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((Y/N)'s POV)

I walked into a wishing room and listened to these flowers that told me how they worked, what monsters did with them, and even some of the wishes. Some were about seeing the stars, some were about climbing the mountain, and some were about having a human boy to themselves... Alright, they 'all' ended like that, but I like to ignore that last part. I even found a secret path thanks to a telescope but wondered where Monster Kid went if she didn't come through here as I did... I think it's better if I stay away from her... and everyone as much as possible. I read a little bit of the writing on the walls, but some of the words were too hard for me, so I skipped the rest. There was something about war though. I walked on a dark path before I made it to some brighter-looking docks and kept on going.

(Y/N)'s mind-Someone told me that if you follow a river or water, it can lead you somewhere, and this might get me out of here or show me the way out.

It was better than just walking into random places. Suddenly, I saw something glowing and looking at me before a few spears were thrown behind me to block me from running back.


I ran the only way I could and I started to think that these spears were not supposed to hit me, but trap me. I kept on running and then heard someone jump on the docks behind me. I didn't turn and kept on running into tall grass until I tripped and stayed down. Maybe they won't see me.








They stopped and I could see them so close to me and they reached out to grab something and missed me. When she lifted up who she grabbed by the shirt... I saw Monster Kid smiling so big.


Monster Kid-*Squeal* H-Hi!


She put Monster Kid down before she left and then I got up to leave, but when I got out of the grass, Monster Kid was right behind me. She also looked even happier than she did before. Me... I was shaking a little from spears being thrown at me.

Monster Kid-Yo! Did you see that?! Undyne just... TOUCHED ME!!! I'm never washing this shirt again!... Man, aren't you unlucky!

(Y/N)-... *Sniffle*

Monster Kid-Don't worry. I'm sure we'll see her again. Come on!

She tripped but pushed herself back up before she ran off and I fell to my knees... What if she was trying to kill me? I want my mommy! I cried for a while before I just got up and ran. I need to get out of here even fast now before that spear monster comes back! Soon I saw rain, but there was also a bucket of umbrellas, so I grabbed one. I went into the ran, but on the way, I jumped when I saw Monster Kid waiting in some cave.


Monster Kid-Woah, calm down. It's just me... Hey, make room under that umbrella!

She ran under here and started to follow me. It was quiet for a bit beside the rain, but then she started talking about the last thing I wanted to talk about.

Monster Kid-Man, Undyne is soooo cool. Shy beats up bad guys and never loses. If I was a human girl, I would wet the bed every night!

(Y/N)-I don't wanna talk about her!

Monster Kid-Huh, why not?

(Y/N)-I just don't!

Monster Kid-But... Why don't you like her? She's even looking for a human boy to give to the queen. Maybe we might get to see them too.

(Y/N)-I don't want to talk about her either!

Monster Kid-... Why not?

(Monster Kid's POV)

This kid was acting weird. Who would not love the coolest member and captain of the royal guard and the queen? They are very good monsters... Maybe they are upset about something else and are just in a bad mood. When we got out of the rain, I looked at her and thought about what kind of monster she was again... She just might not like water.


Monster kid's mind-What kind of monster are you?... I never saw you before... Is it why you are angry and sad?

When we made it to the end of the path, I think I knew of a way to cheer her up... MEETING UNDYNE!!! After some cool moves and some action, she'll be in a better mood.

Monster Kid-Yo, this ledge is way too steep... Leave the umbrella with me and I'll give you a boost on my head. I know another that's a little longer, but I can catch up.

She still looked a little mad, but did what I said. I'll leave Undyne as a surprise. When I gave them a boost up, I accidentally looked somewhere before they made it up... Either they didn't need or forgot a bra or...

Monster Kid-... Yo... No way. *whisper*

I was frozen for a bit thinking how stupid I was... I COULD HAVE HELPED UNDYNE AND THE QUEEN!!! I started to run and catch up with them and if I get to them first, Undyne might be so impressed, she'll let me hang out with her, I can get an award, and see (Y/N) whenever I want!

Monster Kid's mind-Wait!... What if I'm wrong?... I'll just ask them when I see them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on walking and watched out for monsters, but I did also think to myself for a bit. I thought about my mommy and when I get back home, I'll be sleeping in her bed tonight. When I snapped out of my thoughts, I saw Sansa standing next to a telescope.


Sansa-Heya kiddo.

(Y/N)-What are you doing here? I thought you were working.

Sansa-I was thinking about moving into the telescope business. It's normally 50,000G, but since you paid off my tab-.

(Y/N)-You let your friend feed me in front of everyone and it was embarrassing!

