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((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I felt so dizzy, but also warm and cozy. The smell of flowers filled the air along with a few other nice smells, but the best one was when the door opened and I smelled something like cake. I opened my eyes and turned to the noise, but when I did I froze in disbelief wondering if I was dreaming, tripping, or dead after that Nintendo Switch blew up in my face or something.


They were characters from my son's game and they looked so real... and so hot... Is this heaven or one of the best dreams that I have ever had? I sat up on the bed and a Toad started to cut the cake while the girls walked up to me.

Peach-Good morning. Did you just wake up?

(D/N)-Y-Yes... You're Princess Peach and Princess Daisy, aren't you?

They both looked a little surprised by this before they both sat in one of the chairs in the room.

Peach-That's right... What is your name?


She gave me a bit of a look before the Toad gave me a slice of the cake first before moving on to the others.

Daisy-I found you after I saw a flash in the woods. Care to share your story?

(D/N)-Ummm... I guess it started when my son went missing.

We all had a few slices of cake while I went over the story of my son running away and nobody could find him. I went through 3 slices of cake for the whole story before I finally made it to the end.

(D/N)-So after all that searching, I decided to play one of his games, and the screen flashed, aaaaannnnnd... I was here.

This actually felt good to talk about, but they both looked at each other.

Daisy-What was your son's name?


Peach-... Well,... I sure hope you find him. In the meantime, make yourself at home. Daisy and I have duties to attend to.

(D/N)-Oh... Can I walk around the castle?

Peach-Sorry. We'll do a tour later.

They both got up and left the room, so I was all alone. I got up to stretch and looked out of the window into this fun-looking video dream world or heaven, but I didn't mind whichever right now.

(D/N)-Two hot princess babes... I wonder if the others will be here too. Could this be the start of a harem?... Thank you, lord!

(No POV)

Both princesses were walking down the hall and when a few Toads came into sight, Peach and Daisy stopped in front of them.

Peach-Guards... Prepare the dungeons.

(Rosalina's POV)

I had (Y/N) on my lap and let him look into a telescope to look at spots in this world in peace and at a safe distance. He still tried to beg me to stay and find a way home for him, but is simply out of the question. When he is done looking, we are leaving and that is final. I rubbed his head and helped direct him to the mushroom kingdom to let him see how it is doing.



I used my magic to observe the kingdom of my own and who I saw was the man from his memories... His father.


(Y/N)-Rosalina! Bring him here! Bring him here!

There is not a chance in the whole cosmos that 'he' his being brought her for a second, let alone travel with us... I got up with (Y/N) and we are leaving 'now'.

(Y/N)-Rosalina?... You're bringing him here, right?

Rosalina-*Sigh*... Sweetie, please try to understand that he was an irresponsible parent and that he put you in danger or in a bad environment numerous times.

(Y/N)-... No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Please-!

Rosalina-This is for your own good. Let's put you down for a nap before we start to leave.

He struggled in my grasp on the way to his room and I hated to see him cry and thrash around like this. When I made it to his room, I soothed him with some magic, but to finally put him to sleep...

I wiped what was left of his tears after I tucked him into bed and gave him a few extra kisses.

Rosalina-Poor little star... I'll make sure I take us to a happy and fun world where you can be safe, happy, and loved. ~

He still looked a little restless in bed and I could not leave him alone, so I had some of my little friends come in and comfort him while he slept. I walked down the hall to start finding a nicer world for him to play on, but something happened... A balloon ship was heading right for my observatory. I watched as it got closer and someone jumped off to land on my observatory.


He had to be here on behalf of Pauline to be the hero, but he doesn't know that this is what's best for my baby. I flew up to him and gently landed and he put his guard up.

Rosalina-Please Mario, there is no need for that.

I raised my hand gently and lowered my wand to show that I did not wish to fight. He lowered his guard again, so now we can have a rational talk.

Rosalina-Thank you... Now, what you must've been told sounds bad, but I am doing this for the best of the child's wellbeing. If he remains here, he will be hunted, but if I take him with me I can keep him safe.

He gave me a skeptical look before he looked determined.

Rosalina-Mario... He is my son. Don't make me choose.

He only took my arm to try and comfort me before he walked past me and into the spare rooms that he knew were there.

Rosalina-Mario... I mean it. Don't set foot in that dormitory.

