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((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard and felt something shaking, but I was too dizzy and weak to get up at first. My vision looked fuzzy to see too, but I think I was getting better. I soon got to my feet and my vision got a lot better. I looked around to see that I was in an elevator with two posters of weird-looking clowns bending over or dancing on a poll. Before I could get a closer look, a voice made me jump a little, but I relaxed a little when I knew it was only the speaker... I was still scared and tried to figure out where I was or what happened... after... that... cupcake.

Speaker-Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career! Whether if you were approached at a job fair, here for the 'attention and assets', or as a result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I am mostly here to help with maintenance, guidance, and other small jobs. Most just call me 'Hand Job'. I do however ask on behalf of our work environment and productivity that you reframe from joining in on the fun while on the clock, but break time is acceptable. Please enter your name in the keypad. Be warned, once your name is entered, it can not be changed, so be cautious.

The keypad started glowing on the wall, so maybe if I type 'Help me', someone will come and help. The screen looked glitchy, but I did my best... Until I saw that when I typed 3 letters, it showed 5 dots then it stopped.

Speaker-It seems there was a problem with the keypad, but I see what you were trying to type. Allow me to correct it for you. One moment... Welcome, 'Beefcake'!

(Y/N)-No! I wanted 'help me'!

The elevator kept on going until I heard cute baby music or something play before a red button started to glow and next to it said, "OPEN". I tried to find a button to take me back up, but when I found it, it did not work, so I looked back at the door button. I pressed the button and then the doors opened to show a vent for me to crawl through that said, "Maintenance" then I thought about this place having a phone to call the police. I crawled through the vent and it was kind of big for an adult to crawl through.

Speaker-Allow me to fill this deafening silence with some banter. Our 'customers' at Fredda's Anime Convention have more than one taste or like something new.

(Y/N)'s mind-Fredda?!

Speaker-We saw fit to bring in new characters to appeal to more kinky sides of our beloved customers in a new town and provide a friendly look and make unique fetishes feel like they have a safe place. It's your job to get these ladies back in proper working order when a problem arises which is a rarity, but you also must make sure the building is up to date and performance.

I got to the other side of the vent and made it into a room where I saw a few masks, and 2 panels and they both had 2 buttons... This place looked scary and the eyes look like they were watching you.

Speaker-You are now in the Primary Control Module. It's the crawl place between the two front showrooms. Now, let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left and you will be looking at the Ballora pole stage and dance floor. For adults who love to watch and touch such a beautiful, yet ferocious stripper. Fun fact, for kids, she even teaches simple dance moves on a tape-rated PG. Let's turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage.

I didn't know what to do, but since the elevator doesn't work, I pressed the light button and saw a few poles on stages for some reason. I don't know why you would put a pole up there if you had to dance with that in the way, but nobody was there.

Speaker-Uh-oh. Looks like Ballora doesn't feel like performing. How about a controlled shock to help motivate her?

If this is a place with Fredda's name on it... I don't think I want to make anything mad if they can get mad. If Fredda is here, she might be looking for me, so I just moved to the other light button and saw chairs and couches, but nobody was on the stage.

Speaker-It seems like Funtime Foxy is not feeling well. Why not shock her to get her going again?

(Y/N)'s mind-Foxy's here?!

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

There is no way I am pressing any shock button. I shouldn't even be here and I want to go home. I found another vent and thought maybe the office might be in here.

(No POV)

2 figures were waiting to be shocked in the darkness after they hid to try and escape, but instead, they were met with nothing. They didn't see who, but they heard another vent open and close in the office with private tented glass.

???/???'s minds-They... didn't shock me?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Speaker-You are now heading to the Circus Gallary after not performing your job correctly and in good time. This will be reported to your manager, so that proper actions can be made.

I didn't care because this is not my job. When I could see the end of the vent...

Speaker-Motion trigger. Circus Gallary vent.

I stopped for a bit when that speaker said where I was. I just hope Fredda isn't here or any version of her or her friends. I crawled faster and got out of the vent to see if there was a phone, but it was just another room.

