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(Pauline's POV)

Night came before I knew it, so it was time to take (Y/N) home with me to ensure his safety and well-being as much as possible. After he went over his story with me, he's been to 4 other kingdoms, but only 2 concern me. Mainly the rulers of those kingdoms. Booette who sicked her pet on him to bring him back to her and Bowsette just being her. After we left the office and got in the limo to head to my place. When we got there, I opened the garage to park the limo in and got out of the limo. He looked uneasy with all of these strict security guards, but it was to keep him safe. I held his hand and he looked around my house on the way to the guest bedroom that I prepped up a little for someone his age.

Pauline-I'll show you around the house some more before we get ready for bed.

He stayed silent for the tour and I don't blame him for not wanting to talk so much. He's been through way too much. More than any child should ever have to go through. I just need to wait for Mario to come back. He should've had an extra life. Our tour ended back in his room and I showed him to the bathroom.

Pauline-Take a shower and I'll be right back to check on you. If there are any problems, just ask.


I rubbed his head a little before I left his room and checked some messages I got on the way here, but there was nothing on Bowsette or anything dangerous. It did need my attention though.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just got in the shower and made it a bath after I got my hair and body. I thought about my home and my dad. I started to wonder if I was going to see him again or if there was a way out of here. Getting out of the bath was hard with the cold air hitting me, but the towel I wrapped myself in felt warm. On the bed in my room was a pair of pajamas that were  a little big for me, but they did fit. The door opened after I got into bed and I saw Pauline come in while smiling at me until she saw how sad I looked.


Pauline-Hey sweetie. Are you ok? ~

She sat on the side of the bed and put her hand on my head to pet me a little. If I forgot about the whole being trapped in a video game thing, she was the most normal person around here.

(Y/N)-I just wanna go home.

Pauline-We're working on that. You said Bowsette brought you here, so we need to take care of her and then find out how.

I told her that lie since Bowsette is the final boss of this so far, and it's a basic rule of Mario games. You beat the final boss then the game is over. Mario has extra lives, so maybe if I wait... I don't know.

Pauline-... How about you sleep with me tonight? Would you like some company? ~

I actually didn't want to sleep alone tonight. When I nodded my head she took my hand and led me to her room before she put me on her bed, grabbed a towel, and some clothes. The last thing she did was turn on the T.V. and gave me the remote.

Pauline-Pick a movie or show for us to watch. I'm just gonna get ready for bed now.

(Rosalina's POV)

I heard about another incident involving Mario fighting at Bowsettes castle before New Kong city people got involved in a rescue mission. The Toads were preparing for Peach to go to the city, but I sabotaged the wagon before I snuck out of the city to get to him first. I already sent out a few of my friends to that city to keep an eye on him through the night sky. When I teleported back to my observatory to know search the city he is most likely in, I felt so much weight lifted on my shoulders.

Rosalina-Come on sweetie pie, sleep next to a window or something... Make another wish. ~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Pauline's POV)

This kid passed out next to me after some cuddling with me and I could only guess the things in his head as he was nuzzled into my side. When I rubbed his back, I felt him stir a little. I stopped, but he kept on going and seemed restless.

Pauline's mind-Poor baby must be having a nightmare.

I watched him twist and turn a little from most likely being homesick, so I thought about what I could do besides wake him up because then he most likely won't wanna go back to sleep. Maybe a little song will help him, so I sang the song at the festival that day, but slower and softer. I noticed his stirring get more settle until it stopped and he looked so peaceful. This was almost ruined when my phone beeped, but thankfully, (Y/N) did not look bothered by it. I got my phone and looked at the message that was sent to me.

Pauline's mind-Mayor Pauline, we just received word about a possibility of a power surge a while back. We are sending a messenger to Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom where we believe this surge came from. A convoy is being prepped to take the child in the morning and keep the child close for a quick return home if possible.

I have to admit, it was nice not having to be formal again around someone. The only other person was Mario, but that was back in the day when I was a princess of a small kingdom and I wasn't as burdened with responsibility back then... Mostly due to me always being kidnapped by Donkey Kong. I looked at my schedule and rubbed my head a little with all of this extra work.

Pauline's mind-I need a vacation.

I looked back to (Y/N) when his breathing changed a little and he looked so cute. I always wondered what it felt like to be a mother... If this is it, it does feel like work, but with not with all the stress. I thought about after I get him home then which will cause even more work if something most likely groundbreaking happens. At least, I can count on Mario to visit as a friend... sometimes... When he's not saving the day for someone, or on a go-kart racing, or having big parties with games... Without me, knowing that I am busy running my city... That I helped brought this far up in advancements.

Pauline's mind-I mean, he did invite me to a few things... Like soccer and golf. I did race a couple of times, so that was fun... Just wish he would invite me more often.

I could only hope... Who am I kidding? Peach is number 1 on his list and I am lucky yo be close to the top 10 friends he thinks of for him. I can already see that when and if we send (Y/N) home, it'll just mean more work for me working with a kingdom. I looked down at (Y/N) nuzzling into my side still and when I turned over a little to hold him.


It felt so good... This feeling of being needed for just being me instead of someone of high power. I took one last look at the message on my phone that would lead to him leaving me alone again. Based on what he said about the night before this happened...

Pauline's text-I have a reason to believe that his father may have been manipulative and abusive to his son. Go to the site without us and if there are any sightings of a man that may be his father, I want them arrested and brought in to be questioned by me.

I will lock him away forever if he hits 3 strikes, but I do not want to give him back. A few papers with CPS here should put him into my custody since his father is absent. I got a bit more comfortable and felt more at ease than I have been in a while.

Pauline's mind-Being a mother sounds lovely with a sweet child. ~

(No POV)

When Pauline gave (Y/N) a gentle kiss goodnight, she fell asleep. While she was asleep, she got a message about little floating stars coming into the city. Rosalina was still waiting for one of the Lumas to find 9Y/N) to find her son, but went to sleep as well to kill some time. She slept in her 'son's' room to feel closer to him.

Rosalina-I'll bring you home, sweetie... The home you were destined to live in.


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