

Connie-Oh, look's like someone bought the house. They're just right down the street from me... Maybe some new faces would help you.

It's obvious she's trying to push me into something new to help me move on, but how do you move on from getting your friend's son killed by your own weapon? She pushed me to go introduce myself to a woman moving in or one of the workers, but I just stopped her.

Pearl-Connie, I know what you're trying to do, but I just need more time.

Connie-Pearl, that feeling never goes away completely, but it's been 2 months and you 3 are still a wreck. Just try something new... Please.

Pearl-... *Sigh*.

I turned back to the crowd, but something caught my eye... a child was on the sidewalk looking around the neighborhood and he was stretching his arms and legs a little.


After he did a little sightseeing, he walked around in the front yard to examine a garden with a smile on his face until he noticed me looking at him. He started to come over and I felt a little frantic. Before I knew it, he was standing in front of us.

???-Hi, I'm (Y/N)!

He looked younger than Connie and I was having trouble talking to him for some reason until Connie quickly stepped in.

Connie-Hi there... I'm Connie and this is a friend of mine.

Pearl-My name is Pearl.

(Y/N)-You look pretty with all that make-up on.

Pearl-Oh, this isn't make-up. I'm a Crystal Gem.

(Y/N)-What's that?

Connie was about to explain, but I just showed a projection from my gem and even summoned my weapon for a moment and he stared at me in awe.

(Y/N)-Woooooow... That was 'so' cool! Do it again! Do it again!

Connie-Sorry, but her weapon is not a toy... She can't just bring it out.

(Y/N)-Does she fight bad guys and save people from getting hurt?! Like a superhero?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to know everything about Pearl and wish I had my tablet to take a picture of her, but she suddenly looked kind of sad. Connie stood up a little taller like she got scared... I think I said something wrong. I don't know what, but I think I should apologize.

(Y/N)-Oh... Did I say something wrong?... I'm sorry... How would you like to be my friend?

I held my hand out to her with a big smile and she looked surprised,... but took it.

Pearl-Y-Yes... Of course.

(Y/N)-I gotta unpack today, but come by later tomorrow and since you're an adult, you can take me further from the house when my parents meet you. I already want to go see the beach.

Pearl-Well, I do live by it... My temple is on the beach actually.

(Y/N)-No... Way... You have a temple?! I wanna see it! Is it like for karate or, or-!

(Connie's POV)

Just then we heard (Y/N)'s mother call to him and he waved goodbye before he went inside the house. Before he went inside he waved bye to us and I think had a small blush on her face. I guess he was cute and friendly... No need to say who he reminds us of in that regard. We went to my house to catch up some more and I hope this gets her to come out more and feel better soon. When it was dark out, Pearl decided it was time for her to head back to the temple.

Connie-I can come by tomorrow if you want. I'm on vacation from school.

Pearl-No need... I think I need more time away from the temple. I'll see about bringing the others with me next time.

Pearl left and I went up to my room to get ready for bed and thought I did good with helping Pearl today. Garnet and Amethyst are gonna be next.

(Pearl's POV)

On the way back, I passed by (Y/N)'s home and saw a few lights on downstairs where his parents were slow dancing. (Y/N) might be asleep right now... Something happened for a moment. I was actually considering sneaking onto the property and seeing (Y/N) again, but this was a whole other level from watching Steven sleep in his bed at the temple. I shook this feeling off and headed back to the temple.

Pearl's mind-... You can see him tomorrow. It's what friends do. It's not weird. It's just a small visit.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Pearl's mind-... He also did want a tour around Beach city.

I made it back to the temple, but could not stop thinking about (Y/N) and when I got inside, I saw Amethyst sitting on Steven's bed again.


She was silent for a moment which made me miss her old personality a little. I think she saw a small smile on my face because she got curious.

Amethyst-Hey P... What happened to you?

Pearl-Just... socialized a little today.



looks like something i saw in a horror movie.