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(Velvet's POV)

I got up early with Lienal, just as planned, and got the human ready to travel by putting him in a big saddle bag on Lienal, so he's safe for when we travel. He could move freely again, but the best he can do now is poke his little head out of the bag when I locked it. He made cute little whiny noises to try and beg me to let him out, but I'll only do it when we are back home. I'm sure he'll love to run around in the fields when he gets used to the house. When he put his head back in the saddle to slip one of his arms out a little. I just took his arm to play with him a little and calm him down.

Velvet-Awwwww. Nibbles, please don't be scared of Mama. That makes Mama sad. ~

He kept on whining and that could be a problem when we travel to the lobby. I might as well be telling the others where I am. Nibbles poked his little head out again, but this time, I slipped a bottle of water into his mouth and he quickly did his best to drink it.


This does calm humans down to an extent... Or am I thinking of another drink?... Is it almost every drink? Anyway, Nibbles finally stopped crying but still struggled in the saddle bag.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I hated it in this bag because it was really hard to move and I don't if she put something on the bottom to make it softer. I wanted to get out of this stupid bag. when I struggled some more after I stopped crying when she made me drink some water.


She pushed my head back into the bag and slipped some food in for me before I started to feel us moving. I tried to open the top, but I think she locked it somehow and I can't rip whatever this stuff is. I started to cry some more and the doggy lady patted my side through the bag while talking to me. I didn't listen to her and just cried to myself a little until I poked my head out of the bag. The sun was just coming up and the dog lady pet my head, but I didn't let her by turning my head away from her.


She kept on trying to pet me until she was suddenly tackled off the monster's back and I saw the lion girl and she was covered in dirt.


The monster freaked out a little as the two went tumbling down a hill together while I was being swung around in the bag. The monster started to roar a lot when it chased after them.


(Lilly's POV)

I jumped awake when I heard someone screaming, wailing, and roaring. I managed to get up super fast and ran to the source of the noise. I was used to this from waking up to crying animals in my reserve and rushing to aid them. When I saw the source of those noises, I saw that Jagger running down a hill where I heard 2 others fighting in the bushes, but what set me off was that the human was terrified while trapped in a bag on that frantic beast.


I ran down and gave my full attention to the Jagger first. I got in front of it and made gestures to it that show it I mean no harm and everything would be alright. It wasn't vicious at all, so it worked for the most part, but the girls were still fighting, so he didn't calm down all the way. I had to act fast and undo the latch on the saddle to get the human out. He was crying and still panicking from that wild ride. He thrashed a little until I got a firm hold of him and held him close to me. I took this chance to run with him while the Jagger was distracted with that fight and made it back to my camp.

Lilly-Hey, hey, it's alright now. *Shhhhhh* I know that must've been scary. *Shhhhh* ~

It took me a while to finally get him to stop crying and I had him swaddled up in a blanket with a bit of wiggle room and gave him a toy to cuddle. He was in my arms after I packed up camp and I rocked him back and forth.

Lilly-There. Much better. ~

He also looked tired still, so I guess he had a hard time sleeping or didn't have time to properly wake up peacefully. Luring a baby his age back to sleep can be really hard, but he already looked tired from his crying, so it was worth a shot.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The bunny lady had me in her arms and bounced me while she walked to that building again, but she stopped whenever I wiggled too much, my belly growled, or I coughed and needed water. She did other things like feel my head and press on my belly a little.


I felt so tired, but it was just hard for me to sleep after I kept on waking up last night. I just wanted to be in my room or even my parent's room. Why can't I just get there and be with my mommy and daddy already? Suddenly, the bunny lady stopped before she started to run and I started to hear buzzing sounds. I started crying because I knew something was about to happen and then I looked to see the bee lady flying towards us really fast.



She suddenly went limp and fell on top of us instead. When we fell, the blanket made it soft and I rolled out while those two got tangled together as they rolled. I got up and saw a dart in the bee lady's leg and I know who uses darts... That cat lady has to be close by and if the lion and doggy lady are still fighting, this is my chance to run to the building myself. I just ran as fast as I could while ignoring the calls from the bunny lady. When I made it to the top of the hill, I saw how big that building was and there was a flying ship going into the sky.


I went closer to the building and I didn't see the symbol that my mommy and daddy wear on their work clothes.

(Y/N)'s mind-What... is this place? Are my mommy and daddy even here?

I don't know what to think anymore and didn't think going to this building was a good idea anymore, so I tried to run away, but I saw the cat lady walking up to me.


I ran into some bushes and she pointed her gun out to try and shoot me with a dart again. I heard a dart hit a tree or fly past me when I kept on ducking to make it harder to hit me. The cat lady ran after me and was going to catch up to me, but the doggy lady came back on her monster to catch me, but the cat lady had a pistol and shot it.


(Roza's POV)

Velvet-Hands off! I named him already!

Roza-You can't name him. You didn't even claim him.

Her Jagger was down and the human ran off while I tried to get Velvet off of me, but we ended up going back down the hill and then crashed into someone.


They fell under us and looked really mad and tried to grab my gun. I had to fight for it and she was stronger than me, but the strap around me kept her from being able to take it. That and Velvet.

Amelia-Keep your darts off my pet, Monotone!

She tried to leave the pile and runoff, but Velvet jumped and tripped her by grabbing one of her thighs to force her down.

Velvet-Nibbles is mine!

Amelia-Nibbles?! *grunt*

She broke free from Velvet and I tried to dart her, but my gun got jammed. Amelia was getting away until a lasso came out from the sky and with the noise from our fighting, we didn't notice the buzzing and then looked up.


Maisie-That's Honey Due Farms property yer trying to take!

(No POV)

Caught in a 4-way free for all fight, where nobody would let anybody leave to chase after the human they want. One woman came along to see the fighting and since she saw no sign of the human, she knew they were scared off.


At first, she wanted to go find them, but then stopped to think for a moment. Each time she or anyone finds him with something else, they practically are put under attack. Any progress to bond or form trust is not only destroyed by a sense of danger, but harder to obtain next time until it will become impossible. If this goes on and the game ends, Lilly believed all the human will be after this game is scarred and afraid of the winner after... It's bad enough he lost his parents and will no doubt understand that soon. More than anything... she wanted the human to be and feel safe.

Lilly-... STOOOOOOP!!!

The girls froze when they saw the quiet girl yell so loud, but Amelia suddenly punched Maisie a little.

Lilly-U-Um... This is n-not working! By the time this ends, the human will only be afraid of us and cause many mental and physical health problems for him, so let's try to settle this another way... I-If you can do that?

Maisie-What are ya talkin' about?

Lilly-Well... Wh-What are your plans for him if you were to win?

The girls looked at each other, but things settled down aside from the skeptical looks they gave each other. Nobody wanted to go first, so Lilly thought she would go first, but...

Velvet-I wanted a nice birthday for Lienal and have a good-sized house pet to play with inside and cuddle with a pet somewhat around my size... I like being the big spoon, but most of my pets are just too big or too small.

Lilly-Oh. I have a habitat at my reserve for him. I take care of animals for a living.

Amelia-I need him more than any of you! My piece of shit boyfriend dumped me, so I need him!

Amelia snapped when she said that and earned stares from everyone.

Velvet-Wow, that explains a lot.




Maisie-Easy there, Sugar... I want him for a new farm pet to take some time off of chores... Ma and pa think I'm a bit of a workaholic.

Roza-My boss said almost the same thing... I'm not mentally ill from all my jobs though.

She said, sounding as dull as ever which caused a bit of concern, but they knew she never tried to kill him.

Lilly-S-See, we all want to care for him, so maybe we can try to share him and just end the game!

Velvet-Do we even live on the same planet?


Amelia-How are we supposed to share him if we live off of different planets?

Everyone fell silent for a moment and in the meantime, (Y/N) was running away further from the building while calling out for his mom and dad desperately... Nobody had any idea how to solve their problem.


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