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(Eris's POV)

This army started out with hundreds of men, but now it just ended with dozens bowing before me. I tried to summon the stupid anti-fairy to bring my son to me, but she was not responding to any phone call with the phone I gave her. I give her a simple instruction of pressing the green button or come to me if something went wrong and she is even failing at that. I ordered a few men to rub my feet and hands.

Eris's mind-How hard is it to press a green button or poof to me? I should've sent Sedusa with her... In fact.

I looked over and she had men being forced to admire her, but her break was about to end.

Eris-Sedusa, I haven't heard from the anti-fairy and she won't respond. Go to the house and see if she's there.

Sedusa-Why not send Penelope?!

Eris-She's going to help escort these men away and take a video of our presence in this world. Now go!

She groaned and rolled her eyes before she got up and started to head for the house.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Debbie had me in her arms and fed me while the others were out in the living room, relaxing and watching a show they liked. Debbie just wanted to hold me and Mom did too, but she was in the bath right now. I'm still scared because of all of those soldiers outside, but Debbie only let me look at her while she gave me kisses on my face. I tried to wipe them off, but she always put more back on me and turn me into her. I buried my face into her, so she couldn't do it anymore and she didn't even try to pull my face out.

(Y/N)-Debbie... Are the soldiers going to leave soon... I just want things to be normal again... While you were all here.

Debbie-I'm sure they will be gone soon, honey. ~

When the door opened, I knew mom came in, but I did not look away from Debbie then I heard her getting dressed.

Mom-Awwww, is he still sad?

Debbie-He just needs loving.

Soon I was picked up and Mom held me while swinging me around a little before she got back in bed with Debbie, but my face was squished in the middle of their chests.


I could hear their heartbeats almost at the same time while they cuddled me. I felt like closing my eyes and taking a nap. When they saw it was hard for me to keep my eyes open, Debbie closed my eyes for me by rubbing them.

Debbie-You had a hard few days. You need some nap times for a while, mister. ~

Nicole-Nap times, huh?

We all looked at the door and saw Nicole come in and lean over Mom to pet me.


Nicole-That sounds amazing for you. We can even take turns napping with you. ~

She leaned into me to kiss my head before she poked my nose before she made me close my eyes again. I heard her leave and Mom turned me into her boobs to block out any light then worked with Debbie to get a blanket over us.

(Sedusa's POV)

Whatever that bat-winged idiot is doing, she better have saved some hot water for a bath. When I saw the house, I walked up the stairs and decided to peek in through the window a little and then saw one of the 'cartoon' women like us in the living room, polishing her fire sword.


Sedusa's mind-Where's Anti Wanda? She should've gotten the drop on them?... Little idiot!

I had to get out of here and tell Eris that Anti Wanda failed and that we need her to get (Y/N) back, but when I packed up, I bumped into someone.


I turned to see who it was and it was actually 2 people and the ghost hunter had a gun. I tried to attack and dodge, but she was quick when she shot a net into my hair. It tangled into my hair



The ghost hunter covered my mouth and her suit must be protecting her from the electricity. She even had a hood and goggles on.

Ghost Hunter-If your voice even reached my baby's ears, I will make sure you go back into that void piece by 'piece'.

She covered my nose next, so I could not breathe and since I used a lot of my breath to scream, I had no air. I passed out after a few moments of agonizing pain and suffocation.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Eris's POV)

There is no way that Sedusa could mess something up so simple, so I just had to wrap this video up and let the world know that I am its ruler now or you will face the wrath of the embodiment of chaos. Penelope flew in the air with the camera and we'll be live in...

(No POV)




Every screen that was able to play the emergency broadcast played in every nation with the right subtitles for those who speak a different language. The whole world saw the remains of a huge army, now a big pile of corpses and a couple of dozen kneeling before 2 cartoon women. All that saw their cartoons knew who they were.


When Penelope landed, she put the camera on a table to keep it still and just the others for the announcement.


Eris-Mortals of this world. I am the Goddess of Chaos, Eris. In mere moments, my group and I brought a whole army to their knees without even breaking a sweat. What land I conquered right now does not matter because it will all be mine. I demand that all armies and world leaders submit to me and any and all forces of resistance and retaliation will be met with execution. I am capable of turning your most deadliest weapon into something completely harmless, not to mention raining down unspeakable events to bring you to your knees.

Eris demonstrated her power by summoning fire to spread across the sky and let it be seen by some of the other cities that caught it on camera. Panic ensued quickly as people believed that she was really here and 'real', but others tried to think that this was a fake which did seem the most logical... Until they had tsunamis rushing in, earthquakes in areas that never really get them, and what sold others... Raining frogs. As most of the world panicked and tons of people believed this now, Eris resumed her speech.

Eris-There are more of us and you will do what we say... And just to make sure that we are clear.

Eris really focused her power and held her apple up high. Free from her restrictions, she was able to use that apple of discord's full power, but only turned every nuke, missile, and atomic bombs into thin air and dropped them all on the sun. It didn't take long for all the nations to be notified that all their biggest explosives were missing. She took advantage of all the men and women's fear and confusion to turn it into rage and grief.

Eris-I will be sending this army back home to confirm what happened here. Our demands are simple... Whatever we want, we get. Refuse this and be destroyed... I am your Goddess now... Penelope.

Penelope raised her hand and blasted the camera to end the feed. The world was in panic and unrest and riots flooded nearly every city in the world. Eris smiled and the army was about to leave to go home, but she raised her hand to stop them.

Eris-I have one more job for all of you. Something happened to Sedusa and Anti Wanda... We're going to y new house. All of us... Now.

(Maddie's POV)

I dropped the remote after what Nicole, Wanda, Drew, and I just saw on the emergency broadcast. My mouth was opened since I couldn't believe she would expose herself and by extension, practically us like that. This made our lives here that much harder, but we did notice that apple and I studied greek gods back when I was in high school... Or at least, I was made to think that. Anyway, if she is the Goddess of chaos then...

Maddie-If we get that golden apple from her, she's powerless.

Drew-She'll be an idiot to come up to the house herself or not be ready for if Wanda poofs to her. Not to mention, she has an army and when she notices that 2 of her helpers are not coming back, she will bring them here.

Wanda-We still know something that she doesn't... It's that we can't die. What should have killed Anti Wanda and Sedusa didn't, so if we get the drop on them, we can send them all to that void.

Nicole-(Y/N) will be awake for this. We can't scare him like that.

Maddie-... We could cast a spell on him or at least make this more pleasant. Wanda, save your magic in both for the portal, it's going to be the biggest one, so we need both wands. I can slip something into a bowl of ice cream to keep him knocked out for hours... He won't know about the bullies we put in there before or the soldiers we will be putting in there now.

They thought about it a little, but it was the best we could do right now... This will be the last portal... After such a big portal, I might have time to throw that USB inside.

Maddie's mind-They will 'not' be coming back to bother my new family... EVER AGAIN!!!

(No POV)

Meanwhile, down the hall... Someone could not slip between the two women and even had himself scooted up a bit and stared at the open door in disbelief.

(Y/N)'s mind-They did... what?


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