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((Y/N)'s POV)

Senko and Shiro were helping me get ready to leave for school and then come back home. Senko made extra snacks for when Shiro and I returned to my house and Sora did the same thing to me that she did last night to make me cry, but it was not as bad this time. When I was done crying, it was finally time to go to school, and I had to go alone with my parents, but Sora promised they would be at the school waiting for me. I just had to go to the bathroom near the office and they will be waiting for me right outside the door.

Senko-Do you understand what you're supposed to do, sweetie?

I just nodded my head a little, but still felt a little nervous and Sora walked up to me.

Sora-Everything will be alright. Just think about playing with Shiro for a while. It'll be fun.

Shiro-Yes, indeed! We will also have lots of yummy snacks to enjoy!


I heard my parents calling me and Senko gave me a kiss on my cheek before Sora covered the 3 of them in fire and they were gone. I got to the car with my parents and they started to drive to school with me, and the whole drive was scary because they were quiet. That means I am in very big trouble. I just had to remember what the plan was and just hope Sora is right about this.

(Shiro's POV)

As we waited for (Y/N) to get here, Lady Sora put up a concealment barrier which meant Senko could constantly give me instructions on what to do with (Y/N) if something happens. We were only going to be alone for not even an hour maybe. It just really depends on Lady Sora, but I think I can take care of (Y/N) and pamper him just fine on my own. Later, he finally came back to us and the darkness was oozing off of him, so it looks like I need to get to work immediately.


Senko ran up to him and looked worried about him while she pulled him into a tight hug.

Senko-Oh sweetie, what did they do to you?! Did they glare at you, yell at you, or-?!

Sora-Sen, I'm sure you will have time for this later, but we have a meeting to attend and Shiro will be on her way with him... Now, let Shiro have him.

I walked up to them and Senko seemed hesitant to let him go until I took his other hand. I pulled him into me and took a few steps away before Lady Sora cast a spell. (Y/N) seemed afraid of the black fox fire from Lady Sora, but it doesn't hurt at all and before we knew it, we were instantly back in his bedroom. He looked so confused and stressed, but I took his hands and pulled him with me to play some games and I'll lay my head on his lap.

Shiro-Now, let the games begin!

((D/N)'s POV)

All the parents and kids were here and waiting for my son to be done in the bathroom, but all that came through the door were Senko and Sora.


Senko walked to the back of the room and Sora sat on the small couch in here while everyone had their mouths gaped open from Sora barely exposing herself. The parents covered their kid's eyes and the principal stood up and looked angry while I was afraid. I knew she would want to see this, but I didn't think she would actually walk in here like that.

Principal-Who is this?! SOMEONE COVER HER UP!!!

Sora-Calm down. We are here on behalf of (Y/N) after I sent him back home.

(D/N)-You did what?!

Sora-The innocent should not be put on trial while the guilty and blind are the judge, jury, or executioner.

One of the kids whispered to their parents and they glared at Senko and this got her attention.

Parent#1-Hey, you attacked my son and sent him home with red marks on him!

Senko-I did.

Parent#2-I want the police to be called and have her arrested!

They were about to call the police themselves, but then we were all forced against the wall behind the desk and the walls started to glow a bit. Sora stood up and we all could not move. Everyone tried screaming for help, but I knew how to stop this.

(D/N)-Sora, we're not the problem here!

Sora-I disagree. Allow me to show you.

She pulled out some kind of crackpipe or something and blow out a big cloud of smoke... It started to act like a T.V. when it showed us our son being bullied, us getting lied too, but I would rather see this on video instead of a magical cloud. I think I would be able to know if a couple of dumb kids lied to me. Nobody was listening or watching anyway since we were yelling at her to put us down and for some reason, nobody was coming in to help.

(Sora's POV)

Everyone either wanted to play the victim, wanted to be angry, and even threatened to have me arrested for doing this. Needless to say that I was displeased at these results, so I covered their mouths to silence them and give them no choice, but to listen to me.

