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((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't sleep last night and neither could 2 of the girls, but one in the blue cried herself to sleep. It was going to be a long walk home, but with the sun out I don't have to worry about the demons. Not even Daki can get me right now. I just wish we were just going straight to my house, but the girls said we have to make a stop somewhere that was very important.  Maiko, Hinasuru, and Suma really wanted me to try and get some sleep while giving me a piggyback ride. I did try to sleep, but I just couldn't right now and I know how this works. I won't be tired until something that matters happens then I get tired because this happened to me a few times before. I hate it when it happens and in fact, it was already happening. I started to feel tired while they were running with me, but the run wasn't that bumpy for me. It was more like a ride in a wagon or something with wheels on a flat dirt road. Maiko was the one holding me and during a run up a hill the soft bouncing made me close my eyes and sleep.

(Suma's POV)

We wanted to get to the temple as soon as possible and get this boy home. When we were almost there I started to hear light snoring. I turned to see that it was (Y/N) sleeping on Maiko's shoulder. Poor thing must've been as heartbroken as us to be away from home and this morning he had bags under his eyes and then claimed he was not even a little tired. I think he was just really stressed and it's just catching up with him. By the time we reached the mansion, I wanted to cry since this is a place where our husband worked. We got inside and Maiko gave me the boy while she went to get someone to request the master for us to speak to about Tengan.

Suma-What do you think happened to him?

Hinasuru-He said bad people, so it just sounds like a gang or something.

Suma-But we were from a few towns over. A long walk but-.

Hinasuru-Suma, if it were demons, there is no way a child could escape them. They would eat him on the spot.

She did have a point. Demons would just kill him on the spot, but I'm sure there was no human trafficking ring in the area we were in, or the small town for that matter. Lord Tengan would have found it when we passed through here a day before the... incident. He used his sound breathing to hear a robber, so he would have found an empty tunnel or something from the echoes. Soon Maiko came back and it was with another Hashira and she suddenly leaped up to me. I knew who she was.


Shinobu-I'll be taking him off your hands while you speak to our master... My deepest condolences to your husband.

She had a very sweet smell to her as I gave (Y/N) to her and all he did was groan and stir in his sleep before he opened his eyes. He looked around at all of them and I noticed something about his eyes. Somehow, something was different.

Shinobu-Oh my, you look so tired. You need a nap little man. ~

Oddly when she walked away with (Y/N)... Why was it kind of hard to look away? I found myself waving to him when he gave one last groggy look at me. Now I felt a little better.

Suma's mind-Maybe it's just the trauma talking.

We followed Maiko to Lord Tengan's master, but then I noticed them looking at (Y/N) too.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to wake up, but I just felt so tired... I also felt so warm and cozy on a nice bed and two very soft cushions were on my from and backside which didn't make sense, so I opened my eyes only to see Kanao in my face smiling at me.


Kanao-He's awake. It's much too soon considering his state.

Shinobu-He should be easy to be put back to sleep.

I tried to turn and see Shinobu, but she held my head still and Kanao pulled my head into her before I felt some lotion rubbed on the back of my neck with two fingers.

Shinobu-There, that should help you relax. ~

I could feel my arms and legs getting heavier by the second while they both held me tighter and I couldn't move. Kanako started giving me kisses, but when we heard a door open...

Worker-My ladies, I-.

They stopped talking after Shinobu sat up a little. I couldn't see her, but I think she was not happy that whoever came in, came in.

Shinobu-Oh my, I guess you must've not heard the news, so I will let you off with a warning... We want to be alone. ~

I managed to peek over Kanao for a second and saw the guy's eyes full of fear and even lost some color on his face before he just bowed quickly and then left the room. Kanao pulled me back to her and Shinobu squeezed in a little closer.

Kanao-His eyes are still open.

Shinobu-Hmmm... Maybe one more drop would not hurt.

She rubbed my neck with the lotion again, so now I could only twitch a finger at best, but my eyelids felt as heavy as boulders when they closed then felt as light as clouds... I still couldn't open my eyes while I felt kisses at the front and back of my head.

