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((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up and I felt something warm and fluffy on my face. I rubbed my face a little on it and it felt nice and tickled my nose a little and then almost made me go back to sleep. Suddenly, I remembered what happened then got up to get out of the sleeping bag then saw the monster waking up now. Just then I heard a crunching noise next to me and looked to see another monster from last night and he was eating a taco from the good taco place around here.



I just tried to run for the door, but I got tackled by someone else then looked to see the girl monster with black hair... Millie.


???-You're not going anywhere until we're done with you.

Just then the wolf monster got out of my sleeping bag and felt her tail a little before she looked at me. It looked like she was going to say something but just looked away from me. That's when I saw her walk by the last monster I saw.


???-You were supposed to watch him and instead we walk in on you napping with him?! What if woke up and left?!

???-*Yawn* Go get pegged by your wife, Moxxie.


???-Hey Loona, I got your tacos right here.


???-Relax, he's sure as shit not telling anyone.

(Millie's POV)

I'm surprised this kid hasn't pissed himself after being surprised like this even after the fact our boss almost killed him last night. Blitzo started to talk to him and got his name since Moxxie was against killing him, but I'm good with either. I saw Loona eyeing her tail since we saw her covering him up with her tail almost completely and almost left to go look for him until I pointed him out. Blitzo took pictures of them sleeping I even saw pictures of my husband and I sleeping and Moxxie looked like he was kicking his legs around in one of them. I sent my boss a text to send me that picture later. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the kid tearing up and I thought kids around here are usually pieces of shit thanks to crappy and angry parents. He did look like a mess like he hasn't had a bath in days... It was like looking at a sad, wounded, and dirty puppy hellhound... Oddly cute in its way.

Blitz-Ok, so now that you know who we are, you can understand why you can't go unchecked.

(Y/N)-L-Let me go! I won't tell anyone, I swear!

Blitz-Well I got plans on making that happen.

Moxxie-We can't-!


Everyone looked at me when I hopped off a box to walk up to the boy then used my tail to touch hair that was due for a haircut and it showed me his little ear. He started blushing and then tried to back away from me, but I just grabbed his leg and pulled him in closer. His dad is definitely in hell right now but wants nothing to do with him and my ma did talk about grandchildren at one point during a visit given she was drunk... Fuck it. I took him and put him on my shoulder.

Millie-We'll take him!

Everyone-... Huh?

Millie-Mox doesn't want to kill the kid, and you don't want the kid to blab about this, so Stolas catches on, and everything sorts itself out.

Moxxie-We can't just bring a human back with us to stay! Our boss might be irresponsible, but I bet he even has enough sense to not bring-!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Y/N) was panicking in a corner after it took 5 minutes and almost another chance to get him through the portal, but as soon as I tickled him a little, he lost almost all of his fight. Blitz and Loona were gonna go home for the day and Moxxie was being a little dramatic about this, but he'll come around. When it was time to go I just took him out from his corner and Moxxie had a pouty deadpan look on his face the whole ride home. The only problem for me was the smell.

Millie-You really earned a bath young man. When was the last time you even had one?

(Y/N)-U-Um... I swam in a creek t-two days ago with a bar of soap.

That is hardly going to do shit for dick to get clean and satan knows what could be in that water. When Blitz dropped us off at work I had the kid over my shoulder in a blanket to hide him until we made it to our apartment upstairs and took him straight to the bathroom.

Moxxie-Millie, we don't have anything to change him into.

Millie-There's a robe of mine he can use.

Moxxie-*Sigh* Oh crumbs.

(Loona's POV)

Blitz and I made it home and I got into my room before I pulled up the pictures I had taken of the boy secretly in the car. I couldn't get him out of my mind and it kept on reminding me of the times I had at the pound... Maybe a nap to help sleep it off will help, but before I could sleep Blitz knocked on my door.

Loona-What is it?

Blitz-I'm gonna go see if that little cock blocker stirs up something good. Wanna come?

It seemed so tempting to go to see (Y/N), but I didn't want to even see myself as a stalker... I'm hardly up on the surface anyway and the last human kid I met was a fucking smart-mouthed brat. I'm not gonna get involved in this crap.

Loona-Leave me alone. I'm taking a nap.

Blitz-Love you too sweetie! Later!

He left and I just closed my eyes to go to sleep, but now I was restless and frustrated at myself for wanting to go. I'll be damned if I do though.


I just went to my window to look outside while smoking a cigarette to try and ease myself... Emphasis on try.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to take a bath on my own, but Millie thought I couldn't do it since she only knows about the creek I had a bath in last. She gave me a chance and asked me which bottles were the soap, shampoo, and conditioner... I told her I never saw soap in a bottle before and she only gave me a look before she took my clothes off, and pointed at the bath while she snapped her finger. I told her 'no' at first then she gave me a scary look like she was mad and when I looked at her glowing yellow eyes... I got in the bath. Right now, she was finishing up a second time for me before she finally took me out to dry me off.

Millie-Moxxie, can you get my robe?!

Soon Moxxie came in and saw me in a towel while Millie was still trying to dry me off.


Moxxie-Couldn't he wash himself?

Millie-I had to tell him the soap was in bottles and he still looked puzzled. You tell me.

Moxxie-See, a dad like that I can kill any day, but you could've shown him. He's not even our kid, so I don't think bathing him for him is-.

Millie-Sweetie, he's basically a baby, so do you 'really' think I would treat him like I do you?

Moxxie-Of course not.

Millie-Then give me the robe, get dinner started, and I'll finish drying him off.

He just did what she said and she put me in the robe before she got a hair dryer to blow dry and brush my hair. Also...

(Y/N)-I'm not a baby.

Millie-*Giggles*. ~

(Millie's POV)

I noticed he was blushing from the point of view in the reflection in the mirror and it looked adorable. The was way overdue since his skin and hair got a little lighter in color and when his hair was all dry, I ran my fingers through it.

Millie-Awwwww, your hair feels so soft a fluffy now. ~

He tried to move away from my touch, but I just pulled him back into me before I just picked him up to bring him to the living room, and with how he looked now... My heart skipped a beat and it felt better than getting a new axe or knife and I gave him a surprise kiss on his cheek to make him blush some more for me. I didn't know kids could be this sweet and adorable since most other kids here would be kicking and screaming or worse from where he was from or from hell.

Millie-You're just a little sweetheart, aren't you? ~

He tried to look away, but I made him look back over to me and sat on the couch to play with him a little. Later dinner was done and I brought him to the kitchen and we only had two chairs at the table, so I just sat him on my lap. Moxxie just made some gumbo, but before we could eat he suddenly got mad.


(Y/N) flinched a little before I turned him with me before we saw what Moxxie was angry about and this made a lot more sense because he doesn't get jealous that easily.


Blitz was outside our window and he had his phone out and I just gave him a little wave and made (Y/N) wave his soft little hands... So cute! ~

Moxxie-I'll be back.

Millie-Mox, calm down. He's not recording us in our bedroom this time.

Moxxie-I don't want to be recorded in my own home at all!

Millie-What's he gonna get from watching us eat and me holding a human baby?

(Y/N)-I'm not a baby. *mumble*

Millie-You hush. Mox?

Moxxie-... Ffffffine.

(No POV)

During dinner, Moxxie did his best to ignore Blitz, but after the first bite, he took he saw Blitz breathing on the glass to make fog before he spelled something. Moxxie's face showed he was getting annoyed already and when Blitzo was done he smiled while pointing at what he spelled... "Baby Weiner Haver".

Moxxie-That's it!

He went to go deal with his boss to get him to go home and Millie just sighed. (Y/N) was about to try and take the empty seat, but Millie held him tighter.

Millie-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-... The o-other seat.

Millie-No you're not... Here, open up.

(Y/N)-I can use a spoon myse-.

Millie just gave him a bit and (Y/N) blushed harder for her while he chewed after not having something this good in his life other than fast food to his standards. Millie watched in awe when she saw how chubby your cheeks looked and stars formed in her eyes while smiling. (Y/N) swallowed his food and tried to get the spoon from Millie, but a glare from her made him stop, so she looked happy again before she got another bite for him.

Millie-Say ahhh for me sweetie pie. ~

He only opened his mouth, but Millie still waited until...


(Loona's POV)

I just got some food from the kitchen and still couldn't;t sleep, smoking didn't help take the edge off, and (Y//N) was still on my mind. Blitz texted me and saw he was on his way home and said sorry if he woke me up from a nap. He was a fucking moron sometimes. I thought about work tomorrow and thought the kid will be there...

Loona's mind-I'm sure it's nothing. Just a short talk and you can move on from this shit.



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