Sora-Until (Y/N) is in a better state and things here are straightened out, he will not be returning here. Other decisions will be made later on.

(D/N) and (M/N) looked more furious about this, but if they can not properly love and care for their own child, then they will be relieved of their parental duties and privileges.

Sora-Since you all don't want to listen to the truth and be deiced by lies from these children, you can take this alone to heart if anything... Stay away from (Y/N) and do cause him any further stress.

I released a bit of energy that they could feel and they all went pale as I looked at them and Senko stood by my side.

Sora-You 'will' keep this promise.

Senko-Lady Sora, if I may, I wish to add a few things and provide a small punishment.

Sora-Hmmm... Nothing to sever.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Shiro and I were cuddling again after she did that spell again. I just couldn't help it and she even let me cuddle her tail like Senko makes me do when we sleep together. My body even acted on its own when I said...

(Y/N)-Can you rub my head, please?

I jolted and my face burned when I said that, and Shiro did it while laughing a little.

Shiro-Awwww, The Great Shiro, thinks that you are just so adorable like this!... I want to kiss those those little cheeks. ~

I wanted to hide my face, but my body would not let me do much of anything. The best I could do was hide my face in her fluffy tail, but she gently took her tail away to hold me close to her chest... I had no place to hide when she was giving me cuddles, kisses, and pets...

(Y/N)'s mind-Why do I feel so safe?

Shiro-Awwwwwww, you love it that much, even when you are blushing so hard... ~ Oh, The Great Shiro has thought of a fun game to play! Let's see how pink you can get!


Just then, fire came into my room and when it went away, I saw Senko and Sore and Senko looked tired, but happy.


Senko-Hey sweetie... Why are you blushing so hard?

Shiro-We were about to play a new game!

Senko-What's the game?

(TImeskip 25 Minutes)

I was so confused about what to feel because I felt so embarrassed, but at the same time, I felt good. Shiro's 'game' only got worse when Senko and Sora joined the game. I don't even want to think about the stuff they did, but it kept on making me think about all of them. They cooed at me, made me float a little to act as if they held me like a baby, and right now Sora had me laying my head on her chest to make me cuddle her while she lied against the armrest of the couch and smoked a little, but this smell... It was sweet and smelled smell... Or was it her?

Shiro-What about a dress-up game, like what some children do?! He would look great in a Japanese robe!

Sora-Let him rest for a while. He might've enjoyed this for the most part, but he seems exhausted.

Just then, my parents came through the front door and I felt a little scared. The girls looked at them before Sora turned me into her chest to keep me from looking at them.

Sora-I believe that you two have a few 'chores' to do. I'll check on the others later.

((M/N)'s POV)

My body was still hot and sore from what Senko did back at the office and the things she wanted us to do were completely degrading. My husband still looked angry, but I don't want Sora getting involved because when he really yelled at her... My stomach turned at the memory of making him twitch and have a bit of a seizure on the floor when she blew smoke into him for a 'small punishment'. When they saw us taking too long, Senko stood up and checked to see my son was still not looking before a dozen fireballs floated in the air.

Senko-Do the chores that I gave you... Or do you want to talk about this 'again' later?

(M/N)-N-No ma'am.

I sped walked to our room and my husband was right behind me as we started to pack up our stuff to swap rooms with our son. I also remembered the other rules besides addressing those demi goddesses as ma'am, my lady, mistress, or anything else that implies they have power over us. We were not allowed in our son's new room at all, we can't speak to him or talk about him without permission, we are to flip the lock in our 'new room' to keep us locked in at a certain hour, we may not be in the same room as (Y/N) if at all avoidable or leave as soon as possible, and at our first greeting every morning when our door unlocks, we are to get on our hands and knees, without heads touching the floor to bow to them. Breaking these rules or behaving in a way they don't like will result in a punishment... What makes it terrifying is that this punishment will not be a 'slap on the wrist'. The girls will take over the chores around the house, except for our room to limit the time we are around the house even further.

(M/N)'s mind-How long is this going to last... What are we going to do?


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