(Hinasuru's POV)

We just about finished things up about our husband and it was just so hard and heartbreaking, but now we can only grieve... (Y/N) kept popping into my head, so I had to force myself to think about my dead husband to honor and pray for him...

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Hinasuru's mind-Your husband just died and you want to think about a child you just met and gave shelter to last night?! Where are your priorities Hinasuru?!

The master said we could spend the night here if our home was too much for us to bare sleeping in, but we decided to sleep there anyway. On the way home (Y/N) kept popping up in my head and the further we got from the mansion, the more it started the hurt... Maybe it's just what happened with Lord Tengan. I can't just move on in a day, none of us can...

Hinasuru's mind-I'm sure if we just asked the master or maybe even Lord Tengan's crow, they will tell and show us where (Y/N) is. It's just a visit... Perfectly normal.

In fact, we were heading to Butterfly Mansion to get him home as promised, but when we got there and asked where he was...

Maiko-The Hashira here decided to take him out for a walk?

Staff-Yes. My lady decided to take him out after he awoke from his nap.

Hinasuru-So which way did she go?

Staff-Um, she didn't say and I didn't see.

It was obvious they were lying right under that mask of theirs, but we had no way to him. They were about to leave, but Maiko cut them off.

Maiko-What's the hurry?

Staff-I just have work to do around here. I have-.

Maiko-Been acting a little skittish... Like you got something to hide, maybe?

Staff-... I need to get back to work.

Hinasuru-Tell us where the boy is. We promised to bring him home.

Staff-I told you already. He's out on a walk with-.

Maiko got behind him and pinned him to the ground while holding his arms behind his back like she was ready to break them. They were putting up a good struggle, but Maiko kept them in place, Suma got his legs to keep him still then I kneeled down next to him. For some reason, this was all making me really angry.

Hinasura-The boy.

(Shinobu's POV)

I was feeding my baby strawberries carefully injected with a drug that is tasteless and odorless to help sedate him. His mind should be a little fuzzy from this drug and with my last drug still in effect, he might as well really be a baby. Kanoa was playing with his cheeks whenever he wasn't chewing for us then suddenly the door opened and we looked to see one of Tengan's wives.


She looked at how we had (Y/N) and I was feeding him before I just lept over Kanoa to land in front of her.

Shinobu-Suma, is it? What brings you here? I thought you would have gone straight home.

Suma-We actually made a promise to (Y/N) last night to take him home.

Shinobu-I'm sure I can do that on your behalf. I think after what you 3 have been through you should take a day to yourselves.

Suma-We will do that after. Please, just give him to us!

Shinobu-There answer is no. Good day to y-.

Just then I felt something poke my neck and I quickly grabbed it to pull it out to see it was a dart... Wait.

Shinobu's mind-THIS IS MY DART!!!

I made it to paralyze instantly, but with my body, I can only last a few moments. I saw a smile on Suma's face before I turned to see the others coming through a window I left open and Kanoa was limp on the bed with (Y/N) in her arms.


I fell to the ground and could not even glare at them, but my rage is all the same when Suma stepped over me.

(Maiko's POV)

(Y/N) was completely unresponsive to this situation and he looked drowsy, so he was probably given something. He was even completely limp in my arms when I picked him up, but he was still awake. He gently nuzzled into me while his mouth opened a little and looked at me with those eyes... I could feel my heart melting for this.

Maiko-... Hi there. ~ *whisper*

I played with his nose a little before the others looked at me.

Maiko-What? Hard to believe I'm not made of stone?

Hinasuru-Let's just get out of here.

We left the room and I could feel the anger oozing off Shinobu then we left her manor undetected by staff. The one that we interrogated should still be tied up in the lab. When we made it to the trail and started running I thought about when we finally give (Y/N) back to his mother...


(No POV)

Soon after the girls left... Shinobu got on her feet and slowly recovered and started to go after them. The anger in her heart would not let her stand by and do nothing.

Shinobu's mind-You're not taking him from me!