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(Loona's POV)

I was still waking up during the drive to work and the others said they will be going there on foot to get (Y/N) new clothes. I took this time to prepare myself and calm down before I see that kid again after he made me wake up 3 times last night from just wanting to see him. When we got to the office first I just went to my desk to sit down and the moment we have officially opened the phone rang, so I picked it up slightly frustrated.

Loona-Hello, I.M.P.

The customer gave me the story of how they died, how it was bullshit, and whatever bitching they had in their system until we finally got the target description and they faxed over a picture of some drunk lumberjack

Loona-Is that it for the target's description?

Costumer-Yes, but you wouldn't believe what he did after-!

I just hung up the phone since I could not give a shit about their beef with him. I just gave the info to Blitz and he started to go over it. Just then the door opened and I saw Millie, Moxxie, and (Y/N) come in, and Millie was holding (Y/N) in her arms.


(Y/N) had new clothes on and all of a sudden my heart raced a little and my tail wagged, but I caught myself before the others could notice. Blitz just took the info to his office.

Blitz-M&M, get ready to head out! We already got a target to kill!

Millie-What about (Y/N)?

Blitz-Loona will be here.

Moxxie-Isn't Loona completely irresponsible to care for a child?

It did click that when they leave, it'll just be us here alone. I just ignored Moxxie and focused on (Y/N) and wondered how long they would be gone, but Millie was getting him set up in another room in the office. Now, they were briefing on the job and that means it will be my time to open a portal for them soon.

Loona's mind-I'm sure after a little talk, I'll be over this kid. So what if he had a hard life like a fuck ton of other people. What does he want, a cookie?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in this room trying to forget what happened this morning at the store when a demon came up to me to try and hurt me, but Millie beat them to the ground. Security came over to try and stop her then... she got really mad and by the time we left with my new clothes and dropped the rest off at their home the firemen or demons had to come. Moxxie told me to not make her mad and that was just her in a 'bad mood', so I was scared just thinking about what happens when she's 'REALLY' angry. I was alone in this small room that looked like an office, so I looked around it a little before the door opened and I thought it was Millie, but it wasn't.


I tried to hide behind the desk and stay on the opposite side of her, but when she came up to the desk she looked at me.

Loona-You. I got questions for you.


She started to ask about my life before we met and while I told her she tried walking around the dest, but I moved when she moved... Until she growled. I started to shake and when I got to one part of my story...

(Y/N)-M-My d-d-dad s-said i-if I k-k-k-keep g-girls from him h-he would smoke me.

She stopped getting closer to me when she was just 2 steps away. I still didn't know how he could smoke me like some of his weed. Loona just picked me up and put me on the desk before she lifted my shirt to look at my bruises.

(Y/N)-What are you-?


I flinched before I stopped talking then she rubbed my back and stopped on places that hurt a little. She stopped and I tried to get up to leave the office, but she just grabbed me and made me look into her eyes. She looked scary then she carried me out of the office and took me to her desk to sit down with her feet up and had me on her lap.

Loona-How old are you?


I tried backing up, but she just pulled me closer before it looked like she was thinking about something before she leaned back.

Loona-Get off me... Now!

(Loona's POV)

(Y/N) got off of me and went to the couch to sit down, but then he laid down and turned his back to me. He looked over his shoulder at me a few times from fear of me jumping him and I knew that feeling. I could be in bed about to sleep, but then a punk with a bat or shank comes over to start shit with me. I'm trying to ignore this kid, but now it's so much harder after what he told me it didn't make me get over his dumbass sob story, it opened old fucking wounds for me! I just wanted to hold him more, but I kept myself at my desk and went on my phone.

Loona's mind-They'll be back soon, Millie will take care of the brat, and you can get over yourself.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

They were still not back yet and I could hear (Y/N) snoring softly, so I tried just tapping on my desk to blow off steam quickly since I couldn't bring myself to wake him up when he flipped over. His (H/L) (H/C) hair looked so much better than it did yesterday and his nose looked a little shiny or maybe I was just seeing shit... I just got up and went to get a closer look at him sleeping, but decided against pictures to avoid turning into Blitz.

