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(Emma's POV)

Mommy told me to stay in my room with (Y/N) while she went to go get things at the store. I got (Y/N) his clean clothes and let him get dressed before I held him... He kept on screaming, crying, and trying to wiggle out of my hands, but I didn't want to let him go because he'll fall or run and get hurt. Now,... he tired himself out and slept in my hands, against my chest. He looked so calm while he was sleeping, his tiny human body felt warm in my hands, and if you listen close, you can hear his breathing with his chest pressing against me. I just walked in circles while slowly turning side to side with each step while looking at him. I heard the front door open and close, but it wasn't loud enough to wake him up. I just left my room and saw my mom in the hallway with four bags. Two were full of food and stuff and the others had tiny clothes and blankets and stuff.


She saw that (Y/N) was sleeping right now before she put the bags of food down next to the kitchen and then came at me with the other two bags. She smiled and I could tell she was proud of me for doing such a good job.

Mommy-How did you get him to sleep? *whisper*

Emma-He just kept on wiggling around and crying until he got tired. I just held, petted, and bounced him, as I do with my dolls. *whisper*

Mommy-That's my girl. Good job... ~ Follow me to my room. *whisper*

She went to her room and when she opened the door, I saw the crib from the garage next to her bed and it looked pretty.


Mommy-Hold him for a while longer. I want to get the last few things ready for him. *whisper*

I stayed next to her while she started to get things out of the bags and I saw the tiny clothes, some small blankets that were our size, baby bottles that were pretty small too, tiny, but long forks and spoons, and small pillows. I sat down with him while she put clothes away and went to the kitchen to put the food away. She came with stuff like chocolate and strawberry milk mix, but it looked like the healthy kind that wasn't meant to be full of sugar. She laid out a small blanket in the crib before she came over and took (Y/N) from me to put him in next. I had to get on my tippy toes to peek in a little and see my mommy wrapping (Y/N) in a banket a little with a tiny pillow under his head.


Emma's mind-So cute! ~

I wanted to stay here and just watch him sleep, but then my mommy looked at me.

Mommy-Now, I believe you have one last project to be working on. *whisper*

Emma-... Can I just stay for a few more minutes? *whisper*

Mommy-Your brother will be here when you're done. Now, go get started. *whisper*

I just hung my head a little and left to go to my room and if I rush the project without breaks then I can finish tonight and only worry about the last test at school.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up after being tired from screaming, struggling, and yelling to be let go. I felt so warm and cozy, but when I felt something fluffy, I opened my eyes to see I was in a fluffy blanket. I got out of the blanket and saw a wall made of cushions or something. I tried to climb it, but when I made it to the top, I saw how high up I was and Naomi was on her bed.


She saw me and I dropped down before I heard her come over then peeked in to see me. I didn't like her smiling at me after what she did.

Naomi-Good morning little one. How was your nap? ~

Her hands reached in to try and grab me, but I just ran around the crib to try and not get captured. I ended up being cornered and then scooped up to be held against her chest.

(Y/N)-Put me down!

Naomi-Please, don't fret. All this stress isn't good for you little one. ~

(Naomi's POV)

He only silently struggled in my embrace, so I guess that is better than him also screaming and crying. I just reached in to grab his blanket then picked him off me with it to start wrapping him up a little. He still had a little wiggle room.

Noami-(Y/N), honey. You're only to tire yourself out... How about some milk? I got you vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Which would you like?

He struggled a little more before he finally stopped to just pout into me.

(Y/N)-... (Favorite Choice),... please.

I smiled and brought him with me to grab which flavor he wanted then headed to the kitchen. I got the milk and then went into a cabinet where I kept his bottles and sippy cups, but kept the bottle out of his sight. I know he is old enough for a sippy cup, but I don't have his size, and the bottles I have for him are more for rescuing small baby animals. He buried his head into me to not even look and me, but when I filled his bottle and had it ready, I switched him to a cradling position. I need to catch him by surprise, so he can't fight this.

Naomi-Please understand this is for the best. ~

He turned away from me and I was hoping he would try yelling again, so I could slip the bottle into his mouth. I thought of something else and put the bottle down to reach into the blanket to find his feet. When I did...

((Y/N)'s POV)


She did stop and let me catch my breath, but while my mouth was open she put a baby bottle full of (Favorite Choice) milk in my mouth. I felt my face burning up while I tried twisting and turning my head to try to get the baby bottle out of my mouth.

(Y/N)-H-Hey! I am hot a hahy! *muffled*

She giggled at me before she squirted some in my mouth and while I could taste the flavor, it tasted a little funny.

Naomi-I know you are not a baby, but our cups are too big for you, sippy cups might be too much until you get used to this, and as for that weird taste you are probably thinking about... This is like a protein drink, just to make sure you get your vitamins and such... It does make you look adorable. ~

She squirted more milk into my mouth to make me swallow. I couldn't help it. She kept on going until the bottle was empty. She finally took the bottle out of my mouth and put it down before she went to the couch to sit down with me.

Naomi-When you get hungry later, we'll try some applesauce or mashed bananas.

(Y/N)-I'm not a baby!

Naomi-Of course not. ~

She turned on the T.V. and put on a cartoon. I did actually like this show, but I barely watched it since she bounced me in her arms. Soon Emma came into the room and she had pajamas on.