He ignored me and when he was about to enter...

(No POV)

Mario was encased inside a bubbled and rag-dolled back to a furious Rosalina. She waved her wand again and summoned a star launcher that was pointed at the sun. Mario looked horrified when Rosalina loaded him in and looked him dead in the eye to give him the last words she hopes to say to him.

Rosalina-If by chance you have extra lives... Don't ever come near my baby, AGAIN!!!

She released him from the bubble and the launcher fired Mario to the sun.






Lives x 1.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up from a loud noise and screaming, and there there were stars all around me. I quickly got out of bed to look out the window and saw the planet earth still, but all...

(Y/N)'s mind-THE ODYSSEY SHIP?!?!?!

That can be my way out of here, so I quickly left the room, but the Lumas tried to stop me. They couldn't do it because I slipped past them and made it outside and saw the ship circling this place. The zero gravity made me bounce a little with each step which should help in jumping on the ship. I heard this place making noise and glowing, so I think it was about to leave. I took my only chance to jump to she ship and when the Lumas tried to grab me, I pressed off them and made it to the ship by grabbing the railing. The Lumas were still after me, so I got inside the ship and locked the door as fast as I could then locked it. They pounding on the door a little before leaving when Rosalina's Observatory took off.

(Y/N)-*Sigh*... I gotta get to Mushroom Kingdom... Mario!... Are you in here?!... Hello?!

There was nobody here. Not even Cappy. I tried to find out how to fly this thing, so I went to the wheel and this was nothing like just picking a place in the game and going to that kingdom... Or is it? I looked around and went to the globe in here until I found the Mushroom Kingdom and tapped on it... Nothing.

(Y/N)-Ok... Ok, ok... Just think of this as... Mariokart or one of those arcade games with the car seat and pedals. How hard can flying this thing be?

((D/N)'s POV)

Princess Peach sent guards to tell me that she has a surprise for me in her throne room, so I got dressed in a nice suit before I started to head down. I thought about what she might say. Maybe she is gonna try to make me an ambassador for humans or something that involves crazy dream or afterlife logic. When I made it to the throne room, I saw both princesses sitting on thrones and watched me as I walked to them.


(D/N)-Your highnesses.

Peach-Hello (D/N). You must be wondering why I summoned you.

(D/N)-Is it about an ambassador position or something?


Peach-We thought about what you said and we came to a conclusion... You see, we both know (Y/N).

(D/N)-... You do?

Daisy-Not only that, but we arranged something between both our kingdoms.

(D/N)-Um, I don't have a kingdom.

Peach-She was referring to 'our' kingdoms... (Y/N) came here first, so that grants me ownership of him when he returns here to live here.

This dream or whatever is getting a little intense now.

Daisy-I get visitation but in exchange... I will also be owning you. Guards!

A bunch of toads walked in and they had long spears with... mushrooms for tips. They looked at me with serious looks on their faces...

(D/N)-*Pfffft* Hahahahaha! What are you gonna do?! Throw me in the dungeons until I smell funny?! ~ Hahahahahaha!

Just then I saw a wizard creature fly over us and sprinkle something over the Toads and then they got bigger and one of them poked me with a mushroom and the tiny touch felt like a hammer that knocked me to the ground.

Peach-(D/N) of the human world! For child neglect, manipulation, and trespassing, we sentence you to execution!

I was in too much pain to talk and then the bigger Toads grabbed me and put a bag over my head and dragged me out f the room by both arms.

(D/N)-I didn't do anything!


(Bowsette's POV)

It took a while, but I finally got a bounty hunter to capture my baby and bring him home, and as for my daughters, a wizard is coming to remove their crowns. They are clearly not ready. When my bounty hunter came into my throne room, a smile curved onto my face.


Bowsette-Greetings. I understand you worked for my husband before and he made you fight a certain fat plumber.


Bowsette-Well, I have an easier job that can possibly involve no fighting. I have a ship ready for you with a picture of a little human boy inside. I want you to simply capture him unharmed, bring him to me, and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Hariet-No offense, but last job, I was told that I had to help plan a wedding before things got crazy. My 'friends' may have been idiots that dragged me along, but I'm no fool. I need more details.

Bowsette-A Cautious one on her own?... We are going to get along just fine. ~