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(Baby's POV)

A lot of men and a few women were disappointed that the crib was closed until further notice and even filed some complaints. They don't know my true baby is in there because I put the private glass on and a cover on that said, "closed". About 3 men and 2 women still wanted that service in public which honestly disturbed me to an extent, but my body would go off on its own and give them what they wanted. When word spread that the V.I.P. crib was closed, many went to other attractions, so I thought about closing my Nursery down early to take care of my baby besides the 2 bidybabs I left in charge of him. There was still one man here and I had to tend to him, but he seemed drunk. When I went over him with the hope of satisfying him quickly to get him out before anyone shows up he looked at me with a stupid-looking drunk smile.

Man-*Hic* Hi mommy. I *hic* need you more than ever.

Baby-What is-?

Man-My dumbass girlfriend wants a ki- *hic*, but it's just that... I h-haaaaaate those ankle bitters.

I wanted to say, "But you love being treated like one". When I had that thought in mind he spilled some of his drink while putting it on the table, so a bidybab came over to clean it up.

Baby-Well this is how mothers work baby. I know you just want attention and are just scared, but she won't love you any-.

Man-I was supposed to be a free man all my life... Then I hook up with her next town over then BAM!!! She just stuck around and I just kept her for her skills in bed. She got a miscarriage, so I thought I lucked out... This one is healthy though and due in 2 weeks.

He only wanted raw or wreckless sexual intercourse without accepting the responsibility and consequences that come after. All for a woman that was skilled in bed... This sounds familiar and... I just feel so angry.

Baby-... Oh.

Man-I want her to put the kid up for adoption or something. I can't be a father when I got my whole-.

I forced my body to give me back control to let me grab him by the neck and lift him. He struggled in my grasp which made me grip him tighter. All he could do was look into my eyes, but then I heard someone crying behind me. I turned to see that nobody was there, but the crying continued.

???-*Sobbing* Why?... Why?

I turned back to the man and pulled him closer to me, so I could give him the last words he will ever hear.

Baby-Such a disgusting adult.


He stopped his useless struggle and I felt a wave of relief hit me. I turned to look at the crib with my baby safely inside and thought I had a good idea why I am to watch him.

Baby's mind-Adults. Men and women... They come here because they are all the same... Like him. I only have one baby and he will be the only one in my Nursery... Where he belongs.

I walked over to the trash chute in here to dump the body before I went to the door and put up a sign that said, "closed for repairs".

Baby-Hehehehe. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was wrapped in a blanket with straps around it to keep me from getting out. These 2 short girls kept on caring for me and the only light in here were glowing stars and the light coming off of both of them. Whenever I tried to scream for help they would only try to gently shush me and I don't think anyone else could hear me anyway. The door opened and I saw Baby walk in before the door closed and then she started to glow too.


Baby-You 2 can stand off to the sides. I'm taking over a little early.

The girls backed up and Baby got on her knees and pulled my head onto her lap. She pet my head and then looked around before she just held me in her arms.

Baby-It looks like you were such a good boy and drank some milk. I believe mommy promised you ice cream. ~

Her shirt and stomach opened to see an ice cream machine and made a vanilla ice cream cone, but since I couldn't take it, she held it to me.

Baby-Here you go, honey. Made with mommy's love. ~

She pressed it against my mouth and I took a small bite while she rubbed a finger against my cheek.

Baby-Good boy. After your ice cream, we can watch some silly willy cartoons. ~

I didn't like her talking to me like that, but if I can get her to let me out of this, I can get to the elevator or at least look around for a phone. It's not like anyone was going to see this... Hopefully.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

(Fia's POV)

I was at a nearby hotel after talking with the police. I had a good view of that strip club from where I was, so if anything happens out there tonight, I will know and get the police involved. The last car finally left the parking lot, so if anyone parks there before it's close to opening time, I will assume they are up to something. If nothing happens tonight, I will try to sneak in somehow.

Fia's mind-Hang on kid. I'm not giving up on you.

(Fredda's POV)

That last man had almost no self-respect since he liked it when I sat on his chest and he begged for me to sit on his face after I made him kiss my feet. How much of a simp can one person be? Everyone was gone, so I was free to roam around and Bonbon was washing up in the V.I.P. showers. Not for a show, but to clean a pre-load off her thighs. When she came out she was immediately in a good mood and swung on my arm.


Bonbon-Fredda, I wanna see the little boy again!

Fredda-Something happened in Circus Baby's Nursery. I think Baby might have to be repaired and want to be alone.

Bonbon-Please! He doesn't need repairs! You even said he was mine, so I should be able to get my toy!

Why is it that I can dominate buff men and women, in some cases my friends when I get really mad, but I can't even say no to her?

Fredda-*Sigh* Fine, but make sure Baby knows that he's here. We don't want to make her mad and if you hear that elevator moving, you come right back to me.


She hopped off my arm and ran for the door to head for the Nursery. I took this chance to relax since Funtime Foxy was relaxing.

(Baby's POV)

My baby was in the middle of a nap and has been asleep for the past 6 hours while he was on my lap in my rocking chair. There is nothing, but peace and quiet in my clean nursery... That was until, Bonbon came rushing in could not have been noisier about, and woke up my baby when she swung the door open.


Bonbon-Baby, can I play with-?!

Baby-Bonbon! I had my baby sleeping and you woke him up!

I got up and tried to scold her, but Funtime Fredda spoils her way too much for any words to hit their mark. I just held my baby in one arm and scooped Bonbon into my other arm to walk down the hall. She tried to reach for my baby, but after what she did, she will not be playing with him. I made it to Funtime Foxy's room and saw Funtime Fredda relaxing at a booth and Funtime Foxy was next to her.


I walked up to both of them and showed them that I was not happy before I placed Bonbon on the table.

Baby-I believe 'she' belongs to you.

Funtime Fredda-What's your problem?!

As usual, she defends Bonbon no matter what. Even I intend to give discipline when a baby is acting badly.

Baby-Bonbon burst into my nursery and woke (Y/N) up!

Funtime Fredda-So does Foxy, but I don't plop her on your table! Wasn't he asleep all day in that crib of yours anyway?!

Baby-No! I am getting him slowly adjusted to being up at closing time!

Bonbon-But I want to play with him!

Baby-My baby's naps and health come first! Playtime is after!

Bonbon-But I want to play!

(Ballora's POV)

I could hear the arguing from my stage and I tried to get some work done for when I get my turn with the little guy. I have been practicing to one day apply it to adults, but whenever I find a different material, it always rips before it can even do anything. When my little friends came in with my new toy, I smiled since I had a good feeling about this one.


I took the ribbon and tested it out by tieing it to a table before I started to pull. My goal is 5 laps and when I reached that goal... I put stuff on top of the table and did more laps.

Ballora-Ohhhh, this will hold nicely... Time to practice more dances... I always wanted to try bondage. ~



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