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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just felt so warm and snuggly against something, but then I thought of something. I don't have a stuffed animal this big, and my bed feels different. I opened my eyes with one covered up and my other eyes saw fur, so I turned over then saw something amazing... I was not home, but in the stable Clarice brought me to in my dream and it looked fancy. There was a wooden floor, nice windows with red curtains, a fireplace with a fire still going, red rugs at the door, in the middle of the room, and this big red pillow I was lying on and this all looked like a log cabin from a Christmas movie. I even noticed a Christmas tree decorated with red, white, and green ornaments in the corner of the room with a golden star on it. Something moved behind me and when I looked, it was Clarice waking up then she looked at me while yawning.


She smiled at me before she used her head to push me back down next to her then she rubbed her nose on my cheek.

Clarice-Good morning. Merry Christmas. You fell asleep so fast that we didn't get to do a tour of my home. ~

(Y/N)-It looks nice.

Clarice-Thank you. I do my best to keep it clean for... Th-That can wait. Are you hungry?

I nodded my head at her, so she got up and went out the door for a bit before she came back with a bowl full of berries, granola, and yogurt.


With my first bite, she wrapped herself behind me, so I leaned on her while eating. I wanted to feed her too, so I held out a strawberry for her then she ate it out of my hand.

Clarice-Thank you, sweetie. When you're done eating, we'll be doing a short tour. It's just my room and the bathroom that you need to know where they are.

(Y/N)-I thought this was your room.

Clarice-This is the living room. I just thought you would like to sleep next to the fire after being out in the cold all night.

(Clarice's POV)

He looked so adorable eating what I put together for him then noticed his presents under the tree after I made a second trip to his house. When he finished his food he followed me to the kitchen I came from to make him that and rinsed it before putting it down. We started a short tour and it was just mainly the bathroom for when he needed to go or it was bath time for him. We ended the tour with my room... Well, it's also Rudolph's room, but he's hardly ever here. The big was a king size, so we have plenty of room, but we won't be needing that since I will be cuddling him. I didn't have many toys for him to play with, but I had some as gifts from the elves that he could play with. First off, before he could get comfortable on my bed...

Clarice-Bath time, (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Awwww... Can we wait until after the presents?

Clarice-No. No presents until after bath time.

He hung his head a little before he got moving and tried to close the door to the bathroom, but I kept it open and he looked at me with a little surprised look on his face.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Clarice-I'm giving you a bath.

(Y/N)-But, you don't have to. I can do it myself.

Clarice-Pardon me, but I'm the adult here, so that means I make the rules... Santa is always watching, so do you want him to see you saying no?


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

He looked so adorable in the bath and let me clean his body, but that said, I just told him was a little white lie. Santa only knows moments that stick out, but it got him to sit still and be a good boy for me. When we were both clean we got out and I got him in some new and clean clothes before we went to go open his presents. I had some too and one was for Rudolph, but he's got more in Santa's Workshop, not like he's gonna be opening them today. I just opened mine and I got a nice dress, some new blankets, a necklace, and a few home décor items. (Y/N) got a few toys and games to play, so I know how won't be too bored living here now. I had him snuggle up to a pillow while I got some roasted chestnuts going for us and maybe a fruit salad for dinner with a side of homemade rolls, and a casserole. Everything was fine until...




Panic rushed through my body then I looked at (Y/N) as he looked at the door, so I tried to think of a plan and then thought of the gift the Sandman gave me when I had problems sleeping for a while when I was worried about Rudolph. I went to my bathroom to open a cabinet and then grabbed a small pouch. I ran up to him and got on his level to seem as calm as possible, yet serious.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Clarice looked a little worried and didn't answer the door and the person even knocked again. She came back in with a small bag and it had a little bow on it like it was a present.


Clarice-Looks like we forgot one present. I made it for you last night while you slept.

(Y/N)-Um... Someone is at your door.

Clarice-Well, we can't let them in until all of our presents are opened. It's to keep us from getting distracted.

I never heard of that, but it made sense, I guess. I opened the bag and it just looked like this small bag was full of glitter or something.

(Y/N)-What is this stu-?

She blew into the bag and dust came out of the back and into my face while she backed up a little and I just felt so tired all of a sudden. I couldn't even keep my eyes open while I fell back on the pillow, but I felt so cozy... I felt so sleepy.

(Hermey's POV)

I finished wrapping things up at my office while Rudolph was out dealing with the late present giving thanks to a sudden storm. He said he would take care of it with Santa while the rest of us came back, so we had faith in him. Right now, I was trying to check on Clarice since Rudolph did feel bad about not seeing her so much these last few months, but I knocked twice, and no answer.

Hermey-Clarice?!... Are you home?!


Suddenly, the door opened when I was about to hit it again, I saw her looking a little groggy.


Clarice-S-Sorry for *cough* the wait?

Her voice sounded a little scratchy and she wobbled a little.

Hermey-Are you ok? You don't sound so good.

Clarice-I just went out on a little *cough* flight last night around the North Pole. I guess I caught a little *cough* cold.

Hermey-Oh my, do you need some help? I can make a nice soup for you and-.

Clarice-Please, don't worry yourself. I'm sure after a nice rest, I'll be as good as new.

Hermey-Non-sense. Just go lay down and I'll get started on that soup.

I guided her back inside and led her to the pillow next to the fire in her living room before I went into the kitchen. It was really just a private feeding room with a furnace, but this way, you could make hot meals. I peeked in the living room and saw that she looked a little uneasy and even worried.

Hermey-If you want, I can go get a blanket from your room and-!

Clarice-No!... I-I mean, *cough* *cough* let me do that. My room is very messy and could get you sick too. The fire is warm anyway.

That was a little weird, but I guess she just didn't want to get a friend sick, or maybe she was hiding a surprise made for Rudolph or all of us. I decided to let it be for now and respect her privacy. When the soup was done, I brought it out to her and warned her to let it cool down.

Hermey-I'll be right back. I'm going to use the bathroom then go out to get some medicine for you.

She froze a little while I went down the hall to use the bathroom. When I finished my business, I was about to leave when I heard something faintly, or at least, I think I did.

Hermey's mind-Is that... snoring? Is someone else here?

I believed it came from her room, so I slowly opened the door and what I saw surprised me... A child with (H/L) (H/C) hair is sleeping in her bed and they were a human child, but no children are allowed here! Clarice had to have brought them here!

Hermey's mind-Where did they come from?! Why would Clarice-?!


My head really hurt when I fell to the floor and the last thing I saw was a set of hooves before my eyes closed and everything was black.

Hermey's mind-Clarice... Why?


((Y/N)'s POV)

Clarice was watching me eat the food she made and after I got to play with some of my toys, but she just won't let me leave her room at all right now. She said something about a surprise later, but I thought we already opened before she put me to sleep with a very good dream.

Clarice-Save some room for more dessert, sweetie. Tonight before bed, I have some big news for you... Just know that it's because I just love your company.

I wonder what she meant by that, but I just kept on eating until I was full and she let me rest for a bit before she played with me. It was like a Christmas movie come true and I loved it, but later she said it was time for bed, so I guess I'm going home tomorrow or something. She gave me a bath and everything before bed, but before I could get in her bed to sleep...

Clarice-Are you forgetting something?... Your special present.

(Y/N)-Oh, where is it?

Clarice-Follow me.

I noticed she had a small bag on a necklace around her before she walked out into the hall. She led me down to a basement that looked well-lit and full of Christmas stuff before I saw something with a blanket and bow over it, so that must be the present... It looked weird.

(Y/N)-It's around my size.

Clarice-Well, this isn't the present per se. What I say, when you unwrap it will be the present.

That sounded a little weird, but she walked behind me when I grabbed the blanket then I yanked it off... I saw an elf that was sleeping with a sign on him that said... "Say hi to your new mommy".

Clarice-Welcome home sweetie. ~

I was frozen then sand came out from behind me and I felt so tired that I fell back, but got caught by Clarice right before I blacked out.


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