Emma-Mommy, I finished my project early... Can I hold (Y/N) again?

Naomi-Not now, sweetie. He needs time to bond with his mommy. Also, it'll be bedtime soon. Bath, brush your teeth, and-.

Emma-Get dressed. I already did. I heard (Y/N) screaming in the shower... Can I bring some friends over tomorrow?

Naomi-If it is ok with their moms.

I didn't want anyone to see me like this, so I had to escape tomorrow. Emma came over for a hug and kiss goodnight, but I thought those were only on shows and movies and stuff. Next, kissed my head and rubbed my cheek.

Emma-Goodnight... I can't wait to tell my friends about you. ~

I felt my cheeks warm up a bit when she left Naomi let me stay up with her until I saw a clock turn to 9:00, so she turned off the T.V. and took me back to her room. We went to her bathroom and she turned on the sink and let the water warm for another bath. She took me back to the crib to let me out of the blanket to also take my clothes off to get me ready for the bath. When she touched me I grabbed her finger to try and push it away.

Naomi-(Y/N), no. It's bath time.

(Y/N)-I don't want another bath here! My mommy says I don't have to get in a bath if I don't want to!

(Naomi's POV)

When he said that, my hate for the irresponsible woman grew even more. Of course, he is going to act like this and think that it's ok. It was a fight to get his clothes off and he cried a little, but I was very gentle when I did it then picked him up to get him to his bath. I put him in the sink and then filled up a little cup to pour water on him. During his whole bath, I thought about his old mom and I see her across that border, I'll take her throw her in the trash to be dealt with. If only I could do that with the creep of the neighborhood Jeremy, but I bet others have worse thoughts about him.


Naomi-Awwww, please don't cry. Is the water too hot or too cold? I made sure it was lukewarm.

(Y/N)-I-I just wanna go home... Please.

I just rubbed his back with one finger to comfort him, but it didn't help because he was still naked in the sink for his bath that he hated. I couldn't get him toys just yet because I had to rush him with the important stuff to take care of him. Also, the toys here are almost always going to be too big for him... Maybe, there is something I can do tomorrow.

Naomi-You can't go back to her, honey bunch. She's just no good for you... How about I take you out for a walk tomorrow and after, let you swim in the big bath... Do you like swimming? ~

(Y/N)-... I don't have any floaties.

Naomi-Mommy will be right there to hold you the whole time. ~

(Y/N)-You're not my-.

I rubbed a finger on his lips to stop him from finishing that sentence. The laws of his people ended over here, so I can be his mommy, but at the same time, he has very little to no rights over here. It's up to me to take care of him and protect him here. I know my friends would never hurt a baby like him, so I feel that I can trust them which will come a time. I only got so many days off. The bath ended and I took him out to get him dried off and dressed in a pair of onesie pajamas his size. It's a shame this only came from a store meant for people that enjoy toying with humans and toys there are either poorly made or made for something else. I thought some toys we have around here that could be good and safe for him. When I got him dressed, I just put him back in his crin and he sat there. I put my phone on a baby app that you need to do a protocol to get off it. He can play with shapes and stuff and I don't have to worry about him getting into anything.

Naomi-I'll leave the light on, honey. Just play on my phone while mommy is in the shower. ~

I left him alone in his crib while I went to the bathroom and got ready for my shower. I wanted to make it quick, so I could give him some more attention before I go to sleep. The first night is going to be the hardest. By the time I got out of the shower, I already heard him crying since he knows he was sleeping here tonight. I went to his crib in a towel to pick him up and comfort him, but struggled in my wet grasp and slipped into my cleavage.


I squeezed my boobs and caught him with only his head. I let out a sigh of relief and was about to take him out, but he couldn't move and it was not like he was old enough to be aroused by this... I just left him where he was and bounced him a little.

Naomi-It's ok. Just let it out. ~

He cried into me and I did everything I could to calm him down, but he insisted on just crying. When he looked tired, I put him back in his crib to swaddle him then got something his size to help stop his crying and calm him down.


He didn't release that I was about to put it on him because his mouth was closed, but this should not hurt him. It'll just press down on his tongue and let him suck on it. When I put it in his mouth, he opened his eyes and his cheeks turned a little redder than they already were while I did the strap. I never thought I would do this to a human child, but letting him go back to his awful mother was worse.

Naomi-Poor baby... How about you sleep with me tonight? ~

I only wear panties and a bra to bed since I just feel freer that way. Right now, he has to sleep like this to keep him from hurting himself. I just got some underwear on for the night before I took him to bed with me and left a tiny lamp on for some light for him. He looked at me with puppy eyes while he tried to spit out his pacifier and I did feel bad for him, but I just gave him a few kisses before pulling him close to me.

Naomi-How about a lullaby? Emma loves those for me... Here is her favorite. ~

When my song was over, his eyes looked so droopy and adorable that my heart fluttered for him. I waited for him to close his eyes first before I closed mine. It helped when I let him use my pinkie and boob as his pillows while I stroked his head gently with my finger. I was so happy that he didn't end up crying himself to sleep this time.

Naomi's mind-I promise, nothing will ever happen to you... You're my baby now.~


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