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(Penny's POV)

It was almost night time and I had just started on dinner for my little brother as he rested on a chair to look out the window. I planned on making him a mild chicken curry with some peppers and garlic over some white rice. After dinner was done I went over to the small table where (Y/N) was looking out the window. I think the fights he saw me in were in his head and I don't want to be seen as a strong and scary robot to him, but a gentle and comforting sister like he saw his old sisters. I put his food down in front of him and he looked at it then opened his mouth for me to feed him. He still looked a little sad while enjoying the food.

Penny-Something is troubling you... I didn't want to fight in front of you.

(Y/N)-I don't want people to fight at all.

He took another bite and I just rubbed his head and cheek to try and comfort him, but he didn't cheer up at all, given he did lean into my touch. It's good to see that he is still affectionate, but I don't like seeing him without a smile. By the time he finished his food, it was completely dark out now, so it was bath time and I think we had bath soap to make a bubble bath in here and with luck, we did. When I got the bath going and started adding in the bubbles, I walked back into the room and up to my little brother.


Penny-Come here, you. Bath time. ~

(Y/N)-Is the water going to hurt you?

Penny-Don't worry. I'm waterproof and fire-resilient.

I took him to his bath and he started to get his clothes off before he got in. He played with the bubbles a little as I scrubbed his hair for a full minute before I rinsed out the shampoo and then applied the conditioner. I made sure that this bath was relaxing for him, but even after he was finished, he still didn't smile that much. At best, he gave off a smile and giggle from when I scrubbed his body and it tickled him. When I laid him in bed I thought of more things to cheer him up as he rested and slept. I think a nice walk in the morning would be good for him and early too, so not many will be out.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Kali's POV)

This morning, we were low on food, so I got in the shower really fast before I got dressed to head out. While I was in town, I had to be careful of the White Fang because their leader has been in a horrible mood lately. Anyone that gets taken to the headquarters, rarely come back out. When I got to the docks for some fresh fish, I overheard something that piqued my interest.

Woman-Did you see those two humans? What are they doing here?

Man-Pay them no mind. If you get involved when The White Fang gets involved, you will be on the chopping block too.

Woman-That's the thing, I think I saw the little boy that girl was with before. The leader had him on a leash. I still have a picture.

I froze for a moment, trying to comprehend if this is a dream or not, but I was sure that I was awake. I turned to the couple and stopped them before they could leave.

Kali-Hey!... Where did you see these humans?

((Y/N)'s POV)

The thoughts of everyone fighting were still in my head, but this shoulder ride did help a little more. I recognize this place now and wondered how Blake was doing. Maybe she and my sisters were still friends and she can let me call them until mommy comes back to pick me up... I just hope I don't get into any more trouble from her, but I'm just scared that she'll be very mad at Penny. We stopped at a cafe and she put me on a chair while she went to get me something. Suddenly, someone covered my eyes, so I couldn't see, but they were only playing the 'guess who' game.

???-Guess who it is?

I know that voice.


My eyes were uncovered and she came to my side and hugged me while rubbing her cheek on mine.


Kali-I missed you so much! You had us so worried after that girl took you from us. You must've been so scared. ~

Penny-Excuse me.

We both turned and we saw Penny not looking very happy when she put the 3 donuts and milk on the table for me and then picked me up.


Penny-What were you doing with my little brother? He only needs affection from me.

Kali-I'm his grandmother.

Penny-I don't see any relations and the only ones that had custody before me was Mr. Xio Long. You're lying to me.

Kali-And what made him lose custody? For all I know, you're lying.

They both looked mad at each other and Penny's eyes turned red and when she pulled out one sword she saw me about to cry then put it away. This surprised Kali and made her back up a little while people were looking. Penny grabbed my food and drink then gave Kali one last angry look.

Penny-Stay away from my little brother.

(Kali's POV)

I can't fight well, but if my daughter or her girlfriend were here, they would be cutting her down. The sight of my grandson leaving me with 'her' made my blood boil. Before they could leave my sight, I carefully stalked them to a motel that looked fairly decent, but my home is leagues above this. I ran as fast as I could to go home and bring back Blake and Ilia.

Kali's mind-No one keeps my grandson away from me! NO ONE!!!


(Penny's POV)

(Y/N) and I were both in bed, cuddling while watching a movie. That fanaus really bothered him and made him worse though, so maybe when he falls asleep, I'll go out looking for her. When the movie was over, (Y/N) started stretching a lot, so I took this chance to give him a massage.

Penny-You're so sad and low on energy now. You must be suffering from emotional pain and distress, caused by current events. You'll feel better if you talk about it.

(Y/N)-... Are you all fighting,... because of me?

The truth is good in most cases, but I believe it will be bad in this case. On the other hand, I can't completely lie to him... I need to find the right words.

Penny-When someone as cute as you goes out to the world, many want to adore you. That's a good thing.

(Y/N)-... I guess... C-Can we go find Kali and try to be friends,... please?

He looked at me with a tear in his eye, but allowing others to touch my baby brother is unacceptable. I just kept on massaging him then his tear fell before he rested his head down. I hate this feeling that I get when he's truly sad, but this is all for his safety.

(Robyn's POV)

Mai is flying the ship and I just looked up after sharpening a few of my arrows to see Fiona and Joanna working on their weapons before we land in a few hours.


I told them everything we know about this job and Fiona being as kind-hearted as she was, felt disgusted that the military would do this sort of thing to a child, just to take him away from home and family alone. We still don't know why, but Penny has to have this kid and that's all we need to know for now. We track her, we track him.

Fiona-You don't think the Atlas military would go as far as to experiment on a child not even from our kingdom, do you?

Robyn-Not that I would put it past them. The military has done some pretty shady stuff with no explanation.

Joanna-It doesn't matter, right now. We just need to get there, grab the kid, and leave.

Fiona-Now, remember that some of the residents came to Menagerie, just to get away from humanity. White Fang also controls most if not all of the island, and they are radical now.

Robyn-We dealt with Grimm, muggers, bandits, and angry people. We can last long enough to grab a kid.

May-Penny is not going to give up the kid without a fight. Hope you got a plan that doesn't involve a head-on clash.

I looked at Fiona and she smile since she had our secret weapons to bring down Penny easily, at least for a while, so we can leave. May looked back here and saw the looks on our faces, and trusted us. I pulled up the picture of the boy and projected him, just to get a refresher on his appearance.


The question in my head was repeating in my head.

Robyn's mind-Why are you so important to the military?


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