Sansa-And adorable. Don't forget adorable. ~

I just looked away from her when my face burned up from calling me... that word.

(Y/N)-It 'wasn't' adorable. *mumble*

Sansa-Yes, it was... Better be careful or someone else will just wanna keep you too. ~


I just walked away from her, but I saw her wave goodbye with her fingers. I listened to flowers and it was just 2 monsters talking about a wish and promising not to laugh at it. I ignored the rest since it was gonna end in wanting me or some other guy. I made it back on wooden docks and it looked like a maze or something, but I think I saw the way I am supposed to go. On the way, someone jumped onto the docks up here somehow and when I turned, I saw someone and they were a fish lady.


Undyne-Hey! Don't move!

I ran the other way and she only walked after me for some reason. I made a few wrong turns, but I found a way to a bigger dock with one path. I turned to see her jumping over the gaps to get to me faster, so I ran.

Undyne-There's nowhere to run! I'm not going to hurt you punk!

I kept on running and saw a dead end, but even the was blocked by magic spears. I couldn't run anymore and Undyne was right behind me and she looked mad.

Undyne-Listen to me!

She got closer before she stopped and I had my back against the wall of spears.

Undyne-I am going to deliver you to the Queen! Be lucky you're a boy down here OR I WOULD BE DOING SOMETHING 'VERY' DIFFERENT!!!

She stomped her foot hard that the docks felt a little wobbly.


Undyne-What the?... No!

She reached out for me, but the bridge broke off and I started falling. I actually tried to run to her to not fall, but it was too late.


(Undyne's POV)

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! I looked down only to see darkness where the human boy feel. I know where this leads though. The dump! I ran to the quickest way and hopefully, he landed on something soft or in some water. This is really bad and it's because of my temper... again. Even when I get him in my custody, I have to take him to my house close to the dump and get him cleaned up for Queen Asgre. My house is close to the dump and nobody is going to touch him!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was at a gray house this time and heard 2 kids playing inside the house. I didn't want to go inside the open, so I tried to peek through the window and then heard a familiar voice.

Toriel-Children! It's almost bath time for the both of you!

???-Coming mom!

Toriel-Chara, I don't want you to try and run from this bath again! Asgre, honey, carry him!

Just then someone ran outside the house and saw me by the window and someone else came out behind them.


???-Mom! Chara is trying to get out of bath time again!

Chara-*Chuckles* Hello again.

They had the knife again and charged at me while the goat girl looked confused.


(Dream End)

I woke up and I was on a patch of flowers and it smelled a little funny here. I sat up and saw a bunch of junk in the water and when I got up and looked around, I followed a path. I kept on going the only way I could while trying to stay on my tippy toes to stay out of the water. This place was full of garbage and water, but just as I was about to get out of here, someone popped up right in front of me.



I just got out of a nightmare where I got killed again, but this time it will be real with that knife. I fell back into the water and got completely wet.


???-Hahahahaha! Nobody is ever going to ignore me again! You stood there and mocked me. EVERYONE STOOD THERE AND MOCKED ME!!! JUST IMAGINE THEIR FACES WHEN I TAKE SOMETHING THEY ALL LOVE AND-!!!

Just then white water drops came out from behind the dummy and made them scream in pain until they ran away... Or flew away before someone else came out.



Napstablook-Oh... It's you again. It looked like you 2 were having fun, but then I saw you look scared... You're all wet now... I... I can get you dried off if you want, but I think others would do a better job than me.

They seemed different from the others and even back at The Ruins... Maybe this can be a good time for me to rest and hide with someone. I just got out of the water and started to follow them.


I was in a blanket when my clothes were drying off and there was not locking the door, any crazy talk, or anything like that. Napstablook even let me play some of the music she made and I did have a favorite one. She was laying on the floor and moving around since she said it was her favorite thing to do.

(Napstablook's POV)

I kept on trying to feel like garbage, but for some reason, it wasn't working. No matter how much I tried, I could only toss and turn with this weird feeling in my chest. My head was full of questions about what changed to ruin my favorite thing to do and oddly feel better. I didn't do anything that much different today... I turned (Y/N) again and had thoughts about holding and cuddling him in a nice cozy corner.


Napstablook-... Ohhh.

(Y/N)-Something wrong?

Napstablook-Not really... I'm just gonna get something from the fridge.

I didn't feel hungry, but I did feel a lot of other things.

Napstablook's mind-Are all human boys this cute?... The queen does already own him though from her laws... Maybe a day... week... month... year...-? One second thought, he did come here on his own.

For once in my afterlife... I smiled a little.


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