Loona's mind-I mean... Petting him a little wouldn't hurt.

I ran my fingers through his hair a little and he stirred while flinching away from my touch in his sleep. This oddly made my heart race a little and a smirk curved on my face before I followed him and put my hand on his cheek.


He did look cute and I guess this might be a job where they take their sweet ass time and I got no other calls coming in right now... I just carrying picked him up and lied on the couch with him on top of me now. I'll just lay here for an hour or if something happens then nobody will know I did this. Not even him.

Loona's mind-1 hour, 2 max.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Millie's POV)

The target was a gutless coward that could only run and when I called him he instantly started crying, begging, and pleading like a fucking baby. The only thing that made him shut up was when I cut his throat open and tossed his body in the trash can next to his home. We could finally go back now, but Loona wasn't answering her fucking phone, so Blitz called up his boyfriend and he had it on speaker.

Stolas-Hello, my impish playboy. ~

Blitz-Hey Stolas, you wouldn't mind opening up a portal, would you?

Stolas-Awwww, Blitzy, what do I got for such troubles? ~

Blitz-Ok, I get the drill. You want to fuck like animals tonight, right?

Stolas-Not just like animals Blitzy. ~ I want to gobble up those red hot balls of yours while you chock on my feathered c***. Bite down on you so hard that you scream like a f***ing b****, until I blow my load down your tight a** throat! Then I will peck and grind my beak on your long, rock-hard f*** meat until it acts like a fountain, AND THEN-!!!

Blitz-Can we skip details and you open a portal?!

Stolas-I'll get a limo ready to take your employees to your office, so we may have some... excitement. ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I was still laughing on the inside after the scene back at the manor while Moxxie and I were heading back to the office today, and from the ways, things worked out, I think we got the day off. We made it to the office building and then walked inside to head up the elevator before we got to our office, but when we got in we saw something I didn't think would happen... Loona was sleeping with (Y/N) on top of her.


Moxxie-Are you fucking kidding me? No wonder she didn't answer! *whisper*

Millie-Calm down Mox, we got the day off early with pay.

I walked up to Loona and slowly took (Y/N) from her while I was annoyed at the site of her holding him in the first place. He's also going to get a talking to when we get him home since I clearly told him to stay in Blitz's office and not cause issues with Loona. I was careful not to wake him up while we headed outside and the driver did agree to take us home, but when we got outside they were gone.

Millie's mind-Fucking prick.

I guess we're just walking home and I just put one of his ears against my chest while using the hand closest to his head to cover his ear a little, but that made him start to wake up... I liked it better when he was asleep in my arms.

Millie-No, no, no, sweetie. *Shhhhh* Go back to sleep. ~

I scratched his head then bounced him a little with each step and I didn't expect this to work,... but he did close his eyes again to at least try to go back to sleep. This made my heart skip a beat and hold him tighter against me.

Millie-How about you take a nap with mommy and daddy when we get home? I know you like cuddling... You nuzzled into my waist last night after all? ~

I made that last part up a little, but he did nuzzle into my back and I got what I wanted to see... His little blush and I just looked at Moxxie to show him how happy I was! I just want to wrap him and put him into a cute little onesie pajamas to snuggle with him all night long!

Millie-*Squeal*! ~

(No POV)

Meanwhile, at the office, Loona woke up and felt for (Y/N) before his eyes shot open when he wasn't where she left him. She looked all around the office but did not find him then used her nose to pick up his trail. When she grabbed her phone she saw many missed calls and texts, but the last one from Blitz was...

Blitz's text-Hey sweetie. You can leave work early after M&M picks up the kid. Love you and get an ice pack ready for me. Stolas is extra horny.

She knew where (Y/N) had gone and the fact that (Y/N) was taken from her made her fur puff up all around her, her eye pupils shrank, and rage was boiling her blood as she walked out of the office to follow the trail of (Y/N)'s scent.

Loona-*Growl* *SNARL*!!!


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