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((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know how long it's been since I saw or heard anything. Everything had just been so dark in quiet and I know I was crying a lot, but I couldn't even hear that at all. I think Daki is going to keep me here forever or maybe I turned into a demon and the 'demon me' is out there while I'm stuck in here until I die. After a very long time... someone touched my cheek. I missed this feeling so much and rubbed myself against the hand while it used the thumb to stroke the side of my head. I felt the belt holding me get looser and I could hear again, even if it was my ears ringing. When I finally touched the ground again, my eyes were uncovered and I could finally see again. I was looking at the floor, but I took in every single detail, even the smallest space in between the wood until I looked up and saw...


Daki was the one petting me while I tried to catch up on what was happening. Mother and Daughter were with her now, but I guess that makes sense. They are demons too.

Daki-Well hello again pet. Are you ready to be a good boy and tell mama where that old human mom is? ~

I was shaking and for a second, I opened my mouth to tell her, but stopped myself when my throat hurt so bad when I tried to talk. I held my throat and coughed a little before Daki lifted my head up to give me more water. I took this time to tell myself not to tell her or she will kill my mom.

Mother-May I see him? I did notice that the belt dug into his neck a little at the time.

Daki-... Check him.

Mother came up and took Daki's place and felt around my neck. It did hurt a little and when she squeezed a little, it didn't hurt more, but I could feel it.

Mother-Maybe give him a while to rest. That support belt has left a bit of swelling and irritation. I recognize these wounds from some humans I tortured.

Daki-How long?

Mother-Maybe a day or 2. It doesn't look too bad.

Daki came back over and picked me up to take me to get dressed then carried me to a dark living room where Mother and Daughter were. I missed being held by my mommy or just being held in general, so I curled up into her and saw the happiness in her scary demon eyes.

Daki-Good boy. You missed being loved. I know you're sorry for keeping a secret from me, but when you can talk again, you can tell me where she is... I really didn't want to put you back in... timeout. ~

I shivered a little when she said that, but I think as long as I don't talk... I can buy time.

(Mitsuri's POV)

5 official missions and 17 hideouts full of demons, but not one had my baby. It was morning right now and I got back on the road. I tried to talk to people about odd things or sightings, such as people disappearing, but nothing. This filled my heart with worry and sorrow. I think the demon won't be in towns, so I will check the wilderness and abandoned or lonely houses.

(Shinobu's POV)

After days of searching, I came across a grieving family that said their grandfather went out for a walk 2 days ago, but 'never' came back. It could be bandits, but when they brought up no signs of blood, a struggle, or an animal attacking. Only one thing is capable of getting a clean like that... Demons. It would also be a secluded place with a food source nearby for both a human and a demon. I walked in the mountains and had a wisteria flower in a punch to help fend off surprise attacks that would be annoying. Soon I noticed something odd... a rock was cut clean in half. I was about to pick it up, but then I saw a spider thread shine in the sunlight. The rock was right under it and I got a small leaf and dropped it over the web... It was sliced in half. this is the work of those spider demons and why would they be setting up alarms and roots here, unless...

Shinobu-Oh my... I found you. ~

I jumped up the trees and pushed myself gently, yet swiftly, so I don't alert them. I have something, just for this case that should kill or repel any demon. This concoction will make a wisteria mist that will eliminate the demons inside while not doing a thing to harm my baby.

(Daughter's POV)

Daki went to go eat in another room to not bother my little brother. I gave him kisses while he rested on my lap until we heard something. Glass shattered in another room then a window was swiftly opened to let a glass bottle fly in and break on the floor. That purple mist...


We quickly clear the room by breaking the door down and getting outside and Daki must've done the same thing because she was ready in the trees before she looked at us and moved so fast for us, she vanished the instant my little brother was snatched from my arms then a human appeared in the wisteria mist coming out of the house when Daki landed by our side.


((Y/N)'s POV)

This purple mist, I saw something a flower would give off then I looked at the demon girls and saw the fear in their eyes of this stuff. Shinobu made me look up at her as she smiled before she looked at the demons with a fake smile now.

Shinobu-Well hello there.

Daki-Human... Put my pet down, now.

Shinobu-Pet?... I'm afraid my boy is not a pet... Those eyes... Upper 6.

Daki-Judging by that speed and technique, you must be a Hashira... Just barely. No like you managed to land a blow on any of us, so you're already a poor excuse.

Shinobu-Oh... You may want to think again.

Just then I saw Mother and Daughter fall to the ground and their veins were turning purple while they looked like they were in so much pain and dying. Daki didn't care at all while Mother and Daughter reached for me until they died, but didn't burn to ash... They looked even scarier like this.

Daki-Is this supposed to scare me off?

Shinobu-This is supposed to keep you at bay. This wisteria mist will last for about 3 hours with how much poison I let airborne. The sun will be out in 2 hours and you'll burn if the mist doesn't reach you first.

Daki-You have no idea who you are messing with!

Shinobu-I wonder if 3 Hashira can kill you and the second demon with you... We got intel about a second demon fighting alongside you when you destroyed a town.

I could tell she was lying at first, but told the truth in the last part. Daki looked worried since she didn't know Shinobu was lying and backed up from the mist. I saw her veins move a little and her eyes also got... so much worse, like something else was in there. It was about to come out until a glimmer of light came over the mountain and the fear in Daki's eyes, looked like Mother and Daughter's eyes before she glared at Shinobu.


She moved so fast that it was hard to see her, but she made it over the hill in the blink of an eye then Shinobu looked up at a crow on a tree.

Shinobu-Bring Konoa here!

The crow flew off into the trees. We stayed in the mist that smelled really good and she brought me inside to open up all the windows and doors for the light to come in. The last thing I saw was the sunlight touching Mother and Daughter then their bodies burned to ashes. She laid me on a bed and gasped when she checked my body and felt my neck.

Shinobu-What did those demons do to you?!

I still couldn't talk, but I think she was much better than being with demons. She checked me then after the check up, I heard footsteps before Konoa came running in.


She ran to me and got onto my other side then dropped a few tears on me. Shinobu got to work on something before she put a lump of clay on my neck and it felt weird and tingly.

Shinobu-This should ease the pain when swallowing anything, but no talking until the swelling goes down. Now,... Konoa, help me wrap him up and we'll get to the infirmary.

They started to slowly wrap me in bandages, and even after I tried to fight it a little since I didn't want to be tied up again, it didn't do anything... Until I cried and held my arms out to Shinobu to see if she would at least not tie me up. She looked happy and sad at the same time before she stopped wrapping me at my waist.

Shinobu-*Shhhhh* Awwwww, how silly of me. Those mean demons must've treated you so poorly. You need love above all... When we get back, we can play games in the infirmary. ~

They both gave me kisses before we left the house and I looked at the spot 2 demons that wanted me died. I couldn't move my legs, but I could see, hear, and move my arms freely and it felt so good to be back in the sun...

(Y/N)'s mind-I just wish I was going home.


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