Speaker-On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby's Nursery Room. Let's check the light and see what Baby is up to.

I clicked the light button, but I was not going to click that shock button to make anything mad in this place. When I clicked the light, there was nobody there... Maybe they all got taken for repairs or when my mommy planned to sue this place closed and nobody is here... Then why am I here?

Speaker-It looks like the lights in her nursery are out, but we can fix that later. Let's tell Baby that nap time is over and it's time to be the mother all the men love, with a controlled shock.

But the lights did work... I'm still not pressing that shock button, but it looks like nothing is even here. I tried to get out of here to find a phone or maybe since the jobs are done and I can't go further, the elevator might work!

(No POV)

When (Y/N) was full of hope and rushed back to the elevator by crawling in the vents, but unlike the others, she saw the boy. A pair of green eyes glowed in the darkness before she started running due to the memory of the voice that popped into her head a few weeks ago.

???-It's you... The one I am to watch and protect for them... Why though?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I made it back to the stupid elevator and tried to go up, but it would not work. The speaker tried to tell me to go back and 'finish my tasks'... Since nothing is here, I'll just go press the stupid buttons and get out of here. I crawled back in the vent to go press the 3 buttons, but when I got back in the first room and was about to press the button...





I turned to the Ballora's window, but I didn't see anything. I clicked the light button and nobody was in the room. I knocked on the window a bit and I don't know if this is soundproof or not, but...

(Y/N)-Hello!... Is someone out there?!

I turned on the light one more time, but this time a vent opened to Ballora's room. I jumped back a little and waited for something to crawl out,... but nothing did.

???-*Muffled giggling*. ~

I turned behind me where I heard the noise in Funtime Foxy's room, but it was too dark to see. I kept an eye on Ballora's vent while I pushed the light button to look in Funtime Foxy's room, but there was no one in there. This is starting to scare me because I know I heard someone...


This will make her mad and I still have 2 other buttons to push, and one is in the other room. The other vent opened and I looked around and looked at the masks and stuff. They were all looking at me and I just knew someone was watching from both rooms.

???-*Giggles* Beefcake?... You look more like a 'cupcake'. ~

That wasn't Fredda... or any of her friends I met before. It came from Ballora's room, so I ran to go press the shock button and...


... Nothing happened or the shocking button is just really quiet. I heard both sides giggling, so I just ran back to the vent to get to the elevator, but before I got in, I saw a hand coming out of Ballora's room. I crawled as fast as I could then I heard something else in the vent with me. I made it back to the elevator and ran inside and tried to close the doors, but the button would not work. I started crying and wishing my mommy would come to save me. The vent opened again and this time... someone slowly crawled out and looked at me.


I know who that had to be.

Funtime Foxy-Hello there, little guy... Going somewhere? ~

Next, someone else came out and I know who that had to be too.


Ballora-*Giggles* Look at that tiny figure. You're no bigger than my minireenas. Maybe smaller. ~

???-Leave him... He needs to be with me. *Echo*

We all heard someone in the vent and both of the girls smiled.

Funtime Foxy-Ohhhhhh, here comes Circus Baby. ~

Ballora-Or like most adults like to call her... Mommy. ~

I backed up against the wall and the final girl came out.


Circus Baby-Hello there. Do not be afraid.

She walked up to me and I could not run anywhere or do anything. She just picked me up and held me a little tight like a baby.


(Fia's POV)

I lost them for a while, but then I found (M/N)'s car parked right in front of an anime convention place,... but the windows were smashed, the hood was torn off, and the tires were slashed. I parked my car and went up to (M/N)'s with disbelief in my mind... I only lost them for not even 4 hours. There was no blood or sign of either of them and the hood of the car on the ground had claw marks on it.

Fia's mind-What the hell happened here?

I just went back into my car, locked the doors, and called the police to report this. While I was on the phone, I made sure to always check my surroundings and mirrors. By the time I spoke with the police and hung up, I saw the sun starting to come up and dimly light the sky

Fia's mind-What the hell did you do (M/N)?... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR SON?!